
  • An ending is a portal to a new beginning

    I don’t know who needs to hear this but an ending is the portal to a new beginning. On the brink of a new beginning, life starts to feel stagnant and heavy. 

    Destiny and darkness may descend upon your mind and heart. You will be faced with challenges and obstacles. Your next level involves diving deeper into your emotions and shadows. Above all remember the sun will rise again and so will you. 

    The level of trust required is an initiation and new level in itself. Faith and belief in yourself is the medicine. Continue to walk the path beautiful soul.

    3 ways to deal with density and darkness 👇🏽

    1. Feel your feelings
    It’s okay to feel! It’s okay to not understand why you are feeling the way you are. The most important thing is to allow your current experience with compassion.

    2. Movement
    As they say emotions are energy in motion and the body keeps score. Transform stuck and stagnant energy within 🌀

    3. Connect and get support
    You don’t have to do it alone and you aren’t meant to. Lean into your support network or get in touch and create a support network 🫶🏽

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for support and guidance? Your purpose? What’s next? How to get to your next level? I got you I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you or DM me 🌻

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  • Embrace the journey that is June 2024

    Embrace the journey that is June. New month, new chapter, an opportunity to pause, check in and reflect. June is a portal for growth. June is an opportunity to start again. June is a reminder to keep going and growing. It’s okay if your path looks different to someone else’s. It’s okay if your timing is different to someone else’s. It’s okay if no one understands it, not even you… trust in your highest self and where your soul is taking you/ Supported by the universe, in alignment. In June you are unstoppable. When you finish the year, you’ll look back at June with so much love and pride.

    if you’re reading this and have been feeling disheartened and giving up, June is the turn of the tide 🌊

    keep going, maybe it’s been quiet all year and now everything has fallen into place… it all begins

    maybe the year started strong and you’ve encountered obstacles and challenges, june provides rest and a chance to reset

    it’s the middle of the year now

    yes time has flown but there’s still 6 months to go

    what are you going to do with that time?

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Should you feel the pull and desire for support and guidance in what you are going through right now, I got you. I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: 🎧 Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

    Keywords: [quotes about June, June motivation, June energy 2024]

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  • Personal Growth Journey

    Reach to next level of your growth !

    As you work on yourself and reach the next level in your growth, don’t be surprised if you feel joy and sadness at the same time.

    Let go the past and heal your soul :

    As we evolve and let go of our past self, we mourn who we were.

    The past you that put up with bad behaviour, that gave so much without return, that always needed something or someone to feel complete, that was blind to what was unfolding before your eyes, that self- sabotaged and the past you that deserved better not only from yourself but those around you.

    The past you was necessary to be come the present you and who you are becoming.

    Love all parts of yourself beautiful soul 🥹🫶🏽

    Love all timelines of who you’ve been, who you are now and who you are becoming.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang
    📸 @wes_eisenhauer

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to become and embody the best version of you now? I’d love to help through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading. 

    Here are the links to Visit:


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  • What is meant to be will find it’s way

    This message was meant to find you;

    Relying on faith can be overwhelming.

    At times you’ll need a moment to take it all in.

    You can’t mess it up.

    It’s yours.

    All you have to do is believe in the process and continue your journey.

    It might take a day, maybe a year but what is meant for you will always find it’s way to you.

    Why the wait? Why the pain?

    The waiting, the gap, the in between, the changes, the transitions, the meantime… they all serve a necessary purpose. Even delays and detours are part of it.

    You will arrive at the perfect time, as the exact person you need to be, ready.

    Eventually everything will work out.

    It always does.

    Take a deep breath in and let go. Hold your power and vision. Everything will fall into place. You don’t have to worry about anything. Have faith.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

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  • Life is tough, but so are you

    Life is tough, but...

    🧠 I keep messing up

    🧠 I feel defeated

    🧠 I won’t make it

    🧠 What’s the point

    🫀 Keep going

    🫀 Better days are coming

    🫀 Life is tough but so are you.

    What no one is talking about...

    It’s easy to get caught up in the belief that life seems easy and effortless all the time for everyone except you, that there must be something wrong with you because you are struggling and haven’t achieved the same amount as that person or done a lot like the other.

    The truth is life is hard inherently, life isn’t meant for your happiness, or at least just that… 💣

    Life is orchestrated for your growth and expansion 💥

    There will be tough times but if you’re honest, in those moments don’t you seem to change the most?

    The uncomfortable, the hard and discomfort help you to grow (it doesn’t feel like it at the time and often does looking back).

    Life is tough, but so are you 👊🏽

    I wrote the following in my book 📖 The Great Unlearning;

    “I know some days turn into nights and everything seems so unbearable you want to escape into darkness. When everything is dark, don’t forget about the light. Turn within and whisper to your soul. Place your hand over your heart and feel the devotion that beats for you. Some of the best days of your life are yet to happen. Some of the best moments of your life are yet to be had. Some of the unforgettable memories are yet to be made. The people you’ll meet are yet to be met. The souls you’ll fall in love with are yet to be loved. The excitement you’ll have that’s yet to unfold. The mystery and magic of life that’s waiting to reveal itself. Hold on because you’re only on a single page while novels are being written within you.” 🪄

    This is your sign to keep going, tough times aren’t the end, maybe they are a beautiful new beginning…

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  • POV: your dream came true


    POV: the little girl in me proud making her lifelong dream come true

    I am so grateful

    What makes this so special is that as a little girl books always meant the world to me. My dad who passed away when I just turned 20 from bowel cancer was an English teacher in Vietnam before he came to Australia by boat fleeing the war and would read to me every night (my parents actually met on that boat!).

    I never knew what I would write about or how it would it happen but I’m so very grateful that the universe had bigger plans for me than I ever thought possible for myself 🥹

    I am grateful and proud of my past self in November 2021 who was scared but decided to go all in leaving my full time corporate job to take the leap of faith pursuing my passion in helping people as a life coach.

    I am so grateful for the love, support and messages I receive about the book and how people can relate, changed their perspective on life and gave them permission to truly be themselves and to live life on their terms = joy, expansion, abundance, radiance and beyond 🌻

    Thank you for seeing me and being here, it means the world to me and my heart is so full 🧡

    If you want to read my book it’s called 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living An Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang.

    You can find it at bookstores in Australia and beyond as well as online such as Booktopia in Australia or Amazon worldwide.

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  • A gentle reminder…

    A gentle reminder...

    Gentle reminder: You are loveable, and you are loved.

    You are trying your best and I see you.

    Even when...

    Even when you make mistakes. Even when you try your best and don’t succeed. Even when you snap because you are angry and frustrated with the world. Even when you’re annoyed at yourself and others. Even when you’re caught up in an anxious loop. Even when you fall asleep with tears in your eyes. Even when you feel like a burden to everyone. Even when you are caught up in the past. Even when you feel stuck in your head and feel like you’re making everything about you. Even when you doubt yourself. Even when you have a critical self-voice that says otherwise. It can be easy to forget and this is why this reminder exists 🥹

    An excerpt from my book 📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

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  • Why the changes in your sleep and energy?

    The Energetic Shift

    Is it just me or are you having sudden changes to your sleep patterns and your energy?

    You’re not crazy.

    You’re not weird.

    There’s an energetic shift happening and there’s a lot going on.

    The cosmic tea and details

    What is going on? The cosmic tea and details.

    Heightened celestial activity with the human design new year coming up, Pluto’s big shift from Capricorn into Aquarius from 2024-2044 and solar flares 🌞

    If you’re sensitive to energy, intuitive you may have felt this either being very buzzy, wired and plugged in 🔌 or exhausted and depleted — lots of spiritual soul activities going on.

    Human Design New Year: January 22 (at the time of posting in the final energies of limitations, acceptance letting go more on that in my podcast 🎧 Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang Episode 58).

    Let’s talk about Pluto. This tiny planet packs a punch and is going to greatly influence the next 20 years of what we see unfolding collectively by making a once-in-a-lifetime transition into the sign of Aquarius from Capricorn on January 20th. This is a new collective chapter that will unfold leading to great shifts for everyone on a societal level and personally.

    Pluto is the planet of destruction, rebirth and mystery ruled by the Underworld.

    Aquarius rules justice, equality, social connections, community, humanity, innovation, technology, science and independence.

    Solar flares are huge bursts of energy from the sun supercharged with magnetic energy and radiation. They signal an ascension process shifting from your physical body to your light body. Expect intuitive downloads as well as disturbances to sleep and physical symptoms.

    More on that in Episode 59 of my podcast which is a midway January 2024 energy update.

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  • New beginnings aren’t perfect…

    Everything will be okay

    You don’t have to have a happy start or beginning.

    Maybe it’s been mediocre.

    Maybe it’s been messy.

    Maybe it’s been confusing.

    Maybe it’s been just down right terrible and that’s okay.

    It doesn’t mean the journey or the destination won’t work out.

    Don’t overthink things.

    Take it step by step, moment by moment.

    Be kind to yourself.

    Give yourself love, compassion and grace.

    Everything will be okay.

    YOU set the tone

    Not so happy new year? 😕 Guess what?

    It’s okay!

    It doesn’t set the tone for the rest of what’s to come… it won’t define the year ahead, it won’t unless you let it…

    I remember starting 2023 in a strange place, everything on paper was perfect yet I wasn’t fully “happy” and “lit up” off the back of a breakup and the anniversary of my dads death and birthday… yet I ended up having one of the best years of my life in 2023 🥰

    I got to work with amazing clients, have the biggest month of my business, release my debut book 📖 The Great Unlearning, travel internationally, spend time with friends and family and met my now new partner 🫶🏽

    New beginnings can be overwhelming even when you’re excited.

    Allow yourself the grace and love to feel it all.

    After all life is a duality of high highs, low lows and everything in between.

    What matters is your mindset. Your perspective, what is IN your control.

    You set the tone. You set the pace.

    You have power.

    Enjoy the journey!

    Here’s to your growth and expansion in 2024.

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  • New Level, New Devil

    New Level, New Devil

    Reminder: When things get hard and uncomfortable;

    New Level, New Devil.

    Life has it's own seasons

    It will feel uncomfortable and unpredictable.

    Life has its own seasons, some mean growth like Spring or rest and integration like Winter.

    The next level isn’t meant to be easy and paved with positivity. New level, new devil.

    You have to deal with things that others don’t want to.

    You have to ask questions that others don’t dare to.

    You have to pay attention to the niggling of your soul deep down that others ignore.

    It may feel like you’re alone on a rocky road—but you’re not.

    At the very least, know you have a whole team on the other side supporting you, your higher spiritual council.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

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