I'm here to help you be
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I'm Phi
I’m a human design life coach known as
‘The Positivity Queen’
I help you overcome your negative self talk and shed past patterns to become a happier and more confident you.
Life is too short to be unhappy, what are you waiting for? You deserve to wake up energised, excited and empowered everyday.
How we can work together
Coaching is a life changing experience.
Unlock your full potential and be fully supported along the way. Life coaching unlocks what the gym does for the body, a coach for an athlete’s performance.
Your brain does not come with a manual. Learn how to rewire your brain to serve you best. Overcome limiting beliefs and negative self-talk. Breakthrough your fears, self hatred, insecurities, self sabotaging patterns, perfectionism and procrastination.
A roadmap and guide to life and your soul.
Understand yourself on a deeper level. Why you are the way you are. To be fully seen and validated. Learn your soul purpose and path, your strengths, how to make the best decisions in life.
You’ll love human design if you enjoy reading and understanding your horoscope (and use apps such as Co-Star and The Pattern), numerology (hello life path!) and love personality tests such as Myer Briggs.
Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life
A Book to Spark an Awakened Revolution.
The invitation and initiation your soul has been craving.
It’s time to flip the narrative and concepts of self-help and personal development, by doing something different, with actionable steps. Phi Dang boldly reveals within the pages, we do not need to learn more in our human experience, in fact, now is the time to unbecome and unlearn a great deal from our past to become our best selves.
Currently available worldwide from all good bookstores and online retailers.