• 84: Capricorn Full Moon

    Insight into the energy and vibe of the Capricorn Full Moon taking place July 21st 2024. This episode also provides journaling prompts and questions for the Capricorn Full Moon with the themes being that of family, career, letting go, endings and beginnings as well as balance. Resources from today’s episode Work with Phi Learn more […]

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  • 83: Navigating Identity Shifts: Embracing Change

    Are you feeling like you are changing? You might be going through an identity shift. This episode is all about what is an identity shift, why an identity shift may occur, the emotions that can come up when going through an identity shift as well as practical tips and mindset perspectives on how to navigate […]

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  • 82: Kitchari Cleanse, Emotional Release

    The aftermath of what can happen after a kitchari cleanse: emotional clearing and release. Phi touches on what emerged in terms of her emotions, shadow self and aspects of self as well as touches on themes of conscious partnerships: polarity, masculine and feminine energy, feminine testing and being all of who you truly are in […]

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  • May you leap even if you feel afraid

    I don’t know who needs to hear this but you’re on the right path. Your heart is full of courage. In a world distracted by the mind, I hope you dig deep and reconnect with your heart. I hope you reconnect with your inner light that never ceases nor dwindles. It’s now up to you […]

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  • Embrace the essence of your authentic self

    Embrace the essence of your authentic self, unafraid to shine in your full glory.  Let the world witness your unwavering confidence and unyielding strength.  Every challenge you face is but fuel for your inner fire, forging you into a force of nature.  Stand tall, knowing that your worth is intrinsic and immeasurable, untouched by the […]

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  • And suddenly you’re older

    And suddenly you’re older. Fear hits you like a truck as does the anxiety and panic. Here’s the the thing, what a privilege it is to age. You are also wiser. You are also stronger. You are also more resilient.  Age has made you more agile and adaptable. You’ll never be as young as you […]

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  • Every setback is a setup for a comeback

    Every setback is a setup for a comeback.  Maybe the path has been turbulent, with twists and turns that have tested your strength and spirit. Maybe it’s been almost unbearable and that it really feels as if the universe is testing you… pushing you to your edges. What if you weren’t being tested all, that […]

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  • Maybe the world silenced you when you were younger

    Maybe the world silenced you when you were younger. You were taught that you were too much. That you were you too loud. That you were too out there. That you were too weird. That you were too open and naive. That you were too opinionated.  Come home to your true authentic self — give […]

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  • Glorious woman, you are the flame and the fire

    Glorious woman, you are both the flame and the fire. May your brilliance never dim, and may your spirit always burn brightly and boldly. Break free from the cages of suppression, let your true expression soar.  Embrace the power and passion of your sacred fire. Let it roar within you, igniting transformation.  Be a beacon […]

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