
  • Grateful for this life

    Grateful, thankful and blessed

    At times it can feel like life isn’t perfect and neither am I.

    Even knowing and experiencing that, I am grateful.

    I am grateful when I did not get what I want because life was protecting me.

    I am grateful when life stepped in and gave me a life greater than I ever imagined for myself.

    I am grateful that everything that seemed to be going wrong was really steering me in the right direction.

    I am grateful for all the sadness, struggle and pain because life provided a contrast to truly appreciate all the beautiful moments, the highest of highs.

    I am grateful for the hardships I have faced because I have gained strength and wisdom that I never would have otherwise.

    I am grateful to still be here because traversing rocky roads have led me to conquer mountains I never thought I could.

    Ultimately I have come to understand through the imperfection, that really, life is perfect and who I am right now is exactly who I am meant to be.

    On perspective...

    Whilst you can’t change or control life circumstances, you’ll always have a choice when it comes to perspective.

    Often in hindsight we can find gratitude for the very things in the moment we dismissed as undesirable.

    Never underestimate the power you have in any moment to use your mind, not let it use you 🧠

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • The human experience

    Make the most of life...

    There will be moments you ask yourself why you live the life that you do.

    Why everything has unfolded the way it has – the turning points, the challenges, the successes, the past, who you are now and who you are becoming.

    Know that you are divine.

    You are a soul having a human experience.

    That you are a soul that bravely decided to be human.

    Make the most of the life you have because one day it will become a fleeting memory.

    Make the most of the life that you have, because we never know when the ride will end.

    Make the most of the life you have because it is the most precious gift.

    Make the most of life because it is always changing and that is the human experience – to feel it all.

    The human experience...

    What if you could have the perspective that you chose this all?

    Every moment of elation.

    Every moment of heartache.

    Every circumstance.

    Every challenge.

    All with the purpose to expand and grow in this lifetime for your soul.

    To grow isn’t easy or comfortable in fact it’s often challenging and painful (that’s the point!)

    Sure there are times we grow in ease but I’m more often than not it’s outside the comfort zone.

    All in all it’s the human experience your soul chose to have.

    This life is a blip in the string of many lives you’ve had and will continue to have, make the most of this beautiful experience and adventure.

    How we feel colours our lives adding depth, texture and tone.

    Our emotions are energy in motion (e-motion) that long to be experienced and pass through us, we are the divine channel they move through.

    I honour the divine in you beautiful soul who bravely chose to be human and live the life that you do 🙏🏽

    Inspired by the awakening perspective of @lilireinhart with @jayshetty:

    “If I started out as this celestial being, just energy, and the universe or God or whomever said, ‘Hey, do you want to go to Earth for an incredibly short amount of time, like a blip, and experience every emotion that you could possibly feel as a human? You get to have all these experiences: love, heartache, anxiety, joy, euphoria, whatever. All of it. Do you want to do that?’

    Yeah, I do.

    And so when I am feeling these intense feelings, it’s sorta like a reality check to step outside and say, although this is a very uncomfortable, painful feeling, it’s quite beautiful that I have the capacity to experience it. That is sort of something that I use to ground myself when I am stuck in a feeling of darkness.”

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • It’s getting better…

    Make way for new beginnings

    You can relax.

    Honestly, you have no idea how good life is about to get for you.

    The universe is and has always been conspiring in your favour.

    You don’t need to worry, its okay to surrender and let the universe take care of it.

    Trust in what is being removed from your life now to make way for new beginnings.

    Soon enough, you will be so happy that all the anguish, anxiety and pain you went through will pale in comparison to the joy you will feel.

    Everything will be right.

    Everything is going to be okay.

    Dear Universe...

    Universe, show me how good it can be… show me how good it gets 💫

    How do you feel knowing the universe is always operating in your favour?

    That worrying won’t get you anywhere but into a spiral 🌀

    Let the universe show you how loved and supported you are, if you give it a chance 🌟

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • It’s time for you to shine

    Go for it NOW

    I think you should go for it.

    Feel the fear trembling in your body.

    Feel the beat of your heart pulsing.

    Feel your hands shaking with nerves.

    Feel your thoughts racing.

    If there’s one thing I know that hurts, it isn’t if it doesn’t work out – it is regret.

    Wondering what could have been.

    Unfulfilled potential.

    Ignoring your intuition.

    So if you have been waiting for a sign, here it is.

    Go for it.

    What if everything you desire and dream of, is on the other side of this powerful decision?

    Don’t dance around the edges, take a deep breath and dive in, go all in.

    It's your time

    It’s time for you to shine 🦁✨🚀

    It’s time for you to step into the spotlight.

    It’s time for you to follow your heart and soul.

    It’s your time.


    Let’s GO 🔥

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Life is an adventure…

    The adventure called 'life'...

    Your soul didn’t sign up for a pretty picture perfect life.

    Your soul signed up to be HUMAN on this adventure we call LIFE.

    The curriculum for this involves mess, grief, heartache, despair and so too does it include pleasure, ecstasy, laughter and joy.

    Your heart, your soul, your spirit don’t want to be controlled.

    You signed up to be truly liberated – raw, wild, dynamic and free to experience it all.

    You came here to grow

    Because what would life be if it was happy and comfortable all the time… 😮‍💨 b o r i n g

    What would be the point!?

    You came here to grow, to expand 🌟

    It’s in the contrast of life we truly live.

    This is something you can be aware of yet still challenged by.

    We intellectually understand that to experience life with a spectrum of experiences is necessary yet we unconsciously desire to only have feelings and experiences we label as “good” and “positive.”

    In challenging times we can return back to the words of this post which contemplates our very purpose for living and breathing.

    To experience!

    So when you’re feeling low, in the depths of darkness and running into shadows — know that it is beautiful. It’s beautiful because in the pain of it, is also your wisdom and gold.

    Here’s to being human, the full spectrum experience of it ✌🏽

    Can you tell I’m an emotional authority in human design? 😋 grateful to have learnt that I’m designed to experience the waves 🌊 and with time gain deeper understanding and clarity. Don’t know yours — book a reading with me!

    And of course, happy energetic lunar new year, bring on 2023 🚀 to you beautiful soul reading this — I appreciate you 🥰 thank you for being on this wild ride with me ✨✨✨… LETS GO 👊🏽

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Welcoming 2023…

    2023 is where I'm arriving...

    2023 looks like a brand new chapter, one that has been built on the pages of the past and gleaming for the future.

    A heart cracked open and a curious mind.


    Rising from the ashes.


    Grounded roots.

    Riding the cosmic wave.

    Higher love.

    True love.

    The unexpected.

    Letting go of logic and opening up to magic.

    Experiencing and savouring all that life has to offer.

    Making love with life.





    Hips like honey.

    Dripping in devotion to self and service.

    Daring to dream bolder.

    Heart felt gratitude and appreciation.

    Leading with soul.

    Loving all that is.

    2023 is where I’m arriving.

    Learning to rise up from the ashes

    Uh huh honey 🍯 bring on 2023. The last year for me has been burning everything to the ground and rising from the ashes.

    The loss of my corporate identity — officially been a full time life coach for a year now!

    The loss of a relationship — the first time I’ve been single in 3 years.

    The loss of my home I started my side hustle now business, got promoted to manager at work and fell in love — I now live in my dream home opposite the beach.

    The loss of my grandpa — and the opening up to more of my family and knowing my ancestral roots.

    My book is coming out JUNE 2023!!!

    I cannot wait!

    I’ll also be bringing back something I used to offer 😋 aaaand opening up more spots for coaching and human design, if you’re interested link in bio or DM me 🧡

    The prompt for this post was a thought starter from my beautiful friend @girlandhermagic 🪄

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • On having courage…

    On courage...

    Beautiful soul, you’ve got to blaze your own path.

    Start a fire in your heart and a spark in your soul.

    In the heat, some are lost and others consumed.

    But not you – you are forged from the flames.

    It is a courageous act to truly live.

    It is a courageous act to fully love.

    You have the courage to live a life of your own.

    You are brave

    some may settle for a mediocre life, a life that’s half lived — but not you.

    the struggle and straddle between two worlds.

    you are brave.

    you are meant for a life that is bold, beautiful and rare.

    may you always have the strength and courage to listen to your soul and follow your heart.

    may you know that you are supported by the unseen with all their love and might.

    may you truly live your own life, as a testament to your unique essence that has blessed us with your presence in this lifetime.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Getting back up again

    On who you are...

    Time and time again, you get back up and I think that’s a beautiful thing.

    That is who you are.

    Someone who doesn’t give up.

    You always find a way to get through tough times because you are a survivor.

    A mountain of strength with a heart of gold.

    A lotus who has bloomed from chaos and crisis.

    Your gift, being able to be broken open time and time again to deeper love and growth.

    Whatever it takes, you have it all within you.

    It's all up to you...

    Sometimes life will throw you a curve ball and a challenge, an invitation, an initiation.

    You rise to the challenge every time you decide to meet it.

    It’s in every choice that you make. Every breath, every step, every decision — you get to decide to go again 👊🏽💥

    This is your power, nothing in life can take away from it no event, circumstance or person.

    You choose who meets it.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • You are so loved

    If only...

    If only you could see yourself from the eyes of others.

    If only you could see yourself from the heart of others.

    If only you could see yourself from the soul of others.

    If only because in the moments you find yourself unworthy and unloveable – you would see, feel and know the truth.

    That truth is, that you are so deeply loved and cared for.

    The way you see the world is so uniquely beautiful.

    The way you walk into a room lights it up.

    The way you laugh adds more joy and soulful positivity into this world.

    The way you care adds so much depth and hope into this world.

    The way you love is so fierce, passionate and strong.

    All these things that you don’t see in yourself, others do.

    When you face tough battles within yourself, it is my hope that you remember this all.

    A reminder when you're lost

    I see you beautiful soul 🦋 the question is do you see the beauty and magic within yourself 🪄

    We all need a reminder from time to time because you can go so lost in our thoughts particularly negative self talk spirals 🌀 and after all our whole experience is from our own personal programming and conditioning.

    You are so special and unique beautiful soul 🥰

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • It’s happening…

    Amazing things are coming

    What you want is happening behind the scenes, beneath the surface, underneath the veil.

    You don’t have to worry.

    You don’t have to force.

    It. Is. Happening.

    Everything has been rearranged, lined up and is ready to go.

    Trust that everything unfolding before you is happening for a reason.

    Just because it is taking time does not mean it is not happening.

    Release your fear, grip and control.

    Let go and surrender into bliss and freedom.

    It’s already meant for you.

    Old energy is clearing and making way for new energy.

    Amazing things are coming.

    Allow your dreams to be a reality.

    Allow yourself to know that you are destined for all you desire.

    You don’t have to be in a rush because you are already exactly where you need to be.

    You have been planted to grow

    There are times like these we must trust in the unknown, the unexpected and the cover of darkness ✨

    So much of the beauty of life remains unseen and we only see the final result such as the depths of the ocean, flowers in full bloom or early sunrises… at times this is also you.

    In this journey is beauty too not only the end final result…

    Bloom beautiful soul, you have been planted to grow 🌸

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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