The Energetic Shift

Is it just me or are you having sudden changes to your sleep patterns and your energy?

You’re not crazy.

You’re not weird.

There’s an energetic shift happening and there’s a lot going on.

The cosmic tea and details

What is going on? The cosmic tea and details.

Heightened celestial activity with the human design new year coming up, Pluto’s big shift from Capricorn into Aquarius from 2024-2044 and solar flares 🌞

If you’re sensitive to energy, intuitive you may have felt this either being very buzzy, wired and plugged in 🔌 or exhausted and depleted — lots of spiritual soul activities going on.

Human Design New Year: January 22 (at the time of posting in the final energies of limitations, acceptance letting go more on that in my podcast 🎧 Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang Episode 58).

Let’s talk about Pluto. This tiny planet packs a punch and is going to greatly influence the next 20 years of what we see unfolding collectively by making a once-in-a-lifetime transition into the sign of Aquarius from Capricorn on January 20th. This is a new collective chapter that will unfold leading to great shifts for everyone on a societal level and personally.

Pluto is the planet of destruction, rebirth and mystery ruled by the Underworld.

Aquarius rules justice, equality, social connections, community, humanity, innovation, technology, science and independence.

Solar flares are huge bursts of energy from the sun supercharged with magnetic energy and radiation. They signal an ascension process shifting from your physical body to your light body. Expect intuitive downloads as well as disturbances to sleep and physical symptoms.

More on that in Episode 59 of my podcast which is a midway January 2024 energy update.

Ellie Bracken