Self Care

  • Without darkness there cannot be light

    Things to never forget

    As our hearts ache with heaviness and sadness, beautiful soul do not forget. 

    Never forget.

    The love, light and goodness that happens in the world every single day.

    Children being born.

    Communities coming together.

    Courage in face of darkness and fear.

    Consciousness rising.

    Countless celebrations.

    Spiritual awakenings.

    Sunshine and smiles.

    Faith and trust.

    Seeds planted.

    Flowers blooming.

    Bountiful harvest.

    Oceans roaring.

    Acts of kindness.

    Open hearts.


    The unsung heroes.

    The truth that underscores everything.

    It is in dark times that the light shines brighter.

    Without darkness there cannot be light.

    Light will always prevail.

    Hope will always prevail.

    Hold onto hope.

    Hold onto love.

    Hold onto light.

    Healing for one, healing for all

    The light may flicker, the light may dwindle but the light remains strong 🕯

    We are in an age of division and darkness with heavy hearts and swollen eyes.

    We weep in solidarity with our brothers, our sisters, kindred souls.

    We mourn this age that culminates to the great unknown.

    We hold onto hope.

    For brighter days are coming.

    For a world unified by love, light, peace and compassion.

    It starts with you.

    Doing whatever you can.

    Turn on the light 💡

    Give love to the light.

    Make love with the light.

    Spread the light.

    As we heal, we rise together.

    Our power as an individual.

    Our power in unity.

    Healing for one, healing for all.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Can you walk away from what doesn’t serve you?

    The exercise of self love

    Honouring your inner truth is painful.

    It’s the ultimate exercise of self love.

    It means walking away from what no longer serves you.

    Maybe it’s a job, relationship or location. 

    It’s breaking free from what boxes you in – the pressure of society, the weight of what other people think, your own belief that you need to be a certain way and do a certain thing.

    When everything falls away and crumbles, one thing will always remain: the truth.

    It cannot be ignored. 

    You can live in ignorance but the truth won’t.

    You cannot heal from what you do not reveal.

    You cannot heal from what you will not feel.

    Your inner truth is always present

    There comes a time in life when the little niggles turn into big pulls.

    It starts as a whisper and turns into aching and shouting.

    When you try to resist but it will continually persist.

    When it no longer becomes manageable and turns to being intolerable.

    Your inner truth is always present and listening.

    My tips for connecting with your inner truth:

    1️⃣ Do something about it! Staying stuck and doing the same thing over and over won’t break you free. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and thinking the same thing over and over again hoping it will change… what if you listened to your inner truth 👂🏼

    2️⃣ Free writing. Let the words flow to the paper without thinking and your inner truth will be revealed. ✍️ Not a writer? Try a mind map, collage or create art instead 🦋

    3️⃣ Express yo self 🎤 don’t refine it, done pretty it – let it all out in a way that resonates with you. For me it’s all about being in the body.

    Cheering you and your truth on 💥

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    P.S – If you’re feeling that soul pull to up level in every area of your life… 1:1 coaching is the key 🔑 for the soul who is all in, ready for expansion and to quantum leap and go BIG! 🚀

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  • Change can be lovely… and cruel

    On Change

    Beautiful soul, change can be lovely.

    It can be oh so beautiful…

    However sometimes change is cruel.

    Change can be trying to keep your head above water.

    Change can be stirring beneath the surface.

    Change can be getting caught between two worlds.

    Change can be the crushing weight of the world.

    Change can be lingering, waiting in the shadows.

    Change can be torture and agony, bleeding out.

    Change can be silence, with not a word said.

    Change can be turbulent, aching to break free.

    Change can be a baptism of fire, burning alive.

    Change can be a graveyard, haunted by your mistakes.

    Change can be painful, but change is how we grow.

    More on change

    Many of us believe change is a good thing, in fact we desire it and we think it will be enjoyable and pleasant.

    Sometimes it is.

    Sometimes it isn’t.

    It can be uncomfortable and unpleasant.

    It can be slow, tedious and drawn out.

    It can cause anxiety, stress, disruption and even depression in some cases.

    Despite the growing pains it doesn’t mean change is bad.

    Whether we initiate it or not, whether we are are prepared or not… change
    happens inevitably.

    To help us grow and expand, to be come our highest selves living our life in alignment with our soul and values.

    Just as the caterpillar becomes a butterfly be willing and open to change.

    Be open to letting go and shedding who you’ve been.

    Be open to letting go of the past and old patterns.

    Be open to who you are now and who you are becoming 🦋

    Sometimes the change won’t make sense, you won’t quite understand it — go with it, see where it takes you.

    Have faith knowing that any change happening is change that you can handle 💫

    Here’s to your highest growth 🚀

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to embrace change to the fullest? To change with support and guidance with me along your side? I would love to help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 🧡

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  • Trauma isn’t just in your mind and thoughts

    Our society is so ingrained in our heads, in our minds and the thoughts we have 🧠

    Whilst mindset is important it isn’t everything.

    Working with my clients I’ve really delved into body work: energy. 

    How does it feel to be inside your body?

    Working together through breath work and meditation to be present.

    EFT (energetic freedom technique) to release and move old energy.

    The head has merits but so does your body. It’s so intelligent and it wants to communicate with you. Through heart, soul, gut… the feels ✨

    So don’t dismiss your body.

    From what I’ve found the mind lies, the body doesn’t…

    The fear you feel when you’re scared or anxious.

    The heart ache you feel from grief or loss.

    The pure joy of happiness… ☺️

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁


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  • Be incredibly selfish

    WHAT? I hear you say. It’s a small simple word with BIG meaning and stories.


    Without honouring your self, your soul… it’s a disservice to you and the world.

    Selfishness ultimately allows you to be your best self.

    To give from an overflowing cup ☕️ to be your best self, to be generous, to have the capacity and energy to hold space for others, to be there for them.

    Subconsciously we can even be drawn, MAGNETISED to selfish people because we see their power 💥 living in their truth – reflecting back to us a desire we so want… to be true to ourselves.

    The irony of being selfish is that you end up giving more, being generous because you are in a stream of O V E R F L O W.

    Of abundance.

    It feels sooooo good to give when you have so much ⚡️

    You don’t need permission to be selfish.

    You can simply drop the stories, the guilt should you choose.

    Unhook yourself from the shame and connotations around the world selfish.

    Go beyond your ego, merge and integrate with yourself.

    Come home to you.

    You don’t need it but here I am giving it to you.

    You have permission to be selfish.

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

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  • Hygge Self Care

    Learn all about this popular Hygge lifestyle which is pronounced as hoo-gah or hue-gah. If something is hygge, it is known as hyggelig.

    What is hygge? Hygge definition, Hygge meaning

    Hygge is a Danish concept that roughly translates to comfort and coziness. It’s the feeling you get from being rugged up on a cold winters day, a cosy contentment. It is well being and self care. It may be a part of the reason that Denmark is consistently ranked as one of the happiest countries in the world despite their freezing winters. In saying that, hygge is a lovely lifestyle for enjoying Winter.

    You may have seen it trending on blogs, used to market ridiculously expensive items such as candles, blankets, plates, throws and rugs.

    All in all, hygge can be summed up as self care – to be cosy, content and comfortable.

    Hygge is nourishing. Hygge is a self care mindset.

    Who invented hygge?
    Hygge has its origins in the word ‘hug’ which makes sense given its all about comfort.

    In Old Norse, ‘hug’ meant soul, mind, consciousness.

    Benefits of hygge

    • Self care – feel happier and at ease.

    • Less stress – there is comfort in taking care of yourself.

    • A relaxed state of mind – all tension melts away.

    What hygge is not

    • Hygge is not being sucked into the hype of expensive and well marketed items.

    • Hygge is a feeling, a self care mindset.

    • It is simple, Hygge is to feel at ease and comfortabx

    A warm cosy blanket and coffee, what's not to love?
    Creating the feeling of hygge

    Creating the feeling of hygge

    • A comfortable environment – A calm and inviting place to relax in. You may have a nook somewhere where you live, it could be lots of cushions and pillows, under a blanket. The use of soothing colours such as blue and muted, dusty colours – think blush, beige and tan.
    • A peaceful setting – It could be complete silence or relaxing music. The removal of distractions such as electronics and your phone.
    • A warm drink – it could be a hot chocolate, turmeric latte, tea, coffee, mulled wine.
    • Blankets – something warm and soft to keep you feeling cosy.
    • Candles – Comforting and radiate warmth. Alternatively consider your lighting, warm and soft instead of harsh.
    • Comfortable clothes – Big shirts and jumpers, trackpants, leggings, knits, socks. Hint hygge may not be glamorous but it is damn comfy!
    • Connection – Surround yourself with people who make you feel happy and loved.
    • Decorations – Whatever makes you feel warmth such as photos of loved ones, significant memories, travel etc. It could be leafy plants and succulents.
    • Mindful indulgence – Allow yourself to eat what you love without any guilt.
    • Presence – It’s being in the moment, appreciating the little things that give you comfort.
    • Relax – have a hot bath, read a book, snuggle, sip tea, play board games.

    Intrigued by different cultures and the mindsets they encourage?

    Read about the art of Fika originating from Sweden.

    the hygge life
    the hygge life

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  • Embracing body positivity, discover inner peace now

    It goes beyond what you see in the mirror, it is finding true inner peace in your mind and soul.

    Embracing body positivity has actually very little to do with your physical appearance and all the more about your mind.

    The majority of the beliefs we hold about our bodies are largely influenced by what we see in the media and popular culture.

    Your worth is not defined by your body or physical appearance.

    No matter what, you are inherently valued and worthy of love.

    Body positivity is appreciating and embracing your body as it is. Whilst body positivity has an emphasis on self love and self compassion, please note that it is normal to have a mixture of feelings. There are days where we truly love and embrace and at other times we may not – this is part of being human. It is okay to have a mixture of feelings. The following quotes will help you embrace body positivity as they emphasise the mind-soul connection over physical appearance.

    Before we dive into your mindset, it is important to acknowledge that physicality of bodies. When exploring body positivity, attraction can come to mind however we explore the make up of human bodies which are trillions and trillions of atoms, cells and nerves. That is truly remarkable, no matter how you look!

    Your body is amazing

    You are made of stardust.

    Every atom in your body is billions of years old. Hydrogen, the most common element in the universe and a major feature of your body, was produced in the big bang 13.7bn years ago. Heavier atoms such as carbon and oxygen were forged in stars between 7bn and 12bn years ago, and blasted across space when the stars exploded. Some of these explosions were so powerful that they also produced the elements heavier than iron, which stars can’t construct. This means that the components of your body are truly ancient: you are stardust.


    Your nose can detect up to 1 trillion smells.

    The human nose can distinguish at least 1 trillion different odours, a resolution orders of magnitude beyond the previous estimate of just 10,000 scents.

    Bushdid, C., Magnasco, M. O., Vosshall, L. B. & Keller, A. Science 343, 1370–1372 (2014).

    Your stomach acid can dissolve metal.

    Your stomach’s primary digestive juice, hydrochloric acid, can dissolve metal. (A choking hazard is still a choking hazard, though.)


    Your heart beats more than three billion times according to an average lifespan.

    Since human hearts beat at between 50 and 90 beats per minute, approximately, this means a lifespan of between 30 and 100 years (humans have lifespans in the upper part of that range, closer to three billion heartbeats than one billion).

    USCB Scienceline

    Your heart can beat on it’s own, even outside your body if it has oxygen.

    The heart does not need a brain, or a body for that matter, to keep beating. The heart has its own electrical system that causes it to beat and pump blood.


    Embracing body positivity - You are made of stardust Embracing body positivity – You are made of stardust


    Love your body as it is now, as it has been as it will be – it is inherently loveable no matter what.

    “If we make self-love or body acceptance conditional, the truth is, we will never be happy with ourselves. The reality is that our bodies are constantly changing, and they will never remain exactly the same. If we base our self-worth on something as ever-changing as our bodies, we will forever be on the emotional roller coaster of body obsession and shame.”


    Be friends with your body.

    “And I said to my body softly, ‘I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath and replied, ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this.”


    Embracing your body means to accept yourself.

    “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.”


    Embracing your body should not be in relation to your weight.

    “Life is so much more beautiful and complex than a number on a scale.”


    Just because you work on your body doesn’t mean it will automatically make you love it. Body positivity is a mindset. It’s is accepting who you are right now.

    “No amount of self-improvement can make up for any lack of self-acceptance.”


    You are your soul. Your body is a vessel.

    “The relentless attempts to be thin take you further and further away from what could actually end your suffering: getting back in touch with who you really are. Your true nature. Your essence.”


    Embracing body positivity - inner peace love
    Embracing body positivity - inner peace love

    Your body is a beautiful home for your soul.

    “This is it: This body is home. This is where I live and hang my hat. This is where I settle into my hips and sit easy in myself, slung together with strong muscles and bones, made gentle and forging with flesh. This body is durable, has lasted for years, hunkered down through fierce storms and allows for the peaceful erosions of age. It is like a cottage on the shore: weathered and well made, a place where a person could comfortable live. I like it here. It is my own.” 


    Our bodies are a paintbrush in the canvas of life – they enable us to have rich experiences and do life

    “Stop spending all day obsessing, cursing, perfecting your body like it’s all you’ve got to offer the world. Your body is not your art, it’s your paintbrush. Whether your paintbrush is a tall paintbrush or a thin paintbrush or a stocky paintbrush or a scratched up paintbrush is completely irrelevant. What is relevant is that YOU HAVE A PAINTBRUSH which can be used to transfer your insides onto the canvas of your life — where others can see it and be inspired and comforted by it.” 


    If you’ve always been negative, try being positive.

    “You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”


    Self love is so important to enjoy your life.

    “To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don’t wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now.”


    Embrace your body now, don’t wait a lifetime.

    “I don’t want to wait until I’m 73 to embrace my body. To look back and think of my beauty: How did I miss it? Let’s not wait another moment.”


    You are powerful, you define your body positivity – no one else.

    “Loving your body is about being comfortable in your body, and only you get to set the parameters of that. Only you get to decide what that looks like, and only you know where the finish line is. Never let anyone make you feel ashamed about what you decide, or don’t decide, to put on your body.”


    Let’s all embrace body positivity for ourselves and for future generations.

    “As a child, I never heard one woman say to me, ‘I love my body’. Not my mother, my elder sister, my best friend. No one woman has ever said, ‘I am so proud of my body.’ So I make sure to say it to my daughter because a positive physical outlook has to start at an early age.”


    Embracing body positivity Kate Winslet
    Embracing body positivity Kate Winslet

    Affirmations that may help with embracing body positivity

    ♥ I appreciate all the amazing things my body can do.

    ♥ I take care of my body and my body takes care of me.

    ♥ I respect my body.

    ♥ My worthiness does not depend on my weight. I am already worthy and loved.

    ♥ True beauty is in the way we feel in our mind and soul.

    ♥ I am beautiful no matter how I look.

    ♥ I am made of stardust.


    In conclusion on embracing body positivity

    Body positivity embraces the fact that there is no one certain physical mould for a ‘perfect body’. Being positive about your body is about self acceptance, self love and self compassion. It is about being at peace with who you are and going beyond your physical appearance. Embracing body positivity is taking into consideration your mind and soul too.

    Helpful affirmations to help you feel positive about your body

    27 Calming affirmations and mantras for acceptance

    Additional reading on embracing body positivity

    What is beauty, on being beautiful – in her vitality

    Inspiring quotes on beauty – in her vitality

    The Body Positive

    What Does Body Positivity Actually Mean? – Katherine Schreiber MFA, LMSW

    The Importance of Body Positivity – The Recovery Village

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