WHAT? I hear you say. It’s a small simple word with BIG meaning and stories.
Without honouring your self, your soul… it’s a disservice to you and the world.
Selfishness ultimately allows you to be your best self.
To give from an overflowing cup ☕️ to be your best self, to be generous, to have the capacity and energy to hold space for others, to be there for them.
Subconsciously we can even be drawn, MAGNETISED to selfish people because we see their power 💥 living in their truth – reflecting back to us a desire we so want… to be true to ourselves.
The irony of being selfish is that you end up giving more, being generous because you are in a stream of O V E R F L O W.
Of abundance.
It feels sooooo good to give when you have so much ⚡️
You don’t need permission to be selfish.
You can simply drop the stories, the guilt should you choose.
Unhook yourself from the shame and connotations around the world selfish.
Go beyond your ego, merge and integrate with yourself.
Come home to you.
You don’t need it but here I am giving it to you.
You have permission to be selfish.
love & positivity ✨ phi 👁