
  • 22 Positive affirmations for the workplace to overcome stress

    Positive affirmations in the workplace help to feel instantly soothed, calm and centred.

    They help tap into the inner peace within you.

    Workplaces can be highly stressful and overwhelming at times. Any job can have elements which cause stress, even when you love what you do.

    Affirmations can provide a moment of reprieve in these moments when you feel anxiety and tension. They are a helpful relaxation strategy in your toolkit to overcome work stress.

    The following 22 positive affirmations for the workplace help to overcome stress. Refer to the power of affirmations to live a soul fulfilling life for a greater understanding on the ability for affirmations to improve your mindset and wellbeing.

    What is work stress?

    BetterHealth sums up work stress as:

    Some of the many causes of work-related stress include long hours, heavy workload, job insecurity and conflicts with co-workers or bosses.

    Symptoms include a drop in work performance, depression, anxiety and sleeping difficulties.


    22 Positive affirmations for the workplace to overcome stress

    ♥ I can do anything but I can’t do everything.

    ♥ Asking for help does not mean I am incompetent or weak.

    ♥ I am allowed to have a break.

    ♥ I need to be at my best, feel my best, to do my best.

    ♥ There is always work to be done. I can’t always finish it all at the end of the day.

    ♥ I can’t control other people.

    ♥ It is only work. It is only one aspect of my life.

    ♥ Challenges bring opportunities.

    ♥ I learn from my mistakes.

    ♥ Mistakes are opportunities to grow.

    ♥ Every day is a new day.

    ♥ Feedback helps me grow.

    ♥ I trust that every decision I make is the best I could at that time.

    ♥ I would not be in my job if management did not believe I could do it.

    ♥ Failure is normal. It is impossible to never make mistakes.

    ♥ This situation is not good or bad. It just is.

    ♥ It is what it is.

    ♥ I feel stressed right now but I can overcome it.

    ♥ I am letting go of stress so I can think clearly.

    ♥ My experiences have equipped me to make the best decision.

    ♥ I am capable of handling anything. I can do hard things.

    ♥ This situation will pass, it is not forever.

    In conclusion on these affirmations

    Love and light, I hope these positive affirmations for the workplace help in reducing your stress. Should your work stress feel overwhelming, it may be best to speak to friends and family in addition to reaching out to your human resources department at work, employee assistance programs and medical professionals.

    Other affirmations for stress reduction

    27 Calming affirmations and mantras for acceptance – in her vitality

    Struggling with anxious thoughts? Here are 22 powerful affirmations to reframe your thoughts for a positive mindset – in her vitality

    Additional resources for work stress

    Work-related stress – BetterHealth

    Coping with stress at work – American Psychological Association

    Learn to rest not quit – Imperfect Ambition

    Click here to read more

  • 27 Calming affirmations and mantras for acceptance

    An introduction on the calming affirmations and mantras for acceptance

    The following 27 calming affirmations and mantras for acceptance may be Instantly effective in helping you feel immediately at ease and cultivate deep inner peace to help you thrive. If you are not familiar with affirmations or need a reminder, check out the power of affirmations to live a soul fulfilling life.

    What is true acceptance?

    True acceptance is a life-changing practice which deeply influences how you feel and your inner peace.

    It alters an experience to overcome difficulty and negativity.

    To accept is a verb. Accepting is a fluid, active and dynamic concept.

    It is practice that lasts our lifetimes.

    It requires patience with ourselves.

    It requires a deep love for ourselves.

    It does not necessarily mean you agree with, like, enjoy, support or picked the outcome.

    What it does mean is choosing in that moment to make space for what is happening right then and there.

    To lighten the load you feel in your heart, in your soul, on your back, aching in your bones.

    Where does this block sit? 

    Feel into it.

    Give yourself permission to stop struggling against it.

    To stop fighting the outcome.

    True acceptance is not easy, it is difficult. 

    True acceptance is to melt resistance.

    To let go.

    To flow.

    Quotes that embody and teach acceptance

    “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”


    “For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is let it rain.”

    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    “Acceptance looks like a passive state, but in reality it brings something entirely new into this world. That peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness.”

    Eckhart Tolle

    “When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.”

    Peace Pilgrim

    “Acceptance doesn’t mean that life gets better; it just means that my way of living life on life’s terms improves.”

    Sharon E. Rainey

    How these 27 calming affirmations and mantras help with acceptance

    They are a reminder of the inner peace and strength that already lives inside you.

    A reminder:

    + To tap into these infinite sources whenever you need.

    + Your soul and spirit and here to support you always.

    + Of how far you have come in your life already, achieved so much and you will continue to do so.

    + Of your power.

    + Of your resilience. 

    They help:

    + Tap into the inner peace that is always within you.

    + Calm down and recenter your self.

    + Melt tension at put you at ease. Pair the following calming affirmations if you are struggling with anxious thoughts.

    + Provide a counter statement to negative or unhelpful thoughts.

    27 Calming affirmations and mantras for acceptance

    ♥ I can do anything but I can’t do everything.

    ♥ It is what it is.

    ♥ I accept.

    ♥ I can do anything but I can’t do everything.

    ♥ There is nothing more I can do.

    ♥ I accept.

    ♥ I release all resistance.

    ♥ I surrender. I trust in the universe.

    ♥ I am letting go of what I cannot control.

    ♥ I trust the timing of my life.

    ♥ Everything will be ok. Everything is ok.

    ♥ What is meant to be for me, will be.

    ♥ I accept the things I cannot change.

    ♥ I accept all things as they are right now.

    ♥ I am at peace with what is.

    ♥ I have a deep peace within me which is infinite. It is always accessible whenever I need.

    ♥ I have done the best I can at this very moment in time.

    ♥ I trust myself to make the best decision at this very moment in time.

    ♥ Everything happens for a reason.

    ♥ Everything is unfolding as it should.

    ♥ I allow life to unfold naturally.

    ♥ Life unfolds as the universe has it. Everything is for my higher good.

    ♥ I am open to all outcomes no matter what they are.

    ♥ This is a sign from the universe that it wants me to learn and grow.

    ♥ The universe is guiding me right now.

    ♥ I am brave. I am strong. I have the power to accept what is happening right now.

    ♥ I know that everything happens for a reason, for my higher good even if I don’t understand it right now.

    Concluding 27 calming affirmations and mantras for acceptance

    It is my hope that these 27 calming affirmations and mantras help you find inner peace, to conquer any challenge, to melt and rid of any tension, anxiety and stress, I hope they have been influential in your acceptance of what is.

    More resources on acceptance

    The inescapable importance of acceptanceDenise Fournier Ph.D., Psychology Today

    What is ACT and Mindfulness?Russ Harris, ActMindfully

    How to accept thingsWise Mushroom

    Click here to read more

  • 46 Affirmations to radiate self love

    On self love and this guide

    This article will explore the importance of self love and the power it has to transform your life into a soul fulfilling one. It is my hope after reading this you will feel further connected and at peace with your self. The resources within this guide are 46 affirmations to radiate self love. 

    What is self love?

    Self love is how we feel about ourselves. It is linked to our self esteem. It is caring and having regard for your own well-being and happiness. It is how we experience ourselves.

    From my understand of it, self love is:

    ♥ Accepting yourself. Your worthiness. Honouring yourself. Being true to who you are.

    ♥ Authenticity. Knowing that you have flaws and that is okay, being at peace with it.

    ♥ Listening to your needs. Understanding what we want. Choosing ourself without comprising or sacrificing when we truly do not want to do so. This resource may be of help, A guide on how to use love languages. Love languages may be of use to you in understanding yourself better. 

    ♥ Taking care yourself. Your well-being. Nourishing our mind, body and soul.
    “An empty lantern provides no light. Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.”
    – Unknown

    An influential factor in decision making such as the actions we take, the partners we choose for a relationship, the behaviour we accept from ourselves and others.

    How we may feel about a soul mate or best friend in life – channeling that loving energy to ourselves. How we would treat them – with patience, love, respect, kindness and understanding.

    “Love yourself unconditionally, just as you love those closest to you despite their faults.”

    les brown

    ♥ Trusting yourself. Listening to your intuition and gut feelings. Knowing that you always make the best decision for yourself at that time. We know ourselves best. No one can self love for us.

    Quotes that inspire and speak to self love

    “Worthy now. Not if. Not when. We are worthy of love and belonging now. Right this minute. As is.”

    brene brown

    “Self respect, self worth and self love, all start with self. Stop looking outside of yourself for your value.”

    Rob Liano

    “It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and make your happiness a priority. It’s a necessity.”

    mandy hale

    “A healthy self-love means we have no compulsion to justify to ourselves or others why we take vacations, why we sleep late, why we buy new shoes, why we spoil ourselves from time to time. We feel comfortable doing things which add quality and beauty to life.”


    “It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self love deficit.”

    Eartha Kitt

    The power of self love affirmations

    + Remind yourself what inherently is. You are loved. You are loveable. There are times we need a pick me up. On that note, a gentle reminder on the power of affirmations to live a soul fulfilling life.

    + To empower you. To be fearless in the pursuit of your desires and dreams. To feel alive with fire.
    A gentle reminder that affirmations are one tool and they work powerfully when you truly believe in them and pair them with action. Read more here.

    + Help you feel deeply into your heart and soul.

    + Shift your perspective and energy when you are feeling down or in a rut.

    + Provide a counter statement to negative thoughts.

    + Identify aspects of self love that may need exploration. If you feel discomfort, it may help to see it from the perspective of curiosity. To learn more about yourself. To spark reflection.

    46 Affirmations to radiate self love

    ♥ No matter what, I am loved and I am loveable.
    ♥ I love who I was. I love who I am. I love who I am becoming.
    ♥ I am strong. I am resilient. I can do hard things.

    ♥ I am more than just my body.
    ♥ I love myself and I choose myself
    ♥ I believe in myself
    ♥ I am human. Perfectly imperfect.
    ♥ I make mistakes sometimes and that is okay. I am human. We all make mistakes. 

    ♥ I made mistakes and learn from them for a better future
    ♥ I made the best decision at that moment in time
    ♥ I know myself best and that is why I made that decision at that moment in time

    ♥ I follow my heart
    ♥ I am proud of who I am.

    ♥ I choose my happiness.
    ♥ I have so much potential.
    ♥ My opportunities are limitless.
    ♥ I am true to mysel
    ♥ I deserve love
    ♥ I am beautiful 
    ♥ Love flows through me. I am radiant. I am abundant.
    ♥ I have a beautiful, peaceful energy 
    ♥ I always do the best that I can at that moment in time
    ♥ I am powerful. I have the power to begin changing my life at any moment.

    ♥ I can always trust my intuition.
    ♥ Love, happiness and peace flow within me.
    ♥ I radiate love, joy and peace.
    ♥ I have good energy.
    ♥ I am so loveable.
    ♥ I let go of my worries and my stresses. I just be.
    ♥ I attract so much love and positivity into my life.
    ♥ I feel peace at my core.
    ♥ So much love exists inside me.
    ♥ I am unique. I am one of a kind. This makes me beautiful, special and important.
    ♥ I love and forgive myself.
    ♥ The greatest gift I can give myself is unconditional love.

    ♥ Deep within side me is an infinite source of love. I can tap into this at any time I want or need to.
    ♥ I have the ability to do things for myself.
    ♥ I am worthy of so much joy.
    ♥ I can dreams as big or as small as I would like.
    ♥ I am love. I am light.
    ♥ I constantly have new opportunities. 
    ♥ I can magnetically manifest all that my heart desires. I can make my dreams come true.
    ♥ Everything always works in my favour. The universe has my back and best interests at heart.
    ♥ I am open to love.
    ♥ I am ready for love as I am.
    ♥ I love myself more and more everyday. 

    In conclusion of this guide

    Love and light, we hope these 46 affirmations to radiate self love bring you warmth, inner peace and vitality.

    Additional resources on how to radiate self love



    Click here to read more

  • In her vitality. The power of vitality. How to cultivate and increase your vitality through mind, body and soul.

    in her vitality a powerful state of being and way to live life
    The power of vitality and how to cultivate it through mind, body and soul.

    The magic of vitality

    There is radiant, powerful and abundant energy that surrounds the mindset and state of vitality.

    It is to not only live but THRIVE with a life full of zest, energy and abundance.

    It is electric. It is magic.

    Vitality has a magnetic pull, a magnetic presence. It is an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

    The power of vitality is that it makes you feel fired up, energised and truly ALIVE.

    Coming across it, hearing it, I was instantly drawn. The a-ha moment! The power of the vitality compelled me to include it in the name of this website.

    in her vitality.

    What is Vitality?

     Vitality [zest, enthusiasm, vigor, energy]
    Approaching life with excitement and energy; not doing things halfway or halfheartedly; living life as an adventure; feeling alive and activated

    Ben Dean Ph.D.

    How can you cultivate and increase your vitality?

    There are several ways we can spark vitality in our lives to be come more soul fulfilling, energised and happy! This article will explore how to through the mind, body and soul.


    + Affirmations and mantras that give us inner peace. I like to see it from the perspective that they are reminders of what I already know. To learn further about affirmations and how they can help in creating a soul fulfilling life, see here.

    ♥ The universe always has my back
    ♥ Everything is in my favour
    ♥ I trust in the timing of my life
    ♥ Everything happens for a reason
    ♥ I make the best decisions at that moment in time
    ♥ I can do hard things

    I am loved
    ♥ I matter
    ♥There are no limits to what I can achieve
    ♥There are endless possibilities in my life
    ♥ I am always learning, growing and evolving
    ♥ My life is full of unlimited abundance

    ♥ I am an unstoppable force
    ♥ I am confident, calm and centred
    ♥ I am strong
    ♥ I am resilient, I can overcome any challenge or obstacle
    ♥ Whatever life throws at me, I can handle it
    ♥ Life only gives me what I am strong enough to handle
    ♥ I am at peace

    + Rest. Rejuvenate. Recharge. With the hustle and bustle of modern society, we are more susceptible to burning out. We feel guilty when we aren’t doing something productive. It is okay. To give our best, we need to be at our best.

    + Gratitude. Being mindful, conscious and appreciative of all that we already have. A practice I love is to reflect everyday on three things I am grateful for. Even on tough days, I set myself the challenge to do so! Thank you for the roof over my head. Thank you for the ability to use the internet. Thank you for reading this.

    + Diffuse and reduce stress. Talk to a friend. See a psychologist. Join a support group. Meditate. Try aromatherapy. Be in your flow with yoga. Dance. Unleash your stress through exercising. Take up boxing. If you’re struggling with anxious thoughts, these 22 powerful affirmations to reframe your thoughts for a positive mindset.

    + Play. Have fun. Approach your life through the eyes of a child – be curious, be in awe, see the world from a different perspective.

    + Love who you are. Appreciate all that you can do. Recognise how important, unique and special you are. To boost your self love, see here for 46 affirmations to radiate self love.


    + Nourishment – eating fresh, healthy, natural food in balance with treats.

    + Energising through movement and exercise

    + Spend time outside. Soak in the sun. Breathe fresh air. 

    + Sleep is vital to maintaining our vitality.

    + Hydrate. 

    Find 9 tips to boost your energy naturally here, thanks to Harvard Health.


    + Set your soul on fire. Pursue passion and pleasure. What makes you truly alive? What makes your heart race and beat unbelievably fast? Gives you butterflies and tingles within?

    + Pace yourself, ensuring you have ample rest and disconnect from the trap of always being ‘on’ and busy. Let the soul be. Here in the present moment. Now.

    + Immerse yourself in rich experiences. We live one life, enjoy it and savour every moment.

    What gets you out of your comfort zone?

    What’s something you’ve never done before but have always wanted to?

    What gets your heart beating and racing?

    + Be authentic to who you are. Speak and be your truth. Honour your feelings. Embrace who you are.

    “Be who you are and say what you feel, because in the end those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.”


    + Listen to your intuition. Your gut feeling. That thought that tugs at your mind. What is it trying to say?Take the risk. Trust that your soul always knows what is best for your highest good and self.

    In conclusion, the power of vitality

    Vitality is a state of being. A state of mind bursting full of love, life and feeling.

    It means to be exuberant, energised and enthusiastic. A zest for a soul fulfilling life.

    Being in state of vitality means to be a magnetic, unstoppable force that infinitely draws in positivity.

    You feel it running and coursing through your veins, in every fibre of your being.

    It is to be truly ALIVE, savouring every moment and making the most of all the rich experiences we are blessed to have.

    The power of vitality is being your best self.

    Additional resources on vitality

    Vitality l Authentic happiness – Ben Dean PH.D

    Vitality! Has modern life depleted your vitality? Here’s how to reclaim it. – Catherine Guthrie, Experience Life

    The ten commandments of vitality – Exploring Your Mind

    Click here to read more

  • Struggling with anxious thoughts? Here are 22 powerful affirmations to reframe your thoughts for a positive mindset

    Firstly, I want to reaffirm something deeply in your mind. It is normal to struggle with anxious thoughts from time to time. This article will help you reframe your thoughts for a positive mindset when you are struggling with these anxious thoughts

    What is anxiety?

    Beyond Blue defines anxiety as the below:

    “Anxiety is more than just feeling stressed or worried. While stress and anxious feelings are a common response to a situation where we feel under pressure, they usually pass once the stressful situation has passed, or ‘stressor’ is removed.

    Everyone feels anxious from time to time. When anxious feelings don’t go away, happen without any particular reason or make it hard to cope with daily life it may be the sign of an anxiety condition.”

    Disclaimer on anxiety, please note

    I use the below affirmations when I have an anxious moment to calm and recenter myself. It is important to note that affirmations are one tool amongst many that may be used to help with anxiety. The ones below are a general resource and are are not a substitute for professional, psychological, psychiatric or medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor and other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition such as anxiety.

    How these powerful affirmations may help when struggling with anxious thoughts

    • Reframe your mindset with an alternative perspective
    • Calm and recentre yourself
    • Inspire an uplift in mindset geared toward positivity, a reminder on what affirmations are here and how they help you live a soul fulfilling life
    • Provide a counter narrative to anxiety provoking thought
    • Pause and diffuse a moment of stress and tension

    22 Powerful affirmations to reframe your mindset when you are struggling with anxious thought

    ♥ I attract positive energy.

    ♥ I am strong. I am resilient. I can do hard things.

    ♥ I am in the process of making positive changes.

    ♥ I am brave.

    ♥ I am overwhelmed right now but this shall pass.

    ♥ I have the power to change.

    ♥ Everything is going to be okay.

    ♥ I have overcome many challenges and obstacles before in my life. This will be no different.

    ♥ I can’t control everything but I can try change my thoughts, attitude and perspective.

    ♥ I have accomplished so much up to this point in my life and I will continue to succeed.

    ♥ I am always learning. I will continue to grow and evolve.

    ♥ I trust myself to make the best decision at this moment in time.

    ♥ I feel anxious and that is okay. We all feel anxious at times.

    ♥ I feel confident in my ability to solve problems.

    ♥ I trust in the universe that I will thrive.

    ♥ I am open to change

    ♥ I let go of the need to be perfect and I know I will do my best.

    ♥ I know that I am doing my best given what is happening right now.

    ♥ I am doing the best I can.

    ♥ Mistakes happen and that is okay. I will learn from my mistakes for a better future.

    ♥ Change helps me realise my potential.

    ♥ My mistakes help me grow and improve for the future.

    In conclusion on struggling thoughts due to anxiety and using affirmations

    These 22 affirmations may help you reframe your thoughts for a positive mindset as they have the ability to calm you down, allow a pause to diffuse tension, provide an alternative counter narrative and inspire an uplift in mentality.

    It is so important if you are struggling with these thoughts on a regular basis and if they impact your daily life, please seek the help of a medical professional who will be able to help you.

    Additional resources for when you are struggling with anxious thoughts 

    Click here to read more