self love

  • Be kind to yourself

    Perhaps it's time for change...

    Why is it that the person we are hardest on is ourselves?

    We seem to be so understanding and compassionate towards others, yet we seem to forget ourselves.

    Don’t be so hard on yourself beautiful soul, you are doing the best you can with whatever is going on right now.

    You’ve been through so much already.

    You are strong.

    You are a survivor.

    Life is already tough, you don’t need to be even tougher on yourself.

    Perhaps you could bring more love to all parts of yourself?

    Perhaps you could make peace with all the doubts and worries that snake around in your mind.

    Perhaps you could meet yourself with more tenderness.

    Perhaps it’s time to be less hard on yourself…

    A gentle reminder

    A gentle reminder and love letter from your heart and soul 🧡

    You can do it all.

    You are full of possibilities.

    You have so much potential.

    Yes, yes, yes!

    You are also human (the best and most beautiful thing).

    You will make mistakes.

    You will get tired.

    You may get sidetracked.

    And that’s okay.

    Remember that hate, shame and guilt will never fuel sustainable growth.

    Let love lead the way always 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    @thephidang is my only Instagram account. limited spots for coaching and human design readings are available – DM me for more info.

    If you love my writing, my book is coming out in June 2023!

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  • The pain behind the beauty

    Turn your pain

    Your pain and wounds need not be ugly.

    They can be turned into something so beautiful.

    You can turn your pain into pride for how far you have come.

    You can turn your pain into love with a deep appreciation for your strength and character.

    You can turn your pain into a means to validate how you are feeling, no matter what anyone else thinks.

    You can turn your pain into an opening into your heart with great compassion for yourself and others.

    You can turn your pain into the bedrock of your personal growth journey ahead.

    You can turn your pain into your great rebirth as someone wiser and kinder than ever before.

    You can turn your pain into a beautiful life no matter how rocky or difficult the path has been.

    At any moment you can make it something so beautiful, beyond beauty…

    Finding the beauty

    we’ve been conditioned to believe that beauty only lies in the ideal and perfect 👁👄👁

    pain can be a beautiful thing, it doesn’t have to be at all but it can be ❤️‍🩹

    everyone’s experience is valid and different.

    I hope you see the beauty in it all as I do in you – as you are – even if you’re going through it all

    🥀 the beauty in the fall 🌹

    🌹 the beauty in your tears 🥀

    🥀 the beauty in your ache 🌹

    there is so much beauty and beyond in the shadow & darkness if you only dare to see it… 🪄

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Love is life

    What happens to love...

    What happens to love when we break up?

    What happens to love when it’s unrequited and the other person doesn’t feel the same way?

    What happens to love when they don’t even know you exist?

    What happens to love when there are no labels?

    What happens to love when they aren’t here anymore?

    What happens to love when they forget about you and move on?

    What happens to love when it gets complicated?

    What happens to love when you keep trying but it never works out?

    What happens to love when they ghost you and disappear?

    What happens to love when they find it with someone else?

    So, what happens to love?

    It circulated. It continues. It is never wasted.

    Love will always come back to you in one form or another.

    Love is abundant.

    Love is love.

    More on love

    I see you beautiful soul — you’ve got such a big heart and so much love to give.

    It can feel so deflating when you’re capable of so much love and yet it feels like no one can hold it and embrace it like you do.

    It feels like your heart is continuously broken and you feel hopeless.

    As if there’s something wrong with you. Maybe you’re too much of a lover…

    Don’t let moments of heartbreak, pain and suffering define love for you.

    Love never ends.

    Love transforms.

    Here’s to love in all its forms, in all its magic, in its wholeness — the “good”, “bad”, “ugly”, “messy” and most of all beauty 🧡🌹

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Let’s breakthrough your barriers to love 🚀 reclaim your whole heart and power ❤️‍🔥 let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading. Contact me ✨

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  • Everything you need is within

    A change of perspective...

    Your reality reflects your inner world.

    If you don’t like what you see, turn inwards not outwards.

    Understanding your reality

    For your whole life you’ve been conditioned to seek outside of yourself and this makes sense.

    We are conceived in the uterus, grown in the womb and then ripped away into reality.

    We grow up watching the media where it seems like all the answers are outside of ourselves.

    Prince Charming, Make Up, Food, Gym, This Product, That Product.

    Realise that everything you NEED is within… that you have the POWER.

    The solution to your problems is WITHIN.

    Look and find it within yourself instead of masking it with a bandage solution in your outer reality.

    Notice how when you’re miserable inside, life falls apart on the outside. Parking fines, late bill charges, nothing seems to go right.

    When you’re happy on the inside, physical reality is amazing you notice the birds chirping, the sun shining.

    Further to that every person you meet and encounter is a mirror and their perspective of you is a reflection of them.

    Inner world = Cause
    Outer world = Effect

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to uplevel and upgrade your inner world? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.

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  • Checking in with your soul

    Start with your soul

    Stop with the shoulds.

    Start with your soul.

    Letting go of the "should"

    Stop should-ing on and all over yourself 😳

    I should work out more.

    I should eat more healthily.

    I should be able to do it.

    Ask where the should is coming from? (Most likely your mind, your ego stemming from guilt, over extending yourself, shaming yourself…)

    Realise the place that it’s coming from isn’t serving you or the world.

    Negative emotions don’t work in creating positive behaviours 💡

    Even if they do temporarily it’s not sustainable or healthy.

    Instead check in with your soul.

    What do you DESIRE to do?

    What FEELS GOOD to you?

    Tap into your soul and feeling, bringing your conscious intention with you.

    Maybe you CAN do something?

    You GET to do something?

    You CHOOSE to do something?

    You WANT something?

    Ahhhh that feels better 😌

    Give yourself a choice instead of starting off with shame and failure.

    Power to you ✊🏽

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • This is your soul speaking

    On desire...

    You know that niggling feeling that pulls at you and makes you feel uncomfortable deep down inside that you can’t explain?

    Yeah that’s your soul being unsettled because maybe you’re not listening.

    Maybe you desire more…

    You aren't your thoughts

    Caught between your head and your heart beautiful soul? 🤕

    Your head… your mind… your brain – it isn’t you.

    You aren’t your thoughts 💭

    In fact your mind lies all the time – it’s a drama queen 🎭 the negative self talk…

    “You should do it… don’t be stupid”

    “Who do you think you are?”

    “I mean the answer is so obvious are you dumb?”

    Remember your head and mind is here to protect you, to keep you safe (which often can mean in the comfort zone which is great – stable and secure but it ain’t soul fulfilling)

    Your heart… your soul… your higher self – that can’t be made up.

    It bypasses your survival mode analytical mind.

    It’s FELT in your BODY.

    Drop into your body.

    The stillness.

    When your heart and soul speak through the body what do they say?

    Trust the pull and nudges… it’s there for a reason.

    That’s the biggest flex: faith, the knowing.

    Following my mind let me to great places… for a while.

    Everything on paper was perfect yet deep down I KNEW I wasn’t truly happy and satisfied.

    For a while I TRIED to ignore it… but it just got LOUDER AND LOUDER.

    It felt heavy, that I couldn’t carry it – the pounding, the knowing, that feeling… so I surrendered and trusted (yes it’s scary and uncomfortable… it’s called the leap of faith for a reason)…

    Following my heart has led me to everything… love, abundance, health, wealth… living a life beyond my wildest dreams.

    It’s not for the faint hearted… I mean imagine a world where we all truly did follow our heart 🤯

    If you did…

    If you do…

    Who will you be?

    What decisions will you make?

    What will your life be like?

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • On being the main character

    No one can...

    No one can save you from your own work.

    No one can save you from your own healing.

    It’s never anyone else’s job but yours.

    The work and healing is yours

    From a young age we are conditioned to believe in the hero, the saviour only to realise that person is ourselves.

    It’s not Prince Charming. Even if your partner is incredibly loving, patient and compassionate (which is a must!).

    It’s not your family. Your parents won’t be around forever and everyone has their own life to live.

    It’s not your friends. They’ll always catch you when you fall but they can’t carry it all with you.

    It’s not your coach. It’s a privilege to walk by my clients as they do the work on their healing and personal development journey. I cheer them on. I hype them up. I help them get back up. Yet they do the work themselves because they are powerful beyond their comprehension.

    The work and healing is yours.

    Your support network and team are by your side and walk with you but you’re the main character, you’re the leader ⚡️

    It’s an internal job.

    Working on your thoughts, actions, feelings.

    Letting go of what no longer serves you outdated beliefs and negative self talk.

    You got this.

    Cheering your growth and expansion on always 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • The experience of being human…

    Being human is beautiful

    Being human isn’t just pain, suffering, war, crisis.

    Being human is falling asleep on the couch.

    Being human is smiling for no reason at all.

    Being human is getting curious about conspiracy theories.

    Being human is talking out loud to yourself.

    Being human is watching the stars in the sky.

    Being human is singing into your hairbrush.

    Being human is dancing like no one is watching.

    Being human is laughing so much you snort.

    Being human is eating mac and cheese out of the microwave.

    Being human is pulling funny faces in the mirror.

    Being human is smelling flowers.

    Being human is seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary.

    Being human is beautiful.

    Coming home to yourself

    Oh to be human! I’m the midst of overwhelming pain and change it can feel dark.

    Even in the darkness, remember there is always light within you 🤍

    Things aren’t perfect collectively and there’s a lot to work on. To speak your truth. To speak louder. To take action.

    Collective change also happens with you.

    You’re busy fighting for the world but who is fighting for you?

    Embrace that you are here, in human form.

    You’re allowed to also just be.

    The experience of living.

    The experience of being human.

    Come home to yourself with kindness, love, compassion and appreciation in life 🦋 if you’re ready to and looking for support + guidance I would love to help through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 🧡

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  • Being soft in love

    Be soft in love, beautiful soul

    Maybe your experiences of love have hardened you.

    You don’t have to carry mountains of pains.

    You don’t have to fight the wars that don’t belong to you.

    Being hard won’t let love in and it certainly won’t heal your heart.

    You will build walls thinking you are protecting yourself but what you are doing is preventing love from coming in.

    Be soft in love, beautiful soul.

    The soft that melts sharpened edges and takes the edge off it all.

    Soft is not weak.

    Soft is strong.

    Soft looks beautiful on you.

    More on love

    be the soft one in love 🌹

    the one who kisses someone’s lips but also their heart & soul

    the one who cares deeply, that isn’t a weakness that is a strength.

    the one that always finds a reason to smile and get back up when pushed down.

    the one who is gentle in every way, the best way.

    the one who is the quiet strength in the middle of a hurricane despite al the chaos.

    the one who tries not because they have to but because they want to with a full heart.

    the world is full of those who have been hardened by hurt & pain, that will continue if we choose to sharpen our edges.

    don’t be the sharp pain of knife but the soothing hug and kiss.

    let us soften in love, let us melt, let us do so in strength & beauty.

    here’s to being soft in love 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • My heart reminds me I’m alive

    I'm grateful for it all

    I’m grateful for all that my heart feels.

    I’m grateful for the way it beats with pride and joy.

    I’m grateful in the way in floats with excitement and swells with tenderness.

    I’m grateful when it feels heavy and anchored.

    I’m grateful when it feels like being crushed alive.

    I’m grateful when it swoons with delight and wonder.

    I’m grateful when it races to the rush and thrill of it all.

    I’m grateful when it aches and I feel every time it bleeds.

    I’m grateful when it rushes off the cliff and suspends itself for a moment in time.

    I’m grateful because my heart reminds me I’m alive.

    On following my heart

    Sometimes I really resent my heart.

    Following my heart has led to painful situations that my mind wanted to avoid.

    Following my heart has led to judgement from others who wouldn’t understand.

    Following my heart has led to more difficult decisions that could logically be answered.

    Following my heart has led me to a life beyond logic and my wildest dreams.

    Following my heart has led to deepened love that has changed my life in ways I never knew it could.

    Following my heart has never been wrong even when I’ve felt that I couldn’t handle the heartache that wouldn’t stop coming in waves.

    We live in a society that values logic and the brain.

    After my dad died I made a conscious decision to live with my heart because I realized my mind caused me so much pain.

    Use the weekends to work and make money instead of spending time with family and friends (if I could go back in time to spend one more minute with my dad I would).

    Do the logical thing that makes you unhappy but theoretically will give you what you want (I stayed in a job where I felt unhappy but made up for it in my bank account – being miserable and wealthy is no fun).

    You’re going to have so much time to do the other things (spoiler alert; we only have the present moment) – it’s short term sacrifice for long term gain.

    When my dad died, initially I could not feel my heart.

    I was so overwhelmed with grief, pain and shock that I went into shut down.

    I numbed everything out… and I did not feel anymore.

    I would later be diagnosed with onset delayed grief that led me to a dark dark place because to live without feeling made me feel like a zombie not truly alive.

    I literally remember being so numb wishing I could feel something even pain! Even to cry would be something.

    The day my heart came back I was elated.

    Even as I navigate tough times with my heart I am so grateful.

    I am grateful for this mighty muscle that physically keeps me alive but also reminds me that I am truly alive.

    How is your heart today?

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Are you ready to reconnect with your heart? To live a soul led life? I’d love to help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 🧡

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