self love

  • Criteria to be loved

    Its Never too late to start loving yourself!

    Through all the conditioning and programming, we have come to believe that we have to meet certain criteria in order to be loved

    Their is no certain Criteria to be loved!

    You believe that you have to be perfect in order to be loved. You believe that you have to be successful in order to be loved. You believe that you have to be beautiful in order to be loved. You believe that you have to put others first in order to be loved.

    What about believing that you don’t have to be a certain way or do anything to be loved?

    That you are inherently lovable exactly as you are already 🌹

    Especially if you’ve got the open heart in human design as 70% do!

    Here’s to love and especially loving yourself 🫶🏽

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    🧡 Ready to find love within yourself or with another? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading whether it’s self love, dating, relationships or navigating breakups and challenges.

    Criteria to be loved

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  • Self Love

    Life is already tough !

    yet sometimes we make it even tougher for ourselves 🥺🫶🏽🥹

    Perhaps you could be kinder to yourself!

    Perhaps you could bring more love to all parts of yourself. Perhaps you could make peace with all the doubts and worries that snake around in your mind. Perhaps you could meet yourself with more tenderness. Perhaps it’s time to be less hard on yourself…

    We always seem to be hardest on ourselves yet so kind and compassion towards others. It’s time to extend that back to ourselves 🧡

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to work on being more loving, kind and compassionate with yourself? I would love to help 💌 I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings.


    love yourself

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  • Trust The Process

    You don’t need to understand the details of how it works:

    Faith is also very much like fear, they both require trust and apply to the theory of believing in something you can’t see. what you choose to opt. into is your choice. To act in faith is to let go of the how and just allow. 

    Trust the universe, let it go- it will work !

    You trust electricity without knowing all the details. You just flick the switch and know it will work.

    So have faith. Have faith it will all work out. What’s meant to be will be. Even if it looks or feels like it won’t. Even when you think everything is going wrong. Even when you feel discouraged and want to give up.

    We want to know what’s going on but sometimes the truth is we aren’t just meant to… yet if or ever.

    Even if we did it may not necessarily bring us satisfaction and inner peace.

    Hold in good faith that everything is working out in your favour, that everything is for the best and your highest growth.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang
    📸 @hugocryl

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to believe in more? Believe that you can have more, to believe in your capacity, possibility, strength and potential? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading, Visit the links below:


    Trust the universe

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  • Feeling Unclear

    The Good News ?

    An energetic break is here. All planets are direct until April. The fog is lifting from the Mercury retrograde shadow period. The slow burn and stagnation of January is picking up speed.

    Mantra: I am seeing only a tiny Friction of the bigger Picture

    It’s okay not to be clear, it may just not be the right time for you 🍑 this is your sign to relax and be at peace. Things are still unfolding behind the scenes that you can’t see or comprehend yet.

    Maybe you can feel it but you can’t see it — that’s okay! We have intuitive senses beyond sight which I talk more in depth about in my book The Great Unlearning such as clairsentience (knowing) or clairaudience (hearing).

    It’s not your job to know everything, that’s for the universe 💫

    Focus on the next step, that next inspirational step, that nudge you are getting and let that set into motion what needs to unfold next.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready for energetic and spiritual guidance for a clearer picture of what’s to come for you in 2024? I’d love to help through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading. 

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  • A gentle reminder…

    A gentle reminder...

    Gentle reminder: You are loveable, and you are loved.

    You are trying your best and I see you.

    Even when...

    Even when you make mistakes. Even when you try your best and don’t succeed. Even when you snap because you are angry and frustrated with the world. Even when you’re annoyed at yourself and others. Even when you’re caught up in an anxious loop. Even when you fall asleep with tears in your eyes. Even when you feel like a burden to everyone. Even when you are caught up in the past. Even when you feel stuck in your head and feel like you’re making everything about you. Even when you doubt yourself. Even when you have a critical self-voice that says otherwise. It can be easy to forget and this is why this reminder exists 🥹

    An excerpt from my book 📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

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  • Love yourself as you are here and now

    You can still bloom at the same time

    There will be days when loving being yourself will be tough.

    Sometimes all you can do is love a tiny bit more than yesterday and that is more than enough.

    Patience is a must, it’s one of the greatest forms of self love.

    It’s beautiful to acknowledge there are things you’d like to work on and improve whilst simultaneously blooming at the same time.

    5 self love mindset shifts to implement

    5 self love mindset shifts to implement 🧡👇🏽

    Reframe self-criticism into self-compassion.

    Try giving yourself credit for how much you try instead of being so critical of everything you do.

    Love looking at yourself in the mirror and not picking out all the flaws you see.

    Love getting up after you’ve been knocked down.

    Love eating what you crave for instead of the lower calorie option.

    Love that your triggers no longer have a hold over you after all your personal growth and development.

    Most of all, love yourself as you are here and now in the present moment.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang
    📸 @notestothewild

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • If only you could see

    If only you could see...

    If only you could see yourself from the eyes of others.

    If only you could see yourself from the heart of others.

    If only you could see yourself from the soul of others.

    If only because in the moments you find yourself unworthy and unlovable – you would see, feel and know the truth.

    That truth is, that you are so deeply loved and cared for.

    Thank you for being you

    The way you see the world is so uniquely beautiful.

    The way you walk into a room lights it up.

    The way you laugh adds more joy and soulful positivity into this world.

    All these things that you don’t see in yourself, others do.

    When you face tough battles within yourself, it is my hope that you remember this all 🧡

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang
    🎥 @dkmarieauthor

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • The beautiful breakthroughs

    On growth...

    Maybe it’s the mishaps, mistakes and melancholy that lead to the most beautiful and unexpected spiritual breakthroughs.

    Growth isn’t always about the gains.

    It’s also about the losses.

    The Great Unlearning

    Like losing the weight of others’ opinions, your appetite for ego, your old self, the past and your mistakes, pleasing others, relationships that have run their course, self-criticism, self-sabotage, and your fixed mindset.

    This is what The Great Unlearning is all about 🔥

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • Better days are coming

    Better days are coming

    Some days in life will be harder than others and that’s okay. 

    Some days will feel heaver than others and that’s okay.

    Some days you’ll be convinced that the pain and suffering you feel will last forever.

    It won’t.

    Better days are coming, beautiful soul.

    They always do.

    It may take time, but it’s always worth the wait.

    The light will trickle in.

    Your heart will mend piece by piece.

    You’ll remember why you loved life so much in the first place.

    To be truly alive...

    When the darkness within seems like it will take over.

    It’s when we truly break, that we are cracked open for the light to come in.



    That is what it means to truly live.

    To be truly alive.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • Let your light shine

    Shine bright, beautiful soul

    Some people will not see you not because you don’t shine but because they do not want to acknowledge your light.

    For others you will be too bright and that’s okay.

    They will find your light blinding and would rather you dull to a small flicker instead of being the sun that you are.

    Shine bright, beautiful soul.

    Your light will glow...

    Never let another’s darkness impact your light 🌟

    It doesn’t matter if you don’t receive applause or validation, what you are doing by being yourself and contributing to this world is important.

    Your light will glow and others will want to harness and cultivate their own because of you 🕯️

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more