The Good News ?

An energetic break is here. All planets are direct until April. The fog is lifting from the Mercury retrograde shadow period. The slow burn and stagnation of January is picking up speed.

Mantra: I am seeing only a tiny Friction of the bigger Picture

It’s okay not to be clear, it may just not be the right time for you 🍑 this is your sign to relax and be at peace. Things are still unfolding behind the scenes that you can’t see or comprehend yet.

Maybe you can feel it but you can’t see it — that’s okay! We have intuitive senses beyond sight which I talk more in depth about in my book The Great Unlearning such as clairsentience (knowing) or clairaudience (hearing).

It’s not your job to know everything, that’s for the universe 💫

Focus on the next step, that next inspirational step, that nudge you are getting and let that set into motion what needs to unfold next.

love & positivity ✨ phi

Ready for energetic and spiritual guidance for a clearer picture of what’s to come for you in 2024? I’d love to help through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading. 

Pam S