self love

  • 06: Forgiveness

    Episode Summary of The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 06: Forgiveness

    This episode covers everything you need to know about forgiveness. What truly is forgiveness, how to forgive using one powerful and free tool you already have, whether anything and everything is forgivable, how to forgive yourself and conundrums and quarrels that come up when forgiving.  

    What you'll learn from this episode

    • What truly is forgiveness
    • Misconceptions about forgiveness
    • How to forgive through practical tools and strategies
    • The magic question to ask yourself why it’s difficult for you to forgive
    • Why forgiving is important 
    • Practical example on forgiving (cheating in relationships and dating)
    • Is everything and anything forgivable? 
    • Conundrums and quarrels when forgiving
    • Why forgiveness might not even be a thing!

    Key Quotes from this Episode

    Forgiveness isn’t created through holding onto your negative feelings. 

    When you feel angry and resentful towards someone, they don’t experience it as you do. In fact all they do is experience the result of your behaviour because you feel angry and resentful.

    Right now in this moment, the past has no power over you unless you choose to let it. The events that happened in the past, are in the past. They are only present now, if you make it present.

    Featured Resources on the episode

    The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 06: Forgiveness, Show Transcript

    You are listening to episode 6: Forgiveness

    [Introduction to the Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang plays – Background Music: upbeat, confident, rising beat]:

    Don’t just go through life, grow through it. Don’t just go through life, grow through it.

    Hi and Welcome to the Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang.

    My name is Phi and I am a Clarity and Confidence Life Coach known as the “The Positivity Queen.”

    My passion is to help you go from stuck and self critical to courageous and empowered so you can conquer anything.

    Join me, every Tuesday, as I discuss all things mindset, self love, energy and purpose.

    This podcast won’t just inspire and motivate you, it will also provide practical tips and strategies you can implement in your daily life.

    Ready to grow? Let’s grow!

    [Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang End of Intro]

    [Episode 06 – Forgiveness: Begins]

    Hello hello beautiful soul, so happy you’re here! Another week, another new episode. How are you all feeling as it gets closer to Christmas? How fast has the year flown!? What a year it has been.

    Today’s episode is all about forgiveness. Thank you to Bee who submitted his thoughts on what he wanted to see on the podcast on my instagram – if you too have something you’d love for me to speak about please get in touch via my DMs or on my website. 

    If you didn’t know I had an Instagram – yes I do, I share on my instagram daily inspiration and motivation to live your best life and a behind the scenes of my coaching – juicy insights from sessions with my clients and of course the amazing results my clients have.

    I always get so excited to share this at it shows you what you can achieve when you work on yourself and when you invest in yourself.


    What are the wins my clients have been having lately?

    One of my clients absolutely aced her internship and was offered a job role after it! The real clincher? Her supervisors said what made her stand out was her mindset. Boom!

    Another one of my clients has let go of a relationship despite her fears and past coming out. We really worked through past trauma from previous relationships that showed up.

    Another client is a stunning model using her online platform after being bullied to help others and speak out against bullying – which is not okay at all.

    Another beautiful soul is moving past her fears of being judged and imposter syndrome to showing up on her Instagram community of 80,000 and building her business empire.

    So, so magical. I am so proud of them, there are many more wins but I could talk for a whole episode on that. If you’re interested in coaching, let’s chat as I would love to be here someday soon speaking about your wins!

    Segway into forgiveness

    So back to forgiveness, Bee said that he wanted to know more about forgiveness that allows for growth but is stunned by conundrums or quarrels with friends, family and strangers.

    So let’s dive into forgiveness. It’s a big topic. I want to flag in no way is forgiveness easy but it’s an important mental muscle to work on for your emotional health and wellbeing – more on that later in the podcast.

    What is forgiveness?

    There are many definitions but out of reading and researching several definitions, the main common thread between definitions is that forgiveness is a voluntary and internal process of letting go of negative feelings such as anger, resentment and bitterness and in turn the potential desire for revenge.

    Let’s break it down: voluntary – you have to decide, no one else can for you and the internal process of letting go – yes you have to use your thoughts to get to the destination: letting go.

    It’s a process – again it won’t just suddenly happen, you have to work through your thoughts and in turn your feelings to get there. Forgiveness is a journey to which you commit to.

    Forgiveness is actually quite stealthy. Forgiveness happens when you’re sleeping, when you’re brushing your teeth, when you’re journaling, when you’re making a cup of tea, when you’re making lunch, when you’re working… it’s happening not only on a conscious level but on a subconscious level too.

    Forgiveness isn’t easy or instant, like taking a pill or pushing a button. In fact forgiveness is like pushing a boulder up a hill – it will take work and it’s going to be hard. As Robert Muller says “Only the brave know how to forgive. A coward never forgives. It’s not in his nature.”

    Addressing the potential desire for revenge: your thoughts create your feelings so when you work on letting go of these negative feelings, the actions you wanted to take previously also change.

    That’s it. Simple but our brains make forgiveness complicated.

    Forgiveness is just as our earlier definition – a voluntary internals process of letting go of negative feelings. That’s all it is.

    Misconceptions about forgiveness

    Forgiveness doesn’t mean anything else but our brains create thought stories that say otherwise.

    • Forgiveness does not mean you forget what they did.
    • Forgiveness does not justify what they did.
    • Forgiveness does not mean you accept or condone what they did.
    • Forgiveness does not excuse the harm done.
    • Forgiveness does not mean that they were right and you were wrong.
    • Forgiveness does not mean that you trust them again.
    • Forgiveness does not mean that they are good person.
    • Forgiveness does not restore your full faith and trust in that person.
    • Forgiveness does not mean reconciling.
    • Forgiveness does not mean that person will still be in your life.

    All this other stuff is thoughts you are creating, stories you are creating.

    Summing it up forgiveness is for YOU, no one else by you, As Louis B Smedes say “to forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”

    So how is forgiveness created?

    It’s all through your thoughts because your thoughts create your reality. They impact how you feel and in turn what actions you take or do not take that lead to a result.

    When you are in a position to be either thinking about forgiving someone, wanting to forgive someone or not forgiving someone you are in a state of negative thoughts and feelings right? Because if you weren’t feeling negative, you wouldn’t need to forgive someone.

    When it comes to other humans things are bound to be emotional as we are emotional beings. For example if you trip over a rock, you wouldn’t even be asking the rock for forgiveness would you? But let’s change the scenario what if someone you knew accidentally tripped you over?

    Given that your thoughts are linked to your feelings, I want to state the obvious.
    Forgiveness isn’t created through holding onto your negative feelings.

    When you feel angry and resentful towards someone, they don’t experience it as you do. In fact all they do is experience the result of your behaviour because you feel angry and resentful. Maybe you are giving them the silent treatment, ignoring them or maybe you are shouting at them and being short with them. Remember: resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.

    Further on this, particularly on the feeling of resentment, it keeps you stuck in the past as you are constantly reliving the scenario, the thoughts and the feelings. Remember the past is a construct in your head, your mind and body doesn’t know. So when you keep reliving the thoughts and feelings, you are making your brain go through the experience over and over again. Right now in this moment, the past has no power over you unless you choose to let it. The events that happened in the past, are in the past. They are only present now, if you make it present.

    So how do you forgive someone?

    It is important to have at the forefront of your mind the purpose of forgiveness. Ultimately forgiveness is for you. You not them. You. I mean, the person you are forgiving doesn’t even need to know you are forgiving them really, forgiveness is for YOU.

    As established earlier the path to forgiveness starts with your thoughts.

    Let’s go back to the definition of forgiveness, it is a voluntary process emphasis on that again voluntary process. Going back to episode 4 where I speak about mental fitness and taking your brain to the gym, think of forgiveness as an important muscle that is needed to keep your emotional self healthy and strong.

    First question is to ask yourself why do you feel angry, why do you feel resentful. Remember everything in life is circumstances and its your thoughts the create reality. So whilst you can say they did this to me or didn’t do this… really it’s your thoughts about the situation which create your feelings and behaviour.

    So what thoughts are you having about why you feel angry and resentful. In order to forgive someone, you have to change your thoughts. So figure out why you feel the way you do. The number one question I like to get my clients to ask themselves is “so what?”. That’s the magic question to delve deeper into your thoughts and feelings.

    Your ex cheated on you. So what? Now you feel like you’re not good enough and perhaps you are not good looking enough for them. Your thoughts are creating a story about someone else’s actions even though you can’t mind read! Since you can’t mind read, you are creating a story that you are self perpetuating. You will never truly know why someone does something but you are creating meaning through your thoughts.

    Your friend gaslit you. So what? You don’t know what’s real and what’s not. You are in a state of shock and you can’t believe it happened to me. How did you let this happen? As a result of your thoughts on their behaviour, you feel like you don’t trust yourself and you don’t feel confident about the decisions you are making. You question yourself a lot.

    Your business partner took all of your money. So what? Now you feel unstable and insecure. You don’t have enough money to buy that car you want and you may be struggling to pay for rent and groceries. You feel anxious and worried about money. Again the story here is it’s because your thoughts are blaming that person for taking all your money and putting you into negative feelings through feeling stressed about money.

    Your dad abandoned you when you were 8. So what? You feel unlovable and unworthy, you feel that it is your fault that he left. Now you are older and wiser, have you ever had the thought that the way your dad is has nothing to do with you. Maybe he left because of his own fears of being a terrible dad. Maybe he left because he had a horrible gambling addiction and didn’t want you in the mix.

    It’s all about being aware of how your thoughts are creating your feelings about this person. Your thoughts are making you suffer and feel wronged. If you think different thoughts, you will have a different outcome.

    Forgiveness scenario: Cheating in relationships and dating

    Let’s take the cheating scenario as it is a common one and I have been cheated on through my own life experiences.

    You can choose to have the thoughts oh this says something about me, I’m not loveable enough, I wasn’t a good partner, I am not good enough and blame your partner, they ruined your life and so forth. That makes you feel tired, angry, resentful, awful to be honest or you can choose to have the thoughts oh this says nothing about me and everything about them.

    The relationship has unfolded the way it was meant to, nothing lasts forever, this chapter is closed and I’m ready to move forward and have a partner who values commitment and loyalty. You don’t feel angry anymore. You don’t feel resentful anymore. No more bitterness. Initially it will likely be working through sadness and betrayal but then feeling so hopeful and excited to move forward with your life.

    It’s all in the thoughts.

    It can also help to seperate the actions from the person who did what they did. For example good people do bad things – it’s not black and white. We have all made mistakes or done things we aren’t proud of but that doesn’t mean we are bad people overall. In fact there are more good people who make mistakes and do “bad things” vs bad people overall.

    One thing to also keep in mind is hurt people, hurt people. There is often a reason as to why someone has done something.

    The person that cheats on someone is because they feel lonely and insecure. It doesn’t make cheating right, but we can see why they did it and we are separating the action from the person.

    The person that scams people out of money because they needed to feed their family and keep a roof over their head. Again, not right but we can see why they did it and have some empathy.

    Empathy is a useful aid in forgiving someone. Can you put yourself in their shoes to understand why they did it?  Can you image the other as an innocent child needing love and support? How would you like to be treated if you made a mistake?

    One important thing to remember is that forgiveness is truly about your feelings and not your actions. You aren’t really forgiving someone if you are taking actions to say that you are for example saying “it’s okay now, I forgive you” and then you are still harbouring feelings of anger and resentment deep down inside. Telling someone you forgive them not akin to being forgiving unless its truly about the feeling.

    Sometimes we don’t forgive someone because you want to hold onto anger and resentment, thinking that you are punishing them. Like I said earlier, no you holding onto the feelings of anger and resentment is like taking poison and waiting for them to die. The only person you are hurting is yourself. You are giving this person or people too much power over your life.

    Not only that you can forgive and move on. Forgiving doesn’t automatically mean your feelings shift from anger and resentment to forgiveness and then it’s like nothing happened and you continue to see the person or interact with them. It’s your life and its your boundaries and what you feel comfortable with.

    Questions on forgiveness.

    Is anything and everything forgivable?

    The answer is yes because going back to the definition of forgiveness at the beginning of this episode it’s a voluntary process. You choose. You decide. There are instances of people forgiving those who have wronged them such as murdering a loved one or killing their family. It’s up to you.

    Another common theme that comes up with my coaching clients is what about if the person I am trying to forgive is myself?

    It’s the same process as outlined earlier with they key being:
    1) You are not your actions
    2) Empathy for yourself – you are human. We all make mistakes. We have all done things we aren’t proud of. It’s a part of being human.

    Self forgiveness is hard as the mistakes you make often become attached to underlying beliefs you have. Your brain uses it as evidence for a self fulfilling prophecy. If your brain thinks your bad with money guess what? It’ll interpret every action you do with money as bad. 

    You could invest $2,000 in coaching to transform your life, get unstuck and move forward with your life but since you think you’re bad with money, your brain will weave a story that you’re bad with money – it’s not an investment, you’re just frivolously spending when you’re not.

    Also ask yourself what does hating yourself and punishing yourself do? Not much. It would be more productive to take actions to improve and learn from the experience right?

    That’s why it’s great to work with someone to delve deep into these beliefs you may not be aware of – it’s something I do often with my clients. Most of the time my clients aren’t conscious of it but when I listen, I guide them to piece all their jigsaw pieces together so they become aware of it.

    Conundrums and quarrels when it comes to forgiveness.

    Diving into Bee’s question, who initially asked what about conundrums and quarrels when it comes to forgiveness. What I can tell you is that you learn a lot about yourself and others when you disagree on something. Are you being constructive, coming from a place of love and understanding or is it destructive? Resorting to actions like shouting and criticising someone?

    I want everyone to remember, not every one thinks like you. We live lives from our prospective, we are the frame of reference in the same way everyone else does to them. Other people have their frame of reference. You are the way you are because of your values, your family, your beliefs, the way you were raised, your life experiences – no one person has the exact identical experiences therefore we all see the world differently. 

    Whenever I get frustrated that people can’t see my point of view I remember that. For example I get frustrated when people don’t make the most out of life and they just stay in a rut and that’s because I experienced my dad passing away at a young age which made me realise life is fragile there is no guarantee. So I don’t like to waste my time, especially being stuck.

    Before that YOLO (you only live once) was just a phrase to me and a concept I understood theoretically but until I truly experienced it through a life event – that’s when my perspective shifted. 

    So when someone is stuck, I can help them and I can say and do all these things but ultimately its up to that person to decide to get unstuck and to get help. Very much like my clients, I can guide them, give them the tools but ultimately they are the ones who will get themselves unstuck.

    When you quarrel or argue without someone, ask yourself, what is my true intention here. Are you trying to get a message across to help or are you trying to be right? Is your ego inflating itself being like “I have to be right, I have to have the last say?”.

    I would also ask yourself is the quarrelling worth it? Quarrelling can be very draining and toxic to your energy and you can also lose a relationship over it. Is what you are fighting about worth it? Ask yourself what is worth more to you, inner peace or being right?

    I love these quotes to further reinforce my point. Firstly by Amit Kalantri, “Ultimately all kinds of fights end at forgiveness.” Secondly by Byron Katie, ““Peace doesn’t require two people; it requires only one. It has to be you. The problem begins and ends there.”

    Radical thought: Forgiveness does not need to exist

    Speaking of Byron Katie, she is a is huge pioneer in the field of forgiveness.

    In fact she says “Forgiveness is the discovery that what you thought happened, didn’t.”

    This is a radical thought to drop in your mind.

    In short what she is saying is that we create conditions for how life should be and unfold so when these conditions are broken by someone else we demand forgiveness.

    Mind blowing but so true. Simple. There are no rules, there are no set ways to behave – we create this in our mind through our thoughts. Thoughts are truly so powerful.

    The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 06: Forgivness close

    What a way to end this episode, a true journey on all things forgiveness. Summing it up forgiveness starts in your thoughts, your mindset.

    Are you are you struggling with forgiving in your life whether it’s with others or yourself? Want help learning step by step how to change your thoughts? Change your thoughts and change your life.

    I have limited 1:1 coaching spots left. With 2021 on the horizon, get help and improve your life now. Not in 2021. Now! Links in the show notes on how to contact me and work together.

    Thank you so much for listening beautiful soul. The next two episodes of the podcast I’ve decided will be about our feelings towards Christmas and coping with the holiday season and of course reviewing and reflecting about your year as we gear up for a brand new year, 2021!

    Wishing you inner peace always. Chat to you next Tuesday. Love and Positivity.

    [Episode 06 – Forgiveness: Ends]

    Are you wanting to find out more about 1:1 Coaching or working with me? Maybe perhaps you want to know more about me. I’d love to connect with you. You can visit my website or connect with me on Instagram @thephidang. Speak to you soon.

    Click here to read more

  • Hygge Self Care

    Learn all about this popular Hygge lifestyle which is pronounced as hoo-gah or hue-gah. If something is hygge, it is known as hyggelig.

    What is hygge? Hygge definition, Hygge meaning

    Hygge is a Danish concept that roughly translates to comfort and coziness. It’s the feeling you get from being rugged up on a cold winters day, a cosy contentment. It is well being and self care. It may be a part of the reason that Denmark is consistently ranked as one of the happiest countries in the world despite their freezing winters. In saying that, hygge is a lovely lifestyle for enjoying Winter.

    You may have seen it trending on blogs, used to market ridiculously expensive items such as candles, blankets, plates, throws and rugs.

    All in all, hygge can be summed up as self care – to be cosy, content and comfortable.

    Hygge is nourishing. Hygge is a self care mindset.

    Who invented hygge?
    Hygge has its origins in the word ‘hug’ which makes sense given its all about comfort.

    In Old Norse, ‘hug’ meant soul, mind, consciousness.

    Benefits of hygge

    • Self care – feel happier and at ease.

    • Less stress – there is comfort in taking care of yourself.

    • A relaxed state of mind – all tension melts away.

    What hygge is not

    • Hygge is not being sucked into the hype of expensive and well marketed items.

    • Hygge is a feeling, a self care mindset.

    • It is simple, Hygge is to feel at ease and comfortabx

    A warm cosy blanket and coffee, what's not to love?
    Creating the feeling of hygge

    Creating the feeling of hygge

    • A comfortable environment – A calm and inviting place to relax in. You may have a nook somewhere where you live, it could be lots of cushions and pillows, under a blanket. The use of soothing colours such as blue and muted, dusty colours – think blush, beige and tan.
    • A peaceful setting – It could be complete silence or relaxing music. The removal of distractions such as electronics and your phone.
    • A warm drink – it could be a hot chocolate, turmeric latte, tea, coffee, mulled wine.
    • Blankets – something warm and soft to keep you feeling cosy.
    • Candles – Comforting and radiate warmth. Alternatively consider your lighting, warm and soft instead of harsh.
    • Comfortable clothes – Big shirts and jumpers, trackpants, leggings, knits, socks. Hint hygge may not be glamorous but it is damn comfy!
    • Connection – Surround yourself with people who make you feel happy and loved.
    • Decorations – Whatever makes you feel warmth such as photos of loved ones, significant memories, travel etc. It could be leafy plants and succulents.
    • Mindful indulgence – Allow yourself to eat what you love without any guilt.
    • Presence – It’s being in the moment, appreciating the little things that give you comfort.
    • Relax – have a hot bath, read a book, snuggle, sip tea, play board games.

    Intrigued by different cultures and the mindsets they encourage?

    Read about the art of Fika originating from Sweden.

    the hygge life
    the hygge life

    Click here to read more

  • Embracing body positivity, discover inner peace now

    It goes beyond what you see in the mirror, it is finding true inner peace in your mind and soul.

    Embracing body positivity has actually very little to do with your physical appearance and all the more about your mind.

    The majority of the beliefs we hold about our bodies are largely influenced by what we see in the media and popular culture.

    Your worth is not defined by your body or physical appearance.

    No matter what, you are inherently valued and worthy of love.

    Body positivity is appreciating and embracing your body as it is. Whilst body positivity has an emphasis on self love and self compassion, please note that it is normal to have a mixture of feelings. There are days where we truly love and embrace and at other times we may not – this is part of being human. It is okay to have a mixture of feelings. The following quotes will help you embrace body positivity as they emphasise the mind-soul connection over physical appearance.

    Before we dive into your mindset, it is important to acknowledge that physicality of bodies. When exploring body positivity, attraction can come to mind however we explore the make up of human bodies which are trillions and trillions of atoms, cells and nerves. That is truly remarkable, no matter how you look!

    Your body is amazing

    You are made of stardust.

    Every atom in your body is billions of years old. Hydrogen, the most common element in the universe and a major feature of your body, was produced in the big bang 13.7bn years ago. Heavier atoms such as carbon and oxygen were forged in stars between 7bn and 12bn years ago, and blasted across space when the stars exploded. Some of these explosions were so powerful that they also produced the elements heavier than iron, which stars can’t construct. This means that the components of your body are truly ancient: you are stardust.


    Your nose can detect up to 1 trillion smells.

    The human nose can distinguish at least 1 trillion different odours, a resolution orders of magnitude beyond the previous estimate of just 10,000 scents.

    Bushdid, C., Magnasco, M. O., Vosshall, L. B. & Keller, A. Science 343, 1370–1372 (2014).

    Your stomach acid can dissolve metal.

    Your stomach’s primary digestive juice, hydrochloric acid, can dissolve metal. (A choking hazard is still a choking hazard, though.)


    Your heart beats more than three billion times according to an average lifespan.

    Since human hearts beat at between 50 and 90 beats per minute, approximately, this means a lifespan of between 30 and 100 years (humans have lifespans in the upper part of that range, closer to three billion heartbeats than one billion).

    USCB Scienceline

    Your heart can beat on it’s own, even outside your body if it has oxygen.

    The heart does not need a brain, or a body for that matter, to keep beating. The heart has its own electrical system that causes it to beat and pump blood.


    Embracing body positivity - You are made of stardust Embracing body positivity – You are made of stardust


    Love your body as it is now, as it has been as it will be – it is inherently loveable no matter what.

    “If we make self-love or body acceptance conditional, the truth is, we will never be happy with ourselves. The reality is that our bodies are constantly changing, and they will never remain exactly the same. If we base our self-worth on something as ever-changing as our bodies, we will forever be on the emotional roller coaster of body obsession and shame.”


    Be friends with your body.

    “And I said to my body softly, ‘I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath and replied, ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this.”


    Embracing your body means to accept yourself.

    “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.”


    Embracing your body should not be in relation to your weight.

    “Life is so much more beautiful and complex than a number on a scale.”


    Just because you work on your body doesn’t mean it will automatically make you love it. Body positivity is a mindset. It’s is accepting who you are right now.

    “No amount of self-improvement can make up for any lack of self-acceptance.”


    You are your soul. Your body is a vessel.

    “The relentless attempts to be thin take you further and further away from what could actually end your suffering: getting back in touch with who you really are. Your true nature. Your essence.”


    Embracing body positivity - inner peace love
    Embracing body positivity - inner peace love

    Your body is a beautiful home for your soul.

    “This is it: This body is home. This is where I live and hang my hat. This is where I settle into my hips and sit easy in myself, slung together with strong muscles and bones, made gentle and forging with flesh. This body is durable, has lasted for years, hunkered down through fierce storms and allows for the peaceful erosions of age. It is like a cottage on the shore: weathered and well made, a place where a person could comfortable live. I like it here. It is my own.” 


    Our bodies are a paintbrush in the canvas of life – they enable us to have rich experiences and do life

    “Stop spending all day obsessing, cursing, perfecting your body like it’s all you’ve got to offer the world. Your body is not your art, it’s your paintbrush. Whether your paintbrush is a tall paintbrush or a thin paintbrush or a stocky paintbrush or a scratched up paintbrush is completely irrelevant. What is relevant is that YOU HAVE A PAINTBRUSH which can be used to transfer your insides onto the canvas of your life — where others can see it and be inspired and comforted by it.” 


    If you’ve always been negative, try being positive.

    “You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”


    Self love is so important to enjoy your life.

    “To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don’t wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now.”


    Embrace your body now, don’t wait a lifetime.

    “I don’t want to wait until I’m 73 to embrace my body. To look back and think of my beauty: How did I miss it? Let’s not wait another moment.”


    You are powerful, you define your body positivity – no one else.

    “Loving your body is about being comfortable in your body, and only you get to set the parameters of that. Only you get to decide what that looks like, and only you know where the finish line is. Never let anyone make you feel ashamed about what you decide, or don’t decide, to put on your body.”


    Let’s all embrace body positivity for ourselves and for future generations.

    “As a child, I never heard one woman say to me, ‘I love my body’. Not my mother, my elder sister, my best friend. No one woman has ever said, ‘I am so proud of my body.’ So I make sure to say it to my daughter because a positive physical outlook has to start at an early age.”


    Embracing body positivity Kate Winslet
    Embracing body positivity Kate Winslet

    Affirmations that may help with embracing body positivity

    ♥ I appreciate all the amazing things my body can do.

    ♥ I take care of my body and my body takes care of me.

    ♥ I respect my body.

    ♥ My worthiness does not depend on my weight. I am already worthy and loved.

    ♥ True beauty is in the way we feel in our mind and soul.

    ♥ I am beautiful no matter how I look.

    ♥ I am made of stardust.


    In conclusion on embracing body positivity

    Body positivity embraces the fact that there is no one certain physical mould for a ‘perfect body’. Being positive about your body is about self acceptance, self love and self compassion. It is about being at peace with who you are and going beyond your physical appearance. Embracing body positivity is taking into consideration your mind and soul too.

    Helpful affirmations to help you feel positive about your body

    27 Calming affirmations and mantras for acceptance

    Additional reading on embracing body positivity

    What is beauty, on being beautiful – in her vitality

    Inspiring quotes on beauty – in her vitality

    The Body Positive

    What Does Body Positivity Actually Mean? – Katherine Schreiber MFA, LMSW

    The Importance of Body Positivity – The Recovery Village

    Click here to read more

  • Understanding self love through quotes

    Self love is the source of all love.

    The below quotes will explain the facets of self love and inspire you to love yourself more.

    Loving yourself inspires happiness.

    To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.


    If you don’t love yourself, who will?

    If you don’t love yourself, nobody will. Not only that, you won’t be good at loving anyone else. Loving starts with the self.


    Self love is a journey and process.

    “The journey isn’t about becoming a different person. It’s about loving who you are right now.”

    Suzanne Heyn

    Take note of what you do to make yourself feel loved.

    “Document the moments you feel most in love with yourself – what you’re wearing, who you’re around, what you’re doing. Recreate and repeat.” 

    Warsan Shire

    Self love is the way you talk to yourself, your thoughts.

    Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening.

    Lisa Hayes

    Self love isn’t to do with your appearance, it’s an inside job. It’s your mindset.

    “Self-love has very little to do with how you feel about your outer self. It’s about accepting all of yourself”


    Loving yourself is a beautiful energy of vitality.

    “Something inside you emerges…an innate, indwelling peace, stillness, aliveness. It is the unconditioned, who you are in your essence. It is what you had been looking for in the love object. It is yourself.”

    Eckhart Tolle

    Self love requires you believe in it.

    “You can be the most beautiful person in the world and everybody sees light and rainbows when they look at you, but if you yourself don’t know it, all of that doesn’t even matter. Every second that you spend on doubting your worth, every moment that you use to criticize yourself; is a second of your life wasted, is a moment of your life thrown away. It’s not like you have forever, so don’t waste any of your seconds, don’t throw even one of your moments away.”

    C. JoyBell C

    Self love is doing what is best for you.

    “When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasn’t healthy. This meant people, jobs, my own beliefs and habits – anything that kept me small.  My judgement called it disloyal. Now I see it as self-loving.” 

    Kim McMillen

    Self love is taking care of yourself.

    “Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”

    Eleanor Brown

    When you love yourself, you allow yourself to shine.

    “You are as amazing as you let yourself be.”

    Elizabeth Alraune

    Love yourself as you do your friends and family.

    “Love yourself unconditionally, just as you love those closest to you despite their faults.” 

    Les Brown

    Your self love sets the standard for all your other relationships.

    “how you love yourself is
    how you teach others
    to love you”

    Rupi kapur

    Loving yourself means to value your time.

    Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.  


    If you aren’t there yet, love yourself as someone who truly loves themself – how would they act?

    “Eat like you love yourself. Move like you love yourself. Speak like you love yourself. Act like your love yourself. Love yourself”

    Tara Stiles

    Self love isn’t about other people.

    “It’s not your job to like me…it’s MINE!” 


    Self love can’t be found in other people.

    “It was when I stopped searching for home within others and lifted the foundations of home within myself I found there were no roots more intimate than those between a mind and body that have decided to be whole.”


    Self love isn’t being narcissistic or selfish.

    “Loving yourself…does not mean being self-absorbed or narcissistic, or disregarding others. Rather it means welcoming yourself as the most honored guest in your own heart, a guest worthy of respect, a lovable companion.”

    Margo Anand

    Self love is having boundaries.

    “Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.”

    Anna Taylor

    You might as well love yourself as you always at least spend time with yourself.

    “You’re always with yourself, so you might as well enjoy the company.”

    Diane Von Furstenberg

    Love yourself because of how strong you are, how resilient you are and how far you have come.

    “Even when you felt you weren’t strong enough to survive, somehow you found the strength to survive anyway. What does that say about you, other than you are made from the blood of stars, with enough iron in your veins to make ten swords, and the same carbon that makes impossible to break diamonds?” 

    Nikita Gill

    When you love yourself, you radiate self love

    “People who love themselves come across as very loving, generous and kind; they express their self-confidence through humility, forgiveness and inclusiveness.”

    Sanaya Roman

    Feeling the love?

    Click here to read more

  • What is beauty, on being beautiful

    On being beautiful? Beauty is an ever evolving, dynamic concept. It is viewed from the lens of each individuals perspective.

    On first thought, the external appearance will be what many people think of.

    There is no one definition of beauty.

    Girls of all kinds can be beautiful – from the thin, plus-sized, short, very tall, ebony to porcelain-skinned; the quirky, clumsy, shy, outgoing and all in between. It’s not easy though because many people still put beauty into a confining, narrow box…Think outside of the box…Pledge that you will look in the mirror and find the unique beauty in you. 


    Beauty does not have to be superficial.

    “Some of us teach ourselves and our children to love the superficial outer; our looks, hair, skin, clothes rather than the greater beauty that resides within whereas it is that inner beauty that really defines you and who you truly are.”

    Rassool Jibraeel Snyman

    Although the concept of beauty can definitely take into account your appearance if you so choose to see so.

    “Outer beauty pleases the EYE. Inner beauty captivates the HEART.”


    To me, beauty is beyond the external.

    Beauty is a state of mind, it is a feeling.

    Being beautiful.

    When you glow on the inside, you inevitably radiate beauty on the outside.

    Beauty is being comfortable in your own skin.

    Beauty is knowing you are worthy.

    Beauty is being confident in yourself.

    Beauty is to radiate love.

    Inspirational quotes on beauty and on being beautiful

    Beauty is. Beauty is inherent in all beings. You are beautiful.

    “There is nothing ugly; I never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of an object be what it may, — light, shade, and perspective will always make it beautiful.”    

    John Constable

    Inner beauty is beauty in its truest form.

    “I believe inner beauty is beauty in its truest form. When we nurture ourselves, it brings an inevitable, positive transformation.” 


    You determine whether you are beautiful, no body else does.

    “People often say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing you are the beholder.”    

    Salma Hayek

    You are beautiful, even if you can’t see yourself.

    “Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well.” Anonymous

    Naya Rivera

    The best part of beauty is beyond your physical external appearance.

    “The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express.”


    What you see in the media isn’t necessarily true or beautiful.

    “Even the models we see in magazines wish they could look like their own images.”

    Cheri K. Erdman

    On beauty, it is how you feel about yourself.

    “How I feel about myself is more important than how I look. Feeling confident, being comfortable in your skin that’s what really makes you beautiful.”     

    Bobbi Brown

    Being beautiful is to be at peace with yourself.

    “I feel beautiful when I’m at peace with myself. When I’m serene, when I’m a good person, when I’ve been considerate of others.”     

    Elle Macpherson

    Being beautiful is to love yourself.

    “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.”


    Affirmations on beauty and on being beautiful

    ♥ I am beautiful.

    ♥ I love who I am.

    ♥ I am comfortable in my own skin.

    ♥ Beauty radiates from within me.

    ♥ My beauty shines inside and out.

    ♥ I see all the beauty within me,

    ♥ My self confidence makes me beautiful.

    ♥ My big heart makes me beautiful.

    ♥ Being kind makes me beautiful.

    ♥ I feel beautiful today!

    ♥ I appreciate who I am inside and out.

    ♥ I love my smile.

    ♥ I love how I take care of myself.

    In conclusion on what is beauty and being beautiful

    Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are eternity and you are the mirror.     

    Kahlil Gibran

    More on being beautiful

    11 Ways to Feel Beautiful – Jenny Bailley, Oprah

    Read this today if you don’t feel beautiful todayElla Cajayon, Literally, Darling

    Is Beauty A Feeling? Science Says Yes, So Here’s How You Can Capture It YourselfJulia Guerra, Elite Daily

    Click here to read more

  • You don’t need someone, you want someone

    You don’t need someone.

    You are your own person.

    You have your own thoughts and opinions.

    You have your own goals.

    You have your own life.

    Your own dreams.

    You want someone.

    Love is everywhere, it isn’t just in a partner. Love is there with your friends and with your family. Love is there when you take a fresh breath, when you feel the ocean breeze, when you watch the sunrise.

    Love is there when you watch the clouds go by, when you see the stars twinkle in the night sky, when water falls from the sky, when dew forms on a fresh blade of grass, when your heart races on an adventure into the unknown, when you take a small sip of piping hot coffee, when you soak in the sunshine.

    You don’t need someone, you want someone.

    Not just anyone.

    You want a partner to share your life with.

    Someone who recognises how special you are, how incredible you are, how beautiful you are, how strong you are, how intelligent you are and how loving you are.

    Someone who looks into your eyes and sees your magic, your heart and your soul.

    Someone who wants to grow with you, learn with you and do life with you.

    The difference between needing someone and wanting someone

    Needing someone is wanting to be in a relationship / Wanting someone is only being in a relationship if you are compatible and they are right for you.

    Needing someone is feeling as if you can’t live without them / Wanting someone is knowing you can live without them but you don’t want to.

    Needing someone means you aren’t ready for a fulfilling relationship / Wanting someone means you are ready for relationship because you choose and feel ready to do so.

    Needing someone means you need to work on loving yourself / Wanting someone is loving who you are and wanting someone who will accept you completely.

    Needing someone makes you feel desperate and clingy / Wanting someone makes you feel empowered.

    Needing someone is wanting to feeling complete / Wanting someone is someone who loves all of you (flaws and all).

    Needing someone is to say what you think they want hear / Wanting someone is speaking your truth, being a voice and not an echo.

    Needing someone is doing anything for someone / Wanting someone is letting them do some things for you.

    Needing someone makes you feel anxious / Wanting someone is knowing you are already worthy of love no matter what.

    Needing someone feels like you want to see them everyday / Wanting someone means you’d like to see them regularly and still have time for yourself

    Needing someone is giving up your power and putting someone on a pedestal / Wanting someone is finding someone who is on your level

    Needing someone feels like making excuses for poor behaviour and red flags / Wanting someone is being with someone if they treat you well and reciprocate your feelings,

    Needing someone is being completely dependent / Wanting someone is being independent and being dependent at times.

    Needing someone is being validated by them / Wanting someone is being self confident and validating yourself.

    Additional reading on you don’t need someone, you want someone

    The Difference Between Needing, Wanting And Loving SomebodyKeay Nigel, Medium

    The Difference Between Wanting Someone And Needing ThemMichaela Rollings, Thought Catalog

    Are You in Love or in Need?Uplift

    Click here to read more

  • 46 Affirmations to radiate self love

    On self love and this guide

    This article will explore the importance of self love and the power it has to transform your life into a soul fulfilling one. It is my hope after reading this you will feel further connected and at peace with your self. The resources within this guide are 46 affirmations to radiate self love. 

    What is self love?

    Self love is how we feel about ourselves. It is linked to our self esteem. It is caring and having regard for your own well-being and happiness. It is how we experience ourselves.

    From my understand of it, self love is:

    ♥ Accepting yourself. Your worthiness. Honouring yourself. Being true to who you are.

    ♥ Authenticity. Knowing that you have flaws and that is okay, being at peace with it.

    ♥ Listening to your needs. Understanding what we want. Choosing ourself without comprising or sacrificing when we truly do not want to do so. This resource may be of help, A guide on how to use love languages. Love languages may be of use to you in understanding yourself better. 

    ♥ Taking care yourself. Your well-being. Nourishing our mind, body and soul.
    “An empty lantern provides no light. Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.”
    – Unknown

    An influential factor in decision making such as the actions we take, the partners we choose for a relationship, the behaviour we accept from ourselves and others.

    How we may feel about a soul mate or best friend in life – channeling that loving energy to ourselves. How we would treat them – with patience, love, respect, kindness and understanding.

    “Love yourself unconditionally, just as you love those closest to you despite their faults.”

    les brown

    ♥ Trusting yourself. Listening to your intuition and gut feelings. Knowing that you always make the best decision for yourself at that time. We know ourselves best. No one can self love for us.

    Quotes that inspire and speak to self love

    “Worthy now. Not if. Not when. We are worthy of love and belonging now. Right this minute. As is.”

    brene brown

    “Self respect, self worth and self love, all start with self. Stop looking outside of yourself for your value.”

    Rob Liano

    “It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and make your happiness a priority. It’s a necessity.”

    mandy hale

    “A healthy self-love means we have no compulsion to justify to ourselves or others why we take vacations, why we sleep late, why we buy new shoes, why we spoil ourselves from time to time. We feel comfortable doing things which add quality and beauty to life.”


    “It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self love deficit.”

    Eartha Kitt

    The power of self love affirmations

    + Remind yourself what inherently is. You are loved. You are loveable. There are times we need a pick me up. On that note, a gentle reminder on the power of affirmations to live a soul fulfilling life.

    + To empower you. To be fearless in the pursuit of your desires and dreams. To feel alive with fire.
    A gentle reminder that affirmations are one tool and they work powerfully when you truly believe in them and pair them with action. Read more here.

    + Help you feel deeply into your heart and soul.

    + Shift your perspective and energy when you are feeling down or in a rut.

    + Provide a counter statement to negative thoughts.

    + Identify aspects of self love that may need exploration. If you feel discomfort, it may help to see it from the perspective of curiosity. To learn more about yourself. To spark reflection.

    46 Affirmations to radiate self love

    ♥ No matter what, I am loved and I am loveable.
    ♥ I love who I was. I love who I am. I love who I am becoming.
    ♥ I am strong. I am resilient. I can do hard things.

    ♥ I am more than just my body.
    ♥ I love myself and I choose myself
    ♥ I believe in myself
    ♥ I am human. Perfectly imperfect.
    ♥ I make mistakes sometimes and that is okay. I am human. We all make mistakes. 

    ♥ I made mistakes and learn from them for a better future
    ♥ I made the best decision at that moment in time
    ♥ I know myself best and that is why I made that decision at that moment in time

    ♥ I follow my heart
    ♥ I am proud of who I am.

    ♥ I choose my happiness.
    ♥ I have so much potential.
    ♥ My opportunities are limitless.
    ♥ I am true to mysel
    ♥ I deserve love
    ♥ I am beautiful 
    ♥ Love flows through me. I am radiant. I am abundant.
    ♥ I have a beautiful, peaceful energy 
    ♥ I always do the best that I can at that moment in time
    ♥ I am powerful. I have the power to begin changing my life at any moment.

    ♥ I can always trust my intuition.
    ♥ Love, happiness and peace flow within me.
    ♥ I radiate love, joy and peace.
    ♥ I have good energy.
    ♥ I am so loveable.
    ♥ I let go of my worries and my stresses. I just be.
    ♥ I attract so much love and positivity into my life.
    ♥ I feel peace at my core.
    ♥ So much love exists inside me.
    ♥ I am unique. I am one of a kind. This makes me beautiful, special and important.
    ♥ I love and forgive myself.
    ♥ The greatest gift I can give myself is unconditional love.

    ♥ Deep within side me is an infinite source of love. I can tap into this at any time I want or need to.
    ♥ I have the ability to do things for myself.
    ♥ I am worthy of so much joy.
    ♥ I can dreams as big or as small as I would like.
    ♥ I am love. I am light.
    ♥ I constantly have new opportunities. 
    ♥ I can magnetically manifest all that my heart desires. I can make my dreams come true.
    ♥ Everything always works in my favour. The universe has my back and best interests at heart.
    ♥ I am open to love.
    ♥ I am ready for love as I am.
    ♥ I love myself more and more everyday. 

    In conclusion of this guide

    Love and light, we hope these 46 affirmations to radiate self love bring you warmth, inner peace and vitality.

    Additional resources on how to radiate self love



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