Grow Through It Podcast

  • 54: Finding Magic in the Mundane

    In this episode Phi takes you through the alchemy and transformative art of  discovering magic in the mundane. She shares personal stories, insights, and practical tips for embracing the enchantment hidden within the everyday. It’s what makes the ordinary, extraordinary. The familiar fresh. To see the beauty and be mindful in your life.

    What is discussed: Finding the Magic in the Mundane

    • Practical tips and strategies to cultivate and discover the magic in the mundane, the extraordinary in the ordinary.
    • Things become extraordinary when we give them our full attention. Paying attention with purpose, the things we can take for granted.
    • Simple meditations you can do in everyday life moments to bring out more magic.
    • Different approaches and perspectives to unlocking the magic within yourself and the world around you.
    • The secrets to what actually makes up the magic in our lives that can easily be missed or forgotten…

    Finding the Magic in the Mundane Episode Transcript

    Hello beautiful soul!

    Today’s episode is all about finding the extraordinary in the ordinary – making the mundane magical. It was inspired by recently having attended a few tea ceremonies. I had one of those ‘aha’ moments because for me usually tea is made in a rush whether it’s in between meetings and in a way can be mindless and automated. Boil the kettle. Get the cup. Put the tea bag in. Pour in water. Even times I forget about the tea in the first place or I’ve left it too long. I’m not really thinking deeply about the tea you know? It’s just tea, or so I thought. 

    The Magic of Tea Ceremonies

    This is in contrast to attending a 45 minute ceremony with tea being the heart of it. It was an art. Every step was conscious, deliberate from the choice of tea to boiling the water. The environment set up to be serene, calming: beautiful bowls, traditional tea utensils, calming music.

    A tea ceremony involves a choreographed set of movements, precise measurements of tea level and water ratio, and a deep appreciation for the process it takes to make tea. Tea went from a simple drink to a profound meditative experience. It was sensuous: watching it unfold, tasting the tea and the different layers of flavour, the aroma of the tea, the warmth that comes from holding the cup, the temperature as the tea hits your tongue, feeling the steam billowing in your face, hearing the sounds around.

    The slow, deliberate pace of a tea ceremony was a stark difference to the fast-paced nature of our daily lives. In the mundane, I saw and felt magic. It’s the concept of elevating the everyday into something sacred, something meaningful. In my example it was tea but can you imagine this approach to your morning workout or even making breakfast? 

    An attitude of Awe

    Have you ever noticed how the simple, everyday moments have a way of slipping through the cracks of our attention? We’re often so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget to see the beauty that surrounds us even in the ordinary. Even the simplest of things. Like it’s pretty amazing that with a click of a button you can create fire or turn on light! 

    Things become extraordinary when we give them our full attention. Pay attention with purpose, the things we can take for granted. Recently at my partner’s place there was a blackout and we were in total darkness – it was strange, we were so used to electricity. It really took the absence of it for us to notice. Electricity is the norm and expected. What about sunrises and sunsets? Just because I know the sun will rise and go down again, does that make it any less of a miracle? As W.B Yeats says, “The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”

    Savouring the Magic in the Mundane

    What about the idea of savouring something? I really think that about food, gosh if I’m eating something delicious I have the instinct to devour it. I want to gobble it all down, I want more more more that I suddenly am no longer in it and before you know it, it’s all gone. Making it a meditation in savouring. Being mindful and conscious of eating. Setting an intention of gratitude to all the energy, time and effort in the ingredients of my meal: what went in to grow, harvest and prepare it. Taking small bites. Chewing. Pausing in between bites. 

    Child like Wonder and Magic

    It’s approaching the world like a child again. Nothing is overlooked. Everything is exciting, captivating. I love the innocence of children, like realising my nephew who just turned one didn’t love the expensive gifts and toys but got so much out of even the box it came in or a simple sensory caterpillar toy. Children have boundless enthusiasm because everything becomes fascinating, as they find joy in the simplest of things—their reflection in the mirror, a fluttering butterfly or seeing animals in the form of clouds. They remind us that magic isn’t just in fairytales or movies, it’s through a lens in which we choose to see the world.

    Inspired by children, cultivating curiosity can unlock a sense of wonder and magic in the mundane. The wonders of the familiar. They ask questions. They don’t assume. It’s the realisation that every seemingly routine, boring details can hold a universe of intrigue and beauty, inviting us to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, and to find enchantment in the most unassuming parts of our daily lives. Can we invite ourselves to be more creative, to let our imaginations take over even if just for a moment. It’s what turns a normally tedious and boring wait in line into something magical. Allow your thoughts to roam. Give them free rein and see where they take you. Can you be transported into the magic from the mundane whether it’s listening to music, engrossed in a book you can’t put down or allowing yourself to be fully immersed in a movie? With this time ceases to exist. We become fully present. 

    Play unlocks the Magic in the Mundane

    Play is something else that brings magic into our lives. A theme I’ve noticed in client sessions as of late is taking life very seriously and being constricted by serious things: we know, got to work for money, got to clean the house, got to make dinner and all of that but even for a few minutes in a day can you be silly? Can you have a laugh?

    Can you embrace more of the unknown and unexpected? Changing things up may lead to an adventure or a chance meeting. Something insignificant could have a lot of significance for example you going to get the groceries, yeah boring but maybe you’ll have a chance meeting with someone you’ll fall in love with or become best friends with, maybe you’ll run into someone you haven’t seen in years. If it’s not happening to you maybe you’ll be privileged to witness it! A random act of kindness such as paying it forward. Who knows! Anything could happen if you’re open to it. I mean think of synchronicities, signs, and even angel numbers! Magic. How can you not believe in magic, miracles and manifestations with things that are beyond ‘coincidence’ indeed the magic of energy and intuition.

    Play unlocks the Magic in the Mundane

    Part of breaking the mundane makes it magical and this is fresh hot off when my partner and I had the day off. Life’s been busy, it’s that chaotic end of year and personally I’ve been really tired. On my day off if I had it my way was to take it really easy, relax and sleep in — that’s what I’ve been doing as of late. My boyfriend surprised me by waking us up at 3:30am for an adventure. My mind was going oh I just want to sleep, do we have to? My mind racing with thoughts and responsibilities: I had also planned to record this podcast earlier but I hadn’t got around to it because it’s been a full week of clients.

    We would end up having an epic full day from sunrise to sunset which he fully planned and executed: doing a hike up the coast to see the sun rise, spending the day at the beach which included my favourite ocean swims and I did manage to get a nap in, he did a bbq at the beach and finishing the day with a refreshing drink at a beautiful venue. When I first got up a part of me was like ehhhh do I really want to do this? The mundane was doing the ordinary and I guess that part of me that wanted to do the ‘responsible’ thing to catch up on sleep and do the podcast but the magic happened by embracing a different day which when I think about it is everything I wanted in a relationship so I had to get out of my own way to let the magic happen! 

    So on that break routines, if it’s not physically is through the mind.     It’s challenging ourselves to see something with familiar eyes with a fresh set. Perhaps challenging ourselves to see it from a different perspective or an unfamiliar way. Roald Dahl’s quote sums it up nicely; “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” 

    Being interconnected is magical

    What about the magic of being interconnected, belonging to something bigger, it’s that same feeling when you look up at the stars and almost feel so small and big at the same time. We are connected to Mother Earth. We are connected to the sea. We are connected to the trees. We are connected to each other, to animals, to life force itself. “There’s a flame of magic inside every stone & every flower, every bird that sings & every frog that croaks. There’s magic in the trees & the hills & the river & the rocks, in the sea & the stars & the wind, a deep, wild magic that’s as old as the world itself. It’s in you too, my darling girl, and in me, and in every living creature, be it ever so small. Even the dirt I’m sweeping up now is stardust. In fact, all of us are made from the stuff of stars.” – Kate Forsyth

    The most magical of all? Love

    In that same vein love is magical. When we are filled from it within and extend it out, there’s a radiance to it, a light, a glow. I mean it always somehow comes back to love doesn’t it? Love is the essence of magic. Love is connection, Love is a lens in which to see this world. It’s your love that elevates an experience. Something as simple as holding hands is magic. Looking into someone’s eyes is magic. Feeling this profound sense of love for someone is magic. Love cannot be explained. Love is not logical. Love is magic because it transforms. Love is of it’s own kind, it’s own mystery, it’s own magic. Is it not magic simply the fact that we exist? That we have consciousness and the capacity to be aware of this all and to take it in? 

    That concludes today episodes beautiful souls, I hope that what you take away from this is that there’s magic in the simplest and smallest of things. You are surrounded by magic even in the mundane. Can you keep the magic alive or at least find it in one moment of your day, everyday for the rest of your life? How beautiful that would be… until next time beautiful soul. 

    Click here to read more

  • 53: Kim Tran-Flores of Kimlligraphy

    Today’s episode features Kim Tran-Flores of Kimlligraphy who is a Modern Calligraphy artist and mindfulness advocate. She is a 1/3 Manifesting Generator with an Emotional Authority. This is a raw, vulnerable and beautiful episode where Kim shares her journey as an ‘unexpected artist’ without a creative bone in her body to becoming a businesswoman in a world that underestimated her and becoming a mother (conceiving, miscarriages and all).

    Episode Summary

    Hi Beautiful Souls, on today’s episode we have Kim Tran-Flores, a Modern Calligraphy artist, mindfulness advocate and founder of Kimlligraphy – a service and educational platform that showcases and demonstrates the transformative power of Mindful Modern Calligraphy.

    She is an ‘unexpected artist,’ in her own words as someone growing up who didn’t have a creative bone in her body. Inspired by her grandfather whose life was cut short, Kim embarked on a transformative journey to become the woman she is today whose mission is to empower busy women, alleviating stress, nurturing the present moment, and igniting their creativity. Along the way she’s won multiple awards such as recently this year being a recipient of the Fairfield City Women’s Day Award. Her mission

    Kim and I met at a networking event and the rest is history as they say. Kim is also a wife and beautiful mother of one, Hendrix (he is so sweet and my mum is absolutely obsessed with him). I personally attended one of her workshops earlier this year with my mum incorporating mindfulness with calligraphy and painting which we loved and really brought us closer together. 

    Enjoy today’s episode! 

    What we discuss

    • How Kim got into calligraphy
    • Kim’s journey (not going to university and leaving the corporate world)
    • Her fertility journey including trying to conceive, miscarriages, considering IVF and how calligraphy helped
    • Her upbringing as an Asian woman
    • How being a mother has changed her and being labelled, boxed in as a mother
    • Navigating relationships with important women (parenting styles and advice) in her life (her mother and mother in law)
    • Her relationship with her husband Mark Flores such as navigating having different religions and being with a more ‘conscious’ man

    Click here to read more

  • 52: Ellie Simpson Virtual House

    On today’s episode we have my virtual assistant Ellie Simpson! She is a 5/1 manifesting generator with an emotional authority in human design. 

    Ellie runs Virtual House a high-end virtual assistance agency specialising in administrative & creative support. Virtual House’s mission is to help powerful women in business get back the time they deserve. 

    Resources from today's episode

    Episode Summary

    The questions I put to Ellie are as follows;

    • In your own words, what does a virtual assistant do?
    • When would someone need a virtual assistant and who are your ideal clients?
    • How did you get into the world of virtual assisting?
    • What’s the top advice you will give to newbies if they are interested in being a virtual assistant?
    • Side hustle full time – how did you know when it was the right time?
    • What’s the best advice has ever given you about being a virtual assistant?
    • What are the most helpful resources that have helped you along the way?
    • What’s a common myth or misunderstanding about virtual assistants?
      What is the most crucial traits and skills someone needs to posses in your role and to help them succeed?

    Click here to read more

  • 51: The Unlearnings of 2 years in business

    Celebrating 2 years full time in her own business as a life coach, Phi shares insights on what she’s had to unlearn in here journey.

    Get ready for a thought-provoking discussion on how unlearning has become a crucial mindset and skill in navigating the ever-changing world of business and personal development. 

    Resources from today's episode

    Episode Introduction

    Hi Beautiful Soul, welcome to this week’s Grow Through It Podcast Episode and in exciting news I wanted to share at the beginning of this month November 2023, I crossed over the line of having my own business as a full time life coach for 2 years now. 

    I’ve been busy (hello manifesting generator with the channel of charisma and power) as well as hibernating (that’s my 2 profile line) and I’ve finally had an intentional week of slowing down, nourishment, rejuvenation and pause to reflect and take this in! 

    It’s been so nice to reflect and I did my best to capture 2 years in an 11 second reel on Instagram but that’ll never do it justice! Watching it made me smile for all the amazing moments. 

    Rages & Riches: Scarcity and Abundance

    Even though its been a couple of weeks hitting that milestone it still feels so surreal especially thinking of my second year in business and trust me it’s been a rollercoaster. In the second year so much has happened. I’ve had wobbly moments where I was very scarce and tight on money just barely paying for my expenses contrasted with the biggest months in my business in overflow of abundance. 

    I was reflecting with some girlfriends last night how at one point earlier this year we went to dinner and I didn’t eat because I was on a tight budget so for a month or two I remember I was eating at home before going out with friends, I didn’t drink and what not to now the contrast of having excitingly bought a new dyson vacuum, previously paying for a retreat in instalments and now paying for it in full with overseas flights and upgraded seats next year and had a big birthday month of spending. For my birthday I had never spent so much in my life for individual things such as the dress I wore was $450, my nails cost $150, blow dry $200, cake $200 and so fourth.

    Clients, book and podcast terms of clients I’ve had lean months the first in a long time but also contrasted by seeing the most clients I ever have in my business whether it be in a day, month, year or quarter. I think despite it all whilst a lot has unfolded for me personally over the last 2 years whether it’s quitting my corporate job, relationship changes, moving homes it’s been really grounding to have my business as the most stable core in my life: the essence of what I do and being able to return to my grander purpose which is to make the world a better place and help people live their best lives: at peace, happy and soul fulfilled. Really trusting and returning to that in moments of fear, doubt, worry has been humbling and gratifying. 

    On June 23rd this year I released my debut book The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life which was a year and a half journey in the making and two years from the idea of the book conceived whilst I was side hustling as a coach and full time in my corporate career landing a book deal, writing the book and editing process. The excitement as it hit #1 in Amazon for particular categories in Australia and did well in the top 3 or was it 5 in the US too, trending domestically on Booktopia when it first released too.

    This has also been the year of being a guest on other podcasts such as with Georgie Stevenson on Rise & Conquer and I’m really feeling the desire to consistently do more podcasting on my own here on The Grow Through It podcast too. I’ve been so fortunate to travel extensively this year for personal reasons such as going back to my ancestral roots and lineage on my mum’s side in Vietnam and work including recording my talk unlearning and unbecoming through writing with Janelle Hardy for Day 2: Taking the lid off grief and rage the Healing Through Writing Festival from a gorgeous 5 star retreat in Bali, visiting clients and doing in person coaching and business sessions and what’s been really exciting is working with business teams in terms of planning, strategy, energetics and human design of course. 

    I was reflecting with some girlfriends last night how at one point earlier this year we went to dinner and I didn’t eat because I was on a tight budget so for a month or two I remember I was eating at home before going out with friends, I didn’t drink and what not to now the contrast of having excitingly bought a new dyson vacuum, previously paying for a retreat in instalments and now paying for it in full with overseas flights and upgraded seats next year and had a big birthday month of spending. For my birthday I had never spent so much in my life for individual things such as the dress I wore was $450, my nails cost $150, blow dry $200, cake $200 and so fourth.

    Client results and testimonials

    The growths and changes in the clients I work with has been so incredibly rich and rewarding in year 2, my heart feels all warm and fuzzy and I get teary thinking about it. The biggest trends I’ve seen with my clients are working more with entrepreneurs or people wanting to start their own business, younger women starting their personal growth and development journeys at 18-24 (hats off to you, I can only imagine how different my life would’ve been having the tools, mindset and support from a coach in my early 20s vs starting later), beautiful mamas navigating life in all facets and in particular getting to the core of their identity and self outside being a mother, couples (a lot of work coaching couples, reconciliation or transitioning to a conscious uncoupling) and men — at one point this year half my clients were males aged between 28-47. Moreover this year has been deeply intense work in terms of the feminine: sensuality, sexuality, slowing down, embracing cycles whether moon or menstrual and womb healing.

    To name a few of the amazing achievements in year 2 so far, clients that I have in e-commerce and manufacturing have doubled their revenue since I’ve started working with them and I’ve also seen clients break through income plateaus and receive pay rises and promotions. Clients have fallen in love (yay) and met a significant other whilst working together. Clients have left jobs and religions that are no longer in alignment with them and sought out more soul fulfilling and gratifying paths. Clients have moved homes and countries and started a new chapter in their life. Clients have broken familial and ancestral patterns and chains holding them back in particular being that support person for the family at their own expense. Clients have moved past and healed from heartbreak and break ups. Clients have reconciled in important relationships whether romantic, friends or family. 

    Honestly I could go on, so much has happened and I can’t even do it justice talking about it because when I hear from clients about how they’ve grown and changed so much, talking about how they can’t even put a price on their transformations it’s truly mind blowing and blows the water on what one think can logically happen when you work and invest in yourself.

    Phi celebrates 2 years in business

    In honour of this 2 year milestone, I thought I would share a few musings of what I’ve had to unlearn in my journey thus far particularly in my second full year of running my own business…

    I don’t know why I had so much resistance to recording this episode: I felt bad for missing a week of podcasting last week with personal things arising to the surface and so ultimately I’m preaching done is better than perfect! Knowing why I want to do the podcast, it’s not about me it’s about you the listener.

    Freedom in your own business full time

    Having your own business means complete freedom and so you’ll be happy all the time – I would say for the most part it really is true!

    I have to say one of the best parts is not having to be bound by a certain time to wake up and hear that pesky alarm. It’s true being able to go on holiday whenever you want, being able to work from anywhere you want — that’s a dream! Being able to set your own schedule and shuffle it around for appointments or to help out friends and family is a blessing too. 

    Not forgetting freedom in terms of this poignant point that remember why you started your business and personally for me one of the driving factors  was freedom. So I always come back to applying that principle – I get to do business my way and forge my own path. I get to show up in a way that I want to not what the industry standard/expectation is or what some person online says. 

    I have found my flow in creating content I really love which is writing turned into a book this year (The Great Unlearning) and at the moment online reels, in turn clients are able to find me to do 1:1 coaching and human design readings despite not actually ever posting content about that. Logically one may say it doesn’t make sense but hey it works for me! 

    Again it’s not about this method working for you but the core message is give yourself full permission to do business and run your business in a way that lights you up and really excites you, that feels really good in your soul. I think that’s coming up for me next year, now I’m less in ‘survival’ mode in business and serious, how can I have more fun and pure joy that tingles up my sacral in true manifesting generator magic?

    Change is a part of life and business, I remember everyone saying you have to be on TikTok but again my main platform is Instagram and I’m still getting my work out there and having clients without necessarily having to follow trends, pay for advertising and show my face all the time. Although I’ve definitely pivoted and done more reels because I love having the visual and audio aspect accompany my words. I want someone to see a piece of content and really feel the message I am conveying in all senses. 

    Gratitude vs guilt in business full time

    Intertwined with this all, is a deep genuine to the core, heart and soul feeling of being really grateful that you are able to do what you love everyday. I think that’s why you don’t hear many people talking about the downsides to running your own business at least for me I feel a resistance because it’s like I should be so grateful you know? It’s also that whole everyone wants the success but don’t realise that with it comes other things too: as I always say new level, new devil.

    Loneliness in business and entrepreneurship

    Such as life, no matter who you are, how much money you have, how much personal development work you do and what you do — it’s not always happy! I have definitely struggled with bouts of loneliness and I’m a natural hermit too. Especially the beginning of this year where everything was perfect on paper yet I live by myself, work by myself and was single. It was exacerbated as I live at the beach known to be it’s own bubble and the majority of my friends live half an hour to an hour’s drive away. I was humbled by a friend who reminded me it was my choice to live at the beach as I could also easily live closer to my friends in the suburbs. It’s true I value the beach lifestyle and environment so much, it’s the glitter for my soul.

    There was no where to hide by just throwing myself into work so I really spent the beginning of this year in contemplation and making the most of the time I have alone. It taught me to put more of an effort in to connect with people whether driving to see friends or really savouring a conversation at my local cafe or a kind stranger walking by at the beach because apart from clients at time was my one piece of personal interaction for the day!

    Not everyone has the same lifestyle as you so therefore even though I can work anywhere from the world, I’ll likely be by myself unless a friend and partner can take that time off work for example. You can go the beach at 2:30pm on a Wednesday but not many people you know will be able to unless their circumstances are similar. You can work overseas for 2-3 months straight, again doesn’t mean your partner can too.

    The things you think about and experience again will be different for example the way you approach money and investments. One of your main interests naturally will be your business and the nature of business: growth and the pains that come with it. You’ll be questioning “do people get me?” 

    I’m the first in my friend group to have my own business, so it’s quite an adventure on your own and wondering do other people experience this or feel that way? The answer is yes! The absence of colleagues or a team makes it important to find community in the day to day and have a support network. 

    With success I also found it interesting to see who have been the people that have supported me from day 1 vs now especially when I released my book I found it interesting people from my past that suddenly reappeared again acting all friendly when I hadn’t heard from some of them for at least 5 years!

    Less proving, more being, living, working an presence

    Feeling less of the need to prove myself. I used to feel the need to be online 24/7 showing off being achievements or luxurious purchases/holidays. It could be the fact I have a 2 profile line hermit yet nowadays I like to keep some things private and sacred for myself. I don’t feel as though I need to post all the time my successes and testimonials because I’m grateful to have built my business that the work speaks for itself and the majority of clients I get are from referrals or content I put out online. 

    I feel at peace but of course you still have the shaky moments from time to time where you fear oh my gosh what if I don’t have enough money as an example but that happens less now, it’s like my brain can now logically click well it’s been 2 years and I’ve been doing this full time without a need to get a second job or a casual job for sustainable income. 

    In saying that achieving things, it can be so easy to tick it off and move onto the next. It’s so important to celebrate yourself and hitting achievements and milestones. This year I really allowed myself to do that financially as well as with taking time off. I really went all in on celebrating with my book launch earlier this June, having a month in Bali and Vietnam and throwing a huge party for my birthday in October. It can be big celebrations but I also had the practice of celebrating solo with Uber Eats and a kombucha on the couch too.

    Don't be afraid to spend money

    Hence the next unlearning: Don’t be afraid to spend money. I feel that the initial first few years of business even now still the majority of money is being reinvested back into myself and the business in terms of scaling, growing and expanding. It’s true what they say spending money to earn money of course getting to that sweet spot. My money mindset has rapidly expanded because have you ever noticed that rich people keep spending money? They don’t stop and hoard. That’s what people do with less money and a poverty mindset. The richer get rich because they invest… whether that’s in stocks, property, other businesses, themselves catapulting them to create more money in their existing business by scaling or even starting more businesses. It’s something I’m definitely thinking of doing and looking to in the future whether it’s another service business or an e-commerce one. 

    Just because you can doesn't mean you should

    Just because you can doesn’t mean you should – It’s realising I can do many things and I am good at many things but where does my joy lie? I’m at a point where I can do less jobs in my business, whereas the first year I was the coach, admin, accountant, marketer etc. Where is my effort and energy bests place within my business? What is the opportunity cost of me doing a instead of doing b? What is the cost of me doing something I dread vs love? How do you put a price on that? Financially? Mentally? Physically? Emotionally? More than ever I really value my time, energy and input. 

    Business and boundaries

    This year I’ve had to drop out of plans even though I felt bad because I had to honour my body or mind being tired or just not feeling it or being in the mood for it. I’ve had to have firmer boundaries especially with family, friends or strangers seeking guidance, advice or to pick my brain. I truly honour my clients, prioritise and put them first and give them my all when it comes to my life coaching and intuitive abilities. That put an end to receiving voice notes from people that went from anywhere between 2 to 10 minutes, I simply didn’t have the energy for that after working with clients all day.

    Working with your energy vs against it

    With that I’ve really had to honour my natural working flow and style instead of working against it: it’s taken the majority of the year to come to my conclusion that I have a maximum amount of clients I can see a day with at least 15-30 minutes in between, I do not work weekends and the majority of my work is done during the day, not too early because I love a sleep in now and it takes time for my brain to wake up and not at night where I feel tired and taking into account insights previously where I  was guilty of that one when I was single I would work days and nights but now I have a partner I prioritise our relationship). I was definitely guilty before of putting work before my relationships and perhaps even having a sense of getting complacent or taking it for granted prioritising work you know? 

    Investing in yourself

    2 years in business I can afford to invest more in myself and business and that has resulted in me going on a retreat at the beginning of this year, having just paid for one in India next year as well as being able to have my virtual assistant work more hours to support me in the things that I don’t enjoy such as admin work: reposting my content to my website, sorting out my inbox, scheduling in my calendar. This is an area I continue to identify as something for me to work on as I can really be in the feminine flow and I really crave and need to plan, organise and structure my business. I used to think it slowed me down but I needed to slow down in order to speed up. All of this makes for the second year in more refined, I feel more on top of business and it’s manageable whereas the first year for me was experimenting, trial and error: figuring it out. 

    Consistent mentorship and beginner mindsdet

    Having regular consistent mentorship is a game-changer too, I really honed in on having a mentor for the year consistently which is dedicated time for me to reflect, express myself and access new perspectives or guidance. Once your business is established I find it’s more personal things that I discuss and work on as opposed to necessarily business problems. It’s always refreshing to see things from a different perspective. 

    You don’t know everything and that’s a beautiful thing. I never want to get to a point where I think I know it all. In fact I would prefer to be the beginner in a room and take the most out of speaking with people than being the expert, that’s how I grow the most. Your interactions with people help you to grow, especially in the field I work in, a lot of the times the things i’m coaching a client are resolidfying insights and experiences I have so really adopting all connections and relationships as a valuable mirror and opportunity to grow. 

    Exponential growth vs sustainable growth

    In saying that I think people have this idea your business has to always grow year on year a crazy exponential amount and I’ve come to realise that’s not sustainable or enjoyable (for me at least anyway). My business has undoubtedly grown in it’s second year but part of it is the ebbs and flow. I launched a book and a part of me felt the pressure to do even more however when I tuned in with my soul it said the book is huge, this is enough. You don’t have to do the group coaching program or retreats until next year (hence watch this space!). Just like personal development we need integration time, stabilisation time, like the new norm for me is like it’s okay, I have a consistent stream of clients, I won’t die and run on out of money. I don’t need to show up online all the time to make money. In fact this year I’ve shown up the least and I’m okay! Which comes to another insight yes consistent revenue is important to sustain your business and self especially soothing your nervous system.

    The importance of health and rest

    This was the year I truly understood how much I need to pause, rest, integrate and recharge. Business is a marathon not a sprint. Essentially you are the driving engine and compass of your business. You need to be on top of your energy to have the desire, drive and motivation to keep your business going. This is an area I want to focus on particularly next year consistency in my health: fitness, diet and meditation. Knowing myself when it gets busy I prioritise work and in turn work out less, eat bigger portions for comfort and energy or do the opposite I forget to eat and all I’ve had is a coffee until dinner, meditate less… or I’m so tired I lack the energy and feel lazy: I’m not swimming as much or walking as much — always areas to improve and work on! 

    Purpose and the long haul

    No matter what happens it’ll always come back to this: keep going! The journey is never going to be perfect and you won’t be ‘put together’ all the time. In life naturally challenges and obstacles arise and what I’ve found is that the anxieties and fears in my head, are always worse and scarier than what actually unfolds in reality. 

    I still remember my first day in business and now two years later, the life that I live today is far greater than I envisioned for myself. If you told me where I would be today when I started I would’ve been like what you’re crazy, how!? 

    And that’s thing for me really knowing my own human design, responding to the world, following those intuitive nudges and breadcrumbs to take inspired action step by step has led me here. Knowing I am here because of the me that made decisions despite fear, worry, doubt and insecurity a month ago, six months ago, a year ago, two years ago… 

    If you’re listening with an idea or passion of something to do, this is your sign to go for it, see what happens – it might not work out but what if it did… that is something powerful enough to pursue in itself! Thanks for listening beautiful soul, until next week but in the meantime if you’d like to work with me I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Details on my website or message me on Instagram @thephidang. 

    Click here to read more

  • 50: Turning 30

    Phi returns to the podcast and shares super exciting life updates including something very special and spills the tea on what happened during her month away in Vietnam and Bali. 

    As she’s turned 30, she also shares the top 10 juiciest things she had to unlearn in her 20’s to be the happiest in her life she’s ever been.

    Resources from today's episode

    Episode Introduction

    So usually when you turn 30 you see those top 30 things I learnt by 30 or what I wish I knew in my 20’s – but in Phi Dang style, of course I’m going to share the top 10 things I unlearnt by 30 to honour my book The Great Unlearning.

    The book really does capture my 20’s if you’re interested and has 29 full chapters of unlearning. These are my own musings pulling from the book and reflections in this present moment. It’s honestly so hard to pick only 10 so I’m going to tune in and trust my intuition that I’ve chosen these specifically to resonate with you listening to this podcast! 

    1. Timelines


    There’s a set timeline of key milestones in life you need to achieve in order to be happy and fulfilled. 


    There are no set timelines in life. 

    Truly because I think 30 is one of those ages we build up in our heads and decide we have to get everything done, yet funnily enough the less pressure I put on myself, trusted in my own path and timeline, the more amazing things I’ve achieved unexpectedly. I mean my unexpected biggest month in business happened only a few months before turning 30! Anything can happen.

    Some excerpts from the book to share:

    Timelines have been mostly imprinted subconsciously on our minds. We seem to be always working towards a timeframe, often speeding towards it. In fact, it’s made us feel like we’re always rushing to hit our next life milestone, whether it’s love, money or career.”

    “The problem is that when we don’t hit these timelines, we feel like failures. We feel like we’re moving slower than those around us and it quickly turns into a crippling game of comparison. It’s important to remember that life isn’t a race and it isn’t a competition.”

    2. Success


    Success means having money, being in a relationship and at the peak of your career.   


    Success isn’t clear-cut or one size fits all, it’s something you define on your own. 

    The old status symbols for success were a fast car, a big house and millions… billions of dollars.

    The ultimate new flex is freedom, joy and inner peace—to live a life where your soul is pure love and happiness; where your highest self is realised; where your inner child is seen, heard and loved; where you find security in yourself and not others or things. It’s a life that your ancestors would be proud of; a life that’s a dream. Unlearn what you think you know is success and redefine what it means to you. 

    Some excerpts from the book to share:

    “A lot of sayings we know are for a reason and it really is true. You hear it thrown around casually and in all the self-development books that money doesn’t buy you happiness. I would always roll my eyes and think deep down well, maybe not, but I’d rather cry in a mansion and Ferrari, that’s for sure. However, have you ever actually stopped for a moment to consider what your definition of success is and why?”

    “Having had the taste of success, money, status and achievement at the height of my career – something still felt missing. Being in a relationship with what on the outside superficially a handsome man that loved me – something still felt missing. I mean even the bloody beginning of this year everything except a partner – something still felt missing. It had to hit home time and time again, success isn’t what it looks like and what you have. For me it really is a feeling and ultimately that feeling is inner peace, being content and self love. Not only that success is different for everyone, I never thought I could work for myself doing what I love yet again here I am! Success beyond what I thought was possible for me”.

    3. Money


    Money is hard to make but it will solve all my problems.


    Money doesn’t have to be hard to make, but it won’t solve all your problems either. Wealth is the consciousness of abundance and poverty is the consciousness of lack.

    Do yourself a favour and seriously understand that money is mindset led. Once you can identify and understand your beliefs you can do amazing work to unlearn limiting money beliefs.

    I used to be someone so scarce all the time and hoarding money. Now I don’t even need to check my bank account for purchases. Everything I want, I can afford. Do I buy everything? No because I have different priorities.

    Right now in my life I am in the enjoying phase because why work hard not to harvest the bounty you planted (which is also why I’ve been less online social media and more living life and actually coaching/working with clients).

    What I will also say is that throughout by 20’s I’ve been a lot of debt and I’ve had a lot of money, it continues and will continue to fluctuate. I don’t attach myself so deeply to money, I’m in flow with it, I trust it and somehow always it comes to me in any way!

    I remember being petrified going full time in my business, being afraid I’ll have no money and die. I told myself I can get a part time or casual job to support myself in the worse case scenario… two years later that’s never happened. I’ve always been financially supported by my business.

    4. Having it all


    You can’t have it all.


    You CAN have it all.

    Seriously here right now in this moment, I have it all. I have everything I desire and dream of. I write in my book The Great Unlearning, We’re conditioned to have things in life as ‘good enough’—good enough sex, good enough money, good enough relationships, good enough jobs. But what about great? What about excellent? In fact, we’re shamed for wanting more—more pleasure, more money, more appreciation.

    We’ve been conditioned to equate wanting more as superficial, dirty and to the detriment of others. We’re told it’s ridiculous to believe we can be an amazing partner, mother and career woman at the same time.

    Our culture celebrates sacrifice through these beliefs: If you want lots of money, you have to work lots. If you want to be successful at work, you have to spend less time with loved ones.’ I say screw that you can.

    At times this changes, everyone’s definition is different, maybe you have the majority of what you want at one moment in time and that flips in another… but for you listening I dare you to not only dream of having it all but know that you can have it all.

    If I can, so can you, why not?

    5. Self-identity


    You are (insert name). You are (insert number) years old. You are a (insert job here).


    You are a soul having a human experience. Your identity is a costume you wear and you’re the one that gets to decide what that looks like. 

    I think in your 20’s it’s a normal and common experience to question who you are (especially my fellow open g centres in human design). Again through conditioning I felt as if I had to know who I was? But I can say I’ve changed every year in my 20’s leading up to my 30’s.

    I used to identify so much with my material possessions and appearance in my early 20’s then in my mid 20’s to end my career… now I just know who I am and I know I am beyond all of this stuff which is human.

    I’m a soul underneath it all. I honestly didn’t have it figured out for a long time and that’s okay, embrace the unknown and process of figuring it all out in your 20’s.

    So I ask you… Who are you? Who are you really? Are you you because of you or because the world made you this way? Do you know your place in this world? What makes you, you? 

    6. Self love


    It’s easy to love others but hard to love yourself. 


    What if it’s not about loving yourself but loving being yourself? 

    Self love has evolved rapidly in my 20’s to now being 30. At times even in the book I mention feeling sad and now ultimately having so much compassion for myself in my 20’s in my self love journey.

    I used to be someone who needed to be externally validated especially by men and social media. It’s funny that this year I’ve been on social media less in my business yet incredibly abundant despite changing algorithms too. I’ve been less on social media in personal life and more happier and carefree than ever too. Again not to go to extremes because I also love social media as a conscious tool to connect and help people!

    Something that really made me question things is how I start the Self Love chapter in The Great Unlearning.

    “If I were to ask you to name all the places, things and people you love, I can almost guarantee that your name is last, if it is even on the list at all. It’s about unlearning that self love can’t be bought. It can’t be earned by being pretty, smarter, more successful and so fourth. Self love takes work. Self work is a conscious on going journey”.

    7. Your Thoughts


    Everything you think is a fact and must be true.


    Your thoughts are not facts, but they do form your reality. 

    A simple game changer for me that really unlevelled my awareness and consciousness.

    At the end of the day, your thoughts are just thoughts. We are conditioned to believe our thoughts should be or need to be a certain way but they don’t. Our minds are great storytellers! 

    8. Happiness


    You should be happy all the time (everyone else is!).


    You don’t have to be happy all the time. You say you want to be happy but only when you’re a certain way or something in particular has happened in your life. That’s not happiness. That’s self-imprisonment. 

    This stemmed from toxic positivity culture and well-meaning socio-cultural conditioning having been raised Vietnamese Chinese in Australia. It was so freeing to understand it’s okay not to be happy all that time and it’s normal not to be happy all the time.

    Sure, you can chase happiness but really it can’t be bought, caught or obtained. You see, so many people seem to miss that happiness doesn’t suddenly start in the relationship, the job, the degree or money… happiness isn’t an object.

    Which goes in to my next unlearning.

    9. Feelings


    Feelings are scary and should be avoided at all costs. 


    Feelings aren’t scary. They are what make us human.

    We live in a society that is ruled by the mind. We must do the logical thing. We must analyse it. Feelings have become foreign. We are scared of feelings. Feelings are uncomfortable.

    Again learning my human design was a game changer – I am an emotional authority. We are all built to feel our feelings that’s why we are humans and especially as an emotional authority my soul has been designed and orchestrated to really feel it all as part of my life’s storyline in this lifetime. That yes indeed sensitivity isn’t a curse it’s a superpower and blessing.

    My sensitivity helps me attune to clients energy and channeling to receive messages for them. My sensitivity is beautiful because I get to feel the lowest of lows and highest of highs. The two go hand in hand. Duality.

    Leading to…

    10. Spiritual Breakthroughs


    Spiritual breakthroughs are sudden epiphanies after dedicated practice and learning.


    Your biggest spiritual breakthroughs won’t be found on a yoga mat or in meditation. You’ll find them through the greatest spiritual practice of all: your life.

    I chose this unlearning to best encapsulate the majority of my life experiences navigating difficult circumstances, tough emotions and moving through mental health whether it be deep grief from losing my dad at 20 or the grief that came with leaving my corporate job even though it was what I wanted, my ego death of who I thought I was before becoming a life coach, the end of a three year relationship, moving out of my dream home at the time that had so many significant memories such being able to afford an apartment by the beach due to a promotion and pay rise in my corporate career, as where I started my side hustle turning business/career, where I first lived with a partner for 3 years.

    My biggest breakthroughs happened in my biggest breakdowns.

    We can know this and still feel how difficult it is because alas the experience of being human.

    The Wrap Up

    This leads to my wrap up in a big beautiful bow because turning 30 coincides with the end of your Saturn Return which is the equivalent of turning 21 spiritually.

    Thus turning 30 this is only the beginning… I’m sure many more unlearning are to come and be shared with you.

    If you are in your 20’s and 30’s wanting help, guidance and support from me I strongly recommend reading my book The Great Unlearning which can be purchase online via Amazon and other retailers, as well as in store (you can get your book store to order it!) as well as getting a Saturn Return reading with me and 1:1 coaching.

    All details can be found on my website otherwise you can DM me on Instagram @thephidang or email me [email protected].

    Click here to read more

  • 49: Lion’s Gate 2023

    Phi shares practical tips and journaling prompts to harness the celestial energies of the Lions Gate Portal and Venus Retrograde in 2023. Get ready to align with the stars, planets and open your heart.

    You’ll want to, grab your journal for this episode beautiful soul to write notes and answer powerful journaling prompts to navigate all this energy with awareness and intention.

    Resources from today's episode

    Episode Introduction

    Hi beautiful souls, welcome to a special episode of the Grow Through It Podcast today that’s all about empowering you to harness the celestial energies of the Lions Gate Portal and Venus Retrograde!

    Today, we dive deep into the mystical realms of astrology and energy, exploring the powerful convergence of energies that can guide us towards profound transformation and self-discovery. 

    My friend Japna who is an energy healer and I ran the most beautiful ceremony over the weekend and I felt really inspired to share the insights that came from the channeling I did for the event. My heart is so full and we had so many incredible moments at the ceremony such as mother and daughter healing and bonding, souls moving on from heartbreak, souls calling in love and a real desire to step in to one’s power and true authentic self. 

    Get ready to align with the stars, planets and open your hearts, as I share practical tips and journaling prompts to help you make the most of this cosmic energy.

    The Lions Gate Portal, a powerful cosmic alignment that occurs every August, brings with it a surge of heightened energy and spiritual insights. It’s been open since the end of July, peaking on the 8th of August and closing on the 12th of August. It connects us to ancient wisdom and empowers us to tap into our inner strength and courage. 

    But that’s not all! We also have the magical influence of Venus Retrograde, coming to a new height this week — urging us to look inward, examine our values, beliefs, and patterns around love, relationships, and self-worth. This is a time of deep reflection and healing, as we let go of old emotional wounds and make space for more authentic connections and fulfilling experiences.

    You’ll want to, grab your journal for this episode beautiful soul to write notes and answer powerful journaling prompts to navigate all this energy with awareness and intention.

    The stars and planets are in true alignment this week and I’m here to help you make the most of this and get ready to shine bright like Sirius herself, the Spiritual Sun associated with Lions Gate as well as Venus, our planet of love, values and money. Let’s get into it!

    Lion's Gate Portal 2023

    • Cosmic Alignment: Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. Sirius means “Glowing” in Greek. It is often associated with spiritual awakening, enlightenment, and higher consciousness. Many spiritual beliefs consider Sirius to be a source of divine energy and light.
    • Ancient Civilisations: Throughout history, various ancient civilisations, such as the Egyptians, Sumerians, and Dogon people of Africa, revered Sirius and incorporated it into their cosmology and religious practices. The Dogon tribe, in particular, is known for its extensive knowledge about the Sirius star system, which they passed down through oral tradition.
    • Divine Feminine Energies: In certain spiritual beliefs, Sirius is associated with the divine feminine energies and is seen as a symbol of the sacred feminine principle. It is often linked to the Egyptian goddess Isis and her nurturing, protective, and healing qualities.
    • Isis is one of the most influential goddesses in ancient Egyptian mythology. She is considered the epitome of the divine feminine and is associated with motherhood, fertility, magic, wisdom, and protection. Isis was often depicted with the hieroglyphic symbol of Sirius, represented as a five-pointed star, on her head. This further reinforced the connection between the goddess and the star.
    • Intuition and Psychic Abilities: Sirius is believed to enhance intuitive abilities and psychic insights. It is said to open the third eye and facilitate a deeper connection with one’s intuition and inner guidance. Sun – shining a light on your intuition. 
    • Rebirth and Renewal: Some spiritual interpretations consider Sirius as a symbol of rebirth and renewal, signifying the cyclical nature of life and the soul’s journey through different lifetimes. This idea tied in with Isis’s role as a powerful goddess of life, death, and rebirth. She was believed to possess great magical abilities and used them to resurrect her husband Osiris after he was murdered by their brother Set.
    • Lemurian Connection: In certain New Age beliefs, Sirius is associated with the lost civilisation of Lemuria, a highly advanced and spiritually evolved civilisation that is believed to have existed in ancient times. It is now believed to be sunken beneath the ocean. As a result, Lemuria is now considered to exist in the etheric or astral realms, accessible through meditation, astral projection, or other altered states of consciousness.

    Numerology Number Eight 8 Lion's Gate

    The number 8 holds cultural and symbolic significance in various societies and belief systems. Some common associations with the number 8 include:

    • Infinity
      It’s continuous, unbroken shape represents the unending flow of energy and the interconnectedness of all things.
      – In Chinese culture, the number 8 is considered extremely lucky because it sounds similar to the word for prosperity and wealth. It is often associated with good fortune and success.
      In Christianity, the number 8 symbolises new beginnings and resurrection. It is associated with Jesus’ resurrection, as he rose from the dead on the eighth day (the day after the Sabbath).
    • Balance and Harmony: The number 8 is seen as a symbol of balance and harmony, both in the physical and spiritual realms. Its symmetrical shape signifies equilibrium and the need to find harmony between the material and spiritual aspects of existence.
    • Chakras and Energy Centres: In some spiritual systems, the human body is believed to have the traditional seven major chakras, human design has 9 energy Centres. The number 8 represents a higher state of consciousness beyond these seven chakras, signifying transcendence and spiritual elevation.

    Lion’s Gate 2023 Journaling Prompts

    What areas of your life require courage and strength right now? How can you tap into my inner lion/lioness to face these challenges?

    – Reflect on times when you displayed courage and resilience in the face of adversity. How did it change you, and what did you learn from that experience?

    – Reflect on moments when you have felt most confident and self-assured. What were the factors contributing to that sense of empowerment, and how can you cultivate more of it?

    – Consider the concept of “infinite potential” associated with the number 8. What new opportunities and possibilities do you see on the horizon? How can you seize these opportunities and step into a new chapter of your life? Feb 2024

    – What creative pursuits or projects do you feel inspired to explore during this season? How can you express yourself more authentically through your creative endeavours?

    – Leo season and Lion’s Gate is associated with the heart chakra. How can you open your heart more fully to love and compassion, both for yourself and others? Inner child, inner teenager

    – Leo is ruled by the Sun, Sirius is aligned with the spiritual sun representing vitality and life force. What activities or practices can you engage in to recharge your energy and feel more alive?

    – Leo season and Lion’s Gate often encourages us to shine and be seen. In what areas of your life do you want to step into the spotlight more, whether personally or professionally?

    How do you know if you’re being impacted by the energies of Lion’s Gate in 2023 this week?

    Heightened Intuition: Increased clarity and insights, as well as a stronger connection to one’s inner guidance.

    Energy Shifts: Some may feel sudden bursts of energy or fatigue as their energy bodies adjust to the influx of cosmic energies.

    Emotional Release: Emotions may surface more intensely during this time, leading to cathartic experiences and emotional release.

    Spiritual Awakening: Some people report experiencing significant spiritual growth or awakening during this period.

    Synchronicities: Increased occurrences of meaningful coincidences or synchronicities that may hold spiritual significance.

    Enhanced Creativity: A surge in creative inspiration and expression.

    Lucid Dreams: More vivid and memorable dreams, often with spiritual or symbolic themes.

    Lion’s Gate 2023 Affirmations

    • I face my fears with confidence and strength.
    • Fear may be present, but courage is always stronger within me.
    • My courage empowers me to step outside my comfort zone and embrace new experiences.
    • I have the strength to face setbacks and turn them into stepping stones for success.
    • My actions align with abundance, and I am a magnet for success.
    • I choose to release any limiting beliefs about money and embrace my abundance mindset.
    • I trust that the universe is constantly providing me with opportunities for abundance.
    • I am grateful for the money I have, and more is on its way to me.
    • I am open to all and any of the ways money comes to me

    Lion’s Gate 2023 Practices

    • – Heart-centered gratitude
      – Creativity: drawing, painting, sketching, photography, collaborative art, digital art
      – Inspired by children, non attachment, play
      – Time in the sun for light codes like recharging your soul battery. Spiritually speaking within light, there are encoded frequencies that carry spiritual wisdom, activations, and healing energy from our guides and the unseen realms. The idea of light codes aligns with the belief that everything in the universe is made up of energy and vibration. These codes are thought to hold specific energetic patterns that can be received and interpreted by individuals who are open and receptive to spiritual insights and transformation.

    Venus Retrograde 2023 Journaling Prompts

    • Other things to take note of Venus Retrograde happens in three phases and we are about to enter the second. This Sunday, August 13 a conjunction occurs only happens every 584 days, midway through each Venus retrograde. 

      Similar to the energy of the upcoming new moon, refer to the August energy update, it’s like a new Venus in the sky where the alignment means Venus disappears for a few days creating a blank canvas for us to rewrite our love stories as well as money stories. 

      Some journaling prompts to guide you are:


      • What are the most important values you seek in relationships, and how well are you honouring those values?
      • How do you view and value yourself? What impact does this self-perception have on your relationships?
      • How do you envision yourself in a loving relationship?
      • What aspects of self-love and self-worth can you cultivate to attract a healthy and loving partner?
      • How do you express your love and appreciation to others, and are you open to receiving love in return?
      • What are the activities and hobbies that bring you joy and fulfilment? How can you incorporate more of these into your life to attract a partner who shares similar interests?
      • Are you ready and open to invite love into your life? If there are any fears or hesitations, how can you work through them?
      • How can you use the law of attraction and manifestation principles to align your thoughts, feelings, and actions with the love you desire?
      • How can you remain patient and trust in the process of manifesting love while staying open to the timing that serves your highest good?
      • MONEY
      • What new, positive beliefs about money do I want to cultivate? (For example, “I am capable of managing money wisely,” “Money is a tool that can be used for good,” “I attract abundance and prosperity into my life.”)
      • How can you align your values with regards to money and your spending habits and investment decisions? For example if you value self growth but won’t invest it in, what does that say about your money story?
      • How can you challenge and question my old money beliefs to create space for new, empowering ones?
      • How can you reframe past financial mistakes or setbacks as valuable learning experiences that have helped you grow?
      • How can you integrate gratitude into your financial journey to shift your focus from scarcity to abundance?
      • What specific financial goals can you set for yourself that align with your new empowering money beliefs?
      • How will adopting these new money beliefs positively impact other areas of your life, such as relationships, career, and personal growth?

    In closing

    This concludes our special episode on the powerful cosmic alignment of the Lions Gate Portal and Venus Retrograde! The Lion’s Gate Portal, with its heightened energy and connection to ancient wisdom, reminds us to tap into our inner strength and courage. It’s a time to embrace change, release the old, and step into the fullness of our true selves. 

    With Venus Retrograde adding its influence, we’ve explored the themes of love, relationships, and self-worth. This cosmic reset gives us the opportunity to reflect on our values and beliefs about love, clearing the path for more authentic and fulfilling relationships.

    It’s a powerful period of introspection and self-discovery, allowing us to let go of old patterns that no longer serve us and make room for new, positive experiences in love, abundance, identity and confidence. 

    Sending you so much love and light during this energetic week beautiful soul. Until next time. Love & Positivity. 

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  • 48: August Energy Update

    In this episode Phi shares an update of the collective energy in August 2023 which promises to be a celestial spectacle with two supermoons in Aquarius and Pisces, the Leo New Moon, and several planets in retrograde. She also touches on the the heart chakra, love, soul mates, starseeds and light councils. 

    Resources from today's episode

    August 2023 Energy Update

    Hi beautiful souls, can you believe it’s August 2023 already!? By demand this episode is all about the energetics of August and there is a lot going on and to be honest I think I’ve said that about most months this year. It feels like 2023 is this huge energetic shift all year setting up for what is going to be a BIG 2024. 

    This month promises to be a celestial spectacle with two supermoons in Aquarius and Pisces, the Leo New Moon, and several planets in retrograde. So, let’s dive right in and uncover the cosmic influences that will shape our spiritual paths.

    Supermoons and Full Moons 2023

    August begins and ends with two super full moons. At the time of recording this we’ve just had the Aquarius full moon and the majority of many have been feeling all the feels. It’s interesting because this moon in particular is known as the “Sturgeon” moon, named after the fish and is symbolic of the older parts of ourselves that may be hidden and want to come to light — hence the super full moon illumination. 

    Full moons are about release and emotions (the moon symbolic of the feminine and emotions) yet the Aquarius flavour gives us a practicality and groundedness to it. A full moon represents the closing of a chapter so this one links to the Aquarius New Moon that happened in January 2023. Compare where you were then and how you were feeling vs where you are now.

    What’s the difference between a Supermoon and normal full moon, well everything is amplified and heightened! Already the case with a full moon and even more so with a supermoon. Energy becomes more intense. Emotions become more intense. Intuition becomes more intense.

    Now I will intuitively let you know that the Supermoon that closes the month will be way more emotional than the one that opened because it’s Pisces energy and the beginning was Aquarius. Pisces is a water sign known to be sensitive and in the depths of the feels. 

    Starseed, Aliens and Light Councils

    Another aside is the strong Alien/Starseed/Light council energy we have coming to the forefront in August. Starseeds are souls that have incarnated on Earth from other star systems, dimensions, or planets to serve a specific purpose. They are believed to have special gifts, knowledge, or abilities that can be used to assist in the spiritual evolution and transformation of humanity and the planet. You can tell if you have star seed origins based on your natal chart and for example I know I come from an Arcturian background. A great way to tap into this all is through meditation setting the intention to connect to the light and spending time in physical sunlight too. 

    Lion's Gate 2023

    On August 8th of course we have the Lion’s Gate portal. We move from water into the fires of Leo season to transform our emotions into propelling us to new heights of our best selves.

    The Lion’s Gate portal has it’s roots in Ancient Egypt and is linked to Sirius, one of the brightest stars in our sky known as the ‘Spiritual Sun.’ It is a special time to align with your highest self and receive energetic upgrades and downloads because of the powerful portal created when Earth aligns with Sirius and the Sun.

    On a side note, if you are based in Sydney Australia I will be running an in person event on Sunday 6th of August in Newtown with my beautiful friend Japna. Themes we will explore in this ceremony: Connection. Courage. Manifestation. Abundance.

    This supercharged event will help you unlock your infinite potential, make the most of this vibrant energy, access your higher consciousness and accelerate your personal growth and transformation. It also serves as a great check in with your intentions you set at the beginning of the year and an opportunity to recalibrate with your goals for the year.

    The Experience:
    – Acknowledgement + connection to the land
    – Channelled insights and in depth explanation of the Lion’s Gate
    – Tarot card goodness
    – Journaling prompts
    – Activation and connecting with your heart and courage
    – Breathwork and movement
      Group share circle

    The word that’s prominently coming through for this event is ‘receive’. Spirit is guiding all souls that are feeling a call to attend this ceremony to step forth and receive the magic of this powerful portal.

    Leo New Moon 2023 & Venus Retrograde 2023

    Mid month comes the new moon in Leo to further amplify the magic of the Lion’s Gate. During this phase, we’re encouraged to express ourselves authentically and passionately. This period serves as an excellent time for setting intentions related to self-confidence, creativity, and stepping into leadership roles in our lives. The Leo New Moon may inspire you to take center stage in your life, stepping into main character energy and to express yourself unapologetically  . 

    The backdrop to the month of August is of course Venus retrograde – which isn’t bad. Retrogrades aren’t bad, there is so much fear mongering amongst the spiritual community. Retrogrades are beautiful opportunities to reflect and pause. A good guiding mantra is review, revisit and reflect. 

    Venus retrograde is linked to Leo all about relationships whether love, family, friends, colleagues and community. Themes to be aware of and contemplate are areas associated with Leo: love, romance, passion, dating, creativity, being in the spotlight, expression, fertility, children, your inner child. Venus retrograde is also known for bringing together soul mates, soul contracts and twin flames. Venus is also linked to money so don’t be surprised if your relationship to money pops up in August too. Not only that Venus is about beauty and the arts too!

    Particularly personally channeling I am feeling such a strong collective energy of the heart chakra and in particular a focus on love especially soul mates. Soul mates are not limited to romantic relationships; they can manifest in various forms of connections that go beyond romance. Soul mates can be found in a range of relationships, including: friendships, family, mentors, within our communities, animals and creative collaborators. 

    I love Liz Gilbert’s perspective on soulmates: 

    “People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.

    A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.

    A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master…”

    Putting too much emphasis on the idea of finding a soul mate can lead to unnecessary pressure and disappointment, as relationships are inherently complex and multifaceted. Ultimately, what matters most is cultivating genuine connections, personal growth, and loving interactions with the people who come into our lives.

    To summarise;

    Self-Expression: Leo is the sign of self-expression, and during the New Moon in Leo, there’s a focus on embracing your unique identity unapologetically. It encourages you to step into the spotlight and let your true self shine.

    Creativity: This New Moon phase is an ideal time to tap into your creative potential and engage in artistic pursuits. Whether it’s through art, music, writing, or any other form of creative expression, this is a time to nurture your creative spirit.

    Confidence and Courage: Leo’s bold and courageous nature comes to the forefront during this time. It’s an opportunity to boost your self-confidence, take risks, and pursue your goals with determination.

    Leadership and Initiative: The Leo New Moon inspires leadership qualities. It’s a time to take the lead in your life and projects, becoming the master of your destiny.

    Passion and Romance: Leo is a romantic sign, and the New Moon in Leo may bring opportunities for passionate encounters and the expression of heartfelt emotions.

    Inner Child: Leo is also associated with the inner child and playfulness. This New Moon encourages you to reconnect with the joy and innocence of your inner child.

    Mercury Retrograde 2023

    After Leo comes Virgo season and Mercury Retrograde. The infamous Mercury Retrograde is back and it means doubling down on clear communication and watching out for those from the past returning (especially with Venus retrograde about with people you used to date, ex’s and all that).

    Virgo Season 2023

    Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, which governs communication, intellect, and analytical thinking. As an earth sign, Virgo is associated with practicality, groundedness, and a focus on the material world.

    So interesting the contrast of emotional supermoons with more logical grounded energy.

    With Virgo season we can expect the following themes:

    Details: Virgos are known for their keen attention to detail and their ability to analyse situations thoroughly. They have a sharp mind and a practical approach to problem-solving.

    Practicality and Methodology: Virgos are highly organised and systematic in their approach to tasks and responsibilities. They excel at planning, scheduling, and executing projects efficiently.

    Service-Orientation: Virgos have a strong sense of duty and a desire to be of service to others. They are often helpful, reliable, and willing to assist those in need.

    Perfectionism: Due to their attention to detail, Virgos can sometimes be perfectionists. They have high standards for themselves and others, which can lead to frustration when things don’t meet their expectations.


    Critical Thinking: Virgos have a critical and discerning mind. They can be excellent critics and provide valuable feedback, but they should be mindful of not becoming overly critical or nitpicky.

    Being Practical and Realistic: Virgos tend to be pragmatic and realistic in their approach to life. They prefer to deal with concrete facts and may be skeptical of overly idealistic or impractical ideas.

    Pisces New Moon 2023

    The month ends dipping back into emotional waters with a Pisces full moon. Pisces is associated with qualities like intuition, sensitivity, empathy, imagination, and spirituality. The energy of the Pisces Full Moon can be both uplifting and intense. It’s a time for going inwards, self-reflection, and embracing the emotions that arise.

    Themes to be explored with this are: 

    Emotional Sensitivity: Pisces is a deeply emotional sign, and during the Full Moon, emotions may run high. People may feel more empathetic, compassionate, and tuned into the feelings of others.

    Intuition and Spirituality: The Pisces Full Moon is a powerful time for spiritual insights and intuitive revelations. It encourages us to trust our inner guidance and connect with the unseen realms.

    Dreams and Imagination: Pisces is associated with dreams, imagination, and creativity. This Full Moon phase can be a time when vivid dreams and creative ideas are more prevalent.

    Boundaries and Compassion: With the heightened sensitivity of Pisces, it’s essential to be mindful of setting healthy boundaries while maintaining compassion for ourselves and others.

    Connecting with the Divine: Pisces is linked to the spiritual and mystical aspects of life. During the Full Moon, people may feel a stronger desire to connect with higher consciousness or the divine.

    Uranus Retrograde 2023

    Venus and Mercury aren’t the only retrogrades. The end of the month Uranus will be also in retrograde known for the unexpected… expect the unexpected. Uranus, the planet of innovation, rebellion, and unexpected change, goes retrograde for approximately five months every year. During this period, the energy of Uranus becomes more internalised and introspective.

    Themes to contemplate with the Uranus Retrograde are:

    Breaking Free: Uranus is associated with liberation and breaking free from the status quo. During its retrograde phase, we may become more aware of areas in our lives where we feel restricted or held back. It’s a time to find innovative solutions to overcome limitations.

    Unconventional Thinking: Uranus rules innovation, technology, and original thinking. When retrograde, it can stimulate unique and unconventional ideas or approaches. Doing something different and new to shake things up.

    Surprise: Uranus is known for its erratic and unpredictable nature. During its retrograde phase, unexpected events may occur, prompting us to embrace change and adapt to new circumstances.

    Rebellion and Independence: Uranus encourages us to question authority and societal norms. During its retrograde, we may find ourselves challenging established structures and seeking greater independence.

    Summary and end of August Energy Update 2023

    This in total brings 6 planets in retrograde as we close out August. Yup!! It’s a whole lot and I hope this podcast helps you to better understand everything that’s going on in August. The Leo season has ignited our creative fires, encouraging us to express ourselves boldly and fearlessly. As we move into the practical and analytical realm of Virgo, let us harness this energy to bring order and clarity to our lives, and to take practical steps towards our goals.

    After all this heightened energy of releasing and planting new seeds, may we carry with us the lessons learned, the insights gained, and the intentions set. May the seeds we’ve planted in the fertile soil of this month grow into beautiful manifestations in the months to come.

    Remember to take moments of stillness and reflection, to connect with nature, and to honor the cycles of life. Embrace the abundance around you, and express gratitude for the blessings in your life.

    Until next time beautiful soul, take care and lots of love. 

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  • 47: Michi Kwan

    In today’s episode Phi speaks with Michi Kwan, who like Phi, left the high paying corporate world to pursue her own passion. Michi is now an alternative health practitioner focusing on subconscious reprogramming and EFT. We speak about entrepreneurship, inner child activation and healing, being your highest quantum self, discipline, masculine and feminine energetics in dating + so much more!

    Resources from today's episode and connect with Michi Kwan from the Source of Truth Podcast

    Chatting to Michi Kwan from the Source of Truth Podcast

    Michi in terms of human design is a 1/3 manifesting generator with an emotional authority. 

    Michi also has her own podcast: Source of Truth which bridges everyday topics with spirituality all about energy, the laws of the universe, channeled messages from God and pure love.

    This episode covers topics such as:

    • Michi’s corporate career as a consultant and advising Fortune 500 companies
    • Her journey and passion for entrepreneurship 
    • Showing up and being seen
    • Vulnerability
    • Empathy compassion inner healing
    • The gift of her 3 profile line in human design – her approach to business and entrepreneurship
    • Discipline, self sabotage, inner child work, subconscious work, shadow work, emotional freedom technique (EFT) and self healing tools
    • Starseed being and owning your weird
    • Exploring spirituality and religion
    • Spiritual awakening and the spiritual path in life
    • Masculine and Feminine energies & dating

    Click here to read more

  • 46: Paige Kane from The Powerful Practitioner Podcast and Feed Your Intuition

    In this magical interview, Phi and Paige interview each other. Paige Kane is a shaman, volva, psychic, intuitive and mentor.

    This episode will take you on a potent and powerful journey of unlearning and unlocking your intuitive potential as we dive deep into these enlightening topics, including Paige’s personal story becoming a shaman, leaving her hospitality career, the recent shift in her business creating new space for alignment, her life’s work and purpose and healing the throat chakra.

    We also talk about love and money, two universal themes, come into focus, as we delve into personal growth and the transformative nature of relationships.

    You’ll hear about the unlearning process surrounding love, and the power that arises from embracing one’s challenging experiences.

    You’ll also learn the basics of Human Design, how it compares to astrology and the importance of honouring your unique energy. You’ll gain insight from highlights of Paige & Phi’s charts throughout the episode – giving practical guidance on how Human Design can be seen (and applied) IRL.

    Resources from today's episode and connect with Paige Kane from the Powerful Practitioner Podcast and Feed Your Intuition

    Chatting to Paige Kane from the Powerful Practitioner Podcast and Feed Your Intuition

    I am so excited for this podcast episode with Paige Kane. Paige is a shaman, volva, psychic, intuitive and mentor. She is a 6/2 Sacral Generator, Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon and Cancer Rising. She’s been in the industry for over 6 years! I’ve done energy healing and readings with Paige myself meeting her through a friend and client who recommender her. 

    This episode was incredibly potent and powerful as we both were in the flow zone of channeling and sharing messages from our respective spiritual teams. We interview each other in this episode so it’s really fun and there’s so so much to take out of this episode. Paige has her own podcast the Powerful Practitioner Podcast too. 

    Paige actually started her career in hospitality which led into luxury 5-star Beverly Hills Hotel Management. While working a part-time job, she went for her Master’s in Nutrition. Doing this time she found her spiritual mentor and went to Shaman school. Paige’s business is called Feed your Intuition  helping to unlock your intuition, step into your power and live the life. Enjoy today’s episode beautiful soul! 

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  • 45: Courtney Wallbank Proudly Imperfect Podcast

    This episode features Courtney Wallbank from the Proudly Imperfect Podcast. In this episode we talk all things anxiety, self love, perfectionism, fear of failure, money mindset, moving countries and so much more. You’re in for a juicy episode as Courtney shares more on how to truly be proudly imperfect as well as Grow and Glow!

    Resources from today's episode and connect with Courtney Wallbank from the Proudly Imperfect Podcast

    Chatting to Courtney Wallbank from the Proudly Imperfect Podcast

    • Courtney’s Human Design: 5/1 Sacral Generator

    Hi beautiful souls, I am so happy today to have Courtney Wallbank on the Grow Through it Podcast. I was recently on her podcast Proudly Imperfect. Courtney is a NLP and Mindset Coach who helps you break free from the chains of anxiety and fear so you can grab life by the tits and be unapologetically you.

    Would you be able to let everybody know in your own words who you are?

    We discuss how we met by Courtney sending me a message in 2021 when I announced I was going from my full time corporate job and you were at the beginning of your journey. She was part of a free masterclass week I held and won a human design reading.

    We also cover how Courtney got into personal growth, her journey, handling projections, shadow work, self love, money mindset, being proudly imperfect, perfectionism: that it’s a learned behaviour and you have the power to unlearn it. It can also be interpreted as a trauma response as a coping mechanism.

    Courtney shares her tips about perfectionism, how she personally handles perfectionism, the fear of failure as well as her Instagram handle of Grow and Glow.

    Not only that we talk about anxiety, her brave move from Manchester in the UK to Sydney Australila.

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