Grateful for this life
Grateful, thankful and blessed
At times it can feel like life isn’t perfect and neither am I.
Even knowing and experiencing that, I am grateful.
I am grateful when I did not get what I want because life was protecting me.
I am grateful when life stepped in and gave me a life greater than I ever imagined for myself.
I am grateful that everything that seemed to be going wrong was really steering me in the right direction.
I am grateful for all the sadness, struggle and pain because life provided a contrast to truly appreciate all the beautiful moments, the highest of highs.
I am grateful for the hardships I have faced because I have gained strength and wisdom that I never would have otherwise.
I am grateful to still be here because traversing rocky roads have led me to conquer mountains I never thought I could.
Ultimately I have come to understand through the imperfection, that really, life is perfect and who I am right now is exactly who I am meant to be.
On perspective...
Whilst you can’t change or control life circumstances, you’ll always have a choice when it comes to perspective.
Often in hindsight we can find gratitude for the very things in the moment we dismissed as undesirable.
Never underestimate the power you have in any moment to use your mind, not let it use you 🧠
love & positivity ✨ phi