When you ask the universe to go to the next level, don’t be surprised when it feels like life is too hard, almost unbearable at times.
Your strength resides deep within you, even when it doesn’t feel like it.
The universe would never give you anything you couldn’t handle.
Life is tough but so are you.
Stepping into your power
What you can take out of this all, is that if you’re seeking spiritual breakthroughs, you can expect a clearing to make space for new growth.
When you ask the universe to go to the next level, don’t be surprised if people leave your life and tell you that you’ve changed (like that’s a bad thing! It’s in your nature to evolve and transform, not to stay the same).
When you ask the universe to go to the next level, don’t be surprised when it feels like your heart is bursting open at the seams and your soul is shaking.
You’ll experience the rise of emotions you’ve hidden or repressed, and they’ll leave you trembling and questioning everything.
During this time, you are collapsing old stories and stepping into your power. 💥
The chances of you being born are 1 in 400,000,000,000,000 – 1 in 400 trillion.
The odds of winning the lottery are 1 in 3000,000,000 – 1 in 300 million.
You truly are a living breathing miracle.
Smell the flowers.
Dance in the rain.
Make mistakes.
Take the leap.
Follow your heart.
Life is precious and so are you
The odds of being born in this lifetime are slim, yet here you are.
Have your heart broken. Eat the burger. Feel the pain. Start your own business. Get on the plane. Quit the job. Kiss the stranger. Tell them you love them. Be excited over the little things. Spend the money. Go on the date. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Make your dreams happen. Follow your heart. Life is so damn precious and so are you.
As you work on yourself and reach the next level in your growth, don’t be surprised if you feel joy and sadness at the same time.
As we evolve and let go of our past self, we mourn who we were.
It’s normal to grieve over the past you, yet still grow into who you are now.
You are allowed to change.
Your identity isn't fixed
The past you that put up with bad behaviour, that gave so much without return, that always needed something or someone to feel complete, that was blind to what was unfolding before your eyes, that self- sabotaged and the past you that deserved better not only from yourself but those around you.
It’s normal to grieve over the past you and to love the past you, yet still grow into who you are now. You are allowed to change; your identity isn’t fixed.
One day love will course through your veins and fill your heart.
Your name will go down a treat like warm whisky on the lips of your lover.
These days are coming and how beautiful they will be.
From my heart & soul to yours...
When it comes to dating, I know you’re sick and tired of being alone.
I know you’re sick and tired of feeling like you will be single for the rest of your life. I know you’re sick and tired of searching for the one. I know you’re sick of going on dates and having your heart broken or being disappointed. I know you’re sick and tired of waiting for the one to show up. I know you’re sick and tired of trusting the universe. I know you’re sick and tired because you’re on the verge of giving up.
If there is one thing I can share with you, it’s this, from my heart and soul to yours: a relationship doesn’t bring love into your life, love brings a relationship into your life.