
  • Are you tuning into the present moment?

    You are the power

    You are making waves in oceans that cannot be seen yet.

    You are making tremors in earthquakes that cannot be felt yet.

    You are making sparks in lightning that haven’t struck yet.

    You are making heat in blazes that haven’t burned yet.

    You are the catalyst.

    You are the power.

    Just because it’s not here yet, doesn’t mean it’s not happening…

    It’s simply in the making.

    You are the power

    There’s nothing more exciting then the taste of potentiality on the tip of your tongue.

    The way it lights up your body, atom by atom, cell by cell.

    The way it pours and floods into every fiber of your being with.

    There is so much happening even if you can’t quite see it, or feel it or touch it…

    The universe conspiring behind the scenes, pulling the strings, waiting for the perfect moment.

    This beautiful flow… this beautiful magic… this beautiful synchronicity cannot be be controlled, at times it can’t even be comprehended..

    Your current reality is only a snapshot of the infinite potentiality that exists.

    Know that it is all coming together…

    If you know that you aren’t worried about timing.

    You aren’t worried about what ISN’T happening.

    You’re simply here tuning into the present moment with full faith and alignment 💫

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    🌀 Ready to tune in deeper to your intuition, to learn how to have faith and trust, to confront your fears with clarity and confidence? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.

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  • Following my heart

    I'm grateful for my heart...

    I’m grateful for all that my heart feels.

    I’m grateful for the way it beats with pride and joy. I’m grateful in the way it floats with excitement and swells with tenderness. I’m grateful when it feels heavy and anchored. I’m grateful when it feels like it’s being crushed alive. I’m grateful when it swoons with delight and wonder. I’m grateful when it beats slowly and gently. I’m grateful when it races to the rush and thrill of it all. I’m grateful when it aches and I feel every time it bleeds. I’m grateful when it rushes off the cliff and suspends itself for a moment in time.

    I’m grateful because my heart reminds me I’m alive.

    Following my heart through grief.

    Sometimes I really resent my heart.

    Following my heart has led to painful situations that my mind wanted to avoid.

    Following my heart has led to judgement from others who wouldn’t understand.

    Following my heart has led to more difficult decisions that could logically be answered.

    Following my heart has led me to a life beyond logic and my wildest dreams.

    Following my heart has led to deepened love that ha changed my life in ways I never knew it could.

    Following my heart has never been wrong even when I’ve felt that I couldn’t handle the heartache that wouldn’t stop coming in waves.

    We live in a society that values logic and the brain.

    After my dad died I made a conscious decision to live with my heart because I realised my mind caused me so much pain.

    Use the weekends to work and make money instead of spending time with family and friends (if I could go back in time to spend one more minute with my dad I would).

    Do the logical thing that makes you unhappy but theoretically will give you what you want (I stayed in a job where I felt unhappy but made up for it in my bank account – being miserable and wealthy is no fun).

    You’re going to have so much time to do other things (spoiler alert; we only have the present moment) – it’s short term sacrifice for long term gain.

    When my dad died, initially I could not feel my heart.

    I was so overwhelmed with grief, pain and shock that I went into shut down.

    I numbed everything out… and I did not feel anymore.

    I would later be diagnosed with onset delayed grief that led me to a dark dark place because to live without feeling made me feel like a zombie not truly alive.

    I literally remember being so much wishing I could feel something even pain! Even to cry would be something.

    The day my heart came back I was elated.

    Even as I navigate tough times with my heart I am so grateful.

    I am grateful for this mighty muscle that physically keeps me alive but also reminds me that I am truly alive.

    How is your heart today?

    love & positivity – phi

    Ready to embrace change to the fullest? To change with support and guidance with me along your side? I would love to help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.

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  • It’s all going to work out, beautiful soul…

    Ending up where you need to be

    Even when it feels like life is a tangled chaotic mess, it’s all going to work out beautiful soul.

    Loose ends will be tied. Stuck stagnant energy will unravel into a beautiful symphony.

    The tears you shed will give life to new love and light in your life.

    You will end up exactly where you need to be, as exactly who you are meant to be, doing what you are supposed to do.

    Everything is aligning in your favour, trust the process, trust the journey, trust the timing.

    You are deserving of the light that you yearn for.

    Hold on beautiful soul, the darkness is only temporary.

    All is conspiring in your favour.

    Can you have faith?

    Because life won’t deliver your spiritual lessons in the form of rainbows and butterflies.

    Often life will deliver the greatest gifts and growths disguised as darkness, as discomfort, as pain, as challenges, as obstacles…

    The darkness is a disguise that will be inevitably unveiled by the light of insight and expansion that will breakthrough.

    Can you have faith knowing life is by design not accident?

    Can you have faith knowing that it’s all happening for you, not to you?

    Can you have faith that whilst it may not feel great at the time, it doesn’t mean it won’t be great in time?

    love & positivity – phi

    Ready to embrace change to the fullest? To change with support and guidance with me along your side? I would love to help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading. xx

    Click here to read more

  • Change can be lovely… and cruel

    On Change

    Beautiful soul, change can be lovely.

    It can be oh so beautiful…

    However sometimes change is cruel.

    Change can be trying to keep your head above water.

    Change can be stirring beneath the surface.

    Change can be getting caught between two worlds.

    Change can be the crushing weight of the world.

    Change can be lingering, waiting in the shadows.

    Change can be torture and agony, bleeding out.

    Change can be silence, with not a word said.

    Change can be turbulent, aching to break free.

    Change can be a baptism of fire, burning alive.

    Change can be a graveyard, haunted by your mistakes.

    Change can be painful, but change is how we grow.

    More on change

    Many of us believe change is a good thing, in fact we desire it and we think it will be enjoyable and pleasant.

    Sometimes it is.

    Sometimes it isn’t.

    It can be uncomfortable and unpleasant.

    It can be slow, tedious and drawn out.

    It can cause anxiety, stress, disruption and even depression in some cases.

    Despite the growing pains it doesn’t mean change is bad.

    Whether we initiate it or not, whether we are are prepared or not… change
    happens inevitably.

    To help us grow and expand, to be come our highest selves living our life in alignment with our soul and values.

    Just as the caterpillar becomes a butterfly be willing and open to change.

    Be open to letting go and shedding who you’ve been.

    Be open to letting go of the past and old patterns.

    Be open to who you are now and who you are becoming 🦋

    Sometimes the change won’t make sense, you won’t quite understand it — go with it, see where it takes you.

    Have faith knowing that any change happening is change that you can handle 💫

    Here’s to your highest growth 🚀

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to embrace change to the fullest? To change with support and guidance with me along your side? I would love to help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 🧡

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  • Are you sick of feeling lost and trying to trust?

    Are you sick of feeling lost and trying to trust?

    That the universe just keeps on testing you over and over again. 

    Maybe it feels like you keep flunking the tests. Maybe it feels like your time will never come. Maybe it feels like you’ve been pushed past your limits. 

    Maybe the reason you can’t trust is because of fear. 

    Fear you’ve been abandoned. Fear that hard work does not pay off. Fear that there isn’t enough money, time, love, opportunities to go around. Fear seduces us into trying to control. 

    You think by controlling you will feel safe… Fear isn’t the way. 

    The way is trust and surrender. Trust and surrender.

    When it comes to personal growth your mind will trick you 😯

    It’ll convince you that the more you can control, then everything will be ok and work out.

    And here’s the plot twist despite your mind panicking and being desperate… your heart and soul just know that everything is already ok and working out in your highest favour 🙏🏽✨

    Trust is hard when you’ve experienced trauma in the past.

    Trust is hard when you blame the world and the universe for what’s happened to you.

    Trust is hard when you’ve been let down by the world and everyone around you.

    When you lose trust… don’t give up your personal power to the external.

    When you lost trust it’s a sign to dig deeper internally ⛏

    To look at your triggers and what’s REALLY causing the fear.

    To do the Mindset work and question facts vs stories.

    To do the Energetic work to shift and clear the energy.

    And this isn’t a one off thing.

    It’s done over and over again.

    Welcome to the work 🛠

    Do it over and over again and I promise it WILL change your life.

    No doubts. No gimmicks.

    And coming soon next month will be an affordable and accessible way to work with me to do the work 🧨🤩

    Coming soon… watch this space 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    If you want help doing the work 👉🏽 1:1 coaching is the BEST and FASTEST way 🧨 you get to text me, have calls with me, support and guidance from me 🪄 


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  • Unsure about what path to take?

    Unsure about what path to take?

    Unsure about what path to take or decision to make?

    That’s okay but here’s the thing. 

    There’s no such things as a right or wrong choice.

    There’s only such thing as a choice.

    Once you make a decision the universe will always shift and work with your decision.

    At the end of the day if something’s meant to be it doesn’t matter what you choose because you’ll end up at the same destination either way.

    There is no such thing as right or wrong

    Don’t worry about right or wrong because it doesn’t exist.

    It’s a construct of the mind.

    It’s a construct of control.

    Your life is organic – flowing, changing in every single moment, in every single second that unfolds as does the universe…

    Each time we make a choice or decision timelines shift as do results… which is INCREDIBLE!

    The universe lives and breathes as you do and has no attachment to your decisions… it just is.

    The attachment to right or wrong is human.

    Even if right or wrong existed it truly distills to you “win”, you “succeed”, you chose “right” or you still do!

    Hear me out… you make the “wrong” decision and then so what?

    Ok that happens but will it matter in 5-10 years? Is it REALLY the worst case scenario?

    Our minds are tricky as is our egos grip on control.

    Sure one path is easier.

    Another may take longer.

    The other the road less travelled.

    Let go and surrender.

    Step into your power – you get to CHOOSE! either way it all works out.

    Live in love not fear.

    Supporting your decision and power always!

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for support and guidance as you walk your journey?

    I would love to be by your side, click here for more info on 1:1 coaching.

    Click here for more info on human design.

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  • Trauma isn’t just in your mind and thoughts

    Our society is so ingrained in our heads, in our minds and the thoughts we have 🧠

    Whilst mindset is important it isn’t everything.

    Working with my clients I’ve really delved into body work: energy. 

    How does it feel to be inside your body?

    Working together through breath work and meditation to be present.

    EFT (energetic freedom technique) to release and move old energy.

    The head has merits but so does your body. It’s so intelligent and it wants to communicate with you. Through heart, soul, gut… the feels ✨

    So don’t dismiss your body.

    From what I’ve found the mind lies, the body doesn’t…

    The fear you feel when you’re scared or anxious.

    The heart ache you feel from grief or loss.

    The pure joy of happiness… ☺️

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁


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  • Your thoughts are not facts

    PSA: Your thoughts are not facts. Just because your mind says you’re not good enough or worthy enough or smart enough and the list goes on… it doesn’t mean it’s true.

    Your thoughts are formed from your subconscious which is a product of your experiences – growing up, the people around you, environments, beliefs, values and so forth.

    Remember: you are not your thoughts.

    love & positivity ✨ Phi 👁

    👉🏾 Ready to dive into your subconscious to understand why your thoughts are they way they are? Let’s chat about working together through 1:1 coaching ⚡️

    Click here to read more

  • Mistakes simply allow you to gather information, that is it

    THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH MAKING MISTAKES. But we beat ourselves up about it.

    We shame ourselves.

    “You should have…”

    “It’s all your fault because…”

    “You must have…”

    Realise this 👁

    It’s the makings of the mind and ego.

    The ego doesn’t want to die. It wants to keep itself alive with all the 💩 it comes up with.

    It fucks with your mind that it can be this easy… 🧠

    Be here now. Drop the baggage 🧳 it’s heavy beautiful soul…

    No more shame.

    No more drama.

    No more guilt.

    Mistakes are another experience we have to learn and grow 🌱

    If you always see it and feel it that way you move through these energies much faster 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

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  • Do you know what it’s like to be in your body, or are you always in your mind?

    We are conditioned to be in our mind. 

    “Use your head!”, “Can you please think about this?”, “Are you being logical and rational right now?”

    To the point where now we don’t know what it’s like to be in our body…

    Some people even are numb.

    When was the last time you were in your body?

    Feeling all the movement, sensations, weights, textures and vibrations?

    How does it feel to be in your body?

    Come home beautiful soul 🧡

    Experience the beauty of life and soul.

    Experience being truly alive in this temporary temple we are so lucky to love in.

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

    😫 caught up and trapped inside your mind? 🧠 let me help you break free and come home to your body beautiful soul. Get in touch with me, I can help you 🦋 through 1:1 coaching ✨

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