Self Care

  • On having a resilient mindset

    On keeping moving

    Truth bomb:

    I still struggle.

    I still have challenges.

    I still have doubts.


    I don’t quit.

    I don’t let it mean anything.

    I keep moving.

    Who is stronger? Your mind or YOU?

    🌶 this is the difference between those who succeed and those who don’t – no sugar coating here 💣

    Nothing means nothing unless you let it…

    Even those you look up to are still human (duh!) but here’s the thing… the people you admire don’t let their negative self talk stop them from making moves which is why they are where they are today.

    It’s part of the human experience.

    Learning to detach from your thoughts and identify with them.

    Seeing the greatness in the bumps, redirections and uncertainty in the journey ahead.

    Learning to hear, speak and most importantly EMBODY your truth despite what can arise.

    Everything you go through is intentional to help you grow, expand and evolve.

    Many people think failure is the worst thing that can happen.

    The worst thing is to do nothing.

    The worst thing is regret.

    Staying still and stuck won’t get you anywhere, you might as well try something different whether it’s your thoughts or actions.

    Who is stronger, your mind or YOU?

    Remember you are not your thoughts, they are a product of your life experiences, upbringing, programming and conditioning.

    No matter how far you advance in your career, even when you have the dream relationship, job, life, friendships etc you will encounter new level = new devil.

    Enjoy the struggle, challenges and doubts it means you’re on the verge of new growth and how boring would life be if everything went your way?

    Here’s to you beautiful soul, keep going ⚡️

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    If you’re reading to uplevel your mindset, self love, energy, purpose and power to be more confident & happy, I would love to help through 1:1 coaching 🧡

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  • Grow through what you go through

    A change of perspective...

    Perspective Shift:

    What if everything you’re going through right now is preparing you for everything that you want and have asked for?

    Pain always proceeds growth

    The universe, life is incredible. Everyday what unfolds before our eyes (and also what we can’t see…) is nothing short of a miracle… magic.

    The oceans roar everyday with wildlife gleaming beneath its mighty depths.

    The sun shines even when there’s cloud providing warmth and food to all.

    Technology for us humans has advanced at such a rapid rate… I mean the iPhone didn’t exist only like 30 years ago!? The fact we are all here, you reading (!) from different parts of the world.

    Given all this do you think it just unfolds as an accident? A coincidence?

    Apply this perspective to your life… 🤯

    Hindsight is often a beautiful thing when we fleetingly visit the past, reflect and dance in nostalgia lane…

    That time you had your heart broken… and found love again. In the world around you. In the small things. In yourself.

    When you didn’t get what you wanted and got something even greater.

    That disastrous time that showed you it just wasn’t meant to be… at that time.

    How your biggest pains and traumas have catapulted you to self discovery and growth.

    How that time you didn’t think you would survive or make it… yet here you are reading this 🧡

    You are a living breathing miracle and vessel of magic, I hope you never forget that 💫

    If you’re reading this in a world of pain or struggle, sending you so much love 🌸 I hope one day, it will all make sense, it will…

    Pain always proceeds growth 🌵

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • From overwhelm to overcome…

    Feeling overwhelmed

    Shift from overwhelm to overcome.

    Stop, step back

    What to when it feels like there is so much to do and you’re going to burst and break down 😫

    🛑✋🏽 JUST STOP.





    Realise that your mind and potentially anxiety is running the show.

    Do you really NEED to do it?

    Is it REALLY a must?

    Why the RUSH?

    Collectively so much is going on right now and I’ve noticed a lot of clients and loved ones in states of overwhelm.

    We can become unconscious to the illusion of urgency and allow ourselves to crumble under the weight of the world and drown in our to do lists.

    Stop, step back and take your POWER back.

    You don’t HAVE to do anything.

    Everything is a CHOICE!

    Be in your POWER through CONSCIOUS choice.

    Realise that in a state of overwhelm you are misaligned.

    You’re more vulnerable to negative self talk, the voices of doubt, criticism and fear.

    Your energy is spread thin and you’re walking on eggshells.

    Your body is whispering for help which turns into screaming and shut down because you won’t listen.

    It’s OKAY to take a moment to PAUSE and recalibrate.

    There’s power in pause.

    Tune into your heart and soul.

    How are you really feeling?

    You KNOW what to do… your mind and ego are scared to execute… start questioning things.

    When all else fails return to the breath. Be here now.

    Deep inhale and exhale.




    Shift from overwhelm where you feel powerless and a victim to circumstances into your power.

    Your power and resilience to overcome.

    Shift into solutions – step by step.

    You got this ✊🏽

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Checking in with your soul

    Start with your soul

    Stop with the shoulds.

    Start with your soul.

    Letting go of the "should"

    Stop should-ing on and all over yourself 😳

    I should work out more.

    I should eat more healthily.

    I should be able to do it.

    Ask where the should is coming from? (Most likely your mind, your ego stemming from guilt, over extending yourself, shaming yourself…)

    Realise the place that it’s coming from isn’t serving you or the world.

    Negative emotions don’t work in creating positive behaviours 💡

    Even if they do temporarily it’s not sustainable or healthy.

    Instead check in with your soul.

    What do you DESIRE to do?

    What FEELS GOOD to you?

    Tap into your soul and feeling, bringing your conscious intention with you.

    Maybe you CAN do something?

    You GET to do something?

    You CHOOSE to do something?

    You WANT something?

    Ahhhh that feels better 😌

    Give yourself a choice instead of starting off with shame and failure.

    Power to you ✊🏽

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Overcoming negativity…

    The truth...

    Truth bomb.

    You’ll never stop having negative thoughts.

    Just because you have them doesn’t mean you have to believe them.

    Negative thoughts are OKAY

    It’s OK to have negative thoughts – yes you read that correctly.

    Negative thoughts are natural and it’s unlikely to ever stop no matter how happy or successful you are or how much you meditate and do mindset work.

    The vibe isn’t never having negative thoughts.

    The vibe is having them and being confident within yourself to overcome them (literally what I teach in 1:1 coaching).

    It’s futile to try and stop them they’re like waves no matter what you’ll do they’ll keep coming back.

    Remember what you resist will persist…

    Just because you have a thought doesn’t make that automatically true (although that would be useful because that means I’m the new owner of 2 cute puppies, $10 million is being deposited into my bank account, I’m going on a never ending holiday… you get the point 😜)

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    If you love this vibe you’ll want to consider working with me 1:1 or joining my personal growth membership – contact me for more details 🧠

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  • When it all gets too hard

    I hope you remember...

    Beautiful soul, when it gets all too hard, it is my hope that you remember…

    I hope you remember that you are here for a reason and that your soul chose to exist in this ripple of time.

    I hope you remember in the depths of your darkness that the light within you will never cease to shine.

    I hope you remember your strength and resilience that has kept you here despite all the hardships and heartache you’ve endured.

    I hope you remember how deeply you’ve loved and how greatly you’ve grown.

    I hope you remember the innocent and purity of your heart and your capacity to love.

    Most of all I hope you remember how incredible it is that you live and get to experience life at all.

    Reawaken your magic

    May these words soothe your soul and plant flowers in the salt of your wounds 🌹

    In the darkest of times, what we need most is compassion. This compassion applies not only for others but yourself too.

    Life is not easy and here you are living it.

    Doing the best that you can whilst carrying the wounds of the past and the pains of tomorrow.

    I hope you realise the power in living. The power in knowing that your future is not set in stone that you have the power to change your life in any given moment.

    How does it feel to live life knowing your soul chose this all?

    That your soul made a promise to truly live and explore every edge of what it means to be human.

    That your soul didn’t settle for easy, it wanted a full spectrum experience where pain and pleasure intertwine.

    Know that ancient wisdom is infused in every cell of your being 🧬 even if you can’t consciously remember, your soul knows deep down inside.

    Reawaken to your magic.

    Reawaken to your power.

    Reawaken to your soul.

    Come home to you.

    Remember, remember, remember.

    It is in remembrance we keep alive the memories of those we love who are no longer here.

    It is in remembrance that the pain of the past serves a stark reminder to how we live life now.

    It is in remembrance we honour those who came before us and honour those to come.

    It is in remembrance you’ll find love, a deep love for yourself and all that you’ve been through.

    It is in remembrance you’ll fully embrace life for cherishing it as a gift of every moment that is not guaranteed after.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for support and guidance in this sacred journey of life? Get in touch to find out all the ways you can work with me such as 1:1 coaching, human design or the soul sister collective 💫

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  • Without darkness there cannot be light

    Things to never forget

    As our hearts ache with heaviness and sadness, beautiful soul do not forget. 

    Never forget.

    The love, light and goodness that happens in the world every single day.

    Children being born.

    Communities coming together.

    Courage in face of darkness and fear.

    Consciousness rising.

    Countless celebrations.

    Spiritual awakenings.

    Sunshine and smiles.

    Faith and trust.

    Seeds planted.

    Flowers blooming.

    Bountiful harvest.

    Oceans roaring.

    Acts of kindness.

    Open hearts.


    The unsung heroes.

    The truth that underscores everything.

    It is in dark times that the light shines brighter.

    Without darkness there cannot be light.

    Light will always prevail.

    Hope will always prevail.

    Hold onto hope.

    Hold onto love.

    Hold onto light.

    Healing for one, healing for all

    The light may flicker, the light may dwindle but the light remains strong 🕯

    We are in an age of division and darkness with heavy hearts and swollen eyes.

    We weep in solidarity with our brothers, our sisters, kindred souls.

    We mourn this age that culminates to the great unknown.

    We hold onto hope.

    For brighter days are coming.

    For a world unified by love, light, peace and compassion.

    It starts with you.

    Doing whatever you can.

    Turn on the light 💡

    Give love to the light.

    Make love with the light.

    Spread the light.

    As we heal, we rise together.

    Our power as an individual.

    Our power in unity.

    Healing for one, healing for all.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Can you walk away from what doesn’t serve you?

    The exercise of self love

    Honouring your inner truth is painful.

    It’s the ultimate exercise of self love.

    It means walking away from what no longer serves you.

    Maybe it’s a job, relationship or location. 

    It’s breaking free from what boxes you in – the pressure of society, the weight of what other people think, your own belief that you need to be a certain way and do a certain thing.

    When everything falls away and crumbles, one thing will always remain: the truth.

    It cannot be ignored. 

    You can live in ignorance but the truth won’t.

    You cannot heal from what you do not reveal.

    You cannot heal from what you will not feel.

    Your inner truth is always present

    There comes a time in life when the little niggles turn into big pulls.

    It starts as a whisper and turns into aching and shouting.

    When you try to resist but it will continually persist.

    When it no longer becomes manageable and turns to being intolerable.

    Your inner truth is always present and listening.

    My tips for connecting with your inner truth:

    1️⃣ Do something about it! Staying stuck and doing the same thing over and over won’t break you free. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and thinking the same thing over and over again hoping it will change… what if you listened to your inner truth 👂🏼

    2️⃣ Free writing. Let the words flow to the paper without thinking and your inner truth will be revealed. ✍️ Not a writer? Try a mind map, collage or create art instead 🦋

    3️⃣ Express yo self 🎤 don’t refine it, done pretty it – let it all out in a way that resonates with you. For me it’s all about being in the body.

    Cheering you and your truth on 💥

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    P.S – If you’re feeling that soul pull to up level in every area of your life… 1:1 coaching is the key 🔑 for the soul who is all in, ready for expansion and to quantum leap and go BIG! 🚀

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  • The investment in yourself is worth it

    The edges of your fear will sharpen you

    Spiritual growth comes at a cost.
    It will cost you your old self and ways of being.
    You no longer close your eyes to the truth that resides in your heart and soul.
    You no longer deny what you truly long for and desire.
    You will shed the masks you hide behind and break down the walls you put up in self defence.
    You will outgrow people that you thought would be a part of your life forever.
    Your heart will shatter in ways you thought it could no longer break.
    Your mind will open up to possibilities and beliefs that you never thought possible.
    With all this cost – the investment is worth it over and over again.
    The edges of your fear will sharpen you.
    Your heart will beat with ecstasy and joy you never knew possible.
    Your world will open up to infinite potentiality.
    You’ll dance with magic, miracles and manifestation.
    Within you is the deep knowing, that you have arrived, that you are your highest self.

    One step at a time

    The price of being your highest self can be tiring and exhausting.

    Even though it is… it IS worth it.

    When you are living your dream life.

    When you truly believe in yourself.

    When your actions match your words.

    When you love yourself so deeply.

    When you trust yourself so deeply.

    When you share your wisdom.

    When you beam with pride of your journey.

    When your heart and soul align.

    When you break ancestral patterns.

    When you heal for your family and future generations.

    When you sleep easy at night.

    When you make a difference in the lives of many.

    That is WHY you do it.

    Looking ahead it can be overwhelming and scary.

    Feel the fear and continue anyway, you owe it to your highest self but mostly you owe it to present you.

    One step and a time, day by day, moment by moment.

    Cheering you on always 🥳 through the good times, the bad and everything that falls in between in this human experience 🥂

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to activate your highest self and live your best life?

    I would love to be there by your side, to help you, to guide you, to support you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.

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  • Is your spiritual journey feeling lonely?

    Together, there's power

    Yes there’s power in being alone.

    But guess what?

    There’s also power in being together.

    There’s also medicine in being together.

    There’s also healing in being together.

    There’s also support in being together.

    There’s also connection in being together.

    With one another, incredible magic happens. 

    Feeling like you belong

    The spiritual path and journey can be lonely.

    We have been culturally conditioned that being alone means you are strong.

    And you are!

    But it also takes strength to let people in.

    To take down your walls.

    To surrender to the divine feminine: to be loved and supported.

    After all humans, we are tribal beings.

    It is an evolutionary NEED and DESIRE to belong.

    When you spiritually awaken it feels like maybe you’re crazy.

    You start seeing angel numbers and the signs.

    You feel too “woo” and that no one gets you.

    You start seeing the world differently.

    It can look like standing alone and that feels scary.

    It feels like no one cares.

    It feels like no one understands.

    It feels as though there’s no safety net.

    It feels like there’s no one there to lean on, to help you, to support you…

    But there is!

    I see you.

    I feel you.

    I hold space for you in my thoughts and heart.

    It’s not easy.

    It can be damn uncomfortable, pushed off a cliff feels, emerging butterfly vibe, getting back up energy.

    I’ve been there too.

    As a result of this, coming soon next month — a community of like minded souls who are into personal growth and spirituality 🤩

    Who love all things astrology, tarot cards, journaling, manifestation, vision boarding and human design.

    A place to meet your new spiritual besties that your heart and soul have been craving 👯‍♀️

    Sound like your vibe tribe!? 🥳

    You’re one life changing DM away from wholesome love + community + personal growth 🚀

    Watch this space 💫

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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