The truth...

Truth bomb.

You’ll never stop having negative thoughts.

Just because you have them doesn’t mean you have to believe them.

Negative thoughts are OKAY

It’s OK to have negative thoughts – yes you read that correctly.

Negative thoughts are natural and it’s unlikely to ever stop no matter how happy or successful you are or how much you meditate and do mindset work.

The vibe isn’t never having negative thoughts.

The vibe is having them and being confident within yourself to overcome them (literally what I teach in 1:1 coaching).

It’s futile to try and stop them they’re like waves no matter what you’ll do they’ll keep coming back.

Remember what you resist will persist…

Just because you have a thought doesn’t make that automatically true (although that would be useful because that means I’m the new owner of 2 cute puppies, $10 million is being deposited into my bank account, I’m going on a never ending holiday… you get the point 😜)

love & positivity ✨ phi

If you love this vibe you’ll want to consider working with me 1:1 or joining my personal growth membership – contact me for more details 🧠

Phi Dang