
  • Turning pain into purpose

    On pain...

    There isn’t a minimum when it comes to pain and suffering. 

    You don’t have to hit a certain amount or for for it to feel a certain way to qualify for something.

    How you feel is completely valid no matter what anyone else says or some text book definition.

    You don’t have to keep it to yourself and go through your experience alone.

    You don’t have to outwardly show signs of distress to seek help.

    You don’t have to feel bad comparing your experience to another.

    You aren’t weak for feeling this way and people don’t think less of you.

    You are a human being.

    You’re understandably allowed to seek a way to move through it all.

    You are loved beautiful soul.

    More on suffering...

    You don’t have to measure how much pain and suffering you’re going through, you don’t have to show your pain and suffering.

    Pain and suffering is so unique to each individual – there’s no uniform look or symptoms.

    Your pain and suffering is valid no matter what.

    I hope you know that you’re allowed to process it in your own way.

    I hope you know that you’re allowed to process it in your own timeline.

    I hope you know that you’re allowed to do it on your terms.

    Lots of love beautiful souls 🧡

    This week has been an emotionally dense and heavy one for the collective.

    In human design the energy has been that of crisis also known as the darkening of the light 💡

    No matter how dark, the light is there not only at the end of the tunnel but within you ✨

    All you have to do is remember 💫

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking to turn your pain into purpose, your wounds into wisdom? I’d love to help through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 🧡

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  • The beautiful soul you are right now

    Right NOW

    The beautiful soul you are right now, has fought invisible battles and conquered wars with tender scars and a full heart.

    The beautiful soul you are right now, has struggled in the seas of misery yet resurfaced to conquer the waves.

    The beautiful soul you are right now, has had to die and hold funerals for past versions of self in order to be reborn.

    The beautiful soul you are right now, has walked through fires of pain and suffering, to rise from the ashes.

    The beautiful soul you are right now, has turned wounds into wisdom, anguish into achievement and trauma into triumph.

    The beautiful soul you are right now thought they could not make it, yet here you are right now.

    Celebrating your past, present and future

    We all have had a past. Maybe it’s a past you’re not proud of, ashamed of, guilty of, sad of… and that’s okay.

    Here’s the thing, without this past version of yourself, you would not be who you are today.

    Celebrate yourself as you are right now 🥳

    Growth isn’t just about what’s to come… it’s also about how far you’ve already come and where you are right now.

    It’s a simultaneous duality.

    You can be so proud of yourself and still have a long journey ahead

    You can be sad about aspects of your old self yet love, hold and respect them at the same time.

    You can be not happy with where you are right now, but know a brighter future is just around the corner after a dark past.

    To be here now after all that you’ve been through… what you’ve seen, what you’ve felt… is absolutely incredible.

    If no one else has told you today or ever before, I am so proud of you.

    I am cheering you on.

    You’re reading this for a reason.

    Take it as the sign you’ve been waiting for.

    Keep going 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for support and guidance on your personal growth journey? A bestie, teacher, friend and cheerleader all in one? 🙋🏼‍♀️ hiii I got you and I would love to work with you. Contact me for more info to work with me through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading ✨

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  • On slowing down…

    Welcoming your highest self

    Beautiful soul, you are allowed to take your time and slow down.

    You don’t have to push, push push, force force force, hustle, hustle, hustle.

    Your pain whether physical, emotional, mental or anything else is real.

    No matter what anyone else says.

    It’s not attention seeking or dramatic.

    You aren’t being selfish or lazy.

    You are brave and doing your best.

    That takes true courage.

    Take it day by day. Moment by moment. Minute by minute if you need.

    Even second by second.

    Your highest self and soul is waiting for you to pick and prioritise yourself.

    Your highest self and soul yearns to be acknowledged for your resilience, strength and tenacity.

    Hold on.

    You’ve got this.

    You are creating a beautiful life for yourself.

    When you slow down...

    there’s nothing wrong with taking your time and slowing down, there’s nothing wrong with you.

    we live in a society that is obsessed with the fast pace and instant gratification.

    sometimes we need to just stop, pause and be still.

    to be truly present and savour the moment.

    especially in moments of pain.

    remember you’ve overcome all those hard times you didn’t think you would yet here you are reading this.

    listen to your soul.

    it always knows the way.

    it can be scary to listen to but trust and have faith in yourself.

    your soul is your in built GPS system completely customised and unique to you.

    slow down and tune into it like the radio 📻

    when you slow down you can feel the sunlight dance on our skin.

    when you slow down you can hear the symphony of sounds in everyday life.

    when you slow down can you truly taste your coffee and the chocolate melting on your tongue.

    anything can happen at any time, so it’s okay to slow down.

    be gentle and kind to yourself, you are doing your best.

    you got this 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    if you’d like to work with me, I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Contact me for more info 🤍

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  • Human being, not human doing

    Did you know...

    You’re a human BEING not a human DOING.

    On getting caught up...

    There’s nothing wrong with doing! But here’s the thing about life… you’re a soul choosing to have a human experience.

    You are here to be truly alive and that’s not just being productive…

    We get caught up in the rat race that you simply forget to be ✨

    We get caught up in getting to the destination that we forget to enjoy the journey 👣

    We get caught up in auto pilot that we don’t get to be fully present and grounded in the moment 👁

    We get caught up in making things happen that we forget based on universal principles we are an energetic match to what we desire ❤️‍🔥

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Are you feeling overwhelmed?

    My not to do list...

    When you’re overwhelmed, take a step back.

    What NEEDS to be done right now?

    Forget a to-do list… you need a NOT TO DO LIST.

    E.g. I don’t need to take on more work.

    I don’t need to listen to negative thoughts.

    I don’t need to feel guilty or shame myself.

    Doing the best you can

    Who’s guilty of taking on more than they can handle? 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Most of us can relate.

    The people pleaser in us.

    The over achiever.

    The fear of guilt/rejection.

    The perfectionist.

    The control freak.

    In moments like these take a moment for yourself to breathe and ask yourself – does this actually NEED to be done?

    Maybe you desire to get it done quickly.

    Maybe you ideally get it done sooner rather than later.

    The thing about to do lists is often they never run out… as soon as you do something another thing pops up.

    When we can learn to surrender and allow this, life gets easier.

    Do the most and best you can in the moment.

    That’s all you can do!

    You’re a human being, not a human doing 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • On having a resilient mindset

    On keeping moving

    Truth bomb:

    I still struggle.

    I still have challenges.

    I still have doubts.


    I don’t quit.

    I don’t let it mean anything.

    I keep moving.

    Who is stronger? Your mind or YOU?

    🌶 this is the difference between those who succeed and those who don’t – no sugar coating here 💣

    Nothing means nothing unless you let it…

    Even those you look up to are still human (duh!) but here’s the thing… the people you admire don’t let their negative self talk stop them from making moves which is why they are where they are today.

    It’s part of the human experience.

    Learning to detach from your thoughts and identify with them.

    Seeing the greatness in the bumps, redirections and uncertainty in the journey ahead.

    Learning to hear, speak and most importantly EMBODY your truth despite what can arise.

    Everything you go through is intentional to help you grow, expand and evolve.

    Many people think failure is the worst thing that can happen.

    The worst thing is to do nothing.

    The worst thing is regret.

    Staying still and stuck won’t get you anywhere, you might as well try something different whether it’s your thoughts or actions.

    Who is stronger, your mind or YOU?

    Remember you are not your thoughts, they are a product of your life experiences, upbringing, programming and conditioning.

    No matter how far you advance in your career, even when you have the dream relationship, job, life, friendships etc you will encounter new level = new devil.

    Enjoy the struggle, challenges and doubts it means you’re on the verge of new growth and how boring would life be if everything went your way?

    Here’s to you beautiful soul, keep going ⚡️

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    If you’re reading to uplevel your mindset, self love, energy, purpose and power to be more confident & happy, I would love to help through 1:1 coaching 🧡

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  • Between me and the universe…

    Between me and the universe...

    Me to you:

    It’s easy to say you believe everything happens for a reason… It’s easy to say you believe and trust the universe… so what happens when things don’t go the way you want or expect?


    Flex your faith, prove it.

    Having an open mindset

    Warning: This may trigger and melt your mind and ego 🤭

    Time and time again whether it’s your life, perhaps it’s a relationship, your dream home or the work promotion you’re vying for, a business you’re building… it’s easy to talk to the talk but what about walk the walk?

    You say you have trust… prove it.

    You say you have faith… allow it.

    With a growth mindset we are open 🌱

    Sure from time to time we get knocked down, face really hard challenges and is racked, feel blocked and stuck – life can be tough. Acknowledged.

    I won’t kid you, it’s not an easy path that’s why it’s easy to say you believe but not actually believe… 🤭

    IF you truly believe everything happens for a reason know that it’s ALL WORKING OUT!

    In your highest favour: for your growth and expansion 🌳

    You aren’t facing and building everything on your own beautiful soul… you are CO CREATING with the universe.

    It takes two to tango 💃🏼

    Do your part and watch the universe help out with the rest🕺🏻

    Conscious creation is the game.

    Play and have fun along the way… 💫

    🔥 Oh and hot tip: when has faith ever been logical? 🤔

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • From overwhelm to overcome…

    Feeling overwhelmed

    Shift from overwhelm to overcome.

    Stop, step back

    What to when it feels like there is so much to do and you’re going to burst and break down 😫

    🛑✋🏽 JUST STOP.





    Realise that your mind and potentially anxiety is running the show.

    Do you really NEED to do it?

    Is it REALLY a must?

    Why the RUSH?

    Collectively so much is going on right now and I’ve noticed a lot of clients and loved ones in states of overwhelm.

    We can become unconscious to the illusion of urgency and allow ourselves to crumble under the weight of the world and drown in our to do lists.

    Stop, step back and take your POWER back.

    You don’t HAVE to do anything.

    Everything is a CHOICE!

    Be in your POWER through CONSCIOUS choice.

    Realise that in a state of overwhelm you are misaligned.

    You’re more vulnerable to negative self talk, the voices of doubt, criticism and fear.

    Your energy is spread thin and you’re walking on eggshells.

    Your body is whispering for help which turns into screaming and shut down because you won’t listen.

    It’s OKAY to take a moment to PAUSE and recalibrate.

    There’s power in pause.

    Tune into your heart and soul.

    How are you really feeling?

    You KNOW what to do… your mind and ego are scared to execute… start questioning things.

    When all else fails return to the breath. Be here now.

    Deep inhale and exhale.




    Shift from overwhelm where you feel powerless and a victim to circumstances into your power.

    Your power and resilience to overcome.

    Shift into solutions – step by step.

    You got this ✊🏽

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Checking in with your soul

    Start with your soul

    Stop with the shoulds.

    Start with your soul.

    Letting go of the "should"

    Stop should-ing on and all over yourself 😳

    I should work out more.

    I should eat more healthily.

    I should be able to do it.

    Ask where the should is coming from? (Most likely your mind, your ego stemming from guilt, over extending yourself, shaming yourself…)

    Realise the place that it’s coming from isn’t serving you or the world.

    Negative emotions don’t work in creating positive behaviours 💡

    Even if they do temporarily it’s not sustainable or healthy.

    Instead check in with your soul.

    What do you DESIRE to do?

    What FEELS GOOD to you?

    Tap into your soul and feeling, bringing your conscious intention with you.

    Maybe you CAN do something?

    You GET to do something?

    You CHOOSE to do something?

    You WANT something?

    Ahhhh that feels better 😌

    Give yourself a choice instead of starting off with shame and failure.

    Power to you ✊🏽

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Making moves

    Taking action

    You know what’s better than thinking about doing something for 15 minutes or even 5 years?

    Actually doing it.

    Out of your mind and into the present

    🥴 yes I am calling you out… I’m calling you out to get out of your mind and into the present moment here.

    It’s the biggest thing I see with clients.

    They spend sooooo much time in their mind.

    Going over scenarios.

    Preparing for different outcomes.

    Reading a tonne of information.

    Listening to a tonne of information.

    Watching all of the videos and content.

    Yet no one is actually doing anything with the data and information they’ve accumulated 🥴

    Embodiment > Knowledge.

    Here’s the thing too, so many people are in fear.

    They don’t want to do something because it won’t be perfect.

    They don’t want to do something because they’re unsure.

    They don’t want to something because they don’t want to fail.

    So they don’t move. They just stay still and stuck. Even though their mind is looping around for miles and miles.

    If you actually DO something and take INSPIRED ACTION whatever the outcome at least you moved ⚡️

    And so then new data and information to make your next move.

    Not rocket science but pure simplicity (but the mind likes to complicate 😅)

    When in doubt, DO SOMETHING! ANYTHING!

    Nothing changes…. If nothing changes.

    Here’s to making moves (because even if you “go backwards or fail” at least you’re moving and it’ll likely propel you into the right direction 🚀)

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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