
  • Here’s the thing about power…

    The thing about power

    Here’s the thing about power.

    It’s EASY to be powerful when everything is going your way based on your desires and expectations.

    True power though?

    Is holding your vision and your power when everything isn’t going your way.

    When it feels like everything is going wrong.

    When everything starts to crumble.

    When you start losing everything.

    When you want to give up and just cry.

    When no one believes in you.

    When you are left standing alone.

    When your mind convinces you that it isn’t happening and won’t ever happen for you.

    When you’re being thrown into the deep end with challenge after challenge.

    When everything is confusing, disheartening and to be honest, really hard.

    That’s power.

    Not giving up on yourself when quite frankly, it would be easy to.

    You are already powerful

    What I’ve learnt about power after coaching women and men of all ages around the world.

    I’m going cut through the bull that’s out there and go straight 🎯


    No matter what has happened.

    You’ve made mistakes.

    You’re not making money.

    You’ve lost everything.

    Because the power is ALWAYS and ALREADY inside of you 💥

    At times it’s hidden and drowned out by negative self talk and layers of conditioning and programming.

    That’s what I do as a life coach.

    I help my clients step back into their power always and ohhhhh the places they go 🚀…

    ❤️‍🔥 Soul fulfilling relationships
    ❤️‍🔥 Booked our businesses
    ❤️‍🔥 Dream jobs
    ❤️‍🔥 Freedom with money + travel
    ❤️‍🔥 Next level happiness

    Aalllll of the things.

    And here’s the thing.

    It COULD be you too.

    It first starts with acknowledging your power and cutting out the poor me victim mode (I’m kind, I’m loving and I’m honest 🤗🧡)

    As a coach I’m not that friend that tells you what you want to hear… I’m telling you what you NEED to hear and asking you the questions to make those 🤯💡moments.

    Secondly are you ready to talk the talk aaaand walk the walk? 🥴

    If this is resonating deeply and feeling like medicine to your soul… join me on my 5 day masterclass series. The final masterclass is “Step into your Power” ❤️‍🔥

    It’s free (and will become a paid offering). We start 14 Feb, DM me to join.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    For the beautiful soul who is reading this and feeling the pull to work with me 1:1.

    ⚡️Are you truly READY to be ACTIVATED? To wake up to your wounds and triggers (and actually move through and resolve them).

    ⚡️To step into your power (because it’s not always easy) but daaaamn from first hard experience it’s worth t when you’re living your dreams everyday.

    ⚡️To back it up with deep devotion (mmmm honey 🍯) committing financially, mentally and physically?

    If so, get in touch – l would love to find out more about you and see if I can help 🧡

    Click here to read more

  • You are a human, being

    Your best days are yet to come

    Beautiful Soul, I know there are some days that turn to nights where everything seems unbearable where you want to escape it all and fade into darkness.

    When it’s dark, don’t forget about the light.

    Turn within and whisper to your soul.

    Place your hand on your heart and feel the devotion that beats for you.

    Some of the best days of your life are yet to happen.

    Some of the best moments of your life are yet to be had.

    Some of the best memories you’ll never forget are yet to be made.

    The people you’ll meet.

    The souls you’ll fall in love with.

    The excitement that’s yet to unfold.

    The mystery and magic of the universe waiting to reveal itself.

    Hold on, you’re just on one page and there’s novels still being written.

    Keep writing your story

    To you, who’s hurting and feeling broken perhaps even numb. Questioning whether life is worth living, this is for you. Perhaps it’s been a bad day or a rough period.

    You may doubt yourself. (Doesn’t meant that you’re not full of potential and capabilities!)

    You may feel like you’re a burden. (Doesn’t mean that you are!)

    You may want it all to end. (Doesn’t mean your life or life itself isn’t worth living!)

    You may feel like a failure. (Doesn’t mean that you are! What even is failure really?)

    You may feel unworthy of love. (You’re beyond it, you are love)

    Because you’re a human being.

    Being a human being is complex! A swirl of life, death, happiness, sadness, a duality of holding and being everything all at once.

    Life is tough but so are you.

    When we are in the depths of despair, our shadow takes over.

    Our mind can convince us that there’s no hope or possibility of change… yet it’s a guarantee of life that things will always change.

    Life is a dance between the ever changing forces of destruction and creation, we cycle in and out.

    Life is every moving, dynamic, shifting, growing, evolving, collapsing, shrinking, expanding and so are we.

    When we are in the darkness it feels as if we are doomed forever.

    Don’t let the darkness fool you for the light is not only around the corner but within you.

    Keep going.

    We need your unique essence and energy in this world.

    You are wanted in this world – in all your wholeness: good, bad, ugly, beautiful, broken, put together – aaaalll of it is a gift and blessing.

    There are many pages of your life story to be written.

    Characters to be introduced.

    New plot lines and sub stories.

    An accompanying soundtrack and movie perhaps.

    I hope you realise that life is a gift and so are you, hold on – pain ends.

    From the ashes of destruction comes the greatest come back, a rebirth of the soul ready to rise and thrive ☄️

    Keep writing your story and turning the pages ✍️

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking to work with me? I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Contact me for more info 🧡 I’d love to help you live a life that lights up your soul ❤️‍🔥💫

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  • The possibilities are unfolding…

    Waiting for the possibilities to unfold

    I’m homesick for a place I’ve never been.

    I’m craving the arms for the one I’ve yet to love.

    I’m pining for their eyes to meet mine.

    I’m giddy for the butterflies that I will feel.

    I’m missing their presence in my energetic field.

    I’m longing for the home I’ve yet to live in.

    I’m floating in waters I’ve never waded before.

    I’m nostalgic for memories I’m yet to create.

    I’m lost in the lust to truly live and experience it all.

    I ache for the possibilities knowing that it’s coming but not quite here and all I know is that I’m excited for it all to unfold.

    Growing out of your comfort zone

    It’s that feeling… when you’re not quite sure what is going on but you KNOW that things are changing.

    As humans we have our comforts and we get comfortable… and even though we want to change and uplevel there’s a part of us that holds onto our old self because it’s safe and familiar.

    As I voyage into new depths and dimensions in my life, I have found myself in fear and control – wanting to know how everything unfolds but here’s the thing…

    There’s such magic and delight in the unknown, in all the possibilities that could happen, in all the different timelines, on how it all unfolds…

    Can you shift into a state of awe and wonder like a child at what’s to come and what’s already here?

    Can you tap into the energy of excitement and anticipation, that everything you desire is just around the corner, that every point and moment of change is leading you there…

    Can you?


    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to find the magic in the present moment and unlock your full potential and possibilities? I would love to help you through 1:1 coaching, contact me for more info 🪄

    Click here to read more

  • You are you, and that’s enough

    Remember, you are...

    I unlearn to remember…

    The essence of who I really am, wild and free.

    A child of the universe, made in the image and depth of divinity.

    Part of a collective whole, so loved and supported.

    A light that shines so bright, a light that is so pure.

    You are not your thoughts.

    You are not your emotions.

    You are not your parents.

    You are not your past.

    You are not your mistakes.

    You are not your trauma.

    You are not your bank account.

    You are not your job.

    You are…

    If you’re looking for love, you are love.

    If you’re looking for joy, you are joy.

    If you’re looking for abundance, you are abundance.

    You are, you are, you are.

    Your soul knows who you are

    When in doubt, when you’ve lost your way – reconnect to the wisest and deepest of wisdoms that has been built within you.

    Your soul is the GPS.

    Your soul knows the way.

    Your soul has been encoded with lifetimes of experience and knowledge.

    Your soul knows why you are here living, breathing and existing.

    Your soul is eternal and timeless the conscious witness of your life.

    Maybe all along the journey was never finding yourself in everything outside of you and reconnecting with everything within.

    Your soul doesn’t care about your bank account or how many likes you got.

    Your soul cares about how fulfilled you feel and whether you are living in alignment with your values.

    Your soul doesn’t care about what you do for a living.

    Your soul cares whether you are are truly living, if you are really alive x

    Your soul doesn’t care what you look like or what shape your body is.

    Your soul cares whether you are taking care of yourself and in love with everything that truly matters within.

    Remember, remember, remember 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    👁 ready to reconnect and expand with your soul? To live a life that lights up your soul? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 💫

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  • Do you want to start living your true potential?

    Your potential activates when...

    The biggest flex of this year is to stop playing with your potential and to start living it.

    Life is full of endless possibilities and you are full of power and potential.

    Start where you are, with what you have and do what you can because if you don’t full live you’ll never know what you are truly capable of.

    Potential doesn’t reside in the comfort zone.

    Potential activates in the breath of bravery.

    Potential activates in the cusp of courage.

    Potential activates in the depths of discomfort.

    Potential activates in facing your fears.

    Potential activates in open opportunities.

    Potential activates in the leaps of faith.

    Potential activates when you keep looking forward and never back.

    Without your opt in potential will stay just that.

    On making it happen

    Many people think that failing is the worst thing that could ever happen but nothing will haunt you more in life is not living up to your potential.

    Abandoned dreams.

    Ignored ideas.

    Sacrificial settling.

    As Les Brown said “The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.”

    The only way and time to tap into your potential is … NOW.

    Potential doesn’t care what happened to you before.

    Potential doesn’t care that you have or haven’t been a high achiever in the past.

    Potential doesn’t care for the future if it never sees the light of day.

    Potential cares about the PRESENT.

    Not when you have the money.

    Not when the opportunity comes.

    Not when you have the time.


    Through your potential you will create money.

    Through your potential opportunities will come.

    Through your potential you will prioritize and find time.

    Face your fears.

    Stop the excuses.

    Find the way.

    Blaze the trail.

    Make it happen.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    I can help you fulfil your highest potential through 1:1 coaching. I’ve seen clients attain their dream careers or book out their own businesses. I’ve seen clients abundant beyond their wildest dreams with the love of their life. Contact me for more info ⚡️

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  • When it all gets too hard

    I hope you remember...

    Beautiful soul, when it gets all too hard, it is my hope that you remember…

    I hope you remember that you are here for a reason and that your soul chose to exist in this ripple of time.

    I hope you remember in the depths of your darkness that the light within you will never cease to shine.

    I hope you remember your strength and resilience that has kept you here despite all the hardships and heartache you’ve endured.

    I hope you remember how deeply you’ve loved and how greatly you’ve grown.

    I hope you remember the innocent and purity of your heart and your capacity to love.

    Most of all I hope you remember how incredible it is that you live and get to experience life at all.

    Reawaken your magic

    May these words soothe your soul and plant flowers in the salt of your wounds 🌹

    In the darkest of times, what we need most is compassion. This compassion applies not only for others but yourself too.

    Life is not easy and here you are living it.

    Doing the best that you can whilst carrying the wounds of the past and the pains of tomorrow.

    I hope you realise the power in living. The power in knowing that your future is not set in stone that you have the power to change your life in any given moment.

    How does it feel to live life knowing your soul chose this all?

    That your soul made a promise to truly live and explore every edge of what it means to be human.

    That your soul didn’t settle for easy, it wanted a full spectrum experience where pain and pleasure intertwine.

    Know that ancient wisdom is infused in every cell of your being 🧬 even if you can’t consciously remember, your soul knows deep down inside.

    Reawaken to your magic.

    Reawaken to your power.

    Reawaken to your soul.

    Come home to you.

    Remember, remember, remember.

    It is in remembrance we keep alive the memories of those we love who are no longer here.

    It is in remembrance that the pain of the past serves a stark reminder to how we live life now.

    It is in remembrance we honour those who came before us and honour those to come.

    It is in remembrance you’ll find love, a deep love for yourself and all that you’ve been through.

    It is in remembrance you’ll fully embrace life for cherishing it as a gift of every moment that is not guaranteed after.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for support and guidance in this sacred journey of life? Get in touch to find out all the ways you can work with me such as 1:1 coaching, human design or the soul sister collective 💫

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  • Without darkness there cannot be light

    Things to never forget

    As our hearts ache with heaviness and sadness, beautiful soul do not forget. 

    Never forget.

    The love, light and goodness that happens in the world every single day.

    Children being born.

    Communities coming together.

    Courage in face of darkness and fear.

    Consciousness rising.

    Countless celebrations.

    Spiritual awakenings.

    Sunshine and smiles.

    Faith and trust.

    Seeds planted.

    Flowers blooming.

    Bountiful harvest.

    Oceans roaring.

    Acts of kindness.

    Open hearts.


    The unsung heroes.

    The truth that underscores everything.

    It is in dark times that the light shines brighter.

    Without darkness there cannot be light.

    Light will always prevail.

    Hope will always prevail.

    Hold onto hope.

    Hold onto love.

    Hold onto light.

    Healing for one, healing for all

    The light may flicker, the light may dwindle but the light remains strong 🕯

    We are in an age of division and darkness with heavy hearts and swollen eyes.

    We weep in solidarity with our brothers, our sisters, kindred souls.

    We mourn this age that culminates to the great unknown.

    We hold onto hope.

    For brighter days are coming.

    For a world unified by love, light, peace and compassion.

    It starts with you.

    Doing whatever you can.

    Turn on the light 💡

    Give love to the light.

    Make love with the light.

    Spread the light.

    As we heal, we rise together.

    Our power as an individual.

    Our power in unity.

    Healing for one, healing for all.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • I hope for a world…

    I hope for a world...

    I hope for a world united by love, peace and light.

    I hope for a world led by love over fear.

    I hope for a world where we rise and ascend together.

    I hope for a world that is healed from the ground up.

    I hope for a world where the truth shines bright.

    I hope for a world that overcomes trauma and suffering.

    I hope for a world where troubled hearts are comforted.

    I hope for a world full of compassion and empathy.

    I hope for a world where mind, body and soul align.

    I hope for a world where creation overrides destruction.

    I hope for a world where trouble is met with serenity.

    I hope for a world where strength is in support.

    I hope, I hope, I hope.

    Goodness and light still exist

    For you, beautiful soul your heart is heavy and tender I know with everything going on in the world.

    A world divided as of late.

    What we have endured for the past 2 years.

    What we face now.

    What is to come of everything.

    The battles and storms we face created by human and forces beyond us of nature and divine.

    My heart aches and yearns from these words.

    Feeling helpless, sad and heavy at the bleakness that we sit in now.

    Beautiful soul, a gentle reminder from my heart to yours, do not forget of all the goodness and light that still exists, will continue to exist and will ALWAYS exist.

    Take care of your mind, heart and soul today.

    Allow yourself to feel all that we do in a personal and collective level.

    The world continues to move on and it is my hope we bring more pure love, light, consciousness and intention to every single moment.

    I hope, I hope, I hope 🕊

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Finding the truest you

    Be you, be free...

    Maybe it’s not that you’re changing… maybe it’s your remembering and reawakening to who you really are.

    The you before the world told you to be a certain way.

    The you that’s battled and weathered the storms.

    The you that’s embodied all aspects of yourself.

    The you that’s switched on to your spark and light.

    The you that’s peeled off layers of conditioning.

    The you that’s stripped to your true essence.

    The you that shines in your authenticity and truth.

    The you that chooses to love despite fear and hate.

    Reawakening all that you are

    It’s hard to be true to yourself in a world that values being a follower not a leader.

    It’s hard to be true to to yourself for fear of judgement, of being a light that shines too bright.

    It’s hard to be you under layers of programming, conditioning, pressure and expectations that weigh you down.

    It’s hard to be you when your ideal image of yourself is a mosaic of the external world and influences beyond you.

    It’s hard to be you with your past haunting you and everything that you’ve been through which makes you put up your walls.

    Your truest self is always within raw, beating, pulsing, loving – your highest self.

    How does it feel to come home to you.

    Your highest self.




    An unwavering mountain of strength.

    The golden warmth of sunshine.

    The wind beneath thing wings of a bird.

    The gentle breeze of the tree.

    The glory and sparkle of the stars.

    You are here in this beating moment.


    Reawakening to all that you are 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to continue uplevelling in your personal and spiritual growth journey? Join me in my membership – The Soul Sister Collective or hop on the waitlist for 1:1 coaching ⚡️

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  • Are you ready for the quantum leap?

    You have to be willing...

    The greatest personal growth, the quantum leaps… they demand you to go all in.

    You can’t dance around the fringes. You can’t linger around the edges.

    You have to make the leap of faith. You have to delve into stories and beliefs you don’t want to.

    You have to confront your shadow and darkness to integrate within. You have to be willing to be wrong.

    You have to be willing to feel it all. You have to be willing for it to get ugly, raw and messy.

    You have to be willing to pay the price of your old self. You have to be willing and open to being triggered.

    You have to be willing to feel lonely as your vibration rises and what is no longer an energetic match falls away.

    You have to be willing to take responsibility.

    You have to be willing to be thrown out of your comfort zone in the abyss of the unknown and uncomfortable.

    It’s not for the faint hearted, it’s for those who are ready to fly.

    Big change requires big moves

    How do I know all of this? I know because I’ve experienced it myself and witnessed it with my clients.

    I’m so proud of the beautiful souls in my world, their bravery inspires me and this post is dedicated to them.

    Not everyone is ready for the work.

    Seriously it’s painful.

    It’s confronting.

    It’s easier to stay the same because actual change is TOUGH.

    Not all quantum leaps are like jumping on a magical unicorn through a rainbow sky full of glitter 🦄🌈✨✨✨ (though that would be fun 😜)

    Often during or just before the leap it feels like everything is going wrong. It feels like you’re pushed and backed into a corner. It feels like you want to escape it all.

    Because the breakdown… leads to the breakthrough.

    BIG change requires BIG moves.

    To go all in with your energy, time, effort and commitment.

    If you’re ready to start 2022 BIG I’m holding a free 5 day masterclass series that covers self love, money, mindset, power and includes a full moon circle.

    DM me to join. They’ll turn into a paid offering later in the year.

    You can stay small and play small your whole life and personal growth but don’t expect quantum leaps… that’s an honest truth from my perspective.

    There’s a reason why when clients invest they feel the fear, the scarcity but they also feel so lit up, excited and ready!

    Cheering on your personal growth journey and expansion.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    For the soul who’s ready to MOVE and EXPAND. Ready for your greatest personal growth and quantum leap? 🚀

    If you’re ready join me, I’d love to help you through 1:1 coaching and human design.

    Click here to read more