
  • Let it go and let it flow

    Follow the pulls of your soul

    Let it go and let it flow…

    Life is a rollercoaster...

    Let go and flow with the stream of life.

    Listen to the rhythm of your heartbeat.

    Follow the pulls of your soul.

    Release your fears and doubts, child of the universe.

    The stars and angels support you.

    When the world is dark, your inner light shines bright.

    Life is a rollercoaster of experiences and emotions driven by the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.

    It can be excruciating to feel so deeply.

    Heartache and pain contrast liberation and ecstasy.

    From a spiritual point of view, your soul chose to get on this ride. I suggest this perspective to you as I do with my clients, ‘How does it feel to go through life knowing your soul chose this curriculum for your personal growth?’

    To grow.

    To expand.

    Your soul is hungry for experiences and emotions that nudge you into alignment.

    The depth of the darkness and shadows you feel also open the limitless love and joy you can feel.

    Enjoy the ride 🎢

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • Novels are being written within you

    Some of the best memories are yet to be made...

    Some of the best days of your life are yet to happen.

    Some of the best moments of your life are yet to be had.

    Some of the best memories are yet to be made.

    The mystery and magic of life that’s waiting to reveal itself.

    Hold on because you’re only on a single page while novels are being written within you.

    This is your sign...

    This is your sign, the one you’ve been looking for.

    The people you’ll meet are yet to be met.

    The souls you’ll fall in love with are yet to be loved.

    The excitement you’ll have that’s yet to unfold.

    Better days are just around the corner… 💫

    An excerpt from my book — The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life.

    Pre-order worldwide available, releasing June 23, 2023.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • Honour your truth

    Honouring your inner truth

    Exercise the ultimate act of self-love, honouring your inner truth even when it is painful.

    This means walking away from and letting go of what no longer serves you.

    Maybe it’s a job, relationship or location.

    It’s breaking free from what boxes you in – the pressure of society, the weight of what other people think and your own beliefs.

    When everything falls away, one thing will always remain: the truth.

    It cannot be ignored.

    You can live in ignorance, but the truth won’t.

    There will be days when loving being yourself will be tough.

    Sometimes all you can do is love a tiny bit more than yesterday and that is more than enough.

    Sometimes growth means walking away

    Can you really hear yourself? Your soul; your true inner voice? Or are you weighed down by other voices: conditioning, programming, culture, the outside world.

    Honour your truth.

    That may be painful for others but you owe yourself the love and dedication you so willingly give to others.

    Sometimes life and growth means walking away 🌱

    Making space and letting go for a new door to open 🚪

    On the other side is everything you could’ve wanted and more, are you brave enough to open it?

    An excerpt from my upcoming book — The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life

    Available for preorder world wide, out June 23 2023.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • Welcome to the darkening of the light

    Dark & Light

    Welcome to the darkening of the light.

    Just like winter or the dark night of the soul, we need darkness to ultimately find the light.

    We need darkness as a veil to what is growing beneath the surface.

    What surfaces is your endurance to channel your crisis into change.

    It is time to surrender your heart and soul to the universe.

    Shed like a snake what no longer serves you.

    Let go and flow with where the steam of life wants you to go.

    Listen to the rhythm and beat of your heart.

    Surrender your soul to the alluring pull of what you desire.

    Release your fears and doubts, child of the universe.

    The stars and angels are always supporting you.

    You are exactly where you need to be right now.

    When the world is dark your inner light shines bright.

    Allow yourself to change...

    🎢 Life is a rollercoaster of experiences and emotions driven by the highest of highs and lowest of lows.

    The feels can be excruciating.

    To feel so deeply.

    Heartache and pain contrasted with liberation and ecstasy.

    From a spiritual point of view our soul chose to get on this ride.

    To learn.

    To grow.

    To expand.

    Your soul is hungry for experiences and emotions that nudge you into alignment.

    The depth of darkness and shadow you feel also opens up the limitless love and joy you can also feel.

    Allow yourself to change.

    Allow yourself to merge with your shadow.

    On this rollercoaster of life one minute we are up and the next we are down… and it will continue to go on. Otherwise wouldn’t life be boring?

    Enjoy it for all that life is – it’s only temporary anyway!

    An excerpt from my upcoming debut book available for pre-order worldwide—

    The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more


    Change pushes you to expand...

    Why do you only want change if it’s on your terms?

    That is not how change works.

    Change pushes you to expand.

    The circumstances of life and the universe will show you what is happening.

    Some doors are closed to redirect you.

    A door to another path will open and show you another way of doing things.

    Rejection is protection.

    You cannot control the pace of change.

    It just happens and is inevitable, so you might as well embrace it because you’ll emerge stronger, wiser and smarter than before.

    Trust and surrender...

    There’s one common thing that most of us do that stops us from growing and changing 👀

    That very thing?

    The desire to control.

    So very human of us.

    You are a powerful creator collaborating with the universe and life force itself.

    You’ll find your life fill with more ease when you realise the only thing you can control is you.

    Your inner reality.

    Choosing what thoughts you’ll follow and go into the rabbit hole with.

    Choose your perspective on the world and what you’ll do with those feelings.

    Choose your impact on the world through the way you move and what you do.

    No matter how hard you try — you cannot control life.

    It’s the beauty of life, it will unfold as it should.

    Trust and surrender beautiful soul 🌊

    Let go of the heavy need to control it all because you can’t and why would you want to?

    It would be a heavy task and where’s the fun in that?

    Enjoy the ride 🦋

    📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    Now available for pre-order worldwide at all good online retailers and bookstores, releasing June 2023.

    love & positivity ✨phi

    Click here to read more

  • Who are you?

    The jigsaw puzzle of life

    Stories aren’t just found in fairy tales, books and movies.

    We live inside stories that our mind creates and identifies with.

    Our brain pieces these stories together to create the ultimate story of ‘me’.

    The voice inside your head has created ‘you’ by weaving together pieces of your past experiences and what you believe to be true.

    It all then pieces together like a jigsaw puzzle.

    Only certain pieces make it into this jigsaw puzzle.

    The great unlearning...

    So who are YOU really? You aren’t these stories, you are what’s beneath them all. Pure consciousness — soul.

    Have you observed this story telling?

    The stories vou believe in the form of “l”.
    I am the type of person who…

    I am not like that because…

    I am not worthy because..

    I believe that…

    I am right because…

    The stories make us feel a certain way, the stories have us act a certain way.

    Your true self doesn’t identify with the stories.

    Your true self is in your expression, being, essence and knowing.

    There’s nothing to defend, assert, prove or cling onto.

    You haven’t done this knowingly – it has instinctively happened through your experiences and conditioning.

    You aren’t who you think you are – you are the presence underneath and behind all the layers.

    You awaken to your true self when you become conscious of this and free yourself from the stories.

    You are.

    So freeing, so powerful – to break free from the stories and simply be.

    This is the great unlearning…

    An excerpt from my debut book “The Great Unlearning — Awakening to Living An Aligned and Authentic Life”

    Currently available for preorder in Australia via Booktopia or Amazon (link in bio), International preorders opening soon via Amazon and Book Depository. Releases worldwide June 23rd 2023.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • Your greatest season…

    Your greatest season

    The truth is sometimes you won’t understand why certain things are happening in your life.

    It will feel frustrating and difficult.

    You will question yourself – who you are, the choices you have made, the decisions you came to, your past and ultimately you still won’t find the answers in that.

    We think that the more we know and understand, the more peace we will have but that isn’t always the case.

    There are times in life all you can do is surrender and ride the waves.

    To have faith and trust in the process.

    That everything is happening for a reason for your greatest season.

    I believe in you...

    This is for you beautiful soul, if you’re in the fog, the uncertainty — doubting yourself, questioning yourself…

    It may not make sense right now and maybe it isn’t meant to make sense right now, but one day it will.

    We can’t always navigate life in our head, intellectually… logically.

    And thus sometimes life will shake itself up with the twists, turns and all things unexpected to get you out of your head and into your body.

    Your heart.

    Your soul.

    Your gut.

    Your intuition.

    It will test your patience.

    It will test your faith.

    It’s not easy but you will get through it.

    I know you will.

    I believe in you 🌟

    I see you 👁️

    I feel you 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • You can keep going

    Everything in divine timing...

    So maybe this year didn’t start out the way you wanted or expected… and that’s okay.

    The year isn’t over yet, it’s only just begun.

    Things can shift and change at any time.

    Sometimes on the surface it feels like nothing is happening or going your way, when really it is.

    You just can’t see it right now.

    Life is conspiring and coming together behind the scenes.

    Anything is possible.

    It can still happen.

    Everything in perfect, divine timing.

    Have faith and hold the vision.

    At the end of this year, you’ll be glad you did.

    You are worthy...

    so what if the year so far hasn’t been as magical as you hoped or expected … it doesn’t mean that it won’t eventually be 🦋

    don’t let current circumstances dictate what your heart and soul know.

    you are worthy of what you desire.

    the journey is a mixture of patience and inspired action.

    know that what is meant for you, is yours no matter what is going on right now.

    this your sign to hold on.

    I know it’s been tough and testing, on the other side of this is greater growth.

    sometimes the light is hiding behind the shadows temporarily.

    the breakdown, the void, the fog is all part of a bigger picture to reveal itself…

    let life unfold, save this post and come back to it at the end of the year… then you will see 👁️ it’s all playing out perfectly according to what you need for your highest good and alignment.

    it’s a long term game; not a short one.

    Click here to read more

  • It’s getting better…

    Make way for new beginnings

    You can relax.

    Honestly, you have no idea how good life is about to get for you.

    The universe is and has always been conspiring in your favour.

    You don’t need to worry, its okay to surrender and let the universe take care of it.

    Trust in what is being removed from your life now to make way for new beginnings.

    Soon enough, you will be so happy that all the anguish, anxiety and pain you went through will pale in comparison to the joy you will feel.

    Everything will be right.

    Everything is going to be okay.

    Dear Universe...

    Universe, show me how good it can be… show me how good it gets 💫

    How do you feel knowing the universe is always operating in your favour?

    That worrying won’t get you anywhere but into a spiral 🌀

    Let the universe show you how loved and supported you are, if you give it a chance 🌟

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • Open your heart

    On opening your heart...

    Opening your heart is messy.

    Opening your heart means expansion.

    Opening your heart means letting it all in – the good, the hard, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful.

    Opening your heart means being vulnerable, to not only be fully seen but fully felt too.

    Opening your heart can be complicated, confusing and conflicting to the mind, it is not logical.

    Opening your heart means softening in love, thawing and melting your protective walls.

    Opening your heart is to be brave.

    Opening your heart means to take on the world with your strength and courage.


    It might feel like your heart is closed and breaking, when really it is expanding 🌹

    Opening something as divine as your heart isn’t easy or simple, it’s messy, raw yet beautiful.

    Sometimes following your heart leads to the path less taken, yes to it breaking but in shattering your heart opens — it expands.

    Tell me, what is your heart saying to you right now?

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more