
  • Why the changes in your sleep and energy?

    The Energetic Shift

    Is it just me or are you having sudden changes to your sleep patterns and your energy?

    You’re not crazy.

    You’re not weird.

    There’s an energetic shift happening and there’s a lot going on.

    The cosmic tea and details

    What is going on? The cosmic tea and details.

    Heightened celestial activity with the human design new year coming up, Pluto’s big shift from Capricorn into Aquarius from 2024-2044 and solar flares 🌞

    If you’re sensitive to energy, intuitive you may have felt this either being very buzzy, wired and plugged in 🔌 or exhausted and depleted — lots of spiritual soul activities going on.

    Human Design New Year: January 22 (at the time of posting in the final energies of limitations, acceptance letting go more on that in my podcast 🎧 Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang Episode 58).

    Let’s talk about Pluto. This tiny planet packs a punch and is going to greatly influence the next 20 years of what we see unfolding collectively by making a once-in-a-lifetime transition into the sign of Aquarius from Capricorn on January 20th. This is a new collective chapter that will unfold leading to great shifts for everyone on a societal level and personally.

    Pluto is the planet of destruction, rebirth and mystery ruled by the Underworld.

    Aquarius rules justice, equality, social connections, community, humanity, innovation, technology, science and independence.

    Solar flares are huge bursts of energy from the sun supercharged with magnetic energy and radiation. They signal an ascension process shifting from your physical body to your light body. Expect intuitive downloads as well as disturbances to sleep and physical symptoms.

    More on that in Episode 59 of my podcast which is a midway January 2024 energy update.

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  • New beginnings aren’t perfect…

    Everything will be okay

    You don’t have to have a happy start or beginning.

    Maybe it’s been mediocre.

    Maybe it’s been messy.

    Maybe it’s been confusing.

    Maybe it’s been just down right terrible and that’s okay.

    It doesn’t mean the journey or the destination won’t work out.

    Don’t overthink things.

    Take it step by step, moment by moment.

    Be kind to yourself.

    Give yourself love, compassion and grace.

    Everything will be okay.

    YOU set the tone

    Not so happy new year? 😕 Guess what?

    It’s okay!

    It doesn’t set the tone for the rest of what’s to come… it won’t define the year ahead, it won’t unless you let it…

    I remember starting 2023 in a strange place, everything on paper was perfect yet I wasn’t fully “happy” and “lit up” off the back of a breakup and the anniversary of my dads death and birthday… yet I ended up having one of the best years of my life in 2023 🥰

    I got to work with amazing clients, have the biggest month of my business, release my debut book 📖 The Great Unlearning, travel internationally, spend time with friends and family and met my now new partner 🫶🏽

    New beginnings can be overwhelming even when you’re excited.

    Allow yourself the grace and love to feel it all.

    After all life is a duality of high highs, low lows and everything in between.

    What matters is your mindset. Your perspective, what is IN your control.

    You set the tone. You set the pace.

    You have power.

    Enjoy the journey!

    Here’s to your growth and expansion in 2024.

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  • Happy Human Design New Year!

    Happy Human Design New Year!




    Inspired action.

    Feel it.

    What is the energy?

    The way human design sees the new year is a whole new cycle of experience.

    Human Design New Year for many is very much about intentions over resolutions or goals because the majority of the population have an open heart, which is the centre for motivation and willpower.

    When it’s open you have inconsistent access to your own motivation and willpower therefore if you do happen to have an open heart, please don’t beat yourself, get annoyed and frustrated when you seemingly seem so motivated one minute and the the next not, that’s how you are designed and built to be in human design.

    From my experience doing hundreds of reasons, it is about unlearning the societal expectation to always be working towards something and instead getting you to shift into the being. We all have some seasons, move and flow with your energy instead of blocking it.

    The human design energy itself is fantasy, imagination, possibilities, contraction, inspired action.

    This is the week to dream big but also to come up with a plan to make it happen — big dreams, grounded in reality.

    There are several ways to tap into this energy mainly imagination and what I have channeled sensuality 👀

    More on this on the latest episode 🎧 Grow Through It with Phi Dang episode 61 Human Design New Year.

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  • Feeling ‘meh’ about the new year?

    POV: Feeling eh about 2024?

    Do you feel a bit ‘eh blah’, like 2024 hasn’t really hit for you…

    And the new year hasn’t given you the motivation to do your intentions and figure out what you’re vibing for the year?

    It’s okay.

    It’s not just you.

    It's all about ENERGY

    The reason you are feeling egh and bleh about the new year may very well have nothing to do with you, in fact it could be because of the 🌀 energy 🌀 especially if you’re empathetic and intuitive.

    In terms of energy there are several different perspectives out there… astrologically some may believe the 111 portal with the Capricorn new moon is new year (11/1 — 11th of January) or maybe end of March with the Spring Solstice… human design says in a couple of weeks with the kick of the collective fantasy imagination energy…

    All in all, this is your permission slip to give yourself grace.

    To be kind and compassionate if you’re not feeling motivated, inspired, lit up and all guns blazing in 2024 yet.

    There’s a window energetically open from about the 11th of January even until April 🫶🏽

    For more on this listen to my latest episode on my podcast
    🎧 Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang
    Episode 56: New Year Energy 2024

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Here’s to recapping the highs and lows

    Life isn't just a highlight reel

    because life isn’t just a highlight reel, don’t let social media fool you!

    2023 has been one of the best years of my life and no it wasn’t happy and positive all of the time…

    It was actually a year that started amazing on paper but despite all the surface level stuff: a thriving business, incredible home, freedom lifestyle, abundance, loving and supportive friends and family yet something felt missing and it was worse because according to society I had the life and things that “should” make you happy…

    What is was… was a year I gave myself permission and allowed myself to truly feel it all. To make mistakes. To try again.

    A year I unlearned a lot that didn’t serve me so that I loved myself more deeply than I ever had and in turn started the year single and am ending it with a partner.

    A year where I had moments I didn’t think I would make it through but I did. A year filled with lows I had never felt with highs and joys too 🥹🥲

    I hope you give yourself permission to be so proud of yourself no matter how the year went and know that at any moment, you can change and so can your life.

    So heres to another year 🫶🏽🥰

    It doesn’t have to be the 31st when you let everything go nor does it have to be the 1st to start everything over. Whenever you decide is right for you.

    And if you’re looking for support and guidance… 🙋🏼‍♀️ here’s your sign I can’t wait to work with you either through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading… contact me 🧡

    If no one else has told you — I’m proud of you! I hope you give yourself the grace and love to be more you, to embrace yourself and life to its fullest and enjoy the ride 🌊

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Your happy ending is here

    Make it a December to remember

    A lot can happen by December 31st.

    Have faith and trust.

    Everything you desire could come to fruition.

    You don’t have to have it all figured out – all you have to do, is try your best to move forward.

    Just because the calendar year is ending doesn’t mean manifestations, miracles and momentum take a break.

    The universe works 24/7, 365 days a year. In fact isn’t there a saying, always save the best for last?

    Your happy ending is here – blessings on blessings, renewed purpose and love for yourself, new energy, the unexpected…

    Make it a December to remember.

    Keep your energy open

    Many people make this mistake at the end of the year… and it’s easy to do so. Do you live in a reality of constraint or one where there is ✨ no limits ✨

    I dwell in abundance, a boundless universe where anything can happen at any time.

    Everything you want… just around the corner.

    Everything you want… unfolding in the most unexpected ways.

    Everything you want… happening at the last moment.

    Keep your energy open for all you desire ❤️‍🔥

    Don’t close yourself off energetically because of a calendar year.

    Tune into your body what is for you — there is no right or wrong. Some will be gearing up, others will be winding down.

    I wrote this a year ago and I was hustling, this year I’m slowing down — life it’s dynamic and changing, it ebbs and flows 🌊 trust yourself, trust your body.

    Give yourself permission for what feels good for you, not what you “think” you ought to or “should” 🧡

    📖 If you love my writing you’ll love my book The Great Unlearning out now and available via Amazon worldwide or your local bookstore too.

    🎥 @nature.alanya

    Here’s to a fabulous December beautiful soul 🥂

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  • You are your power

    You can't stop your thoughts

    You can’t stop your thoughts.

    You melt the resistance you feel when trying to control something that is uncontrollable.

    That is your power...

    The issue at heart here is your resistance to your thoughts and trying to get rid of them.

    It doesn’t matter what you do, you cannot control or get rid of your thoughts!

    It’s up to you to choose who is there to meet the thoughts.

    That is your power 🦋✨ 🤝 🧠

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

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  • Live for today

    Your pain...

    Your pain and wounds need not be ugly.

    Our pain should not stop us.

    Our pain should not make us want to give up life.

    You can be a portal to a deeper and more conscious form of living.

    What you are living for

    We can become distrustful and weary of life because of the hurt we endured in our journey.

    Live for the moments you cannot put into words.

    Live for the kisses that will take your breath away.

    Live for the people you are yet to meet who will change your life.

    Live for the conversations that touch your heart and soul.

    Live for today, here and now, even when times are tough, because there are so many reasons to keep going.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

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  • Healing is a journey

    Healing is a funny thing

    Healing is a funny thing.

    It can feel slow.

    It can feel as if nothing has changed.

    It can feel like you are doing so much yet so little at the same time.

    It can feel like the dark void, and it can feel like the fullness.

    And then, one day, you’ll realise how far you’ve come.

    You’ll realise that healing isn’t sudden.

    You’ll realise that you’ve been healing the whole time.

    Keep going, because you are healing

    Every step counts whether big or small.

    Healing and recovery aren’t a race so you don’t need a timer.

    There are some things you simply can’t rush. Setbacks happen. That doesn’t mean you won’t heal.

    So keep going, because you are healing ❤️‍🩹

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

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  • Let your light shine

    Shine bright, beautiful soul

    Some people will not see you not because you don’t shine but because they do not want to acknowledge your light.

    For others you will be too bright and that’s okay.

    They will find your light blinding and would rather you dull to a small flicker instead of being the sun that you are.

    Shine bright, beautiful soul.

    Your light will glow...

    Never let another’s darkness impact your light 🌟

    It doesn’t matter if you don’t receive applause or validation, what you are doing by being yourself and contributing to this world is important.

    Your light will glow and others will want to harness and cultivate their own because of you 🕯️

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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