
  • On healing…

    You heal when...

    You heal when you love yourself through it.

    You heal when you express what’s inside.

    You heal when you speak your truth, it’s medicine.

    You heal when you forgive not only others but yourself too.

    You heal when you let go of how you think it should be and let it just be.

    You heal when you realise you are not broken and there’s nothing to fix.

    You heal when you get out of your head and into your body.

    You heal when you move and be on your own timeline.

    You heal when you let the past, be the past.

    You heal when you no longer resist and surrender to the flow.

    You heal because you are doing the best that you can and that is more than enough.

    Accepting the process...

    Because your healing won’t be through hate or self loathing.

    Your medicine is in kindness, compassion and love for yourself.

    Your healing comes in being able to hold space for yourself and everything that comes with the journey, all the feelings — grief, joy, sadness, ecstasy, anger and relief.

    Your healing will be at your own pace and it’s okay if it starts slow and progresses inch by inch because that is progress.

    You’ll have moments of feeling weak followed by bursts of being brave nevertheless what lies at your heart is always strength and resilience because you’ve made it so far and will continue to.

    I see you healing and I think it’s so beautiful.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • A channeled message for you

    Trusting your journey

    Trust how your journey is unfolding.

    I know that it is so hard to do sometimes.

    Know that not everyone is going to understand it.

    It’s your journey to take and no one else’s.

    I know it’s hard to have faith.

    I know it can be at times hard to believe.

    Beautiful soul, you have not seen it all.

    You have not felt it all.

    Every single moment is a precious part of your path unfolding.

    Do what you can from where you are.

    Step by step, it’s all coming together perfectly.

    A channeled message for you:

    This is the sign you’ve been asking for – everything will be okay 🦋 it’s no mistake you’re reading this right now.

    a channeled message for you:

    it’s okay to let go of control, it’s okay to surrender.

    your team have heard your messages loud and clear.

    they’ve got you and everything is unfolding perfectly as it should.

    relax into this present moment and enjoy.

    let life surprise you.

    the unexpected is the best part of life.

    even though it may feel like at times things aren’t going your way, they most certainly are.

    your team and the universe know what they are doing – there is no such thing as failures and mistakes.

    sigh; let go – it’s all good 🦋🐝

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Be your own saviour

    Be your own saviour

    Maybe right now your journey isn’t about love.

    Maybe right now your journey is about… YOU.

    Maybe this is the season you’re being challenged to be your own saviour.

    You are love

    love is so very beautiful, it’s something we all desire and dream of… we find ourselves searching for it, in the arms and heart of another.

    what I’ve come to realise time and time again, love is not outside of you.

    love is within you.

    you are love.

    we are conditioned to search for it, to chase it, to find it when all along it’s inside of ourselves.

    you don’t need to be rescued, you need to rescue yourself.

    when your heart is so full and at peace within yourself inevitably it will draw another, someone who won’t complete you but complement you.

    someone who won’t change you but make you strive to be a better person.

    someone you could live without but don’t want to 🧡

    that love cannot be rushed, that love is worth the wait.

    trust the journey beautiful soul 🦋

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • You are a human, being

    Make friends with your shadow

    Be human to the fullest.

    Make mistakes, learn and make them again.

    Move four steps forwards, five steps backwards and then to the side.

    Fall down and get back up.

    Be driven crazy by your thoughts.

    Wallow in your misery.

    Cry one minute then laugh and feel immense joy.

    Give into temptation.

    Enjoy earthy delights.

    Laugh so much until your stomach hurts.

    Dance in the rain.

    Make friends with your shadow.

    Create, destroy, create and destroy.

    Shine your light.

    Feel the rush of falling for someone.

    Love deeply even when your heart is broken.

    Be in your own world.

    Rise higher and higher.

    Fail, succeed, fail and succeed. 

    Try again.

    Enjoy the human experience, beautiful soul.

    Be the human that you are

    Because you aren’t meant to be perfect or robotic. You are a human being!

    You aren’t here to follow the traditions, you are here to forge your own path and be a game changer.

    You aren’t here to repeat the same mistakes and continue the pain of your ancestors. You are here to break the chain and heal your lineage.

    You aren’t here to shrink yourself and play it small. You are here to make the most of your unique and rare existence.

    You aren’t here to be boxed and trapped by a purpose. You are here to live and truly by alive.

    Be the human that you are.

    Exactly as you are now is who you are meant to be.

    Exactly where you are now is where you are meant to be.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Find your simple joys

    Simplicity is best

    There’s something about simplicity.

    In a world where chaos and rushing rule the day.

    In a world where we are lost and caught up in our tangled minds.

    Simplicity is best.

    It’s all about the simple happy pleasures in life.

    The first sip of coffee in the morning.

    Mid afternoon naps.

    Watching the sun rise.

    Laughing with friends.

    Lemon ice tea.

    Dinner by candlelight.

    Watching the clouds go by.

    Going to bed after a busy day.

    Fresh sheets.

    Warm bread straight out of the oven.

    Morning dew.

    Rolling ocean waves.

    Walking barefoot on grass.

    Buttery popcorn.

    Making someone smile.

    Homemade pie.

    A scenic drive.

    Golden hour.

    Find your simple joys.

    Find your simple joys

    Find your simple joys because happiness doesn’t have to be complicated.

    Find your simple joys because it’s the little things in life alongside the big moments.

    Find your simple joys because otherwise life goes quick and will rush by.

    Find your simple joys ☕️

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    My book comes out in June 2023! 

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  • Child of the universe

    It all leads to this...

    Life is a beautiful, wild, crazy journey and adventure.

    How the strings of fate and free will dance.

    How everything has led you to this moment, right here and now.

    The aphrodisiac of knowing anything is possible.

    The wonder of what is written in the stars and sealed with a cosmic kiss.

    How you are the sun, stars and moon.

    How two hearts find each other in perfect time.

    The unseen behind the veil and what is unfolding.



    Your return and journey home, to your true nature, of heart and soul.

    Never forget, you are a child of the universe.

    You belong here

    Even if you feel lost and out of this world 👽 you belong here.

    You are loved.

    You are supported.

    You are a child of the universe and the universe wants to see you happy.

    The universe wants to see you succeed.

    The universe wants you to have everything you want with one caveat; in alignment with your values, your heart, your soul and your energy.

    Never forget the wonder of the world, of existence of living.

    What a beautiful gift it is to be human and a child of the universe 💫

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • You have a good heart

    A gentle reminder...

    You’ve got a good heart.

    Even when you make mistakes.

    Even when you try your best and it doesn’t work out.

    Even when you snap because you are angry and frustrated with the world.

    Even when you’re annoyed at yourself and others.

    Even when you’re caught up in an anxious loop.

    Even when you fall asleep with tears in your eyes.

    Even when you feel like a burden to everyone.

    Even when you are caught up in the past.

    Even when you feel so stuck in your head and you feel like you are making everything about you.

    Even when you second guess and doubt yourself.

    Even when you have a critical self voice that says otherwise.

    It can be easy to forget, so a gentle reminder: you are loveable and you are loved.

    You are trying your best and I see you for it.

    Listen to your heart

    you’ve got a good heart and no matter what I hope it never hardens.

    I hope you continue to wear your heart on your sleeve.

    I hope you continue to listen to your heart.

    I hope you continue to trust your heart.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • A little perspective

    It's okay to feel lost

    There comes a point in time where you feel lost and that’s okay.

    That path isn’t always clear.

    At times it may be hidden.

    There’s twists and turns.

    It’s okay to change your mind.

    It’s okay to be scared.

    What matters is you know that whichever way you go, all will be okay. 

    You’ll end up exactly where you need to be as exactly who you are meant to be.

    Think about how proud your future self will be of you.

    For continuing the journey despite the pain, fear and confusion along the way.

    Sometimes all you need is perspective.

    To zoom out a little and see all the progress you’ve made and will continue to make.

    Keep moving, keep going

    being lost is part of the journey, for if you have never been lost how do you know you’ve ever really found yourself?

    be the one in control of your destiny, step into your power.

    do not be afraid to live life.

    go at it with all your all, you are here on this earth to be alive 🧨

    the only way to know is to keep moving and to keep going.

    you got this 👊🏽

    I believe in you 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    looking for direction and purpose? I got you! Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 💫

    p.s. My book comes out June 2023 🤩 more info on my website now!

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  • Good things are coming

    Move at your own pace

    Good things are coming.

    Good things are waiting for you.

    Good things are about to happen.

    Life has its high and lows.

    Life has its setbacks.

    The weight of sadness, grief and pain.

    The ache of a broken heart and overwhelm mind.

    The frustration of being stuck with no where to go.

    The paralysis of anxiety and perfectionism.

    The yearning for hope and relief… there is more to come.

    The old energy is clearing and the new is ready to rush through.

    In the meantime be kind to your mind, be kind to your body, be kind to your heart and be kind to your soul.

    Move at your own pace.

    The good is inevitable.

    Better days are on their way.

    Be here and you will see

    If you were looking for a sign, here it is 💌 the best is yet to come and all you have to do is keep going.

    Things fall apart for better things to come together.

    It is just around the corner ✨ you’ve got to hold your power, belief and trust in that.

    Your life can change in any moment.

    You can’t predict the future with absolute certainty 🔮

    How do you know that better days AREN’T coming? You don’t.

    A string of bad moments and days doesn’t mean good isn’t coming.

    All you can do is be here in the present. Forget the past it’s dead and gone. Forget the future it’s an illusion.



    & you will see 👁

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to get out of your funk and into your best life now? 🕺🏻 let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or human design 🧡

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  • Be kind to yourself

    Perhaps it's time for change...

    Why is it that the person we are hardest on is ourselves?

    We seem to be so understanding and compassionate towards others, yet we seem to forget ourselves.

    Don’t be so hard on yourself beautiful soul, you are doing the best you can with whatever is going on right now.

    You’ve been through so much already.

    You are strong.

    You are a survivor.

    Life is already tough, you don’t need to be even tougher on yourself.

    Perhaps you could bring more love to all parts of yourself?

    Perhaps you could make peace with all the doubts and worries that snake around in your mind.

    Perhaps you could meet yourself with more tenderness.

    Perhaps it’s time to be less hard on yourself…

    A gentle reminder

    A gentle reminder and love letter from your heart and soul 🧡

    You can do it all.

    You are full of possibilities.

    You have so much potential.

    Yes, yes, yes!

    You are also human (the best and most beautiful thing).

    You will make mistakes.

    You will get tired.

    You may get sidetracked.

    And that’s okay.

    Remember that hate, shame and guilt will never fuel sustainable growth.

    Let love lead the way always 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    @thephidang is my only Instagram account. limited spots for coaching and human design readings are available – DM me for more info.

    If you love my writing, my book is coming out in June 2023!

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