
  • It’s time for you to shine

    Go for it NOW

    I think you should go for it.

    Feel the fear trembling in your body.

    Feel the beat of your heart pulsing.

    Feel your hands shaking with nerves.

    Feel your thoughts racing.

    If there’s one thing I know that hurts, it isn’t if it doesn’t work out – it is regret.

    Wondering what could have been.

    Unfulfilled potential.

    Ignoring your intuition.

    So if you have been waiting for a sign, here it is.

    Go for it.

    What if everything you desire and dream of, is on the other side of this powerful decision?

    Don’t dance around the edges, take a deep breath and dive in, go all in.

    It's your time

    It’s time for you to shine 🦁✨🚀

    It’s time for you to step into the spotlight.

    It’s time for you to follow your heart and soul.

    It’s your time.


    Let’s GO 🔥

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Life is an adventure…

    The adventure called 'life'...

    Your soul didn’t sign up for a pretty picture perfect life.

    Your soul signed up to be HUMAN on this adventure we call LIFE.

    The curriculum for this involves mess, grief, heartache, despair and so too does it include pleasure, ecstasy, laughter and joy.

    Your heart, your soul, your spirit don’t want to be controlled.

    You signed up to be truly liberated – raw, wild, dynamic and free to experience it all.

    You came here to grow

    Because what would life be if it was happy and comfortable all the time… 😮‍💨 b o r i n g

    What would be the point!?

    You came here to grow, to expand 🌟

    It’s in the contrast of life we truly live.

    This is something you can be aware of yet still challenged by.

    We intellectually understand that to experience life with a spectrum of experiences is necessary yet we unconsciously desire to only have feelings and experiences we label as “good” and “positive.”

    In challenging times we can return back to the words of this post which contemplates our very purpose for living and breathing.

    To experience!

    So when you’re feeling low, in the depths of darkness and running into shadows — know that it is beautiful. It’s beautiful because in the pain of it, is also your wisdom and gold.

    Here’s to being human, the full spectrum experience of it ✌🏽

    Can you tell I’m an emotional authority in human design? 😋 grateful to have learnt that I’m designed to experience the waves 🌊 and with time gain deeper understanding and clarity. Don’t know yours — book a reading with me!

    And of course, happy energetic lunar new year, bring on 2023 🚀 to you beautiful soul reading this — I appreciate you 🥰 thank you for being on this wild ride with me ✨✨✨… LETS GO 👊🏽

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • This year I am…

    This year I am...

    In the year to come, I hope you find the strength to fail because it means you’re taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone.

    I hope you find the courage to say goodbye to what is no longer in alignment with your heart and soul.

    I hope you find the excitement to be open to new moments and opportunities that will fill your life with so much love and joy.

    I hope you find the patience to allow yourself to grow at your own pace undeterred and bloom in your own time.

    I hope you find the courage to make mistakes because you aren’t afraid of truly living and making moves.

    I hope you find the words to express your truth and be your most authentic self.

    I hope you find the grace to let go of what no longer serves you and walk away with your head high.

    I hope you find peace in knowing everything happens for a reason and what is meant for you, is already yours. 

    A brand new chapter

    Above all in 2023 I hope you find your heart — to give this year your all and tune into what you truly want.

    This time of the year can be full of noise, being clouded by conditioning and the opinions of others.

    What do YOU really want? Your heart and soul. Not your ego. Not the must or shoulds.

    What brings you closer to who you are and who you want to be, your biggest self?

    love & positivity ✨phi

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  • Welcoming 2023…

    2023 is where I'm arriving...

    2023 looks like a brand new chapter, one that has been built on the pages of the past and gleaming for the future.

    A heart cracked open and a curious mind.


    Rising from the ashes.


    Grounded roots.

    Riding the cosmic wave.

    Higher love.

    True love.

    The unexpected.

    Letting go of logic and opening up to magic.

    Experiencing and savouring all that life has to offer.

    Making love with life.





    Hips like honey.

    Dripping in devotion to self and service.

    Daring to dream bolder.

    Heart felt gratitude and appreciation.

    Leading with soul.

    Loving all that is.

    2023 is where I’m arriving.

    Learning to rise up from the ashes

    Uh huh honey 🍯 bring on 2023. The last year for me has been burning everything to the ground and rising from the ashes.

    The loss of my corporate identity — officially been a full time life coach for a year now!

    The loss of a relationship — the first time I’ve been single in 3 years.

    The loss of my home I started my side hustle now business, got promoted to manager at work and fell in love — I now live in my dream home opposite the beach.

    The loss of my grandpa — and the opening up to more of my family and knowing my ancestral roots.

    My book is coming out JUNE 2023!!!

    I cannot wait!

    I’ll also be bringing back something I used to offer 😋 aaaand opening up more spots for coaching and human design, if you’re interested link in bio or DM me 🧡

    The prompt for this post was a thought starter from my beautiful friend @girlandhermagic 🪄

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • It’s safe to surrender

    On trust...

    This is your sign to let go.

    Trust where you are right now.

    Trust that you are capable and on the right track to where you want to be.

    Trust that you are becoming who you are meant to be.

    This is how you are changing your reality.

    The sign you've been looking for...

    This is the sign you’ve been looking for. I know you’re stressed and anxious. I know at times it feels like it isn’t happening for you but it seems to be for everyone else. I know you’re giving it your all and trying your best.

    It’s all going to pay off sooner rather than later.

    It’s safe to surrender, relax and melt into this moment.

    It’s safe to have trust and faith in the universe, you are not alone in this. You are loved and supported. You are a powerful conscious creator and the universe sees that.

    Watch as you change your inner world how your external reality is shifting 💫

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Open your heart

    Open your heart

    Beautiful soul, I know it feels like at times, life isn’t pretty or kind to you – even though you have the biggest heart.

    Don’t harden your heart, don’t close off your heart.

    Your heart is meant to be open.

    With time you will understand why you had to go through the clouds for the sun to shine.

    The tears you shed are clearing and making way for your desired path.

    You asked for change and for new beginnings.

    Let your tears dry and your light shine brighter than ever before.

    The very heart that beats in your chest can hold so much pain but it’s this very heart that can hold and expand with so much love.

    Better days are coming

    It’s easy to cut yourself off from loving and feeling more deeply in fact it’s evolutionarily instinctual to protect yourself.

    It’s harder to remain open and loving yet despite it all, do so.

    A big heart is a beautiful thing.

    Life can be cruel we know that but don’t let that discourage you.

    Better days are coming.

    One day you’ll look back and realize why everything has unfolded the way it has.

    Keep going 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Trust your journey

    You have not seen it all...

    Trust how your journey is unfolding.

    I know at times it’s so hard.

    Not everyone is going to support you or understand it.

    I know it’s hard to have faith.

    I know it can be at times so hard to believe.

    Beautiful soul, you have not seen it all.

    Every moment is a precious part of your path unfolding.

    Do what you can from where you are.

    Keep going, it’s all coming together perfectly.

    Simply being

    Just because you don’t know exactly how it unfold, when, how, where and all the details… just because you can’t see it right now – it doesn’t mean that it isn’t happening.

    Trust that every piece of the jigsaw is coming together, that everything is unfolding exactly as it should.

    You cannot rush it.

    You cannot slow it down.

    All you can do is simply be.

    Relax and surrender.

    Don’t reach the destination and forget the beauty of the journey.

    Don’t reach the destination, wondering how you even got there in the first place because time slipped by.

    Don’t reach the destination resentful of how it came to be instead of being so full of love, joy, gratitude and expansion.

    You have not seen it all yet.

    You have not felt it all yet.

    That’s the magic and beauty of the journey 💫

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • On healing…

    You heal when...

    You heal when you love yourself through it.

    You heal when you express what’s inside.

    You heal when you speak your truth, it’s medicine.

    You heal when you forgive not only others but yourself too.

    You heal when you let go of how you think it should be and let it just be.

    You heal when you realise you are not broken and there’s nothing to fix.

    You heal when you get out of your head and into your body.

    You heal when you move and be on your own timeline.

    You heal when you let the past, be the past.

    You heal when you no longer resist and surrender to the flow.

    You heal because you are doing the best that you can and that is more than enough.

    Accepting the process...

    Because your healing won’t be through hate or self loathing.

    Your medicine is in kindness, compassion and love for yourself.

    Your healing comes in being able to hold space for yourself and everything that comes with the journey, all the feelings — grief, joy, sadness, ecstasy, anger and relief.

    Your healing will be at your own pace and it’s okay if it starts slow and progresses inch by inch because that is progress.

    You’ll have moments of feeling weak followed by bursts of being brave nevertheless what lies at your heart is always strength and resilience because you’ve made it so far and will continue to.

    I see you healing and I think it’s so beautiful.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • A channeled message for you

    Trusting your journey

    Trust how your journey is unfolding.

    I know that it is so hard to do sometimes.

    Know that not everyone is going to understand it.

    It’s your journey to take and no one else’s.

    I know it’s hard to have faith.

    I know it can be at times hard to believe.

    Beautiful soul, you have not seen it all.

    You have not felt it all.

    Every single moment is a precious part of your path unfolding.

    Do what you can from where you are.

    Step by step, it’s all coming together perfectly.

    A channeled message for you:

    This is the sign you’ve been asking for – everything will be okay 🦋 it’s no mistake you’re reading this right now.

    a channeled message for you:

    it’s okay to let go of control, it’s okay to surrender.

    your team have heard your messages loud and clear.

    they’ve got you and everything is unfolding perfectly as it should.

    relax into this present moment and enjoy.

    let life surprise you.

    the unexpected is the best part of life.

    even though it may feel like at times things aren’t going your way, they most certainly are.

    your team and the universe know what they are doing – there is no such thing as failures and mistakes.

    sigh; let go – it’s all good 🦋🐝

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Be your own saviour

    Be your own saviour

    Maybe right now your journey isn’t about love.

    Maybe right now your journey is about… YOU.

    Maybe this is the season you’re being challenged to be your own saviour.

    You are love

    love is so very beautiful, it’s something we all desire and dream of… we find ourselves searching for it, in the arms and heart of another.

    what I’ve come to realise time and time again, love is not outside of you.

    love is within you.

    you are love.

    we are conditioned to search for it, to chase it, to find it when all along it’s inside of ourselves.

    you don’t need to be rescued, you need to rescue yourself.

    when your heart is so full and at peace within yourself inevitably it will draw another, someone who won’t complete you but complement you.

    someone who won’t change you but make you strive to be a better person.

    someone you could live without but don’t want to 🧡

    that love cannot be rushed, that love is worth the wait.

    trust the journey beautiful soul 🦋

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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