This year I am...

In the year to come, I hope you find the strength to fail because it means you’re taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone.

I hope you find the courage to say goodbye to what is no longer in alignment with your heart and soul.

I hope you find the excitement to be open to new moments and opportunities that will fill your life with so much love and joy.

I hope you find the patience to allow yourself to grow at your own pace undeterred and bloom in your own time.

I hope you find the courage to make mistakes because you aren’t afraid of truly living and making moves.

I hope you find the words to express your truth and be your most authentic self.

I hope you find the grace to let go of what no longer serves you and walk away with your head high.

I hope you find peace in knowing everything happens for a reason and what is meant for you, is already yours. 

A brand new chapter

Above all in 2023 I hope you find your heart — to give this year your all and tune into what you truly want.

This time of the year can be full of noise, being clouded by conditioning and the opinions of others.

What do YOU really want? Your heart and soul. Not your ego. Not the must or shoulds.

What brings you closer to who you are and who you want to be, your biggest self?

love & positivity ✨phi

Phi Dang