Do you know what it’s like to be in your body, or are you always in your mind?

We are conditioned to be in our mind. “Use your head!”, “Can you please think about this?”, “Are you being logical and rational right now?”
We are conditioned to be in our mind. “Use your head!”, “Can you please think about this?”, “Are you being logical and rational right now?”
What is a vulnerability hangover? What does it feel like and how to move copy with having a vulnerability hangover.
For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes.
Is the universe testing me? Does the universe test people? Am I being tested by the universe? The answer is no, learn more here.
All about the pink full moon in Scorpio for April 2021. The full moon in Scorpio is all about rebirth, transformation and change.
YOU ARE NOT DESIGNED TO BE HAPPY AND THATS OKAY! 🧡 You can take the pressure off yourself because there. is. nothing. wrong. with. you 🙏🏽
Want to know the secret to feeling lighter and more free instantly? It is being here in the present moment. Here right now.
Tell me beautiful soul, do you ever dissolve your mind to feel yourself dripping in desire? 💦⚡️A desire that tingles within…
To awaken you. To expand you. To help you grow. Your soul is here on a journey and mission. To live and be human!
It’s time to come home to yourself, your pure, raw, unfiltered self. FIRE BURNING 🔥 HOT BLOOD COURSING. INITIATION ⚡️