Happy Human Design New Year!




Inspired action.

Feel it.

What is the energy?

The way human design sees the new year is a whole new cycle of experience.

Human Design New Year for many is very much about intentions over resolutions or goals because the majority of the population have an open heart, which is the centre for motivation and willpower.

When it’s open you have inconsistent access to your own motivation and willpower therefore if you do happen to have an open heart, please don’t beat yourself, get annoyed and frustrated when you seemingly seem so motivated one minute and the the next not, that’s how you are designed and built to be in human design.

From my experience doing hundreds of reasons, it is about unlearning the societal expectation to always be working towards something and instead getting you to shift into the being. We all have some seasons, move and flow with your energy instead of blocking it.

The human design energy itself is fantasy, imagination, possibilities, contraction, inspired action.

This is the week to dream big but also to come up with a plan to make it happen — big dreams, grounded in reality.

There are several ways to tap into this energy mainly imagination and what I have channeled sensuality 👀

More on this on the latest episode 🎧 Grow Through It with Phi Dang episode 61 Human Design New Year.

Ellie Bracken