18: Your Brain Is A Liar

Your brain is a liar. It lies to you all the time. Learn about 13 ways in which your brain lies to you in this podcast episode.
Your brain is a liar. It lies to you all the time. Learn about 13 ways in which your brain lies to you in this podcast episode.
Find out what is the #1 barrier to love, what is blocking you from love and keeping you away from love in your life.
Learn all about how the relationships in your life act as a mirror. This episode dives into the 7 Essene Mirror Principles.
Part 3 of 4 of the brand new L💘VE SERIES. Learn how to be a super charged magnet to attract love into your life in an easy and effortless way through energetic principles.
This is this second part of four of the brand new L💘VE SERIES. This episode is all about practical tips on how to make self love a priority in your life all day, every day. Everything from priorities to boundaries, you don’t want to miss this episode.
Your mindset impacts every part of your love life. In this podcast I share 7 mind blowing shifts you can to increase the love in your life.
Understand why you feel negative and learn practical tools and strategies to become less negative and feel better instantly.
As children we soak up the world like sponges. Learn how your inner child shapes your reality today as an adult.
Learn the biological reason why you worry, what is a warrior mindset and how to be a warrior not a worrier through practical strategies.
Episode 9 of The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang is all about how to create and have success in 2021 through practical strategies.