positive energy

  • Criteria to be loved

    Its Never too late to start loving yourself!

    Through all the conditioning and programming, we have come to believe that we have to meet certain criteria in order to be loved

    Their is no certain Criteria to be loved!

    You believe that you have to be perfect in order to be loved. You believe that you have to be successful in order to be loved. You believe that you have to be beautiful in order to be loved. You believe that you have to put others first in order to be loved.

    What about believing that you don’t have to be a certain way or do anything to be loved?

    That you are inherently lovable exactly as you are already 🌹

    Especially if you’ve got the open heart in human design as 70% do!

    Here’s to love and especially loving yourself 🫶🏽

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    🧡 Ready to find love within yourself or with another? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading whether it’s self love, dating, relationships or navigating breakups and challenges.

    Criteria to be loved

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  • Your happy ending is here

    Make it a December to remember

    A lot can happen by December 31st.

    Have faith and trust.

    Everything you desire could come to fruition.

    You don’t have to have it all figured out – all you have to do, is try your best to move forward.

    Just because the calendar year is ending doesn’t mean manifestations, miracles and momentum take a break.

    The universe works 24/7, 365 days a year. In fact isn’t there a saying, always save the best for last?

    Your happy ending is here – blessings on blessings, renewed purpose and love for yourself, new energy, the unexpected…

    Make it a December to remember.

    Keep your energy open

    Many people make this mistake at the end of the year… and it’s easy to do so. Do you live in a reality of constraint or one where there is ✨ no limits ✨

    I dwell in abundance, a boundless universe where anything can happen at any time.

    Everything you want… just around the corner.

    Everything you want… unfolding in the most unexpected ways.

    Everything you want… happening at the last moment.

    Keep your energy open for all you desire ❤️‍🔥

    Don’t close yourself off energetically because of a calendar year.

    Tune into your body what is for you — there is no right or wrong. Some will be gearing up, others will be winding down.

    I wrote this a year ago and I was hustling, this year I’m slowing down — life it’s dynamic and changing, it ebbs and flows 🌊 trust yourself, trust your body.

    Give yourself permission for what feels good for you, not what you “think” you ought to or “should” 🧡

    📖 If you love my writing you’ll love my book The Great Unlearning out now and available via Amazon worldwide or your local bookstore too.

    🎥 @nature.alanya

    Here’s to a fabulous December beautiful soul 🥂

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  • Open your heart

    On opening your heart...

    Opening your heart is messy.

    Opening your heart means expansion.

    Opening your heart means letting it all in – the good, the hard, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful.

    Opening your heart means being vulnerable, to not only be fully seen but fully felt too.

    Opening your heart can be complicated, confusing and conflicting to the mind, it is not logical.

    Opening your heart means softening in love, thawing and melting your protective walls.

    Opening your heart is to be brave.

    Opening your heart means to take on the world with your strength and courage.


    It might feel like your heart is closed and breaking, when really it is expanding 🌹

    Opening something as divine as your heart isn’t easy or simple, it’s messy, raw yet beautiful.

    Sometimes following your heart leads to the path less taken, yes to it breaking but in shattering your heart opens — it expands.

    Tell me, what is your heart saying to you right now?

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • A channeled message for you

    Trusting your journey

    Trust how your journey is unfolding.

    I know that it is so hard to do sometimes.

    Know that not everyone is going to understand it.

    It’s your journey to take and no one else’s.

    I know it’s hard to have faith.

    I know it can be at times hard to believe.

    Beautiful soul, you have not seen it all.

    You have not felt it all.

    Every single moment is a precious part of your path unfolding.

    Do what you can from where you are.

    Step by step, it’s all coming together perfectly.

    A channeled message for you:

    This is the sign you’ve been asking for – everything will be okay 🦋 it’s no mistake you’re reading this right now.

    a channeled message for you:

    it’s okay to let go of control, it’s okay to surrender.

    your team have heard your messages loud and clear.

    they’ve got you and everything is unfolding perfectly as it should.

    relax into this present moment and enjoy.

    let life surprise you.

    the unexpected is the best part of life.

    even though it may feel like at times things aren’t going your way, they most certainly are.

    your team and the universe know what they are doing – there is no such thing as failures and mistakes.

    sigh; let go – it’s all good 🦋🐝

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • To be human…

    I live and love to be human

    After all I’ve been through I’m here to embrace being human.

    I don’t long to be enlightened or above it all.

    I love being human and what it entails.

    Sure, there are moments where it gets really hard.

    When you’re crouched on the floor, hugging your knees questioning if everything will be okay and spoiler alert: it always is.

    For moments like that, there are always many that keep you going.

    The moments that take your breath away.

    The moments that make your heart beat faster.

    The moments where you feel like you can fly.

    The moments that give you the tingles and butterflies.

    The moments where everything suddenly makes sense and everything falls into place.

    I live for those moments.

    I live and love to be human.

    Live, live, live!

    Why run from your humanity? It’s the very reason of your existence and why you are here beautiful soul.

    You are a soul; the divine — having a human experience.

    Part of this journey will be painful.

    You will feel anguish.

    You will feel heartbreak.

    Life will bring you to your knees and that’s okay.

    Just as so there will be moments that make your heart sing and soar.

    Where you can’t stop smiling.

    Where joy fills your whole being.

    Live, live, live!

    Live for those moments 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Child of the universe

    It all leads to this...

    Life is a beautiful, wild, crazy journey and adventure.

    How the strings of fate and free will dance.

    How everything has led you to this moment, right here and now.

    The aphrodisiac of knowing anything is possible.

    The wonder of what is written in the stars and sealed with a cosmic kiss.

    How you are the sun, stars and moon.

    How two hearts find each other in perfect time.

    The unseen behind the veil and what is unfolding.



    Your return and journey home, to your true nature, of heart and soul.

    Never forget, you are a child of the universe.

    You belong here

    Even if you feel lost and out of this world 👽 you belong here.

    You are loved.

    You are supported.

    You are a child of the universe and the universe wants to see you happy.

    The universe wants to see you succeed.

    The universe wants you to have everything you want with one caveat; in alignment with your values, your heart, your soul and your energy.

    Never forget the wonder of the world, of existence of living.

    What a beautiful gift it is to be human and a child of the universe 💫

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • One year on…

    Trust your heart and soul, it led me here


    September 13 2021. A year ago today I emailed my resignation letter through after 5 years in my corporate job in brand integration and strategy… less than a year later I just did my tax for 2021-2022 🧨

    I remember being so scared yet so excited at the same time. Forging my own path breaking free from societal conditioning on security as well as cultural pressures. Healing my ancestral money stories.

    I haven’t been tracking numbers because I’ve just been enjoying the journey of being a full time life coach since I finished my corporate job in November 2020.

    In less than a year
    🧨 6 figures
    🚀 surpassed my corporate income doing less than half the hours if not more
    📖 secured a publishing deal, my book is coming June 2023

    I share not to trigger but to ACTIVATE you 🧨

    The leap of faith was scary… watch my last video for more details. I filmed that shortly after resigning. I
    feel more happy and myself than ever.

    I am also more abundant than ever. We are conditioned the wrong way around make money = be happy… it’s be happy = lots of money 💸

    You can do what you love and be abundant.

    You can be spiritual and live comfortably.

    Best of all I never thought I would run my own business some day let alone be a life coach, life surprises you in the most delightful ways 😄

    I am so grateful for you reading this and being here.

    I am so grateful to the incredible soul mate clients I work with.

    I am so grateful to my higher spiritual council and team.

    I am so grateful to my coaches who always believed in me and continue to support me.

    I am so grateful to the women before me who have celebrated and shown me that this is possible.

    This is truly only the beginning… watch this space.

    I was you 9 months ago. Seeing others living the dream. Wondering if I could do the same… YOU CAN!

    We are here to not just be alive but to truly LIVE.

    GO BIG – if I can do it, so can you.

    Trust your heart and soul… it’s led me here.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • A little perspective

    It's okay to feel lost

    There comes a point in time where you feel lost and that’s okay.

    That path isn’t always clear.

    At times it may be hidden.

    There’s twists and turns.

    It’s okay to change your mind.

    It’s okay to be scared.

    What matters is you know that whichever way you go, all will be okay. 

    You’ll end up exactly where you need to be as exactly who you are meant to be.

    Think about how proud your future self will be of you.

    For continuing the journey despite the pain, fear and confusion along the way.

    Sometimes all you need is perspective.

    To zoom out a little and see all the progress you’ve made and will continue to make.

    Keep moving, keep going

    being lost is part of the journey, for if you have never been lost how do you know you’ve ever really found yourself?

    be the one in control of your destiny, step into your power.

    do not be afraid to live life.

    go at it with all your all, you are here on this earth to be alive 🧨

    the only way to know is to keep moving and to keep going.

    you got this 👊🏽

    I believe in you 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    looking for direction and purpose? I got you! Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 💫

    p.s. My book comes out June 2023 🤩 more info on my website now!

    Click here to read more

  • Let go and trust the process

    Trust the process

    Trust the process.

    You don’t need to fully understand the process to. 

    Everything you have wished for, asked for, intended, manifested and visualised is on its way.

    The learning curve may be steep but it’s all part of the journey.

    This journey is not linear.

    It is a dance with life.

    Backwards and forwards.

    To the side and back.

    Up and down.

    Stopping and starting.

    All over the damn place.

    That’s the process.

    In this process know that you are healing and you are loved.

    You don’t have to have it all figured out and perfect to be loved.

    Let go. It’s okay to.

    Surrender your fears and control to the process.

    Let go of your expectations and timing.

    And so, when you arrive it will all make sense.

    You just had to trust the process.

    Letting go...

    It’s not easy to trust the process. Your mind will put up a fight. It wants to know everything. Every single detail. Why? How does it come together? When?

    The process doesn’t involve the mind.

    Letting go of the mind.

    The process involves the heart.


    Having faith.

    You can antagonize and ache over the why, how and details yet you will feel no closer to the destination.

    Can you give yourself more ease, grace, love and compassion by trusting the process.

    Knowing that everything is unfolding perfectly as it should?

    Knowing that it is being orchestrated with divine perfection and insight?

    It will make sense one day.

    But for now, trust the process 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Want to work with me? I do 1:1 coaching and human design readings. 

    My book is coming soon – June 2023 📖

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  • Finding light in the darkness

    The darkest season

    The darkest season of your life will precede your greatest breakthroughs and the emergence of light so beautiful, it will ripple and sparkle in your eyes.

    The darkest season is full of painful kisses from thorns of roses.

    The darkest season is the deep void, floating in the abyss or dwelling at rock bottom.

    The darkest season inevitably comes with the pain of shedding who you were to become more of your authentic self.

    It is all worth it for the light that will emerge once again.

    The light of the bloom.

    The light of love and self compassion.

    The light of your wings ready to soar and fly high.

    The light of your heart, full of deep gratitude and experience from the darkest season.

    Trust the magic veiled by darkness

    The darkest season will ask you to honour endings to begin again. To trust and have faith in what is happening beneath the surface.

    To surrender to the greatest mysteries.

    To be held by the divine.

    To be cradled by love.

    You are not broken.

    You are healing.

    You are being reborn.

    Trust the process.

    Trust the journey.

    Trust the magic veiled by darkness.

    It is only then you will truly come to understand why everything happens 🌹

    Under the blanket of darkness life is initiating you 🧨

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    I would love to bring light to your world and help you integrate the darkness and shadows into your life to fully bloom… 🌹

    Work with me – link in bio. Book coming June 2023 🧡

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