Life Lessons

  • Why the changes in your sleep and energy?

    The Energetic Shift

    Is it just me or are you having sudden changes to your sleep patterns and your energy?

    You’re not crazy.

    You’re not weird.

    There’s an energetic shift happening and there’s a lot going on.

    The cosmic tea and details

    What is going on? The cosmic tea and details.

    Heightened celestial activity with the human design new year coming up, Pluto’s big shift from Capricorn into Aquarius from 2024-2044 and solar flares 🌞

    If you’re sensitive to energy, intuitive you may have felt this either being very buzzy, wired and plugged in 🔌 or exhausted and depleted — lots of spiritual soul activities going on.

    Human Design New Year: January 22 (at the time of posting in the final energies of limitations, acceptance letting go more on that in my podcast 🎧 Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang Episode 58).

    Let’s talk about Pluto. This tiny planet packs a punch and is going to greatly influence the next 20 years of what we see unfolding collectively by making a once-in-a-lifetime transition into the sign of Aquarius from Capricorn on January 20th. This is a new collective chapter that will unfold leading to great shifts for everyone on a societal level and personally.

    Pluto is the planet of destruction, rebirth and mystery ruled by the Underworld.

    Aquarius rules justice, equality, social connections, community, humanity, innovation, technology, science and independence.

    Solar flares are huge bursts of energy from the sun supercharged with magnetic energy and radiation. They signal an ascension process shifting from your physical body to your light body. Expect intuitive downloads as well as disturbances to sleep and physical symptoms.

    More on that in Episode 59 of my podcast which is a midway January 2024 energy update.

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  • New Level, New Devil

    New Level, New Devil

    Reminder: When things get hard and uncomfortable;

    New Level, New Devil.

    Life has it's own seasons

    It will feel uncomfortable and unpredictable.

    Life has its own seasons, some mean growth like Spring or rest and integration like Winter.

    The next level isn’t meant to be easy and paved with positivity. New level, new devil.

    You have to deal with things that others don’t want to.

    You have to ask questions that others don’t dare to.

    You have to pay attention to the niggling of your soul deep down that others ignore.

    It may feel like you’re alone on a rocky road—but you’re not.

    At the very least, know you have a whole team on the other side supporting you, your higher spiritual council.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

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  • Here’s to recapping the highs and lows

    Life isn't just a highlight reel

    because life isn’t just a highlight reel, don’t let social media fool you!

    2023 has been one of the best years of my life and no it wasn’t happy and positive all of the time…

    It was actually a year that started amazing on paper but despite all the surface level stuff: a thriving business, incredible home, freedom lifestyle, abundance, loving and supportive friends and family yet something felt missing and it was worse because according to society I had the life and things that “should” make you happy…

    What is was… was a year I gave myself permission and allowed myself to truly feel it all. To make mistakes. To try again.

    A year I unlearned a lot that didn’t serve me so that I loved myself more deeply than I ever had and in turn started the year single and am ending it with a partner.

    A year where I had moments I didn’t think I would make it through but I did. A year filled with lows I had never felt with highs and joys too 🥹🥲

    I hope you give yourself permission to be so proud of yourself no matter how the year went and know that at any moment, you can change and so can your life.

    So heres to another year 🫶🏽🥰

    It doesn’t have to be the 31st when you let everything go nor does it have to be the 1st to start everything over. Whenever you decide is right for you.

    And if you’re looking for support and guidance… 🙋🏼‍♀️ here’s your sign I can’t wait to work with you either through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading… contact me 🧡

    If no one else has told you — I’m proud of you! I hope you give yourself the grace and love to be more you, to embrace yourself and life to its fullest and enjoy the ride 🌊

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • 6 Things I Never Expected to Unlearn After Losing My Dad A Decade Ago

    May loss not define you

    10 years later the journey continues and I can’t quite believe I’ve lived 1/3 of my life without him 🥹

    Grief has no expiration date.

    It is never too late to grieve.

    In the early days it was raw and overwhelming.

    I numbed it. I suppressed it. I ignored it. I resented it.

    The myth that time heals all wounding is understandable however really we learn to grow around the grief and expand.

    Grief does not end or stop.

    It becomes part of the journey weaved into the everyday, a mosaic of joy and sorrow all at once that is part of the human experience.

    Loss and grief have shown me it doesn’t end with the loss of our loved one that it isn’t useless, in fact it’s led me to become a life coach something I never would have comprehended a decade ago (I was meant to be a lawyer or CMO!!).

    And that is the beauty; the twists and turns of life and how pain can turn into power and purpose.

    Now I honour it. I lean into it. I feel it. I’m grateful for it.

    As a coach it has been a privilege to support and witness individuals navigate the complexities of grief in learning to feel the feelings, redefine the narrative and unlock the strength and resilience that emerges from heartache.

    Here’s to the journey 🫶🏽

    May loss not define you but propel you into greater depths of living: with gratitude, with radiance and to embrace the immense gift of not just being alive; but living 🚀

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • The year you make it happen…

    2024 is your year...

    2024 is your year.

    The year you call it in, everything you dream and desire of.

    The year you release, everything that holds you back.

    The year you embrace, all opportunities and possibilities.

    The year you do, whatever nourishes and lights up your soul.

    The year you love, nurture and worship every aspect of you.

    The year you are truly seen, heard and cherished for who you are.

    The year everything you asked for is in the process of manifesting.

    The year that makes up for all the other years… the year.

    The year you make it happen

    It’s going to be the year that makes up for all other years, the year where it all starts to click and fall into place ✨

    The year you make it happen, following those intuitive nudges and taking inspired action focused on the vision, trusting in the process and allowing it to unfold in the perfect timing and way in accordance with the universe ☁️

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to have the best year yet? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching and/or a human design reading 🧡

    📖 if you enjoy my writing you’ll love my book; The Great Unlearning

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  • Can you surrender?

    That is life...

    Sometimes all you can do is surrender.

    To the twists and turns on the ride that is life.

    To the unpredictable waves that is life.

    To the lows and highs that is life.

    To the unknown and unexpected that is life.

    To the ebbs and flows that is life.

    To the inhale and exhale that is life.

    May surrender bring you the peace that you seek.

    Can you surrender?

    You are afraid to surrender because you don’t want to lose control. But you never had control… all you had was anxiety – @elizabeth_gilbert_writer 💡

    Instead of resisting, how would it feel to melt into this very moment…

    How would it feel to accept and allow this moment as if it were pure perfection (which it is in the guidance of the divine for your highest growth and good).

    Can you surrender?

    As an emotional authority in human design, it often feels like a dance — the push and pull with life and every time it will come back to… surrender 🌊

    Can’t fight the waves, all we can do is learn to swim or better yet surf 🏄🏼‍♀️

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • What’s the rush?

    Seriously what’s the rush? 

    If you know deeply that something is for you, meant for you and will happen you have certainty.

    So let the universe play.

    Enjoy the path and journey – savour it.

    It’s yours!

    There’s nothing to worry or stress about, that’ll just get you down and out of alignment.

    After all when you’re in alignment you KNOW.

    There’s no thought or doubt.

    When you follow what lights you up, what you desire in the moment it paves the path to beyond everything you’ve ever dreamed of ✨

    Better than what your mind can conceptually conceive 💫

    What if you don’t know?

    Well rushing isn’t going to help.

    Rushing feels like anxiety, stress and worry.

    Rushing feels icky, resistant, unnatural, forced.

    Rushing is the desire for control in disguise.

    Rushing is resistance.

    Rushing is avoiding what you need to experience – the real feelings beneath it all.

    Rushing is the facade of busy or lack of true priorities.

    Rushing is being tied to some thing or event to happen in order to feel worthy, happy, successful… the constraints which you create.

    Rushing is easy because you’re on auto pilot blitzing through life forgetting the juiciness of life right here in this moment 🍎

    Rushing feels like pressure bubbling and brewing.

    Rushing is the false idea that the grass is greener on the other side in a conceptual future.

    Let life and yourself flow like the waves 🌊

    The future isn’t here yet anyway, all you have is here right now.

    When you’re here, there’s no rush.

    Just living, enjoying, savoring.

    An inner peace, calm, stillness 🍃

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁


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  • Wisdom is more than knowledge

    Even if you have all of the knowledge, learn from the best mentors, access the best courses… it is nothing without putting it into practice.

    Embodying what you learn.

    Talking the talk, walking the walk.

    We think wisdom resides only in our minds… 🧠

    What about your body’s innate wisdom?

    Your soul, your intuition is the GPS.

    The nudges.

    The gut feelings.

    The vibrations.

    Wisdom beyond the logical and rational… ✨

    This wisdom is always readily available and open to you.

    The real question is are you readily available and open to it?

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

    ⚡️ looking to reconnect with your body and unlock your innate wisdom? Feel into your body, tap into your intuition? I would love to help you through 1:1 coaching

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  • Your thoughts are not facts

    PSA: Your thoughts are not facts. Just because your mind says you’re not good enough or worthy enough or smart enough and the list goes on… it doesn’t mean it’s true.

    Your thoughts are formed from your subconscious which is a product of your experiences – growing up, the people around you, environments, beliefs, values and so forth.

    Remember: you are not your thoughts.

    love & positivity ✨ Phi 👁

    👉🏾 Ready to dive into your subconscious to understand why your thoughts are they way they are? Let’s chat about working together through 1:1 coaching ⚡️

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  • You have to remember that time is a gift

    A reminder for LIFE. The most precious thing that is borrowed to you is TIME.

    No matter how rich you are.

    No matter how successful you are.

    No matter how good of a person you are.

    No matter how hard you work.

    No matter how much you donate to charity.

    No matter how much you beg.

    No matter what… YOU CANNOT BUY MORE TIME.

    Your time and energy are your most precious currencies 🧡

    Money? That comes and goes.

    But time does not.

    Make the most of it.

    I learnt the hardest way after my dad passed away at 19.

    I hope you don’t have to experience grief, loss, death and destruction to understand how precious life is.

    And if you have?

    How beautiful that we get to live, in spirit and the full love of the ones we’ve lost.

    They’re physically gone but always here in our hearts and energy field in their eternal form of the soul.

    I wish for you so much joy, magic and happiness beautiful soul.

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

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