A reminder for LIFE. The most precious thing that is borrowed to you is TIME.
No matter how rich you are.
No matter how successful you are.
No matter how good of a person you are.
No matter how hard you work.
No matter how much you donate to charity.
No matter how much you beg.
Your time and energy are your most precious currencies 🧡
Money? That comes and goes.
But time does not.
Make the most of it.
I learnt the hardest way after my dad passed away at 19.
I hope you don’t have to experience grief, loss, death and destruction to understand how precious life is.
And if you have?
How beautiful that we get to live, in spirit and the full love of the ones we’ve lost.
They’re physically gone but always here in our hearts and energy field in their eternal form of the soul.
I wish for you so much joy, magic and happiness beautiful soul.
love & positivity ✨ phi 👁