
  • There’s more to your story

    Good things are coming your way

    Maybe today what you need to be reminded of is:

    Your existence is wanted and life is still worth living.

    There is more to your story.

    Your story is still unfolding and you’re about to enter into one of the greatest chapters of your life.

    Good things are coming your way beautiful soul.

    We know things can change in the blink of an eye.

    Keep turning the pages, for there is always more.

    The Great Unlearning...

    The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang 📖

    Available worldwide 23 June 2023 via Amazon
    Australia via Booktopia

    💫 Work with me through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading!

    🎥 @hobopeeba

    Click here to read more

  • Perfection isn’t yours, it’s the universe’s

    Perfection isn't yours, it's the universe's...

    You think your life is falling apart when really it is coming together.

    With every loss, comes a gain, more than you could ever imagine.

    With every setback, you will fall and get back up one more time again.

    Life if not happening to you beautiful soul, it is happening for you.

    It really was all coming together...

    If I could go back in time… I would tell myself that in the end everything will be okay, it will all work out. The way that it’s meant to.

    In the perfect way.

    In the perfect time.

    Perfection isn’t yours, it’s the universes 💫

    A year ago it felt like my life was crumbling when really the universe had a bigger plan for me more than I could ever know…

    Heartbreak, the end of a 3 year relationship.

    Being full time alone in my own business.

    Moving out of my dream apartment of 4 years.

    With every heartbreak you are moving closer towards the one you’re meant to be with… the one you choose over and over again.

    With every rejection you’re being redirected to the path that serves you best. With every morsel of pain, your wounds will heal and drip into wisdom.

    With every disappointment, the smiles of tomorrow will be a soothing balm. With every tear, you move closer to your divinity and inevitable happiness.

    A year later I see it really was all coming together… ✨

    I now live in my dream apartment by the beachfront, I hit 6 figures in my first year full time… all of this came together behind the scenes when I thought reality showed me it was a Saturn return mess… ❤️‍🔥

    More on my store and my writing in my book 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang. Link in bio for more details.

    🎥 @yourdreamaccount

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • Welcome to the darkening of the light

    Follow the pulls of your soul

    Surrender your heart and soul to the universe.

    Shed what no longer serves you like a snake sheds its skin.

    Let go and flow with the stream of life.

    Listen to the rhythm of your heartbeat.

    Follow the pulls of your soul.

    Release your fears and doubts, child of the universe.

    The stars and angels support you.

    When the world is dark, your inner light shines bright.

    We need darkness to find the light

    Welcome to the darkening of the light.

    Just like the dead of winter or the dark night of the soul, we need darkness to find the light.

    We need darkness to use as a veil to shield and protect what is growing beneath the surface.

    What will surface is your endurance to channel your crisis into change.

    Your strength, your capacity and willingness to feel will liberate you and set you free… 🦋

    📖 An excerpt from my book — The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living An Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    🎥 @angecaptures@e.stis

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • What does it mean to truly love?

    This is the beauty of life

    With deep love, comes deep grief.

    The two are intertwined.

    A beautiful lifelong dance of tension, light and joy with shadow and heartbreak.

    To love is to expand your heart beyond your deep-seated fears, doubts and vulnerabilities.

    With that opening comes not only expansion and bliss but smashed pieces.

    No matter what happens in this life, beautiful soul, never close your heart.

    Never regret a fleeting moment.

    Never regret moments that feel like eternity, even if they don’t last forever.

    It is through this opening that we receive.

    We feel it all.

    We ache in our humanness.

    This is the beauty of life.

    We feel, we feel it all so deeply it shakes us to our core and wake up the divinity within us.

    Expand your heart...

    What does it mean to truly love? To truly love is to…

    Expand your heart beyond your deep-seated fears, doubts and vulnerabilities.

    With that opening comes not only expansion and bliss but smashed pieces.

    No matter what happens in this life, beautiful soul, never close your heart. Never regret a fleeting moment. Never regret moments that feel like eternity, even if they don’t last forever.

    It is through this opening that we receive. We feel it all. We ache in our humanness. This is the beauty of life. We feel, we feel it all so deeply it shakes us to our core and wakes up the divinity within us.

    Inspired by the duality of love I have experienced brought out by the grief and loss of it. My dad passing away when I had just turned 20 years old. Break ups that have had me crying on my knees.

    Read more… 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang
    🎥 @charliefaga
    🤿 @emhanney @eric.sierra
    🎵 @david.kushner

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • What’s meant to be will be

    Have faith...

    Have faith that it will all work out.

    What’s meant to be will be.

    Even if it looks or feels like it won’t.

    Even when you think everything is going wrong.

    Even when you feel discouraged and want to give up.

    At times it will be overwhelming.

    At times it may be heavy.

    At times you’ll need a moment to take it all in.

    You can’t mess it up.

    It’s yours.

    All you have to do is trust the process and continue on your journey.

    It might take a day or maybe it’ll take years but what is meant for you will always find its way to you, even if it’s a roundabout way.

    The waiting, the gap, the in between, the changes, the transitions, the meantime… they all serve a necessary purpose.

    Even delays and detours are part of it.

    You will arrive at the perfect time, as the exact person you need to be, ready.

    Eventually everything will work out.

    It always does.

    Take a deep breath and let go.

    Hold your power and vision.

    Everything will fall into place.

    You don’t have to worry about anything.

    Have trust and have faith.

    The Great Unlearning...

    📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang (hi that’s me 🙋🏼‍♀️)

    Want to work with me? I can help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading, DM me for more info or link in bio for more 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    🎥 @angecaptures

    Click here to read more

  • Novels are being written within you

    Some of the best memories are yet to be made...

    Some of the best days of your life are yet to happen.

    Some of the best moments of your life are yet to be had.

    Some of the best memories are yet to be made.

    The mystery and magic of life that’s waiting to reveal itself.

    Hold on because you’re only on a single page while novels are being written within you.

    This is your sign...

    This is your sign, the one you’ve been looking for.

    The people you’ll meet are yet to be met.

    The souls you’ll fall in love with are yet to be loved.

    The excitement you’ll have that’s yet to unfold.

    Better days are just around the corner… 💫

    An excerpt from my book — The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life.

    Pre-order worldwide available, releasing June 23, 2023.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • Thank your past self

    Old memories...

    In this lifetime, we will mourn and hold funerals for all the versions of ourselves that we’ve been.

    You aren’t who you were in the past anymore.

    You are who you are now, here, in this present moment.

    Thank your past self for helping you survive.

    Thank your past self for being strong and enduring pain.

    Thank your past self for doing their best and fighting hard.

    Thank your past self for being brave.

    Thank your past self for getting back up and continuing to try.

    Thank your past self for making you who you are today.

    Thank your past self for making mistakes which you’ve learned from.

    Thank your past self for letting you move forward.

    Thank your past self because even if they no longer resonate or align with who you are today… you couldn’t have done it without them.

    Let go in order to be you are now

    It’s understandable if you’re mourning for who you used to be and feeling all of the feels that come with change: sadness, joy, fear, excitement, anxiety and elation.

    You’re allowed to mourn for who you used to be whether you were proud of past you or not.

    And when you’re ready, truly let go… in order to be who you are now 💐

    Who you are becoming.

    Who you choose to be.

    Whilst remembering with great gratitude to the past you, who has enabled you to be who you are today and where you are today.

    How you show up today, will result in who you become in this moment, in tomorrow, in the future.

    An excerpt from my book — The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life.

    Available worldwide June 23, 2023.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • Honour your truth

    Honouring your inner truth

    Exercise the ultimate act of self-love, honouring your inner truth even when it is painful.

    This means walking away from and letting go of what no longer serves you.

    Maybe it’s a job, relationship or location.

    It’s breaking free from what boxes you in – the pressure of society, the weight of what other people think and your own beliefs.

    When everything falls away, one thing will always remain: the truth.

    It cannot be ignored.

    You can live in ignorance, but the truth won’t.

    There will be days when loving being yourself will be tough.

    Sometimes all you can do is love a tiny bit more than yesterday and that is more than enough.

    Sometimes growth means walking away

    Can you really hear yourself? Your soul; your true inner voice? Or are you weighed down by other voices: conditioning, programming, culture, the outside world.

    Honour your truth.

    That may be painful for others but you owe yourself the love and dedication you so willingly give to others.

    Sometimes life and growth means walking away 🌱

    Making space and letting go for a new door to open 🚪

    On the other side is everything you could’ve wanted and more, are you brave enough to open it?

    An excerpt from my upcoming book — The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life

    Available for preorder world wide, out June 23 2023.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • Strong soul…

    Life doesn't get easier, you get stronger

    Even when a storm comes and rocks you, there is safety within.

    It’s not about what’s happening around you on the outside world, it’s about what’s happening inside of you, your internal world.

    It’s easy to be strong when life is going the way you want it.

    It’s easy to be strong when positivity comes naturally.

    Real strength comes from braving the storms, riding the waves and withstanding the hurricanes.

    Life doesn’t get easier, you get stronger.

    Strong soul

    There are times in life where you have to sit in the discomfort; the pain; the unpleasant; the chaos 🌀

    These are the times where you are being called to go within.

    To tap into your inner strength; inner resilience; inner essence.

    These are the times you get to know your true self — your soul that cannot be messed with.

    Your power isn’t determined on controlling the outside, it’s from calming and braving the inside.

    Your world, your domain ⚔️

    As Haruki Murakami says: “When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” ⛈️

    An excerpt from my upcoming book — The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life

    Available for pre-order worldwide, releasing June 23 2023.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • I’m grateful for…

    I'm grateful for...

    I’m grateful for all that my heart feels.

    I’m grateful for the way it beats with pride and joy.

    I’m grateful in the way it floats with excitement and swells with tenderness.

    I’m grateful when it feels heavy and anchored.

    I’m grateful when it feels like it’s being crushed alive.

    I’m grateful when it swoons with delight and wonder.

    I’m grateful when it beats slowly and gently.

    I’m grateful when it races to the rush and thrill of it all.

    I’m grateful when it aches and I feel every time it bleeds.

    I’m grateful when it rushes off the cliff and suspends itself for a moment in time.

    I’m grateful because my heart reminds me I’m alive.

    Allow yourself to feel it all

    With all the emotions arising from the potent energies we’ve experienced; it is my hope that you let them flow like water.

    Allow yourself to feel it all.

    Every layer.

    Every shift.

    Every ounce.

    Be in the flow instead or resisting it.

    And then you will feel free… 🦋

    An excerpt from my debut book — The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life

    Available for preorder world wide, releasing June 23 2023

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more