
  • Getting back up again

    On who you are...

    Time and time again, you get back up and I think that’s a beautiful thing.

    That is who you are.

    Someone who doesn’t give up.

    You always find a way to get through tough times because you are a survivor.

    A mountain of strength with a heart of gold.

    A lotus who has bloomed from chaos and crisis.

    Your gift, being able to be broken open time and time again to deeper love and growth.

    Whatever it takes, you have it all within you.

    It's all up to you...

    Sometimes life will throw you a curve ball and a challenge, an invitation, an initiation.

    You rise to the challenge every time you decide to meet it.

    It’s in every choice that you make. Every breath, every step, every decision — you get to decide to go again 👊🏽💥

    This is your power, nothing in life can take away from it no event, circumstance or person.

    You choose who meets it.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Not always happily ever after…

    You gave me hope...

    I know it didn’t work out between us but I truly am so grateful that I met you.

    That somehow in a world of billions and billions, our worlds collided.

    You taught me that I could love again.

    You gave me hope.

    We had our ups and downs sure – but I had some of the most magical moments of my life with you.

    I know that we part ways stronger and more ourselves than ever – thank you.

    The beautiful journey of life

    Because it all doesn’t end in happily ever after — and that’s okay.

    Because falling for someone, being with someone is one of the most beautiful things we will experience in this lifetime.

    Because every soul you encounter helps you to grow and evolve whether you stay together or not.

    This is the beautiful journey of life that I am so grateful for.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Road to healing

    You can begin at any time...

    In the road to healing no step is too small or insignificant.

    All your steps count, even the baby ones.

    The days you wish had never happened will start to make sense, as painful and arduous as they were.

    Life doesn’t spare anyone from the baptism of fire and crashes of the waves.

    You will come to realise they were a springboard into your growth and evolution.

    You have come so far and oh the places you will go.

    Know that you’re allowed to start again.

    You can begin again at anytime.

    You are able to hit the reset button time and time over.

    You are allowed to become whoever you want to be.

    You are brave

    ou are not alone on this healing journey — you are so loved and supported.

    Everyone in life at some point will come to a place where they desire or need to heal.

    You are brave for being on this journey, because whilst everyone needs this journey it doesn’t mean everyone will take it.

    I see you.

    I admire you.

    I am proud of you.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Hold more love…

    On love...

    I know your heart has been frayed, pushed and pulled beautiful soul, but know this…

    It’s happened so that your heart has been expanded and opened wider to hold it all, to hold more love.

    You ARE love

    Surrender to the deepest truth and song of your heart… you are love. Irrespective of circumstances and relationship status.

    Let the love of your heart peel back and melt layers of resistance, suffering and pain to this deepest truth.

    You are always loved.

    You are love.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • You are so loved

    If only...

    If only you could see yourself from the eyes of others.

    If only you could see yourself from the heart of others.

    If only you could see yourself from the soul of others.

    If only because in the moments you find yourself unworthy and unloveable – you would see, feel and know the truth.

    That truth is, that you are so deeply loved and cared for.

    The way you see the world is so uniquely beautiful.

    The way you walk into a room lights it up.

    The way you laugh adds more joy and soulful positivity into this world.

    The way you care adds so much depth and hope into this world.

    The way you love is so fierce, passionate and strong.

    All these things that you don’t see in yourself, others do.

    When you face tough battles within yourself, it is my hope that you remember this all.

    A reminder when you're lost

    I see you beautiful soul 🦋 the question is do you see the beauty and magic within yourself 🪄

    We all need a reminder from time to time because you can go so lost in our thoughts particularly negative self talk spirals 🌀 and after all our whole experience is from our own personal programming and conditioning.

    You are so special and unique beautiful soul 🥰

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • True to you

    I am so grateful...

    I am so grateful – that you are you.

    The way you never give up on the people you love.

    The way you see the best in everyone.

    The way you believe in good intentions.

    The way you embrace people’s weird.

    The way you forgive someone despite the hurt.

    The way you hold it together whilst the world is falling apart around you.

    The way you care for others despite going through your own pain and battles.

    Truly, I am so grateful – that you are you.

    Never change beautiful soul.

    I hope that you are always true to you.

    Seeing the good

    Be true to you always beautiful soul.

    In a world that can be dark and heavy at times, don’t let it harden you.

    Continue to be the light that you are.

    See the good because it always exists.

    The world would be a better place with more people like you 🥰

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • There is always more

    There is always more...

    Maybe today what you need to be reminded of is: 

    Your existence is wanted and life is still worth living.

    You’ve lived many lifetimes preparing you to be here right now.

    There is more to your story.

    Your story is still unfolding and you’re about to enter into one of the greatest chapters of your life.

    Good things are coming your way beautiful soul.

    Be here to see it, feel it, touch it and experience it.

    Let go of lingering in the past and make space in your heart for your future.

    Free yourself from the bind of your mind and be here in this moment.

    We know all things change in the blink of an eye.

    Keep turning the pages, for there is always more.

    Keep turning the pages

    Sometimes we read a story and there’s parts that don’t make sense until the story progresses… and maybe that’s your life too.

    The only way to know?

    Keep turning the pages.

    You are living the life you are because you have the capacity and resilience to.

    In some spiritual sense your soul chose this story like for the greatest growth and expansion of your soul.

    That is not always pretty or fun, but that’s growth.

    We don’t grow as quickly and greatly in pretty and fun… there’s nothing like a baptism of fire, crumbling tower moments and dark nights of the soul.

    You got this beautiful soul ⚡️

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Presence is a present…

    Be here right now...

    they say you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory… 💭

    life is so precious, this present moment right here and right now… you will never relive or get again.

    sure you may do similar things but it will never be the exact same…

    your mind and thoughts will change…

    how you feel will change…

    who you are will change…

    don’t take the present for granted…

    presence is a present for a reason…

    live and love fully beautiful soul.

    be here right now 🧡

    the audio is an excerpt by Caroline Myss her full Ted talk is “choices that can change your life” – I highly recommend listening.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • To be human

    Dear beautiful soul...

    Dear beautiful soul,

    You will do many incredible things in this lifetime.

    Your impact, influence and presence will be felt by many.

    You will break ancestral patterns and pain.

    You will find the light in the abyss of darkness.

    You will contribute to the community and greater society.

    You will make a difference in this world.

    You ask, what if I live an ordinary life?

    A boring life?

    A life where I didn’t find the solution or reach millions?

    Divine child, your purpose is to live!

    All that you do can turn to gold but don’t forget…

    You are radiant energy, a soul having a human experience.

    There will be moments you understand why you are here.

    When you taste the sunshine and dive in the depths of the ocean.

    When you love so deeply and fall so hard.

    When you let down your walls and your heart beats so quickly.

    When you twirl with insurmountable pleasure and pain.

    When you kiss the moonlight and dance with the stars.

    When you feet plant on the earth and you move as one with humanity.

    These are the moments.

    This is your purpose.

    To live with presence.

    To be human.

    There's a reason you are here

    For you — worried, anxious or feeling lost about your purpose.

    There’s a reason you are here now reading this.

    There’s a reason why your soul chose to come to earth and be here at this very time in your body, with your mind.

    Purposeful meaning? You create it.

    At the end of the day, when you are on your deathbed people will remember all the incredible things you do… but the ones you love and are closest to you? They will remember your presence. You. Not what you did. You.

    Live large.

    Love deeply.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • It’s safe to surrender

    On trust...

    This is your sign to let go.

    Trust where you are right now.

    Trust that you are capable and on the right track to where you want to be.

    Trust that you are becoming who you are meant to be.

    This is how you are changing your reality.

    The sign you've been looking for...

    This is the sign you’ve been looking for. I know you’re stressed and anxious. I know at times it feels like it isn’t happening for you but it seems to be for everyone else. I know you’re giving it your all and trying your best.

    It’s all going to pay off sooner rather than later.

    It’s safe to surrender, relax and melt into this moment.

    It’s safe to have trust and faith in the universe, you are not alone in this. You are loved and supported. You are a powerful conscious creator and the universe sees that.

    Watch as you change your inner world how your external reality is shifting 💫

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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