Month: March 2023

  • Who are you?

    The jigsaw puzzle of life

    Stories aren’t just found in fairy tales, books and movies.

    We live inside stories that our mind creates and identifies with.

    Our brain pieces these stories together to create the ultimate story of ‘me’.

    The voice inside your head has created ‘you’ by weaving together pieces of your past experiences and what you believe to be true.

    It all then pieces together like a jigsaw puzzle.

    Only certain pieces make it into this jigsaw puzzle.

    The great unlearning...

    So who are YOU really? You aren’t these stories, you are what’s beneath them all. Pure consciousness — soul.

    Have you observed this story telling?

    The stories vou believe in the form of “l”.
    I am the type of person who…

    I am not like that because…

    I am not worthy because..

    I believe that…

    I am right because…

    The stories make us feel a certain way, the stories have us act a certain way.

    Your true self doesn’t identify with the stories.

    Your true self is in your expression, being, essence and knowing.

    There’s nothing to defend, assert, prove or cling onto.

    You haven’t done this knowingly – it has instinctively happened through your experiences and conditioning.

    You aren’t who you think you are – you are the presence underneath and behind all the layers.

    You awaken to your true self when you become conscious of this and free yourself from the stories.

    You are.

    So freeing, so powerful – to break free from the stories and simply be.

    This is the great unlearning…

    An excerpt from my debut book “The Great Unlearning — Awakening to Living An Aligned and Authentic Life”

    Currently available for preorder in Australia via Booktopia or Amazon (link in bio), International preorders opening soon via Amazon and Book Depository. Releases worldwide June 23rd 2023.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • 35 – Introducing my book: The Great Unlearning

    My book The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living An Aligned and Authentic Life is now available to pre-order

    This episode talks about the book finally being unveiled for the first time the title and cover. Not only that Phi shares an excerpt of the book, the introduction of The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living An Aligned and Authentic Life.

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  • Grateful for this life

    Grateful, thankful and blessed

    At times it can feel like life isn’t perfect and neither am I.

    Even knowing and experiencing that, I am grateful.

    I am grateful when I did not get what I want because life was protecting me.

    I am grateful when life stepped in and gave me a life greater than I ever imagined for myself.

    I am grateful that everything that seemed to be going wrong was really steering me in the right direction.

    I am grateful for all the sadness, struggle and pain because life provided a contrast to truly appreciate all the beautiful moments, the highest of highs.

    I am grateful for the hardships I have faced because I have gained strength and wisdom that I never would have otherwise.

    I am grateful to still be here because traversing rocky roads have led me to conquer mountains I never thought I could.

    Ultimately I have come to understand through the imperfection, that really, life is perfect and who I am right now is exactly who I am meant to be.

    On perspective...

    Whilst you can’t change or control life circumstances, you’ll always have a choice when it comes to perspective.

    Often in hindsight we can find gratitude for the very things in the moment we dismissed as undesirable.

    Never underestimate the power you have in any moment to use your mind, not let it use you 🧠

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • The human experience

    Make the most of life...

    There will be moments you ask yourself why you live the life that you do.

    Why everything has unfolded the way it has – the turning points, the challenges, the successes, the past, who you are now and who you are becoming.

    Know that you are divine.

    You are a soul having a human experience.

    That you are a soul that bravely decided to be human.

    Make the most of the life you have because one day it will become a fleeting memory.

    Make the most of the life that you have, because we never know when the ride will end.

    Make the most of the life you have because it is the most precious gift.

    Make the most of life because it is always changing and that is the human experience – to feel it all.

    The human experience...

    What if you could have the perspective that you chose this all?

    Every moment of elation.

    Every moment of heartache.

    Every circumstance.

    Every challenge.

    All with the purpose to expand and grow in this lifetime for your soul.

    To grow isn’t easy or comfortable in fact it’s often challenging and painful (that’s the point!)

    Sure there are times we grow in ease but I’m more often than not it’s outside the comfort zone.

    All in all it’s the human experience your soul chose to have.

    This life is a blip in the string of many lives you’ve had and will continue to have, make the most of this beautiful experience and adventure.

    How we feel colours our lives adding depth, texture and tone.

    Our emotions are energy in motion (e-motion) that long to be experienced and pass through us, we are the divine channel they move through.

    I honour the divine in you beautiful soul who bravely chose to be human and live the life that you do 🙏🏽

    Inspired by the awakening perspective of @lilireinhart with @jayshetty:

    “If I started out as this celestial being, just energy, and the universe or God or whomever said, ‘Hey, do you want to go to Earth for an incredibly short amount of time, like a blip, and experience every emotion that you could possibly feel as a human? You get to have all these experiences: love, heartache, anxiety, joy, euphoria, whatever. All of it. Do you want to do that?’

    Yeah, I do.

    And so when I am feeling these intense feelings, it’s sorta like a reality check to step outside and say, although this is a very uncomfortable, painful feeling, it’s quite beautiful that I have the capacity to experience it. That is sort of something that I use to ground myself when I am stuck in a feeling of darkness.”

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • 34 – Saturn Return Human Design

    What is your Saturn Return?

    This episode is all about Saturn and the transit known as your Saturn Return. What is your Saturn Return and how a Saturn Return Human Design Reading can help you alongside tips to navigating your Saturn Return with my own personal examples.

    Featured Resources on the episode

    Show Transcript

    Hello hello beautiful soul today’s episode is all about your Saturn Return. 

    What is a Saturn Return?

    Saturn Return is when the planet Saturn returns to the position it was in the cosmos when you were born. For Saturn it’s orbit takes typically every 27-29 years to return to this position. 

    When you get a reading done such as with me in a Saturn Return Human Design reading, you are given the exact time and date that Saturn returns to it’s original position. It’s influence is felt in the lead up to returning to that very position and afterwards too, that’s why we typically see it influencing someone between the ages of 27-31.    

    What information do you need for your Saturn Return?

    In order to find out your Saturn Return date you’ll need to know your birthday, time of birth and where you were born. Do note your Saturn Return begins when there’s the collective shift into a different sign but the peak is when it’s in the original position. You can find this out in a reading as I just mentioned but there’s also free calculators online to work this out however if you want to go in depth and know all the details and what it means that’s when you’d want a reading!    

    What does Saturn Represent?

    Saturn is the planet that represents responsibility, discipline and accountability. Saturn can also be known as the ‘taskmaster,’ ‘teacher,’ and dad’ of the zodiac. Think of Saturn as your teacher that wouldn’t just let you watch movies and skip homework. Saturn is the type of teacher that really wants to teach you the substantial stuff, may set really hard exams and later down the track you’re thankful because you realise you learnt so much as difficult and painful as the process was. 

    Likewise think of Saturn Return the experience like a Master’s at the university of life. Before it takes place you have a degree or advanced diploma (think of this as your 20’s experiencing life). A masters takes dedication, hard work and can be tough but ultimately so worth it just like your Saturn Return. 

    Saturn Return, authority and parents

    Collectively Saturn is authority so think your parents, bosses, institutions and government — here to keep things in order and check. By those same energies think themes that can come up in your return authority, restriction and responsibilities. 

    Your Saturn Return particularly half way through towards the end has us free, liberated and emancipated from our parents as we truly become our own. You may be even more likely to be forgiving and understanding of your parents having seen what it takes to be an adult on your own and ready to take full responsibility for yourself and the way you are (as we always say no parent is perfect, they are human after all but at some point in your life you come to realise I can’t change my childhood but I can take responsibility by stepping into my power to work through what has come up as a result of it.

    Saturn Return and Karma

    Saturn also represents karma. You reap what you sow during this period and karmically speaking in ways. Rewards and harvest are plentiful for those who have done the work for example consistently doing your best at work in a job you love that may mean a huge promotion or a secondment abroad. Maybe you previously you used to ghost many people and then you end up being ghosted in a devastating way that may not be romantic, perhaps a job prospect. These are just examples! 

    Karmically for me I’ve always been dealing with dating emotionally unavailable people and that popped back up towards the end of my return as I began dating again after the break up of a long term relationship and perhaps questioning in moments was I truly emotionally available again? Those pesky patterns that plague you will come up over and over again because they are ready to be resolved and moved.

    Your Saturn Return is a Coming of Age

    Saturn represents a cosmic coming of age known for it’s shake up in all departments of life: your environment and where you live, your relationships — single, getting into a relationship, breaking up, taking a break, deepening a commitment, marriage, having children, divorce, shifting friend groups, new friends, losing friends, changing jobs, changing careers, career highlights, career breakthroughs. It’s also for many a notable point of contemplating our own mortality, we are 30 years into life and for women you maybe becoming very aware of the narrative of your biological clock.

    Adele Saturn Return

    Let’s take Adele for example, she has a tattoo of Saturn and spoke about her return in a recent interview she she said “It’s where I lost the plot … When that comes, it can rock your life. It shakes you up a bit: Who am I? What do I want to do? What makes me truly happy? All those things.”

     Her album 30 was in line with her Saturn Return and we’ve seen her changes unfold in the public eye — she had a child, had a divorce and her weight loss transformation.

    How many Saturn Returns do you have?

    Now you’ll likely have at least 2 in your life time, the first and most famous being the equivalent of your cosmic coming of age transitioning from youth to adulthood. The second is around 56-60 as a marker of maturity and the final between 84-90 entering wisdom.

    Should you be scared of your Saturn Return?

    Your Saturn Return isn’t something to be scared of! Yes, your Saturn Return can feel like you are being served and dished tough love. Yes, your Saturn Return can be turbulent. Yes there will be trials and tribulations, painful moments, challenges, setbacks, detours all for your growth. That is the very nature of growth, most of it happens outside of our comfort zone.

    Ultimately Saturn is here to help you be your highest, best and aligned self. Up until this stage most of us unconsciously live our life in terms of the way we believe we ought to and are expected to with regards to society, family and friends. Saturn Return is about reclaiming your life to be authentic in alignment with what you truly want. In fact a major pinnacle within your Saturn Return is understanding who you are, maybe for the first time in your life. It will have you questioning your identity. 

    Saturn Return Questions and Journal Prompts

    “Are you really doing what you want? Living a life that you always dreamed of and desired for yourself? One that lights up your heart and soul? Or is it based on your mind of what you think it should be or want it to be?”

    “Are you taking responsibility for yourself and your life? Your life is the way it is because of choices and decisions you’ve made”

    “Life is precious and fleeting, are you happy to continue the way that it is — are you making the most of it?”

    “Are you fulfilled within your soul, in the life that you live right now?

    “What do you truly value in yourself, in others and in your life? Does your life reflect that?” — on this question in particular say you have health as a core value in your life but you hardly have time to exercise because you’re stressed at work, invest in eating out but not healthy food at home, have your job taking a mental health or physical toll on your body that my friend is out of alignment and Saturn will see that!

    Saturn Return - work, career, job

    Work is usually a major theme in a Saturn Return because it’s all about being on the path of your life’s work and purpose. 

    During your transit between 27-29 it becomes very and sometimes painfully clear what is in alignment for you and what is not. Classic signs of what is not in alignment including feeling stuck, in a rut, depressed, frustrated and jealous of other people pursuing their passions and dreams. 

    That was certainly the case for me. Really my upcoming book will cover my whole Saturn Return transit where everything in my life was shaken up — changing careers and industries completely going from working in brand strategy and media to personal development and growth as a life coach, moving into a home and moving out of a home, getting into a relationship and out of one. 

    A very Saturninan thing that stands out for me was the fact that the more I did my side hustle in 2020/2021, feeling how much I loved it and lit me up to the point I woke up at 5am most mornings to have time for myself coach until 8 then work my corporate job until 6 and the coach after until evenings, I realised I really loved it and wanted to do it.

    Personal example of my Saturn Return and resistance

    It was so hard to trust all the signs that I would eventually do it full time, I had all the fear and worries — ultimately I had to be nudged by the universe as I dragged my heels wanting to quit my job at the end of 2021 and I would end up making the decision in September because it was so obvious what the universe was doing and I was resisting. Feeling overwhelmed and stuck in my job, being blocked towards a promotion despite working and hustling so hard. 

    It ultimately came because it was taking a toll on my body and I had to take mental health leave from my corporate job, having been in this position multiple times in my career already I knew this was the last straw and it was no longer sustainable for my health and wellbeing to continue to my corporate job. In total I was in my corporate career for seven years and with the life I live now I can’t believe it. 

    I used to be stressed all the time to the point of health issues like high blood pressure, stress was my norm. I had many anxious moments, crying and being so unhappy and now I live my most aligned life it’s so different. Stress is abnormal. I pinch myself that helping people is work… I love it so much it feels so natural and in easy, that flow state. 

    Saturn Return rewards alignment

    Saturn and the universe knew before it ever registered my mind that I was here to help people in a personal growth capacity and not be in brand strategy forever. Now ultimately we all have free will but I was rewarded to take that leap of faith and go all in (not without tests such as being offered the promotion, money, job opportunities) and I was rewarded having the most incredible 2022 getting a book publishing deal, traveling and working for a quarter of the year to Europe and Singapore, moving into my dream home, writing my first book and hitting 6 figures in the first year of my business full time. 

    Of course lets not forget it wasn’t all high flying, whilst my career became aligned I did also have to let go of the home I started my business in and lived in with my ex and ultimately the loss of that relationship which was 2.5 years or 3 years if you count dating before becoming official. 

    Saturn Return - love, relationships, break up

    Honestly it can be so wild in hindsight, the day I flew out to Europe last year was the exact peak of my Saturn Return. That very trip was something I undertook with my ex and would have ripple on effects for my life. It was the trip that confirmed we weren’t meant to be and taught me a lot about myself: being able to work and travel at the same time, the energies of certain locations in the world. Funnily enough Sydney, Australia where I am based is my Saturn line. 

    Even then I held onto the relationship longer despite knowing it wasn’t right until the plug was finally pulled and even then I held on by living with my ex after our break up and I for sure will never, ever do that again. As you’ll read in my book the ramifications of that was arduous on my heart… in fact it felt like I was dragging my heart on hot coals towards the end. 

    Again it wasn’t all doom and gloom because oh my goodness I fell in love so deeply — to love again is the most beautiful, sweetest experience. It was healing for me after being single for 8 years. We had the best times together and experienced wild things such as a global pandemic together, moving in with a partner, road trips and went overseas together where we did lovely things like river swimming and eating delicious paella at the borough markets in London. Not only that I’ll never forget the first Valentine’s Day we had together and soon after where we became official literally all my favourite things, dinner at a rooftop, fairy lights strung on his balcony, whisky and my favourite music playing (Rufus du sol).

    Saturn Return - discipline, habits

    Saturn rewards hard work, facing your fears, listening to your heart and soul as well as commitment. So lets not also forget the theme of discipline. Over the transit you’ll likely become aware of habits that don’t serve us. 

    For me I definitely noticed that when I was stressed in my corporate job I would turn to drinking and partying a lot, and as I entered my Saturn Return my desire to do dissolved (don’t get me wrong I still enjoy occasional drinks and going out whereas in my earlier life this would happen 3-4 days a week). 

    I developed more wellbeing and spiritual disciplines such as daily meditation and tarot card pulls in addition to breathwork, ice baths and journaling. Whilst I was in my corporate job I would also wake up early at 5am/6am which was discipline but ultimately self love and self care towards myself to ensure my cup was full before all my energy went towards work and side hustling as a coach. 

    Saturn Return Human Design Reading

    How do you prepare for Saturn and move through it?

    A Saturn Return Human Design reading with me can assist into giving you an insights into the particular lessons you are to learn and energies to experience with regards to different aspects of the transit. 

    What you Saturn Return is ultimately helping you to do. The context of what it will do for you moving forward into the future. Energies to master and be comfortable with and in other different aspects such as love, abundance, communication, expansion and the spiritual work. Each person has a unique transit of what they’re here to experience, move and grow through.

    Move through your Saturn return by being proactive

    Be on the front foot and be proactive. Doing the work will always put you in good stead as those who learn from Saturn and grow have nothing to fear, so really you listening to this podcast counts, working with a coach/mentor/psychologist. In further saying that you’ll have less pain and suffering if you actually listen to your internal navigation system (your authority in human design) — it can seem illogical and wild but its your soul for a reason. Soul isn’t logical, soul is magical. If you don’t that’s the infamy of the Saturn Return which will course correct you and yes that can be really painful. 

    Saturn Return Life Coaching

    That’s where someone like me a life coach can really help too, to hold space for you, provide different perspectives as well as support and guidance! Truly the most potent and powerful time would be for this transition to invest in your personal development and for me sanity during the transit.

    Your Saturn Return is to help you be authentic and aligned

    Be true to you as your most authentic and aligned self. Saturn is about being disciplined and in alignment with you and your highest self not for other people or society. Turning 30 in society has so many pressures and expectations that you want to release yourself from. 

    You don’t and aren’t meant to be like others: maybe you don’t want to get married, maybe you don’t want children, maybe you don’t want to be on the career trajectory you’re on because it doesn’t bring you joy, maybe you don’t want to get a mortgage. Saturn is here to empower you to live live on your terms, by your own design. To be yourself and be loved for that, not putting on a mask to be liked and loved by others. 

    Be present during your Saturn Return

    Be present and live it. Saturn will throw twists, turns and shocks. But honestly if I reflect the last 3 years of my life and return have gone so quickly and I’ll know for the rest of my life I will always reflect on how much I’ve changed and grown for the better in the last 3 years, I now truly live the dream, beyond what I ever imagined for myself! The Universe had grand plans for me and Saturn was the helper to bring that all to life. 

    The pain was hard of course but was it worth it? Absolutely. I wouldn’t change a thing because I know how it unfolded was exactly how it needed to! Therefore give yourself permission to change. Allow yourself to let go of what isn’t feeling good in your heart and soul. This transit is dynamic. It doesn’t matter what other people think because this transit is about being in alignment with you.

    Help with your Saturn Return

    For those going through your Saturn Return enjoy it because so much will make sense on the other side as many told me before I went into mine and now on the other side — I get it. I’m still processing it as it’s fresh. If you’re looking for support and guidance in life such as your Saturn Return or finishing one, get in touch as I’d love to help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading. 

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  • There’s hope… and help

    It is my hope...

    Sure there will be times you question life, question the universe and even question yourself.

    It is my hope that you never forget how strong and resilient you are.

    It is my hope that you never forget how far you have come even when you did not think you would make it through.

    It is my hope you remember that you are so loved and your presence is a huge light in this world.

    It is my hope that you remember you are so loved and it wouldn’t be the same without you here.

    It is my hope you remember the impact you have on the people around you and the community at large.

    It is my hope you remember that you are not alone, that help is always available, you have the power and choice to reach out.

    Keep going, you've got this

    A message to you during tides of changing times 🌊

    You might not feel strong right now but that doesn’t mean you aren’t… you are because you’re still here.

    It’s in these moments of discomfort where we truly grow beyond what we think we are capable of…

    Expand beyond what we thought was possible…

    It can feel lonely but you are never alone — you have a whole team on the other side supporting you always with unconditional love.

    Keep going, you’ve got this 👊🏽

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Embrace the darkness

    Even stars need darkness to shine

    Not all of life can be lived in the light.

    There are times life is calling us to the shadows – to grow, evolve and expand far greater than we ever have before.

    The void.

    The darkness.

    The womb space.

    The caterpillar must go into the cocoon to emerge a butterfly.

    The phoenix must die to be reborn and emerge from the ashes.

    The dark night of the soul must take pace for the awakening.

    The seedling must be planted and covered in dirt to beautifully bloom.

    Even stars and the moon need darkness in order to shine…

    The light is there, hidden

    With the darkness in life it’s not always as it appears to be.

    Beneath the veil of darkness and in the unseen. The light is there, hidden ✨

    You cannot fully perceive the changes unfolding, but just because you can’t does not mean that they aren’t happening… everything being lined up in perfect timing perfectly for you.

    Perhaps reflect in your life during difficult times that felt like the end of the world yet were the springboard and catalyst to something greater, more than you realised and could perceive at the time.

    Perhaps the darkness was your great
    We need the darkness as much as the, it’s natural as night and day.

    If you’re in the darkness now, this is a sign and affirmation to trust and have faith in the process.

    All will be revealed 💡

    I know it’s not easy, I believe in you 🌟

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Your greatest season…

    Your greatest season

    The truth is sometimes you won’t understand why certain things are happening in your life.

    It will feel frustrating and difficult.

    You will question yourself – who you are, the choices you have made, the decisions you came to, your past and ultimately you still won’t find the answers in that.

    We think that the more we know and understand, the more peace we will have but that isn’t always the case.

    There are times in life all you can do is surrender and ride the waves.

    To have faith and trust in the process.

    That everything is happening for a reason for your greatest season.

    I believe in you...

    This is for you beautiful soul, if you’re in the fog, the uncertainty — doubting yourself, questioning yourself…

    It may not make sense right now and maybe it isn’t meant to make sense right now, but one day it will.

    We can’t always navigate life in our head, intellectually… logically.

    And thus sometimes life will shake itself up with the twists, turns and all things unexpected to get you out of your head and into your body.

    Your heart.

    Your soul.

    Your gut.

    Your intuition.

    It will test your patience.

    It will test your faith.

    It’s not easy but you will get through it.

    I know you will.

    I believe in you 🌟

    I see you 👁️

    I feel you 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • 33 – March 2023 Energy Update and Virgo Full Moon

    The cosmic changes of March 2023 and the Virgo Full Moon

    There is a lot going down in March 2023 energetically, spiritually and astrologically. This episode explains what to expect, how to work with the themes and energies including the Virgo Full Moon, Saturn shifting into Pisces from Aquarius and Pluto shifting from Capricorn into Aquarius.

    Featured Resources on the episode

    Show Transcript

    Episode 33 - March 2023 Energy Update and Virgo Full Moon

    Hi Beautiful Soul, I’m so happy and grateful that you are here listening and there is a lot to share. Before I do I just wanted to say oh my goodness on 2/3/23 I received the first physical copy of my book and wow it felt soooo aligned. 

    As a listener of this podcast I’m going to have a huge announcement about the book towards the end of the month but watch this space! The book is going to be released in June. It felt so surreal to hold in my hands a body of work that I have poured my heart and soul into all of last year in 2022. If you want to be the first to know about this news, head to my website and sign up to the book updates mailing list!

    What is going on energetically in March 2023?

    Now getting to today’s podcast episode. I felt really drawn and compelled to speak about what is going on energetically, spiritually and astrologically in March 2023 because there is so much happening – we see major planets changing signs which I will also cover in todays’ episode. A portal of change. March Madness. Likely the biggest astrological shifts and cosmic changes we will see for the whole year are happening in March.

    March 2023 is a brand new astrological cycle

    The vibe I am collectively sensing is by the time March is over we will all be saying woah and without a doubt experiencing change. In saying that maybe not everyone will experience visceral noticeable changes, but for sure seeds are being planted that will be revisited. March is the month of movement, where the real astrological new year begins (a brand new cycle of 12 months starts March 20th). I strongly recommend journaling throughout the month of March, it will prove useful as the year unfolds and you can revisit what themes are coming up for you. 

    Virgo Full Moon in March 2023

    The release of this episode coincides with the Virgo Full Moon in March. With full moons they are the close of a cycle, a time to release, surrender and let go of what no longer serves you. This one in particular links back to August 2022 in particular around the 27th/28th of August. I highly recommend flipping through old journals, photos and calendars to see what was going on in your life back then. What did you start, what intentions did you set and how is this playing out now? 

    For me it’s wild to think about this because this coincides with my break up last year as well as moving homes. I was also so busy with human designs, facilitating readings at a retreat and getting stuck into writing the book, which is now obviously finished and done. I’m feeling much more grounded and I’ve energetically landed since those big life changing moves. It’s also worth checking in with any intentions you set 2 weeks ago with the new moon energy. I’ve felt personally that the theme has been surrender particularly with an overactive mind.

    Virgo traits and qualities

    Virgo itself as a sign is all about organisation, logical, practical, prim, proper, grounded in contrast to Pisces where the sun is right now which is head in the clouds, dreamy, emotional, spiritual, creative vibe. Think of these energies as contrasting yet complementary like yin and yang. With all the energies at play, what’s emerging is finding peace in stability thanks to Virgo: your home being clean and tidy, routines and daily rituals. 

    Virgo is calling out the messy, disorganised and chaos and calling in self care. Think clearing clutter and tidying up spaces. What you could say is this energy is bringing us into balance through the reality of day to day life our physical health and wellbeing – exercise, food consumption and the environment we live in as well as the spiritual through Pisces, our connection to spirituality, our dreams and visions and creativity.

    March 2023 Responsibility as a theme

    I will note what I’ve seen in speaking with my clients lately is the theme of responsibility which will also pop up with this full moon given the reputation of Virgos to be very responsible. Perhaps explore your relationship with responsibility. What responsibilities do you have, to others, to yourself? With Virgo in mind, particularly what responsibility do you have to yourself in terms of self care and practicalities to keep you nourished and thriving in day to day life?

    March 2023 feeling stuck in your head and mind

    What I see also being a focal point of this full moon is being in our minds. Virgo by nature is analytical and inquisitive and a shadow of Pisces can be getting lost in your daydreams. It’s important to note where your mind is placing its attention because that can greatly impact and influence how you are feeling. 

    Virgo and Pisces in March 2023

    Virgo could be that energy that grounds your dreams into reality but taking practical steps. Pisces energy encourages Virgo to be practical yet allow yourself to dream, very much that energy of ‘shoot for the moon because if you miss you’ll end up amongst the stars.’ Further to this given the Virgo energies, if you have been moving through shadows of control, perfectionism and feeling like you aren’t doing enough, you may feel the effects of this full moon more urging you to move through these, integrate and let go. 

    Tension and feeling overwhelmed in March 2023

    You may also be feeling tension because of a T square happening in the planets between Moon in Virgo, Sun in Pisces and Mars in Gemini which places an immense pressure that everything and anything must be done right now and happen right now (fiery Mars and fiery Gemini).

    So if you are experiencing a few days of gloom or melancholy, perhaps feeling overwhelmed its okay, be kind to yourself there’s a lot of energetic shifts in the air. Give yourself a few days for it to mellow out although as you’ll hear there’s a lot going on in the stars.

    March 2023 Virgo Full Moon Journal and Journaling Prompts

    Some journal prompts for you to consider:

    • What no longer serves you right now that you intend to surrender to the full moon?
    • How can you have more creative, artistic expression in my life?
    • What areas of your self have you neglected and need greater love and attention?
    • Free write about what comes to mind when you think of responsibility?  
    • What practical steps and actions can you take towards making your dreams and desires a reality? 

    So let’s talk about the big planetary shifts that will affect us in March.

    Saturn Return Pisces March 2023

    Within an hour of the full moon in Virgo, Saturn—the planet of tough love, tough lessons, discipline, responsibility, maturity, and commitment—will enter Pisces for the first time since 1996. Saturn shifts signs about every 3 years and when it does, we have new lessons emerge. Perhaps it’s worth even thinking about the lessons you’ve learnt in the last 3 years since March 2020 because Saturn is known as the lord of Karma and of course it’s lessons that we mature, grow and expand upon (not the easiest!). Therefore expect a new cycle and shifting in karma within your life.

    Are you starting or ending a Saturn Return in 2023?

    This is a markable shift one of the biggest in 2023, if not the biggest, and I must say I am relieved because it marks the end of my Saturn Return and for anyone born Feb. 6, 1991–May 20, 1993; June 29, 1993–Jan. 28, 1994 and those and born January 1962- March 1964 for your second Saturn Return whereas if you were born May 21, 1993 and June 30, 1993 or January 28, 1994 and April 7, 1996, welcome to your first Saturn Return. If you were born March 25, 1964, to March 4, 1967 you’ll be experiencing your second Saturn Return. 

    Coming out of a Saturn Return is like relief and a breath of fresh air. After all that pressure, it’s time for the wind down, the integration of all the shake ups that you’ve had since January 2020. It has been extra strong given Saturn also happens to rule Aquarius. Starting one? Buckle up and get ready for life to shift for your highest growth and alignment, often life will be taking you out of your comfort zone for this transit. 

    Saturn Return collective impact and influence

    I can see over the past few episodes how I’ve chatted about Saturn Return and truth be told I am still integrating all of the lessons from my Saturn so a podcast episode on it is due however in the meantime if you are looking for guidance and support with this transition, I do Saturn Return Human Design readings so please get in touch! To give you an idea of how we collectively felt Saturn Return it entered Aquarius in March 2020 and we all know what started happening then, the pandemic, it’s lockdowns and the Black Lives Matter Movement.

    Saturn shifting from Aquarius to Pisces

    The shift from Aquarius ruled by the mind to Pisces emotions again a stark contrast like the full moon between organised, practical, grounded Virgo and dreamy Pisces. Themes to emerge from this shift are around spirituality, expression, boundaries and mental health. This energy can often give us a reality check on what is really going instead of perhaps being in the shadow of dreams disconnected from any founding reality or grounding e.g. just manifesting without any inspired action. 

    It can wake us up to what is really happening and lift the veil from our eyes perhaps if we have been trying to ignore things or wish/hope for the better without any evidence. The contrast of these  energies also collectively teaches us to hold and embrace the nature of duality, it’s not one or the other, both operate in this energetic realm. Moreover Pisces is known as the visionary artist, so it’s a great time to unlock and unleash your creativity particularly in expressing your emotions and dreams. 

    With everything I’m chatting through here these are broad collective themes, for specifics it would be best to do a customised human design reading with me or work with me on a 1:1 level, I do have spots available. 

    Jupiter and Chiron March 2023

    Later in the week around March 12th, we see Jupiter the planet of expansion meeting Chiron the wounded healer in Aries, something that only happens every 50 years on average. Whatever shadows, pains and wounds arise during this time is for your growth as per Jupiter’s influence. It will help to see the broad, bigger picture should it feel difficult for you.

    Venus enters Taurus March 2023

    Venus the planet of love, leisure, beauty and an indicator of abundance enters it’s home sign in Taurus on the 16th. So perhaps partnerships will be on your mind as will finances. There is a lot of other planetary action happening on this date too when Mercury meets Mars in Gemini which can signal fiery conversations or miscommunication. 

    At some point on the same day before Venus lands in Taurus, it does collide with Pluto which can bring up shadows in relationships such as power struggles, obsession and jealousy so be aware of that. There’s more to mention but really all you need to know is be aware of the hectic energy on the 16th. The best way to deal with this all is to be grounded in nature, aware of your own energy and conscious of your actions towards another. 

    The Sun entering Aries March 2023

    Taking place March 20th, the Equinox will take place with it becoming Spring in the Northern Hemisphere or Autumn/Full in the Southern Hemisphere this coincides with the astrological seasons shifting from Pisces to Aries so we can expect fresh, fiery energy and greater momentum building from that date. Aries is a bold influence after all.

    Thus kicking off a brand new astrological cycle with the Aries New Moon March 21st. If the beginning of the calendar year hasn’t been going your way, the energy of the new moon is like a second start to hunker down and recommit. The energy will be giving you a boost of added motivation and fired up ignition. What you set up now will be revisited around the end of September this year. 

    Pluto shifting from Capricorn to Aquarius March 2023

    Pluto is the planet of intensity, death, destruction, transformation and rebirth and that shifts from Capricorn to Aquarius for the first time since 2008 that’s 15 years on March 23rd. It’s the slowest moving planet. You may want to go down memory lane to 15 years ago what was happening in your life and any themes around death and rebirth. 

    This is only temporary for a taste of what is to come for the actual shift in November 2024 where Pluto will remain for 20 years until 2044 . Collectively, change is definite here and will likely be in relation to Aquarian energies and themes: friendships, freedom, technology, humanity, the internet, innovation and communication. Again this will impact you personally differently depending on your chart.

    The wildest thing is Pluto hasn’t been in Aquarius since around 1777 when multiple revolutions happened including the American, Haitian and French revolution, Uranus was discovered and the first smallpox vaccine was successful. What I’ve been seeing touted and predicted are advancements in vaccines, AI and aliens to say the least. Given what went down all those years ago it could be dramatic changes in the structures and systems of society too.

    Mars moving from Gemini to Cancer March 2023

    March 25th onwards, Moving from Gemini to Cancer. We can see the pattern again here heady Gemini into the emotional waters of Cancer. We can really see the shift collectively happening to get us out of tensions with our minds – thought loops, mental patterns, anxiety into being in our bodies to feel it all. It could feel like a mix of moody emotional energy that pops up. 

    Venus and Uranus in March 2023

    Venus again at the end of the month on the 30th becomes a wildcard given it meets with Uranus the planet of the unexpected, who knows what could happen after such as big month!

    As you can see an absolutely huge energetic powerhouse of a month. If you are looking for support and guidance, I’d love to help through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading, get in touch and we can chat about what’s best for you! 

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  • Can you surrender?

    That is life...

    Sometimes all you can do is surrender.

    To the twists and turns on the ride that is life.

    To the unpredictable waves that is life.

    To the lows and highs that is life.

    To the unknown and unexpected that is life.

    To the ebbs and flows that is life.

    To the inhale and exhale that is life.

    May surrender bring you the peace that you seek.

    Can you surrender?

    You are afraid to surrender because you don’t want to lose control. But you never had control… all you had was anxiety – @elizabeth_gilbert_writer 💡

    Instead of resisting, how would it feel to melt into this very moment…

    How would it feel to accept and allow this moment as if it were pure perfection (which it is in the guidance of the divine for your highest growth and good).

    Can you surrender?

    As an emotional authority in human design, it often feels like a dance — the push and pull with life and every time it will come back to… surrender 🌊

    Can’t fight the waves, all we can do is learn to swim or better yet surf 🏄🏼‍♀️

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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