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The cosmic changes of March 2023 and the Virgo Full Moon
There is a lot going down in March 2023 energetically, spiritually and astrologically. This episode explains what to expect, how to work with the themes and energies including the Virgo Full Moon, Saturn shifting into Pisces from Aquarius and Pluto shifting from Capricorn into Aquarius.

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Episode 33 - March 2023 Energy Update and Virgo Full Moon
Hi Beautiful Soul, I’m so happy and grateful that you are here listening and there is a lot to share. Before I do I just wanted to say oh my goodness on 2/3/23 I received the first physical copy of my book and wow it felt soooo aligned.
As a listener of this podcast I’m going to have a huge announcement about the book towards the end of the month but watch this space! The book is going to be released in June. It felt so surreal to hold in my hands a body of work that I have poured my heart and soul into all of last year in 2022. If you want to be the first to know about this news, head to my website phidang.com/book and sign up to the book updates mailing list!
What is going on energetically in March 2023?
Now getting to today’s podcast episode. I felt really drawn and compelled to speak about what is going on energetically, spiritually and astrologically in March 2023 because there is so much happening – we see major planets changing signs which I will also cover in todays’ episode. A portal of change. March Madness. Likely the biggest astrological shifts and cosmic changes we will see for the whole year are happening in March.
March 2023 is a brand new astrological cycle
The vibe I am collectively sensing is by the time March is over we will all be saying woah and without a doubt experiencing change. In saying that maybe not everyone will experience visceral noticeable changes, but for sure seeds are being planted that will be revisited. March is the month of movement, where the real astrological new year begins (a brand new cycle of 12 months starts March 20th). I strongly recommend journaling throughout the month of March, it will prove useful as the year unfolds and you can revisit what themes are coming up for you.
Virgo Full Moon in March 2023
The release of this episode coincides with the Virgo Full Moon in March. With full moons they are the close of a cycle, a time to release, surrender and let go of what no longer serves you. This one in particular links back to August 2022 in particular around the 27th/28th of August. I highly recommend flipping through old journals, photos and calendars to see what was going on in your life back then. What did you start, what intentions did you set and how is this playing out now?
For me it’s wild to think about this because this coincides with my break up last year as well as moving homes. I was also so busy with human designs, facilitating readings at a retreat and getting stuck into writing the book, which is now obviously finished and done. I’m feeling much more grounded and I’ve energetically landed since those big life changing moves. It’s also worth checking in with any intentions you set 2 weeks ago with the new moon energy. I’ve felt personally that the theme has been surrender particularly with an overactive mind.
Virgo traits and qualities
Virgo itself as a sign is all about organisation, logical, practical, prim, proper, grounded in contrast to Pisces where the sun is right now which is head in the clouds, dreamy, emotional, spiritual, creative vibe. Think of these energies as contrasting yet complementary like yin and yang. With all the energies at play, what’s emerging is finding peace in stability thanks to Virgo: your home being clean and tidy, routines and daily rituals.
Virgo is calling out the messy, disorganised and chaos and calling in self care. Think clearing clutter and tidying up spaces. What you could say is this energy is bringing us into balance through the reality of day to day life our physical health and wellbeing – exercise, food consumption and the environment we live in as well as the spiritual through Pisces, our connection to spirituality, our dreams and visions and creativity.
March 2023 Responsibility as a theme
I will note what I’ve seen in speaking with my clients lately is the theme of responsibility which will also pop up with this full moon given the reputation of Virgos to be very responsible. Perhaps explore your relationship with responsibility. What responsibilities do you have, to others, to yourself? With Virgo in mind, particularly what responsibility do you have to yourself in terms of self care and practicalities to keep you nourished and thriving in day to day life?
March 2023 feeling stuck in your head and mind
What I see also being a focal point of this full moon is being in our minds. Virgo by nature is analytical and inquisitive and a shadow of Pisces can be getting lost in your daydreams. It’s important to note where your mind is placing its attention because that can greatly impact and influence how you are feeling.
Virgo and Pisces in March 2023
Virgo could be that energy that grounds your dreams into reality but taking practical steps. Pisces energy encourages Virgo to be practical yet allow yourself to dream, very much that energy of ‘shoot for the moon because if you miss you’ll end up amongst the stars.’ Further to this given the Virgo energies, if you have been moving through shadows of control, perfectionism and feeling like you aren’t doing enough, you may feel the effects of this full moon more urging you to move through these, integrate and let go.
Tension and feeling overwhelmed in March 2023
You may also be feeling tension because of a T square happening in the planets between Moon in Virgo, Sun in Pisces and Mars in Gemini which places an immense pressure that everything and anything must be done right now and happen right now (fiery Mars and fiery Gemini).
So if you are experiencing a few days of gloom or melancholy, perhaps feeling overwhelmed its okay, be kind to yourself there’s a lot of energetic shifts in the air. Give yourself a few days for it to mellow out although as you’ll hear there’s a lot going on in the stars.
March 2023 Virgo Full Moon Journal and Journaling Prompts
Some journal prompts for you to consider:
- What no longer serves you right now that you intend to surrender to the full moon?
- How can you have more creative, artistic expression in my life?
- What areas of your self have you neglected and need greater love and attention?
- Free write about what comes to mind when you think of responsibility?
- What practical steps and actions can you take towards making your dreams and desires a reality?
So let’s talk about the big planetary shifts that will affect us in March.
Saturn Return Pisces March 2023
Within an hour of the full moon in Virgo, Saturn—the planet of tough love, tough lessons, discipline, responsibility, maturity, and commitment—will enter Pisces for the first time since 1996. Saturn shifts signs about every 3 years and when it does, we have new lessons emerge. Perhaps it’s worth even thinking about the lessons you’ve learnt in the last 3 years since March 2020 because Saturn is known as the lord of Karma and of course it’s lessons that we mature, grow and expand upon (not the easiest!). Therefore expect a new cycle and shifting in karma within your life.
Are you starting or ending a Saturn Return in 2023?
This is a markable shift one of the biggest in 2023, if not the biggest, and I must say I am relieved because it marks the end of my Saturn Return and for anyone born Feb. 6, 1991–May 20, 1993; June 29, 1993–Jan. 28, 1994 and those and born January 1962- March 1964 for your second Saturn Return whereas if you were born May 21, 1993 and June 30, 1993 or January 28, 1994 and April 7, 1996, welcome to your first Saturn Return. If you were born March 25, 1964, to March 4, 1967 you’ll be experiencing your second Saturn Return.
Coming out of a Saturn Return is like relief and a breath of fresh air. After all that pressure, it’s time for the wind down, the integration of all the shake ups that you’ve had since January 2020. It has been extra strong given Saturn also happens to rule Aquarius. Starting one? Buckle up and get ready for life to shift for your highest growth and alignment, often life will be taking you out of your comfort zone for this transit.
Saturn Return collective impact and influence
I can see over the past few episodes how I’ve chatted about Saturn Return and truth be told I am still integrating all of the lessons from my Saturn so a podcast episode on it is due however in the meantime if you are looking for guidance and support with this transition, I do Saturn Return Human Design readings so please get in touch! To give you an idea of how we collectively felt Saturn Return it entered Aquarius in March 2020 and we all know what started happening then, the pandemic, it’s lockdowns and the Black Lives Matter Movement.
Saturn shifting from Aquarius to Pisces
The shift from Aquarius ruled by the mind to Pisces emotions again a stark contrast like the full moon between organised, practical, grounded Virgo and dreamy Pisces. Themes to emerge from this shift are around spirituality, expression, boundaries and mental health. This energy can often give us a reality check on what is really going instead of perhaps being in the shadow of dreams disconnected from any founding reality or grounding e.g. just manifesting without any inspired action.
It can wake us up to what is really happening and lift the veil from our eyes perhaps if we have been trying to ignore things or wish/hope for the better without any evidence. The contrast of these energies also collectively teaches us to hold and embrace the nature of duality, it’s not one or the other, both operate in this energetic realm. Moreover Pisces is known as the visionary artist, so it’s a great time to unlock and unleash your creativity particularly in expressing your emotions and dreams.
With everything I’m chatting through here these are broad collective themes, for specifics it would be best to do a customised human design reading with me or work with me on a 1:1 level, I do have spots available.
Jupiter and Chiron March 2023
Later in the week around March 12th, we see Jupiter the planet of expansion meeting Chiron the wounded healer in Aries, something that only happens every 50 years on average. Whatever shadows, pains and wounds arise during this time is for your growth as per Jupiter’s influence. It will help to see the broad, bigger picture should it feel difficult for you.
Venus enters Taurus March 2023
Venus the planet of love, leisure, beauty and an indicator of abundance enters it’s home sign in Taurus on the 16th. So perhaps partnerships will be on your mind as will finances. There is a lot of other planetary action happening on this date too when Mercury meets Mars in Gemini which can signal fiery conversations or miscommunication.
At some point on the same day before Venus lands in Taurus, it does collide with Pluto which can bring up shadows in relationships such as power struggles, obsession and jealousy so be aware of that. There’s more to mention but really all you need to know is be aware of the hectic energy on the 16th. The best way to deal with this all is to be grounded in nature, aware of your own energy and conscious of your actions towards another.
The Sun entering Aries March 2023
Taking place March 20th, the Equinox will take place with it becoming Spring in the Northern Hemisphere or Autumn/Full in the Southern Hemisphere this coincides with the astrological seasons shifting from Pisces to Aries so we can expect fresh, fiery energy and greater momentum building from that date. Aries is a bold influence after all.
Thus kicking off a brand new astrological cycle with the Aries New Moon March 21st. If the beginning of the calendar year hasn’t been going your way, the energy of the new moon is like a second start to hunker down and recommit. The energy will be giving you a boost of added motivation and fired up ignition. What you set up now will be revisited around the end of September this year.
Pluto shifting from Capricorn to Aquarius March 2023
Pluto is the planet of intensity, death, destruction, transformation and rebirth and that shifts from Capricorn to Aquarius for the first time since 2008 that’s 15 years on March 23rd. It’s the slowest moving planet. You may want to go down memory lane to 15 years ago what was happening in your life and any themes around death and rebirth.
This is only temporary for a taste of what is to come for the actual shift in November 2024 where Pluto will remain for 20 years until 2044 . Collectively, change is definite here and will likely be in relation to Aquarian energies and themes: friendships, freedom, technology, humanity, the internet, innovation and communication. Again this will impact you personally differently depending on your chart.
The wildest thing is Pluto hasn’t been in Aquarius since around 1777 when multiple revolutions happened including the American, Haitian and French revolution, Uranus was discovered and the first smallpox vaccine was successful. What I’ve been seeing touted and predicted are advancements in vaccines, AI and aliens to say the least. Given what went down all those years ago it could be dramatic changes in the structures and systems of society too.
Mars moving from Gemini to Cancer March 2023
March 25th onwards, Moving from Gemini to Cancer. We can see the pattern again here heady Gemini into the emotional waters of Cancer. We can really see the shift collectively happening to get us out of tensions with our minds – thought loops, mental patterns, anxiety into being in our bodies to feel it all. It could feel like a mix of moody emotional energy that pops up.
Venus and Uranus in March 2023
Venus again at the end of the month on the 30th becomes a wildcard given it meets with Uranus the planet of the unexpected, who knows what could happen after such as big month!
As you can see an absolutely huge energetic powerhouse of a month. If you are looking for support and guidance, I’d love to help through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading, get in touch and we can chat about what’s best for you!