Month: May 2020

  • 11 Inspirational Law of Attraction Quotes

    Inspiring you with law of attraction quotes

    Now that you know the basics of the law of attraction, here are some inspirational law of attraction quotes to help you manifest everything you desire.

    To make all that you seek, a reality.

    When you are joyful, when you say yes to life and have fun and project positivity all around you, you become a sun in the center of every constellation, and people want to be near you.

    Shannon L. Alder

    We are like magnets – like attracts like. You become and attract what you think.”


    “Action that is inspired from aligned thoughts is joyful action.”

    Abraham Hicks

    “Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.”

    Maya Angelou

    “To live your greatest life, you must first become a leader within yourself. Take charge of your life, begin attracting and manifesting all that you desire in life.”

    Sonia Ricotti

    “Everything is within your power,
    and your power is within you.”

    Janice Trachtman

    “A thought is a Cosmic Order waiting to happen.”

    Stephen Richards

     Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.”

    Jack Canfield

    Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.

    Albert Einstein

    The idea is the first currency of the Universe, so pay attention to the ideas that are in harmony with your vision.

    Mary Morrissey

    That principal can be summed up in three simple words: Thoughts. Become. Things.

    Mike Dooley

    What you desire, can be and will be a reality!

    One thing that all of these inspirational Law of Attraction quotes have in common is that they demonstrate the power that YOU have.

    You have the power to take inspired action to make your dreams a reality.

    Bookmark these inspirational law of attraction quotes for whenever you need inspiration, motivation or a reminder of YOUR amazing power.

    Click here to read more

  • What is the law of attraction? Learn more!

    It has been said that the law of attraction is the most powerful law that exists. There is so much information on what it is from thousands of sources. This article serves as an introduction on the law of attraction.

    The law of attraction

    The main thread that runs through all theories on the law of attraction is the power of your thoughts and their impact on your life.

    Simply put, the law of attraction it is, positive thoughts bring positive experiences and the inverse is true.

    Negative thoughts bring negative experiences.

    You have probably heard of the law of attraction through sayings such as:

    • “Positive energy, positive vibes”
    • “Like attracts like”
    • “It is done unto you as you believe”

    Where did the law of attraction come from?

    The law of attraction is also known as “The Secret,” from a popular book and film produced.

    Mainstream awareness of the notion can be attributed to Abraham Hicks. Abraham is a “group consciousness from the non-physical dimension” that communicates through a woman by the name of Esther Hicks. She calls Abraham “infinite intelligence.”

    Is the law of attraction scientific?

    From a scientific point of view, it can be distilled down to ‘confirmation bias.’ This is a phenomenon whereby we notice and pay more attention to what supports our existing thoughts and beliefs.

    Proponents of the law posit that there are aspects of modern psychology rooted in the law to support its existence and truth.

    So what does this all mean?

    My personal take is make what you will of it. The law of attraction is unique to everyone. You may see it as a vibrational energy mindset whereas someone else thinks it’s nonsensical.

    Take aspects of it that you like and see fit from your point of view. What makes sense to you.

    I truly believe in the power of thoughts and love the power and notion behind the mindset.

    You have power to deliberately use your thoughts to your benefit. It is a way to shape your reality.

    The power of the law of attraction

    Harnessing the power of the law attraction will enable to you create, attract and allow everything you desire to come to fruition.

    The law emphasises how powerful you are. The power of your thoughts, your attitude and your mind.

    The law of attraction gives you awareness to the power of your thoughts. Your thoughts have the power to give you truly everything you want in life.

    Change your thoughts and change your world.

    The laws

    the law of attraction: everything begins as a thought + energy flows where focus goes + your point of attraction

    1. Everything begins as a thought

    Thoughts lead the way. Things that were once thoughts as ‘impossible’ are now ‘possible.’

    2. Energy flows where focus goes

    Focus is through our thoughts, communication and action. As above, thoughts lead the way.

    It is so important to focus in a way that truly serves you.

    The law just is. It reflects our life back to us whether we want it to or not.

    3. Point of attraction

    Point of attraction is your beliefs, your momentum and your state of being.

    Everyone has a unique point of attraction. Your point of attractions is made up of your beliefs, momentum and state of being. The below will break down the three factors that create your point of attraction.

    Your general and specific beliefs

    Within the frame of the law of attraction, a belief is what is true for you. Abraham Hicks extends the notion of the belief to a thoughts you keep thinking.


    The amount of thought-energy invested in a subject.

    Your current state of being

    How you feel now. Your inner compass that guides you. It is how your body physically responds

    In conclusion

    The law of attraction harnesses the power and energy of your thoughts. Simply put it is the combination of everything begins as a thought, energy flows where focus goes and your point of attraction.

    Like many concepts out there, see for yourself it works for you!

    If you liked this concept, you may like these powerful mindset and inspirational articles

    You are Magic – in her vitality

    Today is your day – in her vitality

    Change your thoughts and change your world – in her vitality

    Click here to read more

  • 7 Online communities for women supporting women

    The popularity of social media and increased time we all spend online has led to the massive growth in online female communities. As a result, there has been a rise in online female communities for women supporting women. These communities are inspirational because they enable women to connect and network with each other. A supportive environment for sisterhood to help each other, businesses and side hustles.


    The BossBabe website
    The BossBabe website

    About BossBabe

    BossBabe is an online community for unapologetically ambitious women who know what they want. As a result, BossBabe is online female community empowers budding female entrepreneurs and business owners with a kit for success.

    Who is the founder of BossBabe?

    BossBabe was originally founded by Alex Wolf. It’s fascinating you can watch the old BossBabe material here: Original BossBabe YouTube. Wolf founded BossBabe at the age of 22! After hitting a quarter of a million followers, she sold the company at 25. Wolf now is a consultant and speaker, with an online educational platform Creative Business School.

    BossBabe is now run by Natalie Elizabeth Ellis and Dr. Danielle Canty who are the cofounders and CO-CEOs. In a BossBabe podcast episode on ‘The One Thing You Need For a Thriving Business Relationship’ the two shared how they live and work together.

    Both entrepreneurs have turned BossBabe is a huge powerhouse in the female community. You only have the look up the #bossbabe hashtag all over social media. They have over 16M followers and 1.9M+ members in their social media community.

    What do you get from BossBabe?

    The Société is the BossBabe membership program which includes an instant success kit upon joining. The membership is paid and private for female entrepreneurs to connect, build and grow. In terms of other resources, the BossBabe team have a blog and podcast in addition to running events.

    Examples of content:

    Cost of BossBabe?

    $35USD a month = $420USD a year. It is important to note, that they do offer free advice. They do this on their Instagram and on their site through blog posts and their podcast.

    Business Chicks

    The Business Chicks website
    The Business Chicks website

    About Business Chicks

    Business Chicks is Australia’s largest and most influential community for women. They also have a presence in New York and Europe. Business Chicks openly advocate that their membership is not just for women in ‘business.’ They warmly endorse that Business Chicks is about helping all women play a bigger game.

    Who is the founder of Business Chicks?

    Emma Isaacs is the founder and Global CEO of Business Chicks. Isaacs ran her own recruitment company from the age of 18. During her time she was asked to run an event for a group called Business Chicks. The rest is history as they say as she went onto acquire the group and shape it into what it is today. Emma has grown the the small Business Chicks group of 250 members into a community of thousands of engaged women.

    What do you get from Business Chicks?

    Business Chicks has over 100 Business Chicks events annually. They have high profile guests such as Brené Brown, Arianna Huffington, Nicole Kidman, Sophia Amoruso, Nigella Lawson and Jay Shetty. If you’re interested in what their Masterclasses are like refer to our Business Chicks Review on the Jay Shetty Masterclass. Business Chicks truly is an open community where non members are able to book a masterclass too. Their members do receive discounts and special members only workshops.

    Examples of content include:

    Cost of Business Chicks

    Business Chicks is a paid membership at $199AUD a year and $9.99 joining fee. Benefits include and are not limited to access to their Masterclasses, connecting with other members and a subscription to their magazine Latte.


    The Girl Boss website
    The Girl Boss website

    About Girlboss

    Girlboss is for millennial women progressing whether that is personally or professionally. Their values are humour, vulnerability, curiosity and inclusivity. GirlBoss is an online community providing a place to network alongside resources and tools to progress.

    Who is the founder of Girlboss?

    Sophia Amoruso is the original Girlboss who is known for being the founder of clothing empire Nasty Gal. The humble Nasty Gal Vintage eBay store turned into one of the fastest growing online boutiques, Nasty Gal. In 2014 her autobiography was titled #GIRLBOSS. Amorouso went on to create Girl Boss Media, a company geared towards a female audience. In 2017 she launched the Girlboss platform. The rising success led to her selling Girlboss in 2019 to Attention Capital. Amouruso remains on the board of Girlboss.

    What do you get from Girlboss?

    Girlboss is a like minded community to connect and network with, They have weekly Digital Firesides with today’s thought leaders such as Payal Kadakia founder of ClassPass. Additionally they run a blog and have a video library full of resources. The Girlboss blog covers a huge range of topics such as work, money, wellness, beauty and life.

    Examples of content include:

    Cost of Girlboss?

    Hub Dot

    The Hub Dot website
    The Hub Dot website

    The Girlboss platform is open and free to anyone.

    About Hub Dot

    Hub Dot is a professional network for women that has its origins in London. They believe in connecting people to bridge the gaps, strip away labels and level the playing field. Their values are community, authenticity, humanity, sharing and trust. Hub Dot runs events through a system of five dots which replace job titles and social status.

    Who is the founder of Hub Dot?

    Simona Barbieri is the founder of Hub Dot. In Simona’s interview with Look Magazine, she speaks about the origins of Hub Dot. She was having a coffee with a bunch of friends, when a friend made a comment about feeling ‘stuck’. She wanted to help and saw the potential of connecting individual powers to make ‘things happen’. That was the beginning of what we she calls Dot Alchemy – Dots intersecting to share stories and transform.

    What do you get from Hub Dot?

    The Hub Dot events as mentioned run on a system of five dots which reflect different mindsets. The mindsets range from being new, being established, looking for inspiration or networking or being compelled to tell your story. They have run events in over 25 cities in person and now run online Hub Dot Live Piazzas. This enables women from all over the world to join.

    Cost of Hub Dot?

    Previously physical Hub Dot events are ticketed to pay for logistics and operations. As a result of a growing network, the virtual ones are now free and are supported through donations.

    Kool Kanya

    The Kool Kanya website
    The Kool Kanya website

    About Kool Kanya

    Kool Kanya is an online female community started in India. The community offers career advice and platform for women to share about jobs, careers, health and lifestyle. Kool Kanya was built to be a nurturing ecosystem for women to connect with each other and build careers they love.

    Who is the founder of Kool Kanya?

    Vanshika Goenka is the founder of Kool Kanya. In 2017, she was doing market research for a sanitary pad company. Whilst doing so, she realised it was a room full of men discussing how to better a product only for women. Goenka came to the realisation of a skewed gender ratio in the Indian workplace. As such, she was determined to create a community of women and Kool Kanya was born.

    What do you get from Kool Kanya?

    Kool Kanya is a safe space for women to connect with each other and ask questions. They provide career advice through their Power Reads in addition to running events and helping members find a mentor. Their values are transparency, empathy, self-drive, failing forward and user centric.

    Examples of content:

    Cost of Kool Kanya?

    Kool Kanya is free and open to join!


    TwoXChromosomes website
    The TwoXChromosomes website

    About TwoXChromosomes

    TwoXChromosomes is a subreddit intended for women’s perspectives on the meaningful and silly. At current there are 12.7M members of the community and at the time of writing 4.5K were active online. In 2014 TwoXChromosomes was made a default community. This meant that everyone could see the community regardless a Reddit member or not. The community name “XX” is not meant to be specifically inclusive or exclusive of anyone.

    Who is the founder of TwoXChromosomes?

    According to Dailydot’s profile of the TwoXChromosomes community, the founder is a username by the name of HiFructoseCornFece. She is only known by her username which is fair enough for privacy and out of respect. In the article she says, “There is something for most everyone in 2XC, regardless of age or gender.”

    “There was definitely not one singular place or person to whom I could have gone five years ago for advice on birth control, girl friendships, love, sex, workplace survival, waxing, makeup, bras, no-heat curls, and life crises. I think it’s sanded off some of my cynicism to see that kind of support and camaraderie. We’re all pioneering this weird existence together.”

    What do you get from TwoXChromosomes?

    Conversation and connection in relation to the existence and/or experience of girlhood is on the community. They are platform for insightful dialogue, laughter, and community.

    Popular all time posts according the stats of the TwoXChromosomes include:

    Cost of TwoXChromosomes?

    The community is free to join, you will just need a Reddit account to post otherwise you can lurk on the pages.

    Women Who

    About Women Who

    Women Who website
    The Women Who website

    Women Who is a community for working women dedicated to helping women think, work, and live better. The create environments the enable connection, to share information and to have fun. The aim of Women Who is to help women get where they want to be.

    Who is the founder of Women Who?

    Otegha Uwagba is the founder of Women Who. Her interview with Elle, How I Quit My Job To Launch A Women’s Network details the origins of Women Who. Having an advertising background, she worked at VICE. After a year of working there, she quit without knowing what to do next. Uwagba had an idea that had been growing for a while to create an online platform. She wanted the platform to spotlight and supports creative working women who are figuring things out.

    What do you get from Women Who?

    They have a newsletter, podcast, worksheets in addition to running workshops and events.

    Examples of content include:

    Cost of Women Who?

    The worksheets are at a cost of $20-30 GBP. Their newsletter and podcast is free.

    Get involved in online communities, support other women and connect
    Get involved in online communities, support other women and connect

    In conclusion of online communities for women supporting women

    The world is an incredible place compared to many years ago. Women used to face many more challenges and obstacles existed for women. We now live in a society that is moving towards championing flourishing women.

    Women who support other women. Connection over community. Above all, there are a range of communities available for women that are not restricted to this list. Community can start from your local neighbourhood all the way to the big global community that exists today thanks to the internet.

    Get involved! Become a part of an online female community. There is nothing to fear or worry about. There is so much to gain by being part of an online community for women. Benefits range from connecting with others, making friends, learning how to improve not only your business or career, but yourself.

    Click here to read more

  • Business Chicks Review: An Honest Opinion Jay Shetty Masterclass

    Wow, I’m straight off the Jay Shetty Masterclass and I felt absolutely compelled to write. This article is a Business Chicks review about my experience of an online Business Chicks Masterclass. I will preface this article that I had never attended a Business Chicks event prior to this. I was not asked or paid to write this. This is an honest review of first time Business Chicks attendee.

    Why a Business Chicks Review?

    This article was created as I had heard so much about Business Chicks. I have tried to google and research for other Business Chicks reviews and could not find one. It’s funny I had seen Business Chicks all over my social media from a colleague I used to work with. To be completely honest, I was a skeptic. The old colleague of mine would have inspirational quotes all over her story. She would post pictures from a beautiful brunch in the morning and the classic shot of a goodie bag. This was my impression of Business Chicks and Business Chicks attendees.

    Without a doubt, Business Chicks has consistent and beautiful branding. I fully appreciate this as a strategist in my corporate job. However it just seemed like a movement that big businesses endorsed. Perhaps I was secretly jealous her company had memberships for every woman (it’s a great thing! and yes I totally was and still am). Read on to find out what I truly think about Business Chicks in my review. Additionally I will be sharing what I learnt from the Business Chicks Jay Shetty masterclass.

    What is Business Chicks?

    Business Chicks Website
    What is Business Chicks – An influential community for women

    Before I dive into a Business Chicks review, for those who have not heard of Business Chicks. Business Chicks is Australia’s largest and most influential community for women. For those in the corporate world at least in Australia, they are very well known for holding events. I believe they also have a presence in the US and UK too. Despite their name, Business Chicks isn’t just for women in business. Business Chicks are all about giving you the tools you need to propel yourself.

    Emma Isaacs is the founder and Global CEO of Business Chicks. When I read her story I was genuinely so impressed and inspired. At the age of 18, she started her own recruitment business (a huge feat before the whole #bossbabe movement!). Years later she was asked to run a small event by a group called Business Chicks. She would go on to take a leap of faith to purchase said group. This group would go onto become a well known movement and community amongst women in Australia and globally.

    Why did I attend a Business Chicks Masterclass?

    At the time of writing this Business Chicks review, we are currently in self isolation due to the coronavirus. I had looked up Business Chicks online a few times however I had a few obstacles in my mind.

    • 1) I thought it was really expensive from the pictures I had seen. My belief was that only huge corporate companies funded for their staff to attend. Not only that these incredible companies gave their staff the time to attend the events.
    • 2) Even if it was a free event, I didn’t have time! I didn’t even know they had online events. I’m so happy and appreciative of all the companies that enable their staff for true personal growth and development. In my current role I am absolutely swarmed. It’s the type of job where sometimes you end up skipping the gym at lunchtime to hit a client deadline.
    • 3) Previously I had never heard of any of their guests. I didn’t take a personal interest or proactive desire to understand and research the guests.

    So what finally pulled the trigger? I had happened to stumble upon a LinkedIn post. Business Chicks were offering women a free virtual masterclass in New South Wales where I reside. To my disappointment I had missed it! However I was really moved that a free masterclass was offered during a tough time for many people.

    I hopped onto the website and I had chills. I could not believe it! They had secured Jay Shetty of all people as a guest. To say I’m a fan of Jay Shetty is a huge understatement. I have been following him for a while on social media before he blew up into the mainstream arena. The opportunity to see someone speak who I absolutely admire live, it was hard to resist!

    I had expected the Business Chicks masterclass to be $100+ however to my delight, it was only $25! Not only that, the event fell on a day that I did not have work and it was held virtually. It had seemed all the stars had aligned. I slept on it for a few nights and on the day decided to take a leap of faith. I decided to join in – to see what the Business Chicks movement was all about.

    Who is Jay Shetty?

    Jay Shetty
    This is Jay Shetty

    At this point in time, if you are interested in personal development and self growth, you would have to be living under a rock not to know who Jay Shetty is. He is absolutely everywhere: Instagram, Facebook, Youtube – you name it. Jay had previously been a monk in India and Europe at 22. After this, he returned to the modern world as we know it. He went onto work at Accenture before creating inspiring and powerful videos. These videos suddenly appeared everywhere after Arianna Huffington spotted him. The rest is history as they say, he is now an incredible influencer with over 20M followers.

    My top 3 favourites so far are:

    It’s fair to say I had definitely turned to Jay’s videos during dating dilemmas.

    The Business Chicks Review: Jay Shetty Masterclass

    I think I would go on to write pages and pages if I fleshed out everything I had learnt from this Business Chicks Jay Shetty Masterclass. From the beginning, Business Chicks make it easy. I even had reminders sent out before the event which I’m so thankful for as I easily forget things!

    From the beginning there was a great introduction by Emma. She introduced Sarah who knew of Jay and of course Jay Shetty himself. Sarah Davidson (Holloway) hosted this Business Chicks Masterclass.

    On Sarah Davidson (Holloway)

    Sarah Davidson (Holloway) – Image from the Cool Career Sarah Holloway Profile

    I had seen Sarah’s posts on Instagram occasionally and had always thought she seemed so lovely. She was definitely someone I resonated with given I am a proud law school drop out. She was a former mergers and acquisitions lawyer for a top tier firm in Melbourne. During this she had a health scare and realised her passions didn’t align with her career.

    This led to new opportunities where she now runs Matcha Maiden selling affordable and accessible matcha. Furthermore she owns Matcha Mylkbar a plant based cafe in St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia. Sarah also runs a podcast called ‘Seize the Yay’. The podcast is where she investigates how some of the world’s most inspiring people find their “yay”.

    I had no idea she was into self growth and self development. She was an amazing ‘host’ as she knew about Jay which really showed. She had an incredible interview style where Jay had even admitted he had told stories he had never before. Go Sarah! I was already sold from the moment I heard her speak before Jay Shetty.

    I appreciate the fact that Business Chicks chose Sarah to interview Jay. This is because it can be incredibly cringeworthy watching a conversation between two people where the host has no idea about the guest however this was not the case today.

    On the Business Chicks Jay Shetty Masterclass

    The Business Chicks Masterclass Sarah Davidson (Holloway) and Jay Shetty
    The Business Chicks Masterclass

    As a non member, you can access the Masterclass on their website through a one off purchase. Alternatively Business Chicks offer a great value Masterclass Pass too. I loved this as I hate committing to something without knowing what a programme will be like. Sometimes the big business programs don’t allow any access at all without a membership.

    Logistics of a Business Chicks Masterclass online

    This Business Chicks Masterclass was online only through an easy to download application. I had no issues understanding how to install the application or ‘attend’ the Masterclass. The Masterclass begins with an inspiring brand piece. This is followed by an introduction by Emma of the host Sarah and the guest Jay.

    It’s handy to know that you don’t have to take notes during the Masterclass. Business Chicks record the conversation which is available up to 4 weeks after the masterclass. This means you can be fully present for the Masterclass. Personally I love taking notes as I feel I pay more attention and absorb what is going on.

    The actual Business Chicks Masterclass

    Sarah and Jay had a really insightful conversation full of nuggets of wisdom. They are both very charismatic. The conversation flowed consistently (don’t you just hate watching awkward conversations not only in real life but online too!). The conversation was inspirational, honest, human and authentic. It was a real testament to Sarah as she had a framework so it didn’t go ‘off topic’ in a sense. She knew how to get the best out of Jay Shetty!

    As a result of this Business Chicks Masterclass I have learnt so much. I will share my key learnings in the next section of this article. This Business Chicks Masterclass has definitely won me over and I would definitely attend another one sometime. I finished the Business Chicks Masterclass feeling inspired and motivated not only in my job but also in myself. I am so glad I took the time for myself to attend and invest the $25 (for a non member). If all the Business Masterclasses are like this, I need to sign up ASAP!

    Key Learnings from the Business Chicks Jay Shetty Masterclass

    The Business Chicks Masterclass on my laptop
    The Business Chicks Masterclass on my laptop

    The current situation at hand, coronavirus

    • Coronavirus affects everyone in the world, no matter who you are. It affects influencers, celebrities, your neighbour, your friend of a friends – everyone. It is a sad and humbling fact all at the same time. Definitely a global event we will all remember for the rest of our lives.
    • How this coronavirus has made it harder for everyone to numb and distract themselves. We are all guilty of doing this with being busy all the time. It is so important to sit with your feelings. Who are you without being so busy and productive all the time? Sarah noted the importance of your sense of self without external factors.
    • Jay spoke about revisiting gifts you have that you had forgotten. How you could use your gifts to impact your community. That sharing your gift in this time was a wonderful silver lining, an opportunity. He has just launched 20 days of live meditation for 20 minutes. This came from his roots as a monk and daily practice. Personally, I had definitely forgotten how I loved to write and help others. Hence why I finally got in her vitality off the ground, despite buying the domain in August 2019 last year!

    Inspiration, tools and resources

    Inspirational Martin Luther King quote
    Sarah Davidson (Holloway) mentioned a really inspirational quote during the Business Chicks Masterclass

    Concluding on this Business Chicks Masterclass Review

    Business Chicks makes the world a better place for women, Business Chicks Review
    Business Chicks makes the world a better place for women

    All in all, I am so glad I overcame my skepticism of Business Chicks to join the Jay Shetty Masterclass. Whilst I am still not a member right now, I am definitely considering becoming one. I would attend another Business Chicks Masterclass. The Business Chick Masterclass I attended was inspiring and helpful. They are a great opportunity to take the time to tune into yourself.

    It definitely did help I was a fan of the guest of the Masterclass, so it would be really interesting to attend another one of someone who I don’t know. At the end of the day if you are interested about someone’s teachings, you’re more then likely to enjoy their Masterclass.

    In conclusion Business Chicks is definitely more affordable and accessible then I first thought. Not only that it is a beautiful community, they are very active on their Business Chicks Instagram. I encourage you to find out for yourself and make up your own mind! You can check out Business Chicks here.

    Click here to read more

  • Hygge Self Care

    Learn all about this popular Hygge lifestyle which is pronounced as hoo-gah or hue-gah. If something is hygge, it is known as hyggelig.

    What is hygge? Hygge definition, Hygge meaning

    Hygge is a Danish concept that roughly translates to comfort and coziness. It’s the feeling you get from being rugged up on a cold winters day, a cosy contentment. It is well being and self care. It may be a part of the reason that Denmark is consistently ranked as one of the happiest countries in the world despite their freezing winters. In saying that, hygge is a lovely lifestyle for enjoying Winter.

    You may have seen it trending on blogs, used to market ridiculously expensive items such as candles, blankets, plates, throws and rugs.

    All in all, hygge can be summed up as self care – to be cosy, content and comfortable.

    Hygge is nourishing. Hygge is a self care mindset.

    Who invented hygge?
    Hygge has its origins in the word ‘hug’ which makes sense given its all about comfort.

    In Old Norse, ‘hug’ meant soul, mind, consciousness.

    Benefits of hygge

    • Self care – feel happier and at ease.

    • Less stress – there is comfort in taking care of yourself.

    • A relaxed state of mind – all tension melts away.

    What hygge is not

    • Hygge is not being sucked into the hype of expensive and well marketed items.

    • Hygge is a feeling, a self care mindset.

    • It is simple, Hygge is to feel at ease and comfortabx

    A warm cosy blanket and coffee, what's not to love?
    Creating the feeling of hygge

    Creating the feeling of hygge

    • A comfortable environment – A calm and inviting place to relax in. You may have a nook somewhere where you live, it could be lots of cushions and pillows, under a blanket. The use of soothing colours such as blue and muted, dusty colours – think blush, beige and tan.
    • A peaceful setting – It could be complete silence or relaxing music. The removal of distractions such as electronics and your phone.
    • A warm drink – it could be a hot chocolate, turmeric latte, tea, coffee, mulled wine.
    • Blankets – something warm and soft to keep you feeling cosy.
    • Candles – Comforting and radiate warmth. Alternatively consider your lighting, warm and soft instead of harsh.
    • Comfortable clothes – Big shirts and jumpers, trackpants, leggings, knits, socks. Hint hygge may not be glamorous but it is damn comfy!
    • Connection – Surround yourself with people who make you feel happy and loved.
    • Decorations – Whatever makes you feel warmth such as photos of loved ones, significant memories, travel etc. It could be leafy plants and succulents.
    • Mindful indulgence – Allow yourself to eat what you love without any guilt.
    • Presence – It’s being in the moment, appreciating the little things that give you comfort.
    • Relax – have a hot bath, read a book, snuggle, sip tea, play board games.

    Intrigued by different cultures and the mindsets they encourage?

    Read about the art of Fika originating from Sweden.

    the hygge life
    the hygge life

    Click here to read more

  • The power of now during Coronavirus

    The power of now. Thriving during a health crisis of COVID-19 Coronavirus.

    “Repeat After Me: This is not the new normal. This is the now.”

    Nedra Glover Tawwab, THERAPIST

    This quote about how this is no the new normal, this is the now… It had me thinking about the immense power of living in the moment. The power of now in times of Coronavirus.

    Being present.

    How to thrive during unprecedented times. 

    On a site note, what is normal anyway? We are heavily influenced by our upbringing, what we see in the media. What is normal?

    Back to the present moment. 

    What if this global event was a divine message of the universe to you out of your routine?

    A divine redirection, a detour Amazing Race style. An awakening.

    To remind you that you cannot control everything.

    To force you to surrender. 

    To nudge you to flex your mental muscles. 

    To be agile, adaptive and flexible. To remind you of your innate power within, that you can control our perspective and attitude. This applies to life as a whole, not only in times of a global health crisis such as COVID-19.

    When you are stuck in a rut.

    When you are feeling down and helpless.

    When you hit rock bottom.

    When you are at the mercy of events that are beyond your control. The loss of a loved one, the loss of your job, the break up that shattered your soul, the friendship where you were betrayed.

    What does this all mean?

    To be present.

    To be present in order to thrive during times of uncertainty as we globally face now.

    So how do you thrive during a health crisis such as COVID-19/Corona Virus?

    Be present. Be here. Be now. The power of now in times of Coronavirus.

    What a weird yet strangely incredible time, to be alive during a global event such as this. In this very moment, we are all experiencing a global health crisis. You cannot control or plan the future, like any other time, however this crisis gives you clarity on this notion.

    What you can do is be present.

    Feel your broad range of emotions. 

    I feel anxious. I feel scared. I feel hopeful. I feel hopeless. I feel nervous. I feel worried. I feel at peace. I feel positive. I feel.

    What are my current surroundings? What can you see? Is there a scent to the air?

    When eating a meal, what can you taste? Is it hot? Is it cold? Is it soft or crunchy? 

    What do you want to remember from this crisis? What is your ideal day? What lifts you up? What drains your energy? 


    Instead of feeling frustrated that you cannot plan for the future, why not embrace now?

    Live in the moment. Live in the minute to minute, live day to day.

    Feel your mind, body and soul surrendering.  

    Surrendering to the present moment.

    Surrendering to inner peace.

    Enjoy the present moment. 

    Affirmations for being in the moment

    ♥ I am.

    ♥ I am here now.

    I am present.

    See the silver linings

    As humans we are wired to be bias to the negative unconsciously. 

    A study, Not all emotions are created equal: The negativity bias in social-emotional development by Vaish et. al states

    “…Adults display a negativity bias, or the propensity to attend to, learn from, and use negative information far more than positive information.”

    Vaish et. al

    Whilst it’s in our nature to easily see and feel the losses due to this crisis, there are silver linings.

    You know when you go through a heartbreak and you wish the world around you would stop? Well right now, the whole world is on some sort of strange pause of what you are used to. The whole world is essentially with you. We are all feeling the pain, however we all also have the opportunity to see the positivity in all of this.

    Examples of silver linings:

    Working from home enables a flexible way of living. There’s no commute to work, I can even wear my pyjama pants if I want to! I can easily do little tidbits around the house as a break from work. I’ve always wanted to know what it’s like to work from home on a consistent basis and this is an opportunity to see what it is like.

    I have more time in my day as I no longer need to commute or because my work hours have been cut. I have been given more time! I can use this time to rest, to focus on my passions, to work on my projects, to spend time with my loved ones in my household.

    Clarity on what is important to me. This virus has stripped back my daily life. I have time to reflect. The absence of certain activities, products and people in my life makes it clear what I feel is important to my life. 

    Silver lining affirmations

    I can find the positivity amongst the chaos.
    ♥ There is always a positive to every experience in my life.
    ♥ This is an opportunity to have clarity on what is important to me.

    Maintain connection

    We are forced to connect in ways that we may not be used to. The absence of physical presence and touch makes you grateful for all the times you were able to.

    Connect with old friends.

    Connect with people who uplift our spirits.

    Connect with our community.

    You can connect in various ways such as online through Zoom or Skype. Using applications such as Houseparty, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, iMessage. Email. Over the phone. Find a Facebook group or forum to speak to like minded and different people.

    In saying that, you can also connect with yourself.

    You can do this by pausing. By breathing. By reflecting. Being in the present moment. 

    You are here now.

    The power of now in times of Coronavirus.

    Connection affirmations

    There are always ways to connect.
    ♥ I am well connected.
    ♥ I have the opportunity to deeply connect with myself.

    Self care

    Self care can take various forms. With daily life at a pause in this very moment, it is an amazing opportunity to take care of yourself. 

    “Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Although it’s a simple concept in theory, it’s something we very often overlook.” 


    Examples of self care

    + Resting. Doing nothing at all.

    + Doing what nourishes your soul. That could be for example yoga, making a tea, having a bath, calling a friend, reading a book, journalling.

    + Speaking kindly to ourselves and melt away the negativity. Challenge your mind to see the positivity of a situation. For example instead of “I’m bored”, “How lucky am I to have an opportunity to find something to do. My options are a, b, c etc.”

    Self care affirmations

    I am important.
    ♥ I love myself

    ♥ I take care of myself.

    Pursue pleasure, set fire to your soul, to your life

    With the gift of time, give yourself permission to explore and focus on your self.

    Pleasure is defined as “a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment.”

    Pleasure comes in different forms.

    During a time like this, I’ve definitely felt guilty when I’m doing nothing… the below passage by Ella Jane in her article, “Can we stop trying to optimise our isolation?” really spoke to me.

    “The idea that we are supposed to continually self-optimise, even in the face of a life-threatening pandemic, is surely the dark underbelly of the hustle-culture we find ourselves in in 2020. We’re living in an age where each hour has been broken down for us in order to commodify our waking seconds.”


    I think we can collectively agree that the age of COVID-19 is simply a terrifying time to be alive, and that tending to your basic needs while coping with so much is more than many people can handle, let alone the pressure of using each spare second to optimise our existence.


    We are all uniquely experiencing this moment.

    I’ve accepted and surrendered to the fact, at times I will feel like resting and doing nothing. At other times I will feel like being productive.

    No matter which it is, I hope the following questions will help you in pursuit of what you find pleasurable.

    + What is something you’ve always wanted to do or do more of? 

    + What makes you feel more alive? 

    + What makes you tingle with happiness?

    + What makes you excited to wake up in the morning? 

    + What makes you radiate positivity? 

    + What makes you smile?

    + What energises you?

    Pursuing your passion affirmations:

    ♥ I pursue my passion with zest and fire.
    ♥ I am radiantly alive.

    ♥ I feel so alive. I am full of energy. I am magnetic.

    In conclusion on the power of now, embracing uncertainty and thriving during a health crisis

    That concludes 5 tips on how to thrive during a health crisis such as COVID-19/Corona Virus.

    + Be present. Be here. Be now.
    + See the silver linings
    + Maintain connection
    + Self care
    + Pursue pleasure, set fire to your soul, to your life

    More affirmations to help you get through this uncertain time of COVID-19

    The power of affirmations to live a soul fulfilling life

    27 Calming affirmations and mantras for acceptance

    Struggling with anxious thoughts? Here are 22 powerful affirmations to reframe your thoughts for a positive mindset

    46 Affirmations to radiate self love

    Additional resources to help cope during this unprecedented time of COVID-19

    Coronavirus Anxiety: Coping with Stress, Fear, and WorryHelpGuide

    Coronavirus: Resources for anxiety, stress & wellbeing – Black Dog Institute

    Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service – BeyondBlue

    Decoding The Power of NowEckhart Tolle

    Click here to read more