
  • May 2024

    may you manifest all you desire
    may you be filled with miracles
    may you experience magic and wonder
    may you have a strong and positive mindset
    may you multiply your money abundantly
    may you be mindful of all the blessings
    may you be filled with a sense of wonder
    may you become the most best version of yourself

    May 2024 journaling prompts

    1. Create “m” themed manifestations for the month such as mindset, money, motivation

    2. We are almost half way through the year! How are you feeling and how are you going in terms of your intentions you set?

    3. Journal about what a “miracle” in May for you would entail? What does it look like, how do you feel, why would it be incredible to happen for you?

    Looking for guidance and support in May? I would love to help you! I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book 📖 The Great Unlearning (available as a physical, audio or e book)

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  • Life is a divine Miracle

    Questions to your thoughts and beliefs around timelines in life

    Why do you have to get married by a certain age? Why do you have to be at the top of your career ladder by a particular age?

    Do you live based on timelines

    Life is a string of moments, and each moment counts. Where you are right now is where you’re meant to be. Life is a divine miracle unfolding in real time. At any moment, at any chance, life can change.

    Come back to presence, come back to living in there here and now…

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang
    🎥 @platoux

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to make each moment of your life count? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading: Visit the website links.

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  • A gentle reminder…

    A gentle reminder...

    Gentle reminder: You are loveable, and you are loved.

    You are trying your best and I see you.

    Even when...

    Even when you make mistakes. Even when you try your best and don’t succeed. Even when you snap because you are angry and frustrated with the world. Even when you’re annoyed at yourself and others. Even when you’re caught up in an anxious loop. Even when you fall asleep with tears in your eyes. Even when you feel like a burden to everyone. Even when you are caught up in the past. Even when you feel stuck in your head and feel like you’re making everything about you. Even when you doubt yourself. Even when you have a critical self-voice that says otherwise. It can be easy to forget and this is why this reminder exists 🥹

    An excerpt from my book 📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

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  • Love yourself as you are here and now

    You can still bloom at the same time

    There will be days when loving being yourself will be tough.

    Sometimes all you can do is love a tiny bit more than yesterday and that is more than enough.

    Patience is a must, it’s one of the greatest forms of self love.

    It’s beautiful to acknowledge there are things you’d like to work on and improve whilst simultaneously blooming at the same time.

    5 self love mindset shifts to implement

    5 self love mindset shifts to implement 🧡👇🏽

    Reframe self-criticism into self-compassion.

    Try giving yourself credit for how much you try instead of being so critical of everything you do.

    Love looking at yourself in the mirror and not picking out all the flaws you see.

    Love getting up after you’ve been knocked down.

    Love eating what you crave for instead of the lower calorie option.

    Love that your triggers no longer have a hold over you after all your personal growth and development.

    Most of all, love yourself as you are here and now in the present moment.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang
    📸 @notestothewild

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Click here to read more

  • There’s more to your story

    Good things are coming your way

    Maybe today what you need to be reminded of is:

    Your existence is wanted and life is still worth living.

    There is more to your story.

    Your story is still unfolding and you’re about to enter into one of the greatest chapters of your life.

    Good things are coming your way beautiful soul.

    We know things can change in the blink of an eye.

    Keep turning the pages, for there is always more.

    The Great Unlearning...

    The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang 📖

    Available worldwide 23 June 2023 via Amazon
    Australia via Booktopia

    💫 Work with me through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading!

    🎥 @hobopeeba

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  • Grateful for this life

    Grateful, thankful and blessed

    At times it can feel like life isn’t perfect and neither am I.

    Even knowing and experiencing that, I am grateful.

    I am grateful when I did not get what I want because life was protecting me.

    I am grateful when life stepped in and gave me a life greater than I ever imagined for myself.

    I am grateful that everything that seemed to be going wrong was really steering me in the right direction.

    I am grateful for all the sadness, struggle and pain because life provided a contrast to truly appreciate all the beautiful moments, the highest of highs.

    I am grateful for the hardships I have faced because I have gained strength and wisdom that I never would have otherwise.

    I am grateful to still be here because traversing rocky roads have led me to conquer mountains I never thought I could.

    Ultimately I have come to understand through the imperfection, that really, life is perfect and who I am right now is exactly who I am meant to be.

    On perspective...

    Whilst you can’t change or control life circumstances, you’ll always have a choice when it comes to perspective.

    Often in hindsight we can find gratitude for the very things in the moment we dismissed as undesirable.

    Never underestimate the power you have in any moment to use your mind, not let it use you 🧠

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Your greatest season…

    Your greatest season

    The truth is sometimes you won’t understand why certain things are happening in your life.

    It will feel frustrating and difficult.

    You will question yourself – who you are, the choices you have made, the decisions you came to, your past and ultimately you still won’t find the answers in that.

    We think that the more we know and understand, the more peace we will have but that isn’t always the case.

    There are times in life all you can do is surrender and ride the waves.

    To have faith and trust in the process.

    That everything is happening for a reason for your greatest season.

    I believe in you...

    This is for you beautiful soul, if you’re in the fog, the uncertainty — doubting yourself, questioning yourself…

    It may not make sense right now and maybe it isn’t meant to make sense right now, but one day it will.

    We can’t always navigate life in our head, intellectually… logically.

    And thus sometimes life will shake itself up with the twists, turns and all things unexpected to get you out of your head and into your body.

    Your heart.

    Your soul.

    Your gut.

    Your intuition.

    It will test your patience.

    It will test your faith.

    It’s not easy but you will get through it.

    I know you will.

    I believe in you 🌟

    I see you 👁️

    I feel you 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • It’s getting better…

    Make way for new beginnings

    You can relax.

    Honestly, you have no idea how good life is about to get for you.

    The universe is and has always been conspiring in your favour.

    You don’t need to worry, its okay to surrender and let the universe take care of it.

    Trust in what is being removed from your life now to make way for new beginnings.

    Soon enough, you will be so happy that all the anguish, anxiety and pain you went through will pale in comparison to the joy you will feel.

    Everything will be right.

    Everything is going to be okay.

    Dear Universe...

    Universe, show me how good it can be… show me how good it gets 💫

    How do you feel knowing the universe is always operating in your favour?

    That worrying won’t get you anywhere but into a spiral 🌀

    Let the universe show you how loved and supported you are, if you give it a chance 🌟

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • May the rain heal you

    Heart, mind and soul...

    May my heart no longer be heavy; but light and full of bliss.

    May my mind no longer worry, but radiate with inner peace.

    May my soul no longer fear; but deepen in love and faith.

    Endings give way to new beginnings

    & sometimes we need the rain to fall, to wash away and release all that no longer serves us, to nourish us with the waters of contrast in life, to remind us of who we really are in testing times.

    May the rain heal you.

    May the rain relieve you.

    May the rain provide mercy to you.

    After the rain we know growth will emerge.

    Our wounds are soothed.

    Endings give way to new beginnings.

    If you’re reading this, it’s a sign of reassurance that the tough times will ease. The worst of it is coming to an end and now you can take the wisdom of the rain into the bloom.

    This is symbolized by the beautiful flowers I had in this reel coming to the end of their life but reborn again as I spread them in the sea, transforming into new life. Part of the ocean. Part of the nutrients that feed life within the sea.


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  • On letting go

    Free your soul

    The truth is sometimes life is leading you to let go.

    Not getting what you want is setting you free.

    You’ve got to let go of the past to make way for your future.

    Letting go is the portal to the power of the present moment.

    To land and arrive fully here.

    Letting go is opening to the world of infinite possibilities.

    Letting go is expanding beyond what you think you want and allowing what you deserve.

    Letting go is freeing your soul.

    Letting go is liberation.

    Trusting in the universe

    It’s not easy to let go but what if you knew everything you desired and wished for was on the other side?

    That a clearing and space is needed for all of it to arrive.

    Have faith that you are always being led to something better and greater, more than you could’ve imagined for yourself.

    To trust in the call of the universe and beat of your heart when you know deep down inside, it’s time to let go…

    Everything is always happening for your highest good and growth, not to you, for you 🦋

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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