Positivity Queen

  • The possibilities are unfolding…

    Waiting for the possibilities to unfold

    I’m homesick for a place I’ve never been.

    I’m craving the arms for the one I’ve yet to love.

    I’m pining for their eyes to meet mine.

    I’m giddy for the butterflies that I will feel.

    I’m missing their presence in my energetic field.

    I’m longing for the home I’ve yet to live in.

    I’m floating in waters I’ve never waded before.

    I’m nostalgic for memories I’m yet to create.

    I’m lost in the lust to truly live and experience it all.

    I ache for the possibilities knowing that it’s coming but not quite here and all I know is that I’m excited for it all to unfold.

    Growing out of your comfort zone

    It’s that feeling… when you’re not quite sure what is going on but you KNOW that things are changing.

    As humans we have our comforts and we get comfortable… and even though we want to change and uplevel there’s a part of us that holds onto our old self because it’s safe and familiar.

    As I voyage into new depths and dimensions in my life, I have found myself in fear and control – wanting to know how everything unfolds but here’s the thing…

    There’s such magic and delight in the unknown, in all the possibilities that could happen, in all the different timelines, on how it all unfolds…

    Can you shift into a state of awe and wonder like a child at what’s to come and what’s already here?

    Can you tap into the energy of excitement and anticipation, that everything you desire is just around the corner, that every point and moment of change is leading you there…

    Can you?


    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to find the magic in the present moment and unlock your full potential and possibilities? I would love to help you through 1:1 coaching, contact me for more info 🪄

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  • Why are you waiting to truly live?

    Do you feel it?

    Why do we wait on death to take us?

    Like it should happen at some old age or when we get sick.

    Why do we wait for that moment to then truly live?

    The truth of the matter is everyday, in every moment you are closer to death.

    Death is the only guarantee in life.

    This is death’s greatest gift to us.

    Knowing this is to truly live.

    You might be living, but are you alive?

    Do you feel your heart beating?

    Do you feel your muscles tense?

    Do you feel yourself breathing?

    Do you feel the nectar and potency in every moment – that anything can change?

    Do you feel the ache of what it means to want something so bad?

    Do you feel the yearning for all that you could achieve?

    Do you?

    Making the most of our gift of life

    Life is a gift and life is borrowed time yet still we wait…

    For the perfect time.

    For the perfect moment.

    For when A or B happen.

    Realise this.

    There is no guarantee of tomorrow.

    All you have is this moment now.

    In this moment now anything and everything could happen.

    The idea happens.

    You meet that person.

    The money lands in your account.

    Be open to THIS moment.

    Don’t wait to live later in life when you’re old on your deathbed regrets if you even make it there…

    Live life NOW.

    It’s all we have.

    To live is to be fully ALIVE.

    Feeling it all.

    Being alive isn’t just happiness and joy.

    Being alive is also feel the depths of despair to know that you’re truly alive enough to feel the pain of it all.

    Two parts of a whole.

    Not one or the other.

    That’s what it means to truly live and to be alive.




    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to live a life that lights up your soul!? 💡 I would love to help you! Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading. Contact me for more info ✨

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  • You are you, and that’s enough

    Remember, you are...

    I unlearn to remember…

    The essence of who I really am, wild and free.

    A child of the universe, made in the image and depth of divinity.

    Part of a collective whole, so loved and supported.

    A light that shines so bright, a light that is so pure.

    You are not your thoughts.

    You are not your emotions.

    You are not your parents.

    You are not your past.

    You are not your mistakes.

    You are not your trauma.

    You are not your bank account.

    You are not your job.

    You are…

    If you’re looking for love, you are love.

    If you’re looking for joy, you are joy.

    If you’re looking for abundance, you are abundance.

    You are, you are, you are.

    Your soul knows who you are

    When in doubt, when you’ve lost your way – reconnect to the wisest and deepest of wisdoms that has been built within you.

    Your soul is the GPS.

    Your soul knows the way.

    Your soul has been encoded with lifetimes of experience and knowledge.

    Your soul knows why you are here living, breathing and existing.

    Your soul is eternal and timeless the conscious witness of your life.

    Maybe all along the journey was never finding yourself in everything outside of you and reconnecting with everything within.

    Your soul doesn’t care about your bank account or how many likes you got.

    Your soul cares about how fulfilled you feel and whether you are living in alignment with your values.

    Your soul doesn’t care about what you do for a living.

    Your soul cares whether you are are truly living, if you are really alive x

    Your soul doesn’t care what you look like or what shape your body is.

    Your soul cares whether you are taking care of yourself and in love with everything that truly matters within.

    Remember, remember, remember 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    👁 ready to reconnect and expand with your soul? To live a life that lights up your soul? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 💫

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  • Without darkness there cannot be light

    Things to never forget

    As our hearts ache with heaviness and sadness, beautiful soul do not forget. 

    Never forget.

    The love, light and goodness that happens in the world every single day.

    Children being born.

    Communities coming together.

    Courage in face of darkness and fear.

    Consciousness rising.

    Countless celebrations.

    Spiritual awakenings.

    Sunshine and smiles.

    Faith and trust.

    Seeds planted.

    Flowers blooming.

    Bountiful harvest.

    Oceans roaring.

    Acts of kindness.

    Open hearts.


    The unsung heroes.

    The truth that underscores everything.

    It is in dark times that the light shines brighter.

    Without darkness there cannot be light.

    Light will always prevail.

    Hope will always prevail.

    Hold onto hope.

    Hold onto love.

    Hold onto light.

    Healing for one, healing for all

    The light may flicker, the light may dwindle but the light remains strong 🕯

    We are in an age of division and darkness with heavy hearts and swollen eyes.

    We weep in solidarity with our brothers, our sisters, kindred souls.

    We mourn this age that culminates to the great unknown.

    We hold onto hope.

    For brighter days are coming.

    For a world unified by love, light, peace and compassion.

    It starts with you.

    Doing whatever you can.

    Turn on the light 💡

    Give love to the light.

    Make love with the light.

    Spread the light.

    As we heal, we rise together.

    Our power as an individual.

    Our power in unity.

    Healing for one, healing for all.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • I hope for a world…

    I hope for a world...

    I hope for a world united by love, peace and light.

    I hope for a world led by love over fear.

    I hope for a world where we rise and ascend together.

    I hope for a world that is healed from the ground up.

    I hope for a world where the truth shines bright.

    I hope for a world that overcomes trauma and suffering.

    I hope for a world where troubled hearts are comforted.

    I hope for a world full of compassion and empathy.

    I hope for a world where mind, body and soul align.

    I hope for a world where creation overrides destruction.

    I hope for a world where trouble is met with serenity.

    I hope for a world where strength is in support.

    I hope, I hope, I hope.

    Goodness and light still exist

    For you, beautiful soul your heart is heavy and tender I know with everything going on in the world.

    A world divided as of late.

    What we have endured for the past 2 years.

    What we face now.

    What is to come of everything.

    The battles and storms we face created by human and forces beyond us of nature and divine.

    My heart aches and yearns from these words.

    Feeling helpless, sad and heavy at the bleakness that we sit in now.

    Beautiful soul, a gentle reminder from my heart to yours, do not forget of all the goodness and light that still exists, will continue to exist and will ALWAYS exist.

    Take care of your mind, heart and soul today.

    Allow yourself to feel all that we do in a personal and collective level.

    The world continues to move on and it is my hope we bring more pure love, light, consciousness and intention to every single moment.

    I hope, I hope, I hope 🕊

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Falling in love with living

    Falling in love with living

    I hope there are days when you fall in love with being alive.

    When your skin is serenaded by the salt and sea. When you laugh so hard your stomach hurts and you are convinced you’ll have abs from it all.

    When sunlight dances upon your eyelids and kisses your wrists.

    When you’re rolling around thick green grass and making friends with bright bluebells.

    When you hear your name on the lips of your lover going down a treat like warming whisky.

    When you hear the ripples of the wind dancing between the trees.

    When your face scrunches from sour sweets and tangy tangerine on your tongue.

    When you are high on the realisation that some of the best days of your life are yet to happen and the infinite possibilities that exist for you and your life out there.

    I hope so, from my heart and soul to yours, because being alive is truly an experience and blessing.

    Busy being me: Phi

    For the last few months you may have noticed that I haven’t been posting or in my stories as much.

    That’s because I was busy living.

    Still coaching behind the scenes but also doing me: Phi.

    At first I did it from a place of fear… what if I don’t make money and guilt… I should be online everyday.

    In the last 2 weeks I’ve shifted into embracing it all, from a place of love and power.

    All of the things have now shifted. Almost booking out for 1:1 coaching. On track to hit my first 6 figures in my own business (!!!) Posts going organically viral without me having to lift a finger. I feel high on life with a full heart and joyful soul.

    I hope you come to realise it’s not when you get certain things or do something that gets you what you want… maybe it’s that when you’re so happy and alive you magnetically get everything you want and more 🧲✨✨✨

    You’re here for a reason beautiful soul, yes I know you have a soul mission and grand purpose but also… you’re here to be human. To not just live but truly be A L I V E 🧨

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to supercharge your power, potential and purpose? To reconnect with and expand your soul? To be effortlessly magnetic? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 🧡

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  • Can you walk away from what doesn’t serve you?

    The exercise of self love

    Honouring your inner truth is painful.

    It’s the ultimate exercise of self love.

    It means walking away from what no longer serves you.

    Maybe it’s a job, relationship or location. 

    It’s breaking free from what boxes you in – the pressure of society, the weight of what other people think, your own belief that you need to be a certain way and do a certain thing.

    When everything falls away and crumbles, one thing will always remain: the truth.

    It cannot be ignored. 

    You can live in ignorance but the truth won’t.

    You cannot heal from what you do not reveal.

    You cannot heal from what you will not feel.

    Your inner truth is always present

    There comes a time in life when the little niggles turn into big pulls.

    It starts as a whisper and turns into aching and shouting.

    When you try to resist but it will continually persist.

    When it no longer becomes manageable and turns to being intolerable.

    Your inner truth is always present and listening.

    My tips for connecting with your inner truth:

    1️⃣ Do something about it! Staying stuck and doing the same thing over and over won’t break you free. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and thinking the same thing over and over again hoping it will change… what if you listened to your inner truth 👂🏼

    2️⃣ Free writing. Let the words flow to the paper without thinking and your inner truth will be revealed. ✍️ Not a writer? Try a mind map, collage or create art instead 🦋

    3️⃣ Express yo self 🎤 don’t refine it, done pretty it – let it all out in a way that resonates with you. For me it’s all about being in the body.

    Cheering you and your truth on 💥

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    P.S – If you’re feeling that soul pull to up level in every area of your life… 1:1 coaching is the key 🔑 for the soul who is all in, ready for expansion and to quantum leap and go BIG! 🚀

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  • Confronting yourself in order to grow

    The hard is worth it

    It’s easy to blame others and the world.

    It’s easy to stay the same and be comfortable.

    It’s easy to ignore patterns and turn a blind eye.

    It’s easy to project your problems onto others.

    It’s easy to have a closed mind.

    It’s easy to not try.

    You know what’s hard?

    Stepping up and taking responsibility.

    Feeling fear and doing what you need to anyway.

    Noticing patterns and doing something about it.

    Choosing to work on yourself.

    Breaking through limiting beliefs.

    Overcoming your negative self talk.

    Prioritising your happiness above others.

    Having an open mind and kind heart.

    Putting effort in, investing and committing.

    Remember, it’s always hard at the beginning before it gets easier.

    The hard is worth it.

    What we see in ourselves, we also see in others

    The #1 reason why people aren’t interested in personal growth and development is… 🪞

    They don’t like what they see in the mirror.

    Doing personal growth is having a huge mirror put in front of you.

    You cannot hide.

    It’s all laid out before you so clearly – it can be confronting and scary.

    It can bring up a spectrum of emotions from anger to disgust to shame.

    To see your fullness and wholeness in all its glory.

    The messy parts of you that you deem unworthy, shameful and embarrassing.

    The parts you want to hide from the world yet you see them beneath all the layers and masks.

    The shadow and darkness which can even frighten yourself.

    What we see in ourselves, we also see in others. We are all walking mirrors!

    In that mirror is so much beauty too but of course our brain is negatively wired from an evolutionary standpoint ⚠️

    We send love because everyone is exactly where they need to be in their path and journey.

    Not all of us will transcend this lifetime… but many of us, we will try.

    Not necessarily to be enlightened but to be in the light of consciousness.

    To live life with awareness, compassion and kindness.

    To better ourselves for ourself but for our family, shattering ancestral patterns and for the generations to come.

    To you beautiful soul, I celebrate you.

    I see you in all your light choosing the harder path and it IS worth it.

    Time and time again I see it as a life coach – the magnitude of what you’re doing cannot be captured in words but in heart, soul, essence and feeling.

    Watch this space, next month something incredible is coming from my heart and soul to yours to help you on your personal growth journey in a consistent and accessible way… I truly cannot wait 🤩

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Craving next level growth with love, support and guidance from me?

    Oh yes 🍯 if you’re feeling the pull and curiosity, let’s chat about 1:1 coaching 💫

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  • The investment in yourself is worth it

    The edges of your fear will sharpen you

    Spiritual growth comes at a cost.
    It will cost you your old self and ways of being.
    You no longer close your eyes to the truth that resides in your heart and soul.
    You no longer deny what you truly long for and desire.
    You will shed the masks you hide behind and break down the walls you put up in self defence.
    You will outgrow people that you thought would be a part of your life forever.
    Your heart will shatter in ways you thought it could no longer break.
    Your mind will open up to possibilities and beliefs that you never thought possible.
    With all this cost – the investment is worth it over and over again.
    The edges of your fear will sharpen you.
    Your heart will beat with ecstasy and joy you never knew possible.
    Your world will open up to infinite potentiality.
    You’ll dance with magic, miracles and manifestation.
    Within you is the deep knowing, that you have arrived, that you are your highest self.

    One step at a time

    The price of being your highest self can be tiring and exhausting.

    Even though it is… it IS worth it.

    When you are living your dream life.

    When you truly believe in yourself.

    When your actions match your words.

    When you love yourself so deeply.

    When you trust yourself so deeply.

    When you share your wisdom.

    When you beam with pride of your journey.

    When your heart and soul align.

    When you break ancestral patterns.

    When you heal for your family and future generations.

    When you sleep easy at night.

    When you make a difference in the lives of many.

    That is WHY you do it.

    Looking ahead it can be overwhelming and scary.

    Feel the fear and continue anyway, you owe it to your highest self but mostly you owe it to present you.

    One step and a time, day by day, moment by moment.

    Cheering you on always 🥳 through the good times, the bad and everything that falls in between in this human experience 🥂

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to activate your highest self and live your best life?

    I would love to be there by your side, to help you, to guide you, to support you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.

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  • The beauty in slow growth

    Slow growth is still growth...

    Beautiful soul, I hope you remember the beauty in slow growth.

    I hope you know it’s okay to grow slowly.

    In the way that the sea erodes the rocks to make way for majestic cliffs.

    In the way that a drop in the ocean becomes tidal waves.

    In the way that a caterpillar slows down into its cocoon to emerge a beautiful butterfly.

    In the way a seedling becomes a mighty tree and in turn a grand forest.

    In the way that you are changing and growing.

    Slow growth is still growth.

    And how to celebrate it

    Our hearts are heavy as we watch others get everything instantly that we so desire… I’ve seen this in myself and I work through this with my clients.

    Can we take a moment to celebrate slow growth in a society obsessed with instant results and quantum leaps?

    Can we celebrate the business owner who has been at it for 10 years to finally crack a profit?

    Can we celebrate the Olympian who has trained for 15 years just to have a chance at the medal?

    Can we celebrate the wine that has been maturing in the cellar to be ready for a grand celebration in time?

    Can we celebrate the person that has taken 3 years to get over their addiction?

    Slow is nice too.

    I love a hot and heavy moment don’t get me wrong but I also love a tender, gentle build up filled with tension and longing… 😉

    Grow slowly. Grow quickly.

    Grow 🌱

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready for your growth?

    Mindset led growth. Energy led growth. Self love led growth. Purpose led growth.

    I would love to help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.

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