Maybe life has a better plan...
So maybe your life hasn’t gone in the direction you wanted or expected so far. It doesn’t mean the destination won’t be worthwhile. Just maybe where you end up, will be more than you ever dreamt of or desired for yourself. Perhaps life has been waiting for you to let go of the life you envisioned for yourself because life has bigger plans awaiting for you. The only way to find out is to keep going, your journey is not over yet, in fact maybe it’s just begun…
When life isn't what you thought it would be
What happens when you realise that your life looks nothing like what you wanted or hoped for?
When you feel disappointed, frustrated, lost, sad amongst many other emotions.
I can definitely relate with moments in my life having hopes and expectations.
Nowadays I live a life that looks nothing like what I expected but it truly is better than what I had ever dreamed of for myself. It didn’t always look or feel that way, sprinkled amongst the ways have been moments… the dark nights of the soul, rock bottom… but from the darkness came the light. The light was always there, I just couldn’t connect at that point in time. I was too in the weeds that I lost the bigger picture.
Life isn't in your full control
There are things beyond our control — a total mystery and it’s so understandable to feel an array of often quite intense emotions.
Life is made up of moments and some of them will have you questioning if you’ve got it right, been doing it right and on the right path…
Ultimately what I’ve personally experienced and seen in my clients lives is when it doesn’t look a thing like what you envisioned… your journey isn’t over yet. We are seeing one part of it.
The bigger picture
It could be the moment amongst a few more before the breakthrough.
What can keep you going is knowing that it’s not done or over, your journey is still unfolding.
There’s reasons why it’s unfolding as it is that you don’t understand right now or can’t comprehend. When it all does eventually come together, just maybe you will.
Keep going
love & positivity phi
Looking for guidance and support on your direction and purpose? I would love to help through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.