
  • Be your own saviour

    Be your own saviour

    Maybe right now your journey isn’t about love.

    Maybe right now your journey is about… YOU.

    Maybe this is the season you’re being challenged to be your own saviour.

    You are love

    love is so very beautiful, it’s something we all desire and dream of… we find ourselves searching for it, in the arms and heart of another.

    what I’ve come to realise time and time again, love is not outside of you.

    love is within you.

    you are love.

    we are conditioned to search for it, to chase it, to find it when all along it’s inside of ourselves.

    you don’t need to be rescued, you need to rescue yourself.

    when your heart is so full and at peace within yourself inevitably it will draw another, someone who won’t complete you but complement you.

    someone who won’t change you but make you strive to be a better person.

    someone you could live without but don’t want to 🧡

    that love cannot be rushed, that love is worth the wait.

    trust the journey beautiful soul 🦋

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Surrender, unfold, let go…

    What makes being alive so divine...

    With time I now understand.

    I know that what is meant for me will not pass me by.

    I know that there is no such thing as perfect timing, only here and right now.

    I know that I must let go of what is not for me or meant to stay in my life.

    I know that I am not in control of everything and that’s okay.

    I know that I must trust the timing of my life how everything is to unfold.

    I know I should not and cannot control my emotions because they are love letters from my heart.

    I know that part of being human is messy and it’s what makes being alive so divine.

    Keep going, beautiful soul

    We want to control but sometimes all we can do is surrender and trust the process.

    You can want something so badly but it doesn’t mean it’s meant to be or yours. No matter how much you ache and yearn for it.

    Trust that what’s meant to be will be no matter what.

    It’s okay to surrender to what is.

    It’s okay to let go to what is.

    It’s okay to not be in control and have faith in what will be.

    Go through the motions of it all – sadness, hope, heartbreak, healing, grieving, accand come out on the other side stronger and with a heart even more opened.

    One day you’ll look back at this moment and understand why everything is unfolding the way it is.

    It’ll all make sense.

    If not now, some day.

    Keep going beautiful soul 🦋

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • The best is yet to come

    You will...

    It will happen again.

    It’s not over.

    It’s not the end but only the very beginning.

    The pieces will all fall together and everything will be back on track.

    You will smile again.

    You will fall in love again.

    You will find yourself again.

    You will feel like yourself again.

    You will get a job again.

    You will laugh again.

    You will feel again.

    You will get back up again.

    You will have those moments where you understand why everything happened for a reason again.

    Here is to beautiful new beginnings in any moment, you choose.

    Try again.

    Keep going.

    A new dawn is here for you beautiful soul.

    Here's to your new dawn

    The best moments of your life haven’t finished up beautiful soul, it’s only the beginning.

    The best moments aren’t just for a moment in time but your life will be a string of them.

    Happiness isn’t behind you or in the past, she’s here dancing with you.

    Life is not over but emerging in new bloom for you 🌻

    Here’s to your new dawn 🦋

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Child of the universe

    It all leads to this...

    Life is a beautiful, wild, crazy journey and adventure.

    How the strings of fate and free will dance.

    How everything has led you to this moment, right here and now.

    The aphrodisiac of knowing anything is possible.

    The wonder of what is written in the stars and sealed with a cosmic kiss.

    How you are the sun, stars and moon.

    How two hearts find each other in perfect time.

    The unseen behind the veil and what is unfolding.



    Your return and journey home, to your true nature, of heart and soul.

    Never forget, you are a child of the universe.

    You belong here

    Even if you feel lost and out of this world 👽 you belong here.

    You are loved.

    You are supported.

    You are a child of the universe and the universe wants to see you happy.

    The universe wants to see you succeed.

    The universe wants you to have everything you want with one caveat; in alignment with your values, your heart, your soul and your energy.

    Never forget the wonder of the world, of existence of living.

    What a beautiful gift it is to be human and a child of the universe 💫

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • The beautiful day is coming

    The beautiful days are coming

    One day you’re going to feel so alive again and you bet it will be worth it.

    Your cheeks will hurt from smiling so much.

    Your stomach will ache from how much you laugh.

    Your shoulders will be free from the aches and burdens of the world.

    You’ll be dizzy with euphoria riding high on life.

    Your eyes will sparkle like seeing the world for the first time all over again.

    Love will course your veins and fill your heart so deeply.

    I promise you that day is coming.

    I promise you that you’re stronger than you think and you can handle anything that happens in the meantime.

    What a beautiful day that will be.

    Keep going, beautiful soul

    because the sun will always shine after the rain, in fact the sun is always there it’s just blocked or covered by clouds ⛅️

    we all go through tough times, this is the human experience.

    know for these tough times there will be beautiful times too 🌻

    sometimes darkness convinced us that thats it… remember the light always ✨

    better days are coming, you’ll see 💫 and you’ll be so glad you held on.

    so proud.

    worth the wait… worth the joy, happiness, satisfaction and alignment 🥰

    your future self will be so grateful you stuck it out.

    keep going beautiful soul, you got this! 👊🏽

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • A little perspective

    It's okay to feel lost

    There comes a point in time where you feel lost and that’s okay.

    That path isn’t always clear.

    At times it may be hidden.

    There’s twists and turns.

    It’s okay to change your mind.

    It’s okay to be scared.

    What matters is you know that whichever way you go, all will be okay. 

    You’ll end up exactly where you need to be as exactly who you are meant to be.

    Think about how proud your future self will be of you.

    For continuing the journey despite the pain, fear and confusion along the way.

    Sometimes all you need is perspective.

    To zoom out a little and see all the progress you’ve made and will continue to make.

    Keep moving, keep going

    being lost is part of the journey, for if you have never been lost how do you know you’ve ever really found yourself?

    be the one in control of your destiny, step into your power.

    do not be afraid to live life.

    go at it with all your all, you are here on this earth to be alive 🧨

    the only way to know is to keep moving and to keep going.

    you got this 👊🏽

    I believe in you 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    looking for direction and purpose? I got you! Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 💫

    p.s. My book comes out June 2023 🤩 more info on my website now!

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  • Finding light in the darkness

    The darkest season

    The darkest season of your life will precede your greatest breakthroughs and the emergence of light so beautiful, it will ripple and sparkle in your eyes.

    The darkest season is full of painful kisses from thorns of roses.

    The darkest season is the deep void, floating in the abyss or dwelling at rock bottom.

    The darkest season inevitably comes with the pain of shedding who you were to become more of your authentic self.

    It is all worth it for the light that will emerge once again.

    The light of the bloom.

    The light of love and self compassion.

    The light of your wings ready to soar and fly high.

    The light of your heart, full of deep gratitude and experience from the darkest season.

    Trust the magic veiled by darkness

    The darkest season will ask you to honour endings to begin again. To trust and have faith in what is happening beneath the surface.

    To surrender to the greatest mysteries.

    To be held by the divine.

    To be cradled by love.

    You are not broken.

    You are healing.

    You are being reborn.

    Trust the process.

    Trust the journey.

    Trust the magic veiled by darkness.

    It is only then you will truly come to understand why everything happens 🌹

    Under the blanket of darkness life is initiating you 🧨

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    I would love to bring light to your world and help you integrate the darkness and shadows into your life to fully bloom… 🌹

    Work with me – link in bio. Book coming June 2023 🧡

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  • Good things are coming

    Move at your own pace

    Good things are coming.

    Good things are waiting for you.

    Good things are about to happen.

    Life has its high and lows.

    Life has its setbacks.

    The weight of sadness, grief and pain.

    The ache of a broken heart and overwhelm mind.

    The frustration of being stuck with no where to go.

    The paralysis of anxiety and perfectionism.

    The yearning for hope and relief… there is more to come.

    The old energy is clearing and the new is ready to rush through.

    In the meantime be kind to your mind, be kind to your body, be kind to your heart and be kind to your soul.

    Move at your own pace.

    The good is inevitable.

    Better days are on their way.

    Be here and you will see

    If you were looking for a sign, here it is 💌 the best is yet to come and all you have to do is keep going.

    Things fall apart for better things to come together.

    It is just around the corner ✨ you’ve got to hold your power, belief and trust in that.

    Your life can change in any moment.

    You can’t predict the future with absolute certainty 🔮

    How do you know that better days AREN’T coming? You don’t.

    A string of bad moments and days doesn’t mean good isn’t coming.

    All you can do is be here in the present. Forget the past it’s dead and gone. Forget the future it’s an illusion.



    & you will see 👁

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to get out of your funk and into your best life now? 🕺🏻 let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or human design 🧡

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  • The beautiful soul you are right now

    Right NOW

    The beautiful soul you are right now, has fought invisible battles and conquered wars with tender scars and a full heart.

    The beautiful soul you are right now, has struggled in the seas of misery yet resurfaced to conquer the waves.

    The beautiful soul you are right now, has had to die and hold funerals for past versions of self in order to be reborn.

    The beautiful soul you are right now, has walked through fires of pain and suffering, to rise from the ashes.

    The beautiful soul you are right now, has turned wounds into wisdom, anguish into achievement and trauma into triumph.

    The beautiful soul you are right now thought they could not make it, yet here you are right now.

    Celebrating your past, present and future

    We all have had a past. Maybe it’s a past you’re not proud of, ashamed of, guilty of, sad of… and that’s okay.

    Here’s the thing, without this past version of yourself, you would not be who you are today.

    Celebrate yourself as you are right now 🥳

    Growth isn’t just about what’s to come… it’s also about how far you’ve already come and where you are right now.

    It’s a simultaneous duality.

    You can be so proud of yourself and still have a long journey ahead

    You can be sad about aspects of your old self yet love, hold and respect them at the same time.

    You can be not happy with where you are right now, but know a brighter future is just around the corner after a dark past.

    To be here now after all that you’ve been through… what you’ve seen, what you’ve felt… is absolutely incredible.

    If no one else has told you today or ever before, I am so proud of you.

    I am cheering you on.

    You’re reading this for a reason.

    Take it as the sign you’ve been waiting for.

    Keep going 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for support and guidance on your personal growth journey? A bestie, teacher, friend and cheerleader all in one? 🙋🏼‍♀️ hiii I got you and I would love to work with you. Contact me for more info to work with me through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading ✨

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  • Between me and the universe…

    Between me and the universe...

    Me to you:

    It’s easy to say you believe everything happens for a reason… It’s easy to say you believe and trust the universe… so what happens when things don’t go the way you want or expect?


    Flex your faith, prove it.

    Having an open mindset

    Warning: This may trigger and melt your mind and ego 🤭

    Time and time again whether it’s your life, perhaps it’s a relationship, your dream home or the work promotion you’re vying for, a business you’re building… it’s easy to talk to the talk but what about walk the walk?

    You say you have trust… prove it.

    You say you have faith… allow it.

    With a growth mindset we are open 🌱

    Sure from time to time we get knocked down, face really hard challenges and is racked, feel blocked and stuck – life can be tough. Acknowledged.

    I won’t kid you, it’s not an easy path that’s why it’s easy to say you believe but not actually believe… 🤭

    IF you truly believe everything happens for a reason know that it’s ALL WORKING OUT!

    In your highest favour: for your growth and expansion 🌳

    You aren’t facing and building everything on your own beautiful soul… you are CO CREATING with the universe.

    It takes two to tango 💃🏼

    Do your part and watch the universe help out with the rest🕺🏻

    Conscious creation is the game.

    Play and have fun along the way… 💫

    🔥 Oh and hot tip: when has faith ever been logical? 🤔

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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