
  • The beauty in slow growth

    Slow growth is still growth...

    Beautiful soul, I hope you remember the beauty in slow growth.

    I hope you know it’s okay to grow slowly.

    In the way that the sea erodes the rocks to make way for majestic cliffs.

    In the way that a drop in the ocean becomes tidal waves.

    In the way that a caterpillar slows down into its cocoon to emerge a beautiful butterfly.

    In the way a seedling becomes a mighty tree and in turn a grand forest.

    In the way that you are changing and growing.

    Slow growth is still growth.

    And how to celebrate it

    Our hearts are heavy as we watch others get everything instantly that we so desire… I’ve seen this in myself and I work through this with my clients.

    Can we take a moment to celebrate slow growth in a society obsessed with instant results and quantum leaps?

    Can we celebrate the business owner who has been at it for 10 years to finally crack a profit?

    Can we celebrate the Olympian who has trained for 15 years just to have a chance at the medal?

    Can we celebrate the wine that has been maturing in the cellar to be ready for a grand celebration in time?

    Can we celebrate the person that has taken 3 years to get over their addiction?

    Slow is nice too.

    I love a hot and heavy moment don’t get me wrong but I also love a tender, gentle build up filled with tension and longing… 😉

    Grow slowly. Grow quickly.

    Grow 🌱

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready for your growth?

    Mindset led growth. Energy led growth. Self love led growth. Purpose led growth.

    I would love to help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.

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  • Flowers will bloom…

    Flowers will bloom...

    Even the darkest of nights end when the sun rises.
    The biggest of waves will surrender and subside.
    The moon will kiss the sun and see the light of day.
    Raindrops will kiss the barren earth.
    Gardens will sprout from your broken bones.
    Galaxies will emerge from the emptiness that haunts you.
    Love will pour into the cracks of your soul and mend your open wounds.
    Stars will sparkle in the shadows of your soul.
    Flowers will bloom in the darkest crevices of your mind.

    Here's to you, in all your glory

    Darkness, death, destruction, despair are the fertile soil for rebirth. To make space for you to grow and bloom.

    I honestly think this is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever written, it touches my heart and soul so deeply and came through at a time when I was navigating a lot of pain and uncertainly personally last month.

    It felt like the light would never appear and I was stuck in an abyss of dread. It was the void and vortex.

    The dark night of the soul. It was the aching for glimmers of hope, reprise and relief.

    I hope these words of the temporary nature of pain and the beauty that will inevitably emerge — the energetic codes embedded within, plant seeds of love and hope in your heart 🌱

    When we are in the midst of tremendous pain, suffering and change it can be easy to forget the light. We are surrounded by so much darkness that we simply forget …about the light that always exists within ✨

    What you think as the unbearable, the unlovable, the hideous, the ugly, the shadow parts of who you are… are truly lovely.

    From these places when we allow ourselves to be fully seen, to be fully whole and fully present with these aspects of ourselves emerges our true selves… fortified and strengthened with resilience.

    It is from my personal experience of great suffering and agony that new life emerges so much brighter and brilliant that I could ever fathom…

    Your pain and loss may be a map to someone else’s freedom tomorrow (certainly is for me as a life coach going through it all so that I can help, support and guide the clients I work with).

    Your pain and loss is a reminder that you are truly alive. Of your ever dynamic evolving soul and self. Of your ability to weather the storms. Of your ability to survive and in turn thrive.

    Here’s to you beautiful soul, in all your glory darkness and shadow, light and love.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to tap into your inner light? To face your darkness and fears? To turn your pain and suffering into beauty, wisdom and an uplevel in your life?

    I would love to help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.

    Click here to read more

  • The future is coming

    On falling together

    And maybe it’s not that everything is falling apart rather than everything is falling together… that doesn’t make it easy.

    At times it doesn’t feel fair. And that is life in itself.

    It’s not good or bad. It’s not fair or unfair. It just is. What would life be without change?

    The same. Stagnant. Boring. 

    It’s only natural that when you evolve, your life will do so too.

    The ebbs and flows, the highs and lows.

    When life falls apart, know that the future is coming… so for now enjoy the ride and know that one day you’ll look back knowing that it all fell apart to come together.

    Here's to change

    When everything is changing and falling apart it can be easy to get sucked up into it.

    It feels as if you’re drowning, struggling to break the surface and grasping for air.

    It feels uncomfortable as if a new version of you is trying to emerge but not quite there. You want to break free from the skin you’re in.

    It feels like a rollercoaster of emotions where one day you’re up and the next you’re down so low.

    It’s how I’ve been feeling and many of my clients too.

    When I”m in the depths of the waters of change I bring it back to this one truth that grounds me.

    Change is a part of life.

    My ego may not like that, but it’s true.

    Who is my ego to think that change can only happen on my terms and my timeline only?

    When I check in with my soul deep down inside, I know that I’ve been in the comfort zone for too long. For wanting of everything to be easy and breezy… and that is probably when I need change the most.

    To come in and shake things up.

    To help my personal growth and expansion.

    To align with my highest self and values.

    Here’s to change – we may not like it, but we need it.

    love & positivity – phi

    Ready to embrace change to the fullest? To change with support and guidance with me along your side? I would love to help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.


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