
  • You will make it through

    You will make it through. 

    You’ve done it before and you will do it again. 

    What matters is that you are kind and patient with yourself. What matters is you release and let go of what’s eating you up and weighing you down. 

    Each step you take, no matter how small, brings you closer to where you want to be. Allow yourself to dream and to chase those dreams with passion and determination. 

    What matters is that you stay true to yourself and your values, even when the road is tough. 

    Embrace your journey with an open heart and a fearless spirit. Know that you are capable, you are strong and you are worthy of all the good things life has to offer. 

    Keep moving forward, one step at a time, and never forget the incredible power you hold within you.

    ou will make it through because your resilience is your superpower.

    Every challenge you face is an opportunity to grow stronger and wiser, thought it may not always feel that way.

    Keep chasing your dreams because they were truly put in your heart for a reason and that you are the person to bring it to life.

    Remember, you don’t have to do it alone.

    Coaching can provide the guidance, support, and strategies you need to navigate your journey and achieve your fullest potential.

    Embrace your path with confidence, and should you desire, 1:1 coaching help you unlock the incredible power within you ❤️‍🔥

    I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: 🎧 Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

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  • It’s safe to let go

    I don’t know who needs to hear this but it’s safe to let go. I

    t’s safe to surrender and trust. It’s safe to hand is over to the universe and destiny because what is meant to be will be. 

    It’s safe to relax and focus on yourself: how you’re feeling and how to move forward. It feels like the end but it’s not the total end. everything is going to to be okay. 

    There’s something new on the horizon for you and it’s going to be better than you imagined for yourself. The universe is yet to reveal it’s full hand. You are loved and you are supported.

    You’re seeing this because you were meant to 🫶🏽 I know it’s been hard but you’re strong and you’re resilient.

    May this time serve you to let go of what no longer aligns and make way for new beginnings and expansive experiences.

    More information on the Sagittarius full moon on my podcast 🎧 Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

    Should you feel the pull and desire for support and guidance in what you are going through right now, I got you. I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you or DM me 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

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  • The future is coming

    When life falls apart, know that the future is coming… so enjoy the process knowing one day you’ll look back knowing that everything isn’t falling apart but falling together.

    Do not be afraid of the darkness for you have the capacity to plunge into the depths of the ocean that is your soul.

    Even the darkest of nights end when the sun rises. It’s always darkest before dawn.

    Even the biggest waves will surrender and subside.

    The moon will kiss the sun and see the light of day.

    Raindrops will refresh the barren earth.

    Gardens will sprout from your aching bones.

    Galaxies will emerge from the emptiness that haunts you.

    Love will pour into the cracks of your soul and mend your wounds.

    Stars will sparkle in the shadows of your soul.

    Flowers will bloom in the darkest crevices of your mind.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for support and guidance in moving forward with your life? I got you, I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you or DM me 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    Click here to read more

  • An ending is a portal to a new beginning

    I don’t know who needs to hear this but an ending is the portal to a new beginning. On the brink of a new beginning, life starts to feel stagnant and heavy. 

    Destiny and darkness may descend upon your mind and heart. You will be faced with challenges and obstacles. Your next level involves diving deeper into your emotions and shadows. Above all remember the sun will rise again and so will you. 

    The level of trust required is an initiation and new level in itself. Faith and belief in yourself is the medicine. Continue to walk the path beautiful soul.

    3 ways to deal with density and darkness 👇🏽

    1. Feel your feelings
    It’s okay to feel! It’s okay to not understand why you are feeling the way you are. The most important thing is to allow your current experience with compassion.

    2. Movement
    As they say emotions are energy in motion and the body keeps score. Transform stuck and stagnant energy within 🌀

    3. Connect and get support
    You don’t have to do it alone and you aren’t meant to. Lean into your support network or get in touch and create a support network 🫶🏽

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for support and guidance? Your purpose? What’s next? How to get to your next level? I got you I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you or DM me 🌻

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  • Sometimes good things end so better ones can begin.

    Sometimes good things end so better ones can begin. You’re about to enter a new era and phase in your life which requires letting go of what you know for what’s to come. The past no longer has a hold on you, for your future is here. Be kind and gentle to your heart for it has not been easy. Be kind and gentle to your heart because change is not easy. Be proud of yourself for how far you’ve come and how the journey has prepared you for where you are now going.

    As they say sometimes it’s time to trust in the magic of new beginnings ✨

    It can be hard to let to go when things have been so good.

    Yet it can also be hard to let go when things haven’t been for we fear what change can bring such as temporary discomfort and pain.

    Whether we like it or now, whether we want it or not: change will inevitably happen.

    How does it feel to lean in and embrace as it opposed to fear it and attempt to control and delay it?

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for support and guidance in moving forward with your life? I got you, I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you or DM me 🧡

    Keywords: [endings, new beginnings, change, life quotes]

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  • All will be well

    All will be well. Even when it doesn’t feel that way. I think it’s so beautiful that you allow yourself to feel so deeply. I think it’s so beautiful how you mourn the ending of a chapter. I think it’s so beautiful that your tears fuel your growth and rebirth. I think it’s so beautiful how you hold onto the light despite the darkness that may temporarily cloud you. I think it’s so beautiful because you’re about to bloom. It’s so beautiful that you’ve allowed heartbreak to crack open your heart even wider to more. More love. More light. More hope. More of everything you deserve.

    There is so much beauty in being the fullest expression of you, in being human — imperfectly perfect, feeling every layer and nuance that there is.

    May you see the growth that lies in each experience.

    May you hold on despite tough days and hard seasons.

    May you keep going to see your full potential 🌻

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for support and guidance in moving forward with your life? I got you, I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you or DM me 🌻

    Keywords: [life quotes, life journey, spirituality, soul growth]

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  • They say the universe will never give you peace in something you aren’t meant to settle in…

    I know they say the universe will never give you peace in something you aren’t meant to settle in and I know it to be true. Yet it still feels painful, yeti t  can still break your heart. May the storms of your emotions calm. May the ache of your heart dissolve. May the noise of your mind settle. May you trust that what falls apart is making way for what you deserve. May the tower moment of you life heal and free you. Trust that one day when you look back at this moment in time, it will all make sense and be for the better.

    he universe guides us along paths in ways we may not always understand yet each step has a purpose to leading us to where we are meant to be.

    In this journey there will be moments orchestrated of upheaval and things falling…crumbling to an end that shakes up your foundations forcing you to confront truths and let go of what no longer serves.

    These moments though tumultuous are catalysts for transformation paving the way for growth and evolution.

    In the midst of chaos, we feel it all — the heartache, the uncertainty, the raw vulnerability that comes with embracing the unknown.

    Yet, amidst the turmoil, there is a quiet reassurance, a flicker of hope that burns bright within us.

    It is the belief that these challenges are not meant to break us, but to help us into the beings we are destined to become.

    You got this beautiful soul 🧡 love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for support and guidance in moving forward with your life? I got you, I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you or DM me 🌻

    Keywords: [tarot tower, moving on, inner peace, heartbreak, letting go]

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  • Where you are heading won’t always be clear

    Where you’re heading won’t always be clear.

    In moments of uncertainty, life is asking you to surrender and trust where you are being led. To get comfortable with the uncomfortable. To trust your intuition with all your heart and soul despite how illogical it seems. Even if everyone around you questions your path. It doesn’t make sense right now because it isn’t supposed to but one day it will. Don’t be afraid, remember you are brave. Don’t be afraid, remember you are capable. Don’t be afraid, remember you are being protected. Keep going. One step at a time.

    Because maybe all isn’t as it appears. The more unclear and uncertain, the more trust is required in the universe and your faith but greatest of all: the trust within yourself.

    To be able to handle whatever will come your way.

    To be able to lean into the unknown and embrace the magic and what awaits on the other side 🪄
    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking for guidance and support in terms of direction, purpose and what is happening in your life? I got you 🫶🏽 I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. 

    Click here to read more

  • Embrace the journey that is June 2024

    Embrace the journey that is June. New month, new chapter, an opportunity to pause, check in and reflect. June is a portal for growth. June is an opportunity to start again. June is a reminder to keep going and growing. It’s okay if your path looks different to someone else’s. It’s okay if your timing is different to someone else’s. It’s okay if no one understands it, not even you… trust in your highest self and where your soul is taking you/ Supported by the universe, in alignment. In June you are unstoppable. When you finish the year, you’ll look back at June with so much love and pride.

    if you’re reading this and have been feeling disheartened and giving up, June is the turn of the tide 🌊

    keep going, maybe it’s been quiet all year and now everything has fallen into place… it all begins

    maybe the year started strong and you’ve encountered obstacles and challenges, june provides rest and a chance to reset

    it’s the middle of the year now

    yes time has flown but there’s still 6 months to go

    what are you going to do with that time?

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Should you feel the pull and desire for support and guidance in what you are going through right now, I got you. I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: 🎧 Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang

    Keywords: [quotes about June, June motivation, June energy 2024]

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