may you manifest all you desire may you be filled with miracles may you experience magic and wonder may you have a strong and positive mindset may you multiply your money abundantly may you be mindful of all the blessings may you be filled with a sense of wonder may you become the most best version of yourself
May 2024 journaling prompts
1. Create “m” themed manifestations for the month such as mindset, money, motivation
2. We are almost half way through the year! How are you feeling and how are you going in terms of your intentions you set?
3. Journal about what a “miracle” in May for you would entail? What does it look like, how do you feel, why would it be incredible to happen for you?
Ready to build solid foundations within yourself? Self love, self fulfillment and happiness? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading
yet sometimes we make it even tougher for ourselves 🥺🫶🏽🥹
Perhaps you could be kinder to yourself!
Perhaps you could bring more love to all parts of yourself. Perhaps you could make peace with all the doubts and worries that snake around in your mind. Perhaps you could meet yourself with more tenderness. Perhaps it’s time to be less hard on yourself…
We always seem to be hardest on ourselves yet so kind and compassion towards others. It’s time to extend that back to ourselves 🧡
An energetic break is here. All planets are direct until April. The fog is lifting from the Mercury retrograde shadow period. The slow burn and stagnation of January is picking up speed.
Mantra: I am seeing only a tiny Friction of the bigger Picture
It’s okay not to be clear, it may just not be the right time for you this is your sign to relax and be at peace. Things are still unfolding behind the scenes that you can’t see or comprehend yet.
Maybe you can feel it but you can’t see it — that’s okay! We have intuitive senses beyond sight which I talk more in depth about in my book The Great Unlearning such as clairsentience (knowing) or clairaudience (hearing).
It’s not your job to know everything, that’s for the universe
Focus on the next step, that next inspirational step, that nudge you are getting and let that set into motion what needs to unfold next.
love & positivity phi
Ready for energetic and spiritual guidance for a clearer picture of what’s to come for you in 2024? I’d love to help through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.
Gentle reminder: You are loveable, and you are loved.
You are trying your best and I see you.
Even when...
Even when you make mistakes. Even when you try your best and don’t succeed. Even when you snap because you are angry and frustrated with the world. Even when you’re annoyed at yourself and others. Even when you’re caught up in an anxious loop. Even when you fall asleep with tears in your eyes. Even when you feel like a burden to everyone. Even when you are caught up in the past. Even when you feel stuck in your head and feel like you’re making everything about you. Even when you doubt yourself. Even when you have a critical self-voice that says otherwise. It can be easy to forget and this is why this reminder exists 🥹
An excerpt from my book 📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang
The truth is sometimes you won’t understand why certain things are happening in your life.
It will feel frustrating and difficult.
You will question yourself – who you are, the choices you have made, the decisions you came to, your past and ultimately you still won’t find the answers in that.
We think that the more we know and understand, the more peace we will have but that isn’t always the case.
There are times in life all you can do is surrender and ride the waves.
To have faith and trust in the process.
That everything is happening for a reason for your greatest season.
I believe in you...
This is for you beautiful soul, if you’re in the fog, the uncertainty — doubting yourself, questioning yourself…
It may not make sense right now and maybe it isn’t meant to make sense right now, but one day it will.
We can’t always navigate life in our head, intellectually… logically.
And thus sometimes life will shake itself up with the twists, turns and all things unexpected to get you out of your head and into your body.
You know that niggling feeling that pulls at you and makes you feel uncomfortable deep down inside that you can’t explain?
Yeah that’s your soul being unsettled because maybe you’re not listening.
Maybe you desire more…
You aren't your thoughts
Caught between your head and your heart beautiful soul? 🤕
Your head… your mind… your brain – it isn’t you.
You aren’t your thoughts 💭
In fact your mind lies all the time – it’s a drama queen 🎭 the negative self talk…
“You should do it… don’t be stupid”
“Who do you think you are?”
“I mean the answer is so obvious are you dumb?”
Remember your head and mind is here to protect you, to keep you safe (which often can mean in the comfort zone which is great – stable and secure but it ain’t soul fulfilling)
Your heart… your soul… your higher self – that can’t be made up.
It bypasses your survival mode analytical mind.
It’s FELT in your BODY.
Drop into your body.
The stillness.
When your heart and soul speak through the body what do they say?
Trust the pull and nudges… it’s there for a reason.
That’s the biggest flex: faith, the knowing.
Following my mind let me to great places… for a while.
Everything on paper was perfect yet deep down I KNEW I wasn’t truly happy and satisfied.
For a while I TRIED to ignore it… but it just got LOUDER AND LOUDER.
It felt heavy, that I couldn’t carry it – the pounding, the knowing, that feeling… so I surrendered and trusted (yes it’s scary and uncomfortable… it’s called the leap of faith for a reason)…
Following my heart has led me to everything… love, abundance, health, wealth… living a life beyond my wildest dreams.
It’s not for the faint hearted… I mean imagine a world where we all truly did follow our heart 🤯