Mental Health

  • Inspirational quotes that will cheer you up

    Feeling down? We all experience ‘good’ and ‘bad’ days, ups and downs, wins and losses.

    When times get hard it can be nice to read some inspiring quotes that will cheer you up.

    These quotes may also help you a cheer someone up such as a loved one such as a friend, family member or partner.

    Radiate love and it will be contagious 🙂

    They serve as reminder of how incredible you are.

    They serve as a prompt to reframe your thoughts and see an issue from a different perspective.

    They serve as a reminder of the love that surrounds you.

    Here are some quotes that will cheer you up. They will instil love and positivity within you.

    Hopefully these inspiring quotes will bring a smile to your face or a bright moment.

    It is important to note that it is okay to feel down or sad at times, we are human and this is normal. Honour yourself and allow yourself to process what you are feeling before moving on.

    “Everyone deserves a sad day once in a while,” Calista told me. “Sometimes things are too big for cheering up. Sometimes the best way to make things better is just to let yourself be sad for a little bit.”

    Lisa Graff

    Note if you are feeling down – reach out to someone you trust, someone who loves you. You are strong for reaching out. Talk to them. Be in silence with them. Just know you are never alone. If you don’t have someone please contact a medical professional such as your doctor or a psychologist who can help.

    Sending love, light and positivity always.

    Inspirational quotes that will cheer you up

    Stay focused on what you desire and want to achieve, it will provide the motivation you need.

    “When everything feels like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top.”


    You are alive! 🙂 Today may be your day!

    If you are still breathing maybe it is not such a bad day after all.     

    Darren E. Laws

    Find a reason to be positive – you can do it! Change your thoughts and change your world.

    If you’ve got nothing to dance about, find a reason to sing.     

    Melody Carstairs

    Find the light within you.

    Instead of cursing the darkness, light a candle.     

    Benjamin Franklin

    No situation is permanent.

    “The bad news is nothing lasts forever,
    The good news is nothing lasts forever.”

    J. COLE

    You offer something unique to this world.

    “There’s something in you that the world needs.”


    Spread the love.

    The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up.     

    Mark Twain

    Enjoy ever moment before it becomes a memory.

    Enjoy the little things and be joyful,for one day you may look back and realize they were actually the things that mattered!     


    No one can take away the successes you have already had.

    “No matter what, nobody can take away the dances you’ve already had.”

    Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    Be at peace knowing everything happens for a reason and one day you will realise why.

    “Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.”


    Sometimes when things are falling apart they may actually be falling into place. 


    Tough times in our life teach us lessons.

    “Stars can’t shine without darkness.”


    Keep moving forward.

    “Don’t look back, you’re not going that way.”


    “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” 

    Michael Jordan

    Whatever we endure, prepares us for the future.

    “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”

    C.S. LEWIS

    It’s all about perspective.

    “I didn’t fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong.”

    Benjamin Franklin

    Failure doesn’t exist, you get something out of everything, one of the best? A lesson learnt.

    “There are no failures – just experiences and your reactions to them.”

    Tom Krause

    “Don’t be discouraged by a failure. It can be a positive experience. Failure is, in a sense, the highway to success, in as much as every discovery of what is false leads us to seek earnestly after what is true, and every fresh experience points out some form of error which we shall afterwards carefully avoid.”

    John Keats

    Turn your wounds into wisdom. 


    You are resilient.

    Tough times don’t last. Tough people do. 

    Robert H. Schuller

    We can turn pain into motivation.

    We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey. 

    Kenji Miyazawa

    Embrace the present moment.

    Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain. 

    Vivian Greene

    Tough times teach us a lot about ourselves and how strong we truly are.

    It’s in the darkest moments that we find our greatest strengths. 

    Steven Atchson

    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it. 


    Tough times prompt change for the better.

    Pain doesn’t just show up in our lives for no reason. It’s a sign that something in our lives needs to change. 


    Rough times lead to opportunities.

    In the middle of a difficulty lies opportunity.

    Albert Einstein

    Change leads to transformation.

    What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly. 

    Richard Bach

    Accept where you are now and find inner peace.

    The secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of every day. 


    You have the power to cheer yourself up. You are powerful.

    It only takes one person to make you happy and change your life: YOU. 

    Charles Orlando

    Be brave, you may not be able to change what is happening but you can let go in your mind. Read here for more on true acceptance.

    One of the happiest moments ever, is when you find the courage to let go of what you can’t change. 


    Feeling down and need more cheering up? Please turn to these resources

    Beyond Blue – Australia

    Feeling Down? 7 Ways to Pick Yourself Back Up!Zen Habits

    Low mood, sadness and depression – NHS UK

    Help Guide – USA

    The LifeLine – Canada

    Additional resources at in her vitality

    Click here to read more

  • 22 Positive affirmations for the workplace to overcome stress

    Positive affirmations in the workplace help to feel instantly soothed, calm and centred.

    They help tap into the inner peace within you.

    Workplaces can be highly stressful and overwhelming at times. Any job can have elements which cause stress, even when you love what you do.

    Affirmations can provide a moment of reprieve in these moments when you feel anxiety and tension. They are a helpful relaxation strategy in your toolkit to overcome work stress.

    The following 22 positive affirmations for the workplace help to overcome stress. Refer to the power of affirmations to live a soul fulfilling life for a greater understanding on the ability for affirmations to improve your mindset and wellbeing.

    What is work stress?

    BetterHealth sums up work stress as:

    Some of the many causes of work-related stress include long hours, heavy workload, job insecurity and conflicts with co-workers or bosses.

    Symptoms include a drop in work performance, depression, anxiety and sleeping difficulties.


    22 Positive affirmations for the workplace to overcome stress

    ♥ I can do anything but I can’t do everything.

    ♥ Asking for help does not mean I am incompetent or weak.

    ♥ I am allowed to have a break.

    ♥ I need to be at my best, feel my best, to do my best.

    ♥ There is always work to be done. I can’t always finish it all at the end of the day.

    ♥ I can’t control other people.

    ♥ It is only work. It is only one aspect of my life.

    ♥ Challenges bring opportunities.

    ♥ I learn from my mistakes.

    ♥ Mistakes are opportunities to grow.

    ♥ Every day is a new day.

    ♥ Feedback helps me grow.

    ♥ I trust that every decision I make is the best I could at that time.

    ♥ I would not be in my job if management did not believe I could do it.

    ♥ Failure is normal. It is impossible to never make mistakes.

    ♥ This situation is not good or bad. It just is.

    ♥ It is what it is.

    ♥ I feel stressed right now but I can overcome it.

    ♥ I am letting go of stress so I can think clearly.

    ♥ My experiences have equipped me to make the best decision.

    ♥ I am capable of handling anything. I can do hard things.

    ♥ This situation will pass, it is not forever.

    In conclusion on these affirmations

    Love and light, I hope these positive affirmations for the workplace help in reducing your stress. Should your work stress feel overwhelming, it may be best to speak to friends and family in addition to reaching out to your human resources department at work, employee assistance programs and medical professionals.

    Other affirmations for stress reduction

    27 Calming affirmations and mantras for acceptance – in her vitality

    Struggling with anxious thoughts? Here are 22 powerful affirmations to reframe your thoughts for a positive mindset – in her vitality

    Additional resources for work stress

    Work-related stress – BetterHealth

    Coping with stress at work – American Psychological Association

    Learn to rest not quit – Imperfect Ambition

    Click here to read more

  • Struggling with anxious thoughts? Here are 22 powerful affirmations to reframe your thoughts for a positive mindset

    Firstly, I want to reaffirm something deeply in your mind. It is normal to struggle with anxious thoughts from time to time. This article will help you reframe your thoughts for a positive mindset when you are struggling with these anxious thoughts

    What is anxiety?

    Beyond Blue defines anxiety as the below:

    “Anxiety is more than just feeling stressed or worried. While stress and anxious feelings are a common response to a situation where we feel under pressure, they usually pass once the stressful situation has passed, or ‘stressor’ is removed.

    Everyone feels anxious from time to time. When anxious feelings don’t go away, happen without any particular reason or make it hard to cope with daily life it may be the sign of an anxiety condition.”

    Disclaimer on anxiety, please note

    I use the below affirmations when I have an anxious moment to calm and recenter myself. It is important to note that affirmations are one tool amongst many that may be used to help with anxiety. The ones below are a general resource and are are not a substitute for professional, psychological, psychiatric or medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor and other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition such as anxiety.

    How these powerful affirmations may help when struggling with anxious thoughts

    • Reframe your mindset with an alternative perspective
    • Calm and recentre yourself
    • Inspire an uplift in mindset geared toward positivity, a reminder on what affirmations are here and how they help you live a soul fulfilling life
    • Provide a counter narrative to anxiety provoking thought
    • Pause and diffuse a moment of stress and tension

    22 Powerful affirmations to reframe your mindset when you are struggling with anxious thought

    ♥ I attract positive energy.

    ♥ I am strong. I am resilient. I can do hard things.

    ♥ I am in the process of making positive changes.

    ♥ I am brave.

    ♥ I am overwhelmed right now but this shall pass.

    ♥ I have the power to change.

    ♥ Everything is going to be okay.

    ♥ I have overcome many challenges and obstacles before in my life. This will be no different.

    ♥ I can’t control everything but I can try change my thoughts, attitude and perspective.

    ♥ I have accomplished so much up to this point in my life and I will continue to succeed.

    ♥ I am always learning. I will continue to grow and evolve.

    ♥ I trust myself to make the best decision at this moment in time.

    ♥ I feel anxious and that is okay. We all feel anxious at times.

    ♥ I feel confident in my ability to solve problems.

    ♥ I trust in the universe that I will thrive.

    ♥ I am open to change

    ♥ I let go of the need to be perfect and I know I will do my best.

    ♥ I know that I am doing my best given what is happening right now.

    ♥ I am doing the best I can.

    ♥ Mistakes happen and that is okay. I will learn from my mistakes for a better future.

    ♥ Change helps me realise my potential.

    ♥ My mistakes help me grow and improve for the future.

    In conclusion on struggling thoughts due to anxiety and using affirmations

    These 22 affirmations may help you reframe your thoughts for a positive mindset as they have the ability to calm you down, allow a pause to diffuse tension, provide an alternative counter narrative and inspire an uplift in mentality.

    It is so important if you are struggling with these thoughts on a regular basis and if they impact your daily life, please seek the help of a medical professional who will be able to help you.

    Additional resources for when you are struggling with anxious thoughts 

    Click here to read more