
  • Getting back up again

    On who you are...

    Time and time again, you get back up and I think that’s a beautiful thing.

    That is who you are.

    Someone who doesn’t give up.

    You always find a way to get through tough times because you are a survivor.

    A mountain of strength with a heart of gold.

    A lotus who has bloomed from chaos and crisis.

    Your gift, being able to be broken open time and time again to deeper love and growth.

    Whatever it takes, you have it all within you.

    It's all up to you...

    Sometimes life will throw you a curve ball and a challenge, an invitation, an initiation.

    You rise to the challenge every time you decide to meet it.

    It’s in every choice that you make. Every breath, every step, every decision — you get to decide to go again 👊🏽💥

    This is your power, nothing in life can take away from it no event, circumstance or person.

    You choose who meets it.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Road to healing

    You can begin at any time...

    In the road to healing no step is too small or insignificant.

    All your steps count, even the baby ones.

    The days you wish had never happened will start to make sense, as painful and arduous as they were.

    Life doesn’t spare anyone from the baptism of fire and crashes of the waves.

    You will come to realise they were a springboard into your growth and evolution.

    You have come so far and oh the places you will go.

    Know that you’re allowed to start again.

    You can begin again at anytime.

    You are able to hit the reset button time and time over.

    You are allowed to become whoever you want to be.

    You are brave

    ou are not alone on this healing journey — you are so loved and supported.

    Everyone in life at some point will come to a place where they desire or need to heal.

    You are brave for being on this journey, because whilst everyone needs this journey it doesn’t mean everyone will take it.

    I see you.

    I admire you.

    I am proud of you.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • You are so loved

    If only...

    If only you could see yourself from the eyes of others.

    If only you could see yourself from the heart of others.

    If only you could see yourself from the soul of others.

    If only because in the moments you find yourself unworthy and unloveable – you would see, feel and know the truth.

    That truth is, that you are so deeply loved and cared for.

    The way you see the world is so uniquely beautiful.

    The way you walk into a room lights it up.

    The way you laugh adds more joy and soulful positivity into this world.

    The way you care adds so much depth and hope into this world.

    The way you love is so fierce, passionate and strong.

    All these things that you don’t see in yourself, others do.

    When you face tough battles within yourself, it is my hope that you remember this all.

    A reminder when you're lost

    I see you beautiful soul 🦋 the question is do you see the beauty and magic within yourself 🪄

    We all need a reminder from time to time because you can go so lost in our thoughts particularly negative self talk spirals 🌀 and after all our whole experience is from our own personal programming and conditioning.

    You are so special and unique beautiful soul 🥰

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • True to you

    I am so grateful...

    I am so grateful – that you are you.

    The way you never give up on the people you love.

    The way you see the best in everyone.

    The way you believe in good intentions.

    The way you embrace people’s weird.

    The way you forgive someone despite the hurt.

    The way you hold it together whilst the world is falling apart around you.

    The way you care for others despite going through your own pain and battles.

    Truly, I am so grateful – that you are you.

    Never change beautiful soul.

    I hope that you are always true to you.

    Seeing the good

    Be true to you always beautiful soul.

    In a world that can be dark and heavy at times, don’t let it harden you.

    Continue to be the light that you are.

    See the good because it always exists.

    The world would be a better place with more people like you 🥰

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • It’s all yours

    If it is meant for you...

    I know sometimes it pains you beautiful soul, to think about what could have, should have or may have been… here’s the thing, we think we have the right person, opportunity, job, whatever it may be at the wrong time but if it was meant to be… the timing would be right too.

    You haven’t lost out or messed it up somehow.

    What is meant for you will always find its way to you even if it has to come back later.

    If it is meant for you, it will always be for you and only you.

    Trust me when I say it’s yours.

    No matter how long it takes.

    No matter how it comes.

    No matter the blocks, challenges, obstacles and set backs.

    It’s all yours.

    This or something better

    Save yourself from the what if or if only… if it’s meant to be it will be. No ifs, buts bla bla.

    You’ll torture yourself with these.

    No need to obsess.

    No need to ache over all the different timelines and possibilities.

    It’s not right, if there’s one thing off… 😪

    The universe only wants what is best for you at the best time.

    In fact the one thing off may be the very thing the universe is using to protect you from what is not yours or greater pain.

    All in divine timing and order.

    If it’s not what you desired, something better is coming.

    My favourite mantra right now?

    “This or something better!”

    Trust in the timing of your life, it’s led you to be where you are exactly right now as who you are meant to be right now.

    Move past the over thinking and ease into the inner peace you so rightly deserve.

    And so if you’re reading this, it’s your sign. It wasn’t meant to be right now or back then and it’s okay – bigger and better things are coming.

    Patience beautiful soul, it will be worth it!

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Open your heart

    Open your heart

    Beautiful soul, I know it feels like at times, life isn’t pretty or kind to you – even though you have the biggest heart.

    Don’t harden your heart, don’t close off your heart.

    Your heart is meant to be open.

    With time you will understand why you had to go through the clouds for the sun to shine.

    The tears you shed are clearing and making way for your desired path.

    You asked for change and for new beginnings.

    Let your tears dry and your light shine brighter than ever before.

    The very heart that beats in your chest can hold so much pain but it’s this very heart that can hold and expand with so much love.

    Better days are coming

    It’s easy to cut yourself off from loving and feeling more deeply in fact it’s evolutionarily instinctual to protect yourself.

    It’s harder to remain open and loving yet despite it all, do so.

    A big heart is a beautiful thing.

    Life can be cruel we know that but don’t let that discourage you.

    Better days are coming.

    One day you’ll look back and realize why everything has unfolded the way it has.

    Keep going 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Trust your journey

    You have not seen it all...

    Trust how your journey is unfolding.

    I know at times it’s so hard.

    Not everyone is going to support you or understand it.

    I know it’s hard to have faith.

    I know it can be at times so hard to believe.

    Beautiful soul, you have not seen it all.

    Every moment is a precious part of your path unfolding.

    Do what you can from where you are.

    Keep going, it’s all coming together perfectly.

    Simply being

    Just because you don’t know exactly how it unfold, when, how, where and all the details… just because you can’t see it right now – it doesn’t mean that it isn’t happening.

    Trust that every piece of the jigsaw is coming together, that everything is unfolding exactly as it should.

    You cannot rush it.

    You cannot slow it down.

    All you can do is simply be.

    Relax and surrender.

    Don’t reach the destination and forget the beauty of the journey.

    Don’t reach the destination, wondering how you even got there in the first place because time slipped by.

    Don’t reach the destination resentful of how it came to be instead of being so full of love, joy, gratitude and expansion.

    You have not seen it all yet.

    You have not felt it all yet.

    That’s the magic and beauty of the journey 💫

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • On healing…

    You heal when...

    You heal when you love yourself through it.

    You heal when you express what’s inside.

    You heal when you speak your truth, it’s medicine.

    You heal when you forgive not only others but yourself too.

    You heal when you let go of how you think it should be and let it just be.

    You heal when you realise you are not broken and there’s nothing to fix.

    You heal when you get out of your head and into your body.

    You heal when you move and be on your own timeline.

    You heal when you let the past, be the past.

    You heal when you no longer resist and surrender to the flow.

    You heal because you are doing the best that you can and that is more than enough.

    Accepting the process...

    Because your healing won’t be through hate or self loathing.

    Your medicine is in kindness, compassion and love for yourself.

    Your healing comes in being able to hold space for yourself and everything that comes with the journey, all the feelings — grief, joy, sadness, ecstasy, anger and relief.

    Your healing will be at your own pace and it’s okay if it starts slow and progresses inch by inch because that is progress.

    You’ll have moments of feeling weak followed by bursts of being brave nevertheless what lies at your heart is always strength and resilience because you’ve made it so far and will continue to.

    I see you healing and I think it’s so beautiful.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Who you are becoming

    Lessons from life...

    You can’t rush who you are becoming.

    Life will unnerve you and take away all that you thought you needed.

    The security.

    The comfort.

    Life will make you question the twists and turns leading to anger, angst and agony.

    Life will send a quaking storm to shake you up and present a new fork in the road.

    Life will strip you down to your heart and soul, laying bare your inner truth.

    Life will throw sharp curveballs you least expect.

    Life will have you reeling from feeling so raw and vulnerable.

    Life will have you digging deeper into your own self, the roots and foundation of who you really are.

    Trust in this all, beautiful soul, because life is unfolding more of who you really are, in all its beautiful, wild, messy and divine timing.

    You are exactly the person you need to be right now, here in this very moment.

    Growth isn't linear...

    What’s the rush? There is no race. Often what feels like blocks and delays is the universe protecting you, keeping you on track for divine timing or even redirecting you.

    It’s all happening for you not to you.

    Life isn’t meant to be easy and breezy all the time and going perfectly to plan because if it was… what’s the point?

    It would be boring.

    Life is about growing and expanding that often happens most profoundly and deeply when you are uncomfortable and feeling into your edges.

    Life is not static and neither are you.

    You are becoming someone you haven’t been before, be patient – slow growth is beautiful too.

    Growth isn’t linear either it curls, goes sideways, plunges, shoots back up, stalls you get the point…

    Know here right now as you’re reading this, in this moment you are exactly who you need to be and exactly where you are meant to be.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Life is happening FOR you…

    Life is happening FOR you, not TO you

    You think your life is falling apart when really it is coming together.

    With every heartbreak you are moving closer towards the one you’re meant to be with… the one you choose over and over again.

    With every rejection you’re being redirected to the path that serves you best.

    With every morsel of pain, your wounds will heal and drip into wisdom.

    With every disappointment, the smiles of tomorrow will be a soothing balm.

    With every tear, you move closer to your divinity and inevitable happiness.

    With every loss, comes a gain, more than you could ever imagine.

    With every setback, you will fall and get back up one more time again.

    Life is not happening to you beautiful soul, life is happening for you.

    Finding your power

    growth is often disguised and delivered as painful lessons and challenges.

    we want growth on our terms, to feel like rainbow and sunshine dreams 🌈

    often our biggest growth isn’t in those moments though ☔️

    we get frustrated about why it has to be like this and if it could be less painful when truthfully this is the only way

    we need the tower moments and to be thrown off the cliff to realize the wings we have to fly and soar 🦋

    it’s up to you, suffering is optional, pain is inevitable so you can continue asking why me or decide that you’re a powerful co creator with life, that you can take responsibility for your inner world and have the grace to let go of the things you cannot control.

    it’s up to you, you always have a choice and will always have a choice, that is your power 💥

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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