Phi Dang

Clarity and Confidence Life Coach known as 'The Positivity Queen'. I help you go from stuck and self critical to courageous and empowered by overcoming your negative self talk so you can conquer anything.

  • If only you could see

    If only you could see...

    If only you could see yourself from the eyes of others.

    If only you could see yourself from the heart of others.

    If only you could see yourself from the soul of others.

    If only because in the moments you find yourself unworthy and unlovable – you would see, feel and know the truth.

    That truth is, that you are so deeply loved and cared for.

    Thank you for being you

    The way you see the world is so uniquely beautiful.

    The way you walk into a room lights it up.

    The way you laugh adds more joy and soulful positivity into this world.

    All these things that you don’t see in yourself, others do.

    When you face tough battles within yourself, it is my hope that you remember this all 🧡

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang
    🎥 @dkmarieauthor

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Good things are coming

    Move at your own pace

    Old energy is clearing and the new is ready to rush in.

    In the meantime, be kind to your mind, be kind to your body, be kind to your heart and be kind to your soul.

    Move at your own pace.

    The good is inevitable.

    Better days are on their way.

    Good things are coming

    Good things are coming.

    Good things are waiting for you.

    Good things are about to happen.

    Life has its high and lows. Life has its setbacks. The weight of sadness, grief and pain. The ache of a broken heart and stress of an overwhelmed mind. The frustration you feel being stuck with nowhere to go. The paralysis of anxiety and perfectionism. The yearning for hope and relief… there is more to come.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang
    🎥 @michelepirellii

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • The sun needs the moon

    The sun can't be the moon...

    It’s easy to feel tiny and insignificant when there’s almost 7.8 billion of us.

    We do a great job of recognising how amazing and special other people are but forget our own strengths and specialties.

    The sun and moon are great, yet the sun is special in its own way and so is the moon.

    The sun can’t be the moon or do its job and if it could we would lose out on the sun!

    Your existence is needed.

    Being you

    You would be missed by so many people if you weren’t here.

    Your life causes ripple effects throughout the world even if you don’t think so.

    That drunk girl you spoke to in the bathroom is thanking her stars she met you on a night out and finally got around to dumping her toxic ex.

    Your local barista who remembers your order off by heart not only because you order regularly but also because they appreciate you.

    That donation you made to charity has changed someone’s life and you’ll never even know about it.

    Significance isn’t about being here.

    Showing up.

    Being you 🧡

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang
    🎥 @secondsbymaya

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • The beautiful breakthroughs

    On growth...

    Maybe it’s the mishaps, mistakes and melancholy that lead to the most beautiful and unexpected spiritual breakthroughs.

    Growth isn’t always about the gains.

    It’s also about the losses.

    The Great Unlearning

    Like losing the weight of others’ opinions, your appetite for ego, your old self, the past and your mistakes, pleasing others, relationships that have run their course, self-criticism, self-sabotage, and your fixed mindset.

    This is what The Great Unlearning is all about 🔥

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • Living in the now

    Where you are right now...

    At the end of the day, there is no better place than where you are right now.

    There are times we have to let down our guard and allow ourselves to surrender to the present moment.

    Sure, you can be frustrated by the timing, but you could also let the time in between act as a catalyst for growth.

    In the now...

    After all, when we’re born, we’re in the present. There is no past, only what is unfolding right before your eyes.

    As we get older, we learn about dimensions of time beyond the present.

    We remember our past.

    We hope and plan for the future.

    We lose sight of our true selves until we return home into the here and now.

    We don’t find our true self in the dreams we yearn for or the fantasy of tomorrow or the memory of yesterday.

    We find it here.

    In the now.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

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  • The greatest gift of all

    Do not be afraid...

    Perhaps the light is absent because we still have a few things we need to understand about the darkness.

    Do not be afraid of darkness for you have the capacity to plunge into the depths of the ocean that is your soul. 

    I hope you remember...

    When everything seems too hard, I hope you remember the strength and resilience that has kept you here despite all the hardships and heartache you’ve endured.

    I hope you remember how deeply you’re loved.

    I hope you remember how much you’ve grown. I hope you remember the purity and innocence of your heart, with its vast capacity to love.

    I hope you remember how incredible it is that you’re here and get to experience the greatest gift of all: life.

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

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  • Don’t forget about the light

    It's always darkest before dawn

    Do not be afraid of the darkness for you have the capacity to plunge into the depths of the ocean that is your soul.

    Even the darkest of nights end when the sun rises.

    It’s always darkest before dawn.

    Even the biggest waves will surrender and subside.

    The light is always here

    I know some days turn into nights and everything seems so unbearable you want to escape into darkness.

    When everything is dark, don’t forget about the light.

    Turn within and whisper to your soul.

    Place your hand over your heart and feel the devotion that beats for you.

    Some of the best days of your life are yet to happen.

    Some of the best moments of your life are yet to be had.

    The light is always here even obscured…

    📖 The Great Unlearning by Phi Dang

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  • Healing is a journey

    Healing is a journey

    When you feel weak and sad, remember that you are made from the same stuff that makes the stars shine so bright.

    The same stuff that makes the ocean ebb and flow.

    The same stuff as that sun that bursts joy into the sky.

    Healing is a journey.

    I hope you never forget...

    I hope you never forget your enduring strength and resilience for you have fought many internal battles and wars that no one knows about.

    I hope you never forget your divine nature that the universe would never give you anything that you couldn’t handle.

    I hope you never forget how loved and supported you always are.

    Click here to read more

  • Life is tough but so are you

    Life is tough but so are you

    When you ask the universe to go to the next level, don’t be surprised when it feels like life is too hard, almost unbearable at times.

    Your strength resides deep within you, even when it doesn’t feel like it.

    The universe would never give you anything you couldn’t handle.

    Life is tough but so are you.

    Stepping into your power

    What you can take out of this all, is that if you’re seeking spiritual breakthroughs, you can expect a clearing to make space for new growth.

    When you ask the universe to go to the next level, don’t be surprised if people leave your life and tell you that you’ve changed (like that’s a bad thing! It’s in your nature to evolve and transform, not to stay the same).

    When you ask the universe to go to the next level, don’t be surprised when it feels like your heart is bursting open at the seams and your soul is shaking.

    You’ll experience the rise of emotions you’ve hidden or repressed, and they’ll leave you trembling and questioning everything.

    During this time, you are collapsing old stories and stepping into your power. 💥

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