Phi Dang

Clarity and Confidence Life Coach known as 'The Positivity Queen'. I help you go from stuck and self critical to courageous and empowered by overcoming your negative self talk so you can conquer anything.

  • Awareness is the light of consciousness

    On healing

    Repeat after me:

    You cannot heal what is not revealed.

    You cannot heal if you don’t feel.

    You cannot heal what is not revealed.

    Consciousness, intention & awareness

    This is the number 1 starting point for all things personal growth without a doubt.

    It’s awareness 👁

    If you don’t know, how can you change it?

    Consciousness and intention are the keys to personal growth and self development.

    It’s not just about mental awareness it’s also about emotional intelligence + embodiment.

    The body has the wisest inbuilt internal GPS – the secret is to actually listen to the subtle whispers instead of the screaming and shouting when you aren’t.

    Awareness also is important in recognizing that something is out of alignment for you.

    There’s nothing wrong with you.

    There is no shame.

    We all carry wounds that have healed and some that we hide from the light of day… it’s human.

    Further to that anything can become an act of personal growth and spiritual strengthening through the act of awareness.

    Awareness is the light of consciousness ✨

    Ready to take your awareness to the next level?

    Im holding a free 5 day masterclass next week to kick start your 2022 with consciousness, intention and growth!

    DM me to join (there will be replays for those who can’t make it live)

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready for personalised support and guidance on your healing journey?

    I’d love to work with you through 1:1 coaching ⚡️

    Click here to read more

  • The experience of being human…

    Being human is beautiful

    Being human isn’t just pain, suffering, war, crisis.

    Being human is falling asleep on the couch.

    Being human is smiling for no reason at all.

    Being human is getting curious about conspiracy theories.

    Being human is talking out loud to yourself.

    Being human is watching the stars in the sky.

    Being human is singing into your hairbrush.

    Being human is dancing like no one is watching.

    Being human is laughing so much you snort.

    Being human is eating mac and cheese out of the microwave.

    Being human is pulling funny faces in the mirror.

    Being human is smelling flowers.

    Being human is seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary.

    Being human is beautiful.

    Coming home to yourself

    Oh to be human! I’m the midst of overwhelming pain and change it can feel dark.

    Even in the darkness, remember there is always light within you 🤍

    Things aren’t perfect collectively and there’s a lot to work on. To speak your truth. To speak louder. To take action.

    Collective change also happens with you.

    You’re busy fighting for the world but who is fighting for you?

    Embrace that you are here, in human form.

    You’re allowed to also just be.

    The experience of living.

    The experience of being human.

    Come home to yourself with kindness, love, compassion and appreciation in life 🦋 if you’re ready to and looking for support + guidance I would love to help through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 🧡

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  • Being soft in love

    Be soft in love, beautiful soul

    Maybe your experiences of love have hardened you.

    You don’t have to carry mountains of pains.

    You don’t have to fight the wars that don’t belong to you.

    Being hard won’t let love in and it certainly won’t heal your heart.

    You will build walls thinking you are protecting yourself but what you are doing is preventing love from coming in.

    Be soft in love, beautiful soul.

    The soft that melts sharpened edges and takes the edge off it all.

    Soft is not weak.

    Soft is strong.

    Soft looks beautiful on you.

    More on love

    be the soft one in love 🌹

    the one who kisses someone’s lips but also their heart & soul

    the one who cares deeply, that isn’t a weakness that is a strength.

    the one that always finds a reason to smile and get back up when pushed down.

    the one who is gentle in every way, the best way.

    the one who is the quiet strength in the middle of a hurricane despite al the chaos.

    the one who tries not because they have to but because they want to with a full heart.

    the world is full of those who have been hardened by hurt & pain, that will continue if we choose to sharpen our edges.

    don’t be the sharp pain of knife but the soothing hug and kiss.

    let us soften in love, let us melt, let us do so in strength & beauty.

    here’s to being soft in love 🧡

    love & positivity ✨ phi

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  • On trusting the present

    You are the catalyst

    You are making waves in oceans that cannot be seen yet.

    You are making tremors in earthquakes that cannot be felt yet.

    You are making sparks in lightning that haven’t struck yet.

    You are making heat in blazes that haven’t burned yet.

    You are the catalyst.

    You are the power.

    Just because it’s not here yet, doesn’t mean it’s not happening…

    It’s simply in the making.

    Tuning into the present

    There’s nothing more exciting then the taste of potentiality on the tip of your tongue.

    The way it lights up your body, atom by atom, cell by cell.

    The way it pours and floods into every fibre of your being with.

    There is so much happening even if you can’t quite see it, or feel it or touch it…

    The universe conspiring behind the scenes, pulling the strings, waiting for the perfect moment.

    This beautiful flow… this beautiful magic… this beautiful synchronicity cannot be be controlled, at times it can’t even be comprehended..

    Your current reality is only a snapshot of the infinite potentiality that exists.

    Know that it is all coming together…

    If you know that you aren’t worried about timing.

    You aren’t worried about what ISN’T happening.

    You’re simply here tuning into the present moment with full faith and alignment 💫

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    🌀 Ready to tune in deeper to your intuition, to learn how to have faith and trust, to confront your fears with clarity and confidence? Let’s work together through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading.

    Contact me for more details 🧡

    Trust the curiosity… trust the pull ✨

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  • The struggles of change

    Change can be...

    Beautiful soul, change can be lovely.

    It can be oh so beautiful…

    However sometimes change is cruel.

    Change can be trying to keep your head above water.

    Change can be stirring beneath the surface.

    Change can be getting caught between two worlds.

    Change can be the crushing weight of the world.

    Change can be lingering, waiting in the shadows.

    Change can be torture and agony, bleeding out.

    Change can be silence, with not a word said.

    Change can be turbulent, aching to break free.

    Change can be a baptism of fire, burning alive.

    Change can be a graveyard, haunted by your mistakes.

    Change can be painful, but change is how we grow.

    Become the butterfly, open to change

    Many of us believe change is a good thing, in fact we desire it and we think it will be enjoyable and pleasant.

    Sometimes it is.

    Sometimes it isn’t.

    It can be uncomfortable and unpleasant.

    It can be slow, tedious and drawn out.

    It can cause anxiety, stress, disruption and even depression in some cases.

    Despite the growing pains it doesn’t mean change is bad.

    Whether we initiate it or not, whether we are are prepared or not… change
    happens inevitably.

    To help us grow and expand, to be come our highest selves living our life in alignment with our soul and values.

    Just as the caterpillar becomes a butterfly be willing and open to change.

    Be open to letting go and shedding who you’ve been.

    Be open to letting go of the past and old patterns.

    Be open to who you are now and who you are becoming 🦋

    Sometimes the change won’t make sense, you won’t quite understand it — go with it, see where it takes you.

    Have faith knowing that any change happening is change that you can handle 💫

    Here’s to your highest growth 🚀

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready to embrace change to the fullest? To change with support and guidance with me along your side? I would love to help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 🧡

    Click here to read more

  • My heart reminds me I’m alive

    I'm grateful for it all

    I’m grateful for all that my heart feels.

    I’m grateful for the way it beats with pride and joy.

    I’m grateful in the way in floats with excitement and swells with tenderness.

    I’m grateful when it feels heavy and anchored.

    I’m grateful when it feels like being crushed alive.

    I’m grateful when it swoons with delight and wonder.

    I’m grateful when it races to the rush and thrill of it all.

    I’m grateful when it aches and I feel every time it bleeds.

    I’m grateful when it rushes off the cliff and suspends itself for a moment in time.

    I’m grateful because my heart reminds me I’m alive.

    On following my heart

    Sometimes I really resent my heart.

    Following my heart has led to painful situations that my mind wanted to avoid.

    Following my heart has led to judgement from others who wouldn’t understand.

    Following my heart has led to more difficult decisions that could logically be answered.

    Following my heart has led me to a life beyond logic and my wildest dreams.

    Following my heart has led to deepened love that has changed my life in ways I never knew it could.

    Following my heart has never been wrong even when I’ve felt that I couldn’t handle the heartache that wouldn’t stop coming in waves.

    We live in a society that values logic and the brain.

    After my dad died I made a conscious decision to live with my heart because I realized my mind caused me so much pain.

    Use the weekends to work and make money instead of spending time with family and friends (if I could go back in time to spend one more minute with my dad I would).

    Do the logical thing that makes you unhappy but theoretically will give you what you want (I stayed in a job where I felt unhappy but made up for it in my bank account – being miserable and wealthy is no fun).

    You’re going to have so much time to do the other things (spoiler alert; we only have the present moment) – it’s short term sacrifice for long term gain.

    When my dad died, initially I could not feel my heart.

    I was so overwhelmed with grief, pain and shock that I went into shut down.

    I numbed everything out… and I did not feel anymore.

    I would later be diagnosed with onset delayed grief that led me to a dark dark place because to live without feeling made me feel like a zombie not truly alive.

    I literally remember being so numb wishing I could feel something even pain! Even to cry would be something.

    The day my heart came back I was elated.

    Even as I navigate tough times with my heart I am so grateful.

    I am grateful for this mighty muscle that physically keeps me alive but also reminds me that I am truly alive.

    How is your heart today?

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Are you ready to reconnect with your heart? To live a soul led life? I’d love to help you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading 🧡

    Click here to read more

  • Are you falling apart, or falling together?

    The future is coming

    And maybe it’s not that everything is falling apart rather that everything is falling together… that doesn’t make it easy.

    At times it doesn’t feel fair.

    And that is life in itself.

    It’s not good or bad.

    It’s not fair or unfair.

    It just is.

    What would life be like without change?

    The same. Stagnant. Boring.

    It’s only natural that when you evolve, your life will do so too.

    The ebbs and flows, the highs and lows.

    When life falls apart, know that the future is coming… so for now enjoy the ride and know that one day you’ll look back knowing that it all fell apart to come together.

    Accepting change

    When everything is changing and falling apart it can be easy to get sucked up into it 🌊

    It feels as if you’re drowning, struggling to break the surface and grasping for air.

    It feels uncomfortable as if a new version of you is trying to emerge but not quite there. You want to break free from the skin you’re in.

    It feels like a rollercoaster of emotions where one day you’re up and the next you’re down so low.

    It’s how I’ve been feeling and many of my clients too.

    When I’m in the depths of the waters of change I bring it back to this one truth that grounds me.

    Change is a part of life.

    My ego may not like that, but it’s true.

    Who is my ego to think that change can only happen on my terms and my timeline only?

    When I check in with my soul deep down inside, I know that I’ve been in the comfort zone for too long. For wanting of everything to be easy and breezy… and that is probably when I need change the most.

    🌬 To come in and shake things up.

    To help my personal growth and expansion.

    To align with my highest self and values.

    Here’s to change – we may not like it but we need it.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Navigating the waters of change and desiring support and guidance? I’d love to dive deep with you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading. Contact me for more info 🐋

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  • Slow growth is still growth

    On growing...

    Beautiful soul, I hope you remember the beauty in slow growth.

    I hope you know it’s okay to grow slowly.

    In the way that the sea erodes the rocks to make way for majestic cliffs.

    In the way that a drop in the ocean becomes tidal waves.

    In the way that a caterpillar slows down into its cocoon to emerge a beautiful butterfly.

    In the way a seedling becomes a mighty tree and in turn a grand forest.

    In the way that you are changing and growing.

    Slow growth is still growth.

    More on growth

    Our hearts are heavy as we watch others get everything instantly that we so desire… I’ve seen this in myself and I work through this with my clients.

    Can we take a moment to celebrate slow growth in a society obsessed with instant results and quantum leaps?

    Can we celebrate the business owner who has been at it for 10 years to finally crack a profit?

    Can we celebrate the Olympian who has trained for 15 years just to have a chance at the medal?

    Can we celebrate the wine that has been maturing in the cellar to be ready for a grand celebration in time?

    Can we celebrate the person that has taken 3 years to get over their addiction?

    Slow is nice too.

    I love a hot and heavy moment don’t get me wrong but I also love a tender, gentle build up filled with tension and longing… 😉

    Grow slowly. Grow quickly.

    Grow 🌱

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready for your growth?

    Mindset led growth. Energy led growth. Self love led growth. Purpose led growth.

    I would love to work with you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading, contact me for more details 🌸

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  • Here’s the thing about power…

    The thing about power

    Here’s the thing about power.

    It’s EASY to be powerful when everything is going your way based on your desires and expectations.

    True power though?

    Is holding your vision and your power when everything isn’t going your way.

    When it feels like everything is going wrong.

    When everything starts to crumble.

    When you start losing everything.

    When you want to give up and just cry.

    When no one believes in you.

    When you are left standing alone.

    When your mind convinces you that it isn’t happening and won’t ever happen for you.

    When you’re being thrown into the deep end with challenge after challenge.

    When everything is confusing, disheartening and to be honest, really hard.

    That’s power.

    Not giving up on yourself when quite frankly, it would be easy to.

    You are already powerful

    What I’ve learnt about power after coaching women and men of all ages around the world.

    I’m going cut through the bull that’s out there and go straight 🎯


    No matter what has happened.

    You’ve made mistakes.

    You’re not making money.

    You’ve lost everything.

    Because the power is ALWAYS and ALREADY inside of you 💥

    At times it’s hidden and drowned out by negative self talk and layers of conditioning and programming.

    That’s what I do as a life coach.

    I help my clients step back into their power always and ohhhhh the places they go 🚀…

    ❤️‍🔥 Soul fulfilling relationships
    ❤️‍🔥 Booked our businesses
    ❤️‍🔥 Dream jobs
    ❤️‍🔥 Freedom with money + travel
    ❤️‍🔥 Next level happiness

    Aalllll of the things.

    And here’s the thing.

    It COULD be you too.

    It first starts with acknowledging your power and cutting out the poor me victim mode (I’m kind, I’m loving and I’m honest 🤗🧡)

    As a coach I’m not that friend that tells you what you want to hear… I’m telling you what you NEED to hear and asking you the questions to make those 🤯💡moments.

    Secondly are you ready to talk the talk aaaand walk the walk? 🥴

    If this is resonating deeply and feeling like medicine to your soul… join me on my 5 day masterclass series. The final masterclass is “Step into your Power” ❤️‍🔥

    It’s free (and will become a paid offering). We start 14 Feb, DM me to join.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    For the beautiful soul who is reading this and feeling the pull to work with me 1:1.

    ⚡️Are you truly READY to be ACTIVATED? To wake up to your wounds and triggers (and actually move through and resolve them).

    ⚡️To step into your power (because it’s not always easy) but daaaamn from first hard experience it’s worth t when you’re living your dreams everyday.

    ⚡️To back it up with deep devotion (mmmm honey 🍯) committing financially, mentally and physically?

    If so, get in touch – l would love to find out more about you and see if I can help 🧡

    Click here to read more

  • You are a human, being

    Your best days are yet to come

    Beautiful Soul, I know there are some days that turn to nights where everything seems unbearable where you want to escape it all and fade into darkness.

    When it’s dark, don’t forget about the light.

    Turn within and whisper to your soul.

    Place your hand on your heart and feel the devotion that beats for you.

    Some of the best days of your life are yet to happen.

    Some of the best moments of your life are yet to be had.

    Some of the best memories you’ll never forget are yet to be made.

    The people you’ll meet.

    The souls you’ll fall in love with.

    The excitement that’s yet to unfold.

    The mystery and magic of the universe waiting to reveal itself.

    Hold on, you’re just on one page and there’s novels still being written.

    Keep writing your story

    To you, who’s hurting and feeling broken perhaps even numb. Questioning whether life is worth living, this is for you. Perhaps it’s been a bad day or a rough period.

    You may doubt yourself. (Doesn’t meant that you’re not full of potential and capabilities!)

    You may feel like you’re a burden. (Doesn’t mean that you are!)

    You may want it all to end. (Doesn’t mean your life or life itself isn’t worth living!)

    You may feel like a failure. (Doesn’t mean that you are! What even is failure really?)

    You may feel unworthy of love. (You’re beyond it, you are love)

    Because you’re a human being.

    Being a human being is complex! A swirl of life, death, happiness, sadness, a duality of holding and being everything all at once.

    Life is tough but so are you.

    When we are in the depths of despair, our shadow takes over.

    Our mind can convince us that there’s no hope or possibility of change… yet it’s a guarantee of life that things will always change.

    Life is a dance between the ever changing forces of destruction and creation, we cycle in and out.

    Life is every moving, dynamic, shifting, growing, evolving, collapsing, shrinking, expanding and so are we.

    When we are in the darkness it feels as if we are doomed forever.

    Don’t let the darkness fool you for the light is not only around the corner but within you.

    Keep going.

    We need your unique essence and energy in this world.

    You are wanted in this world – in all your wholeness: good, bad, ugly, beautiful, broken, put together – aaaalll of it is a gift and blessing.

    There are many pages of your life story to be written.

    Characters to be introduced.

    New plot lines and sub stories.

    An accompanying soundtrack and movie perhaps.

    I hope you realise that life is a gift and so are you, hold on – pain ends.

    From the ashes of destruction comes the greatest come back, a rebirth of the soul ready to rise and thrive ☄️

    Keep writing your story and turning the pages ✍️

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Looking to work with me? I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Contact me for more info 🧡 I’d love to help you live a life that lights up your soul ❤️‍🔥💫

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