
  • Slow growth is still growth

    On growing...

    Beautiful soul, I hope you remember the beauty in slow growth.

    I hope you know it’s okay to grow slowly.

    In the way that the sea erodes the rocks to make way for majestic cliffs.

    In the way that a drop in the ocean becomes tidal waves.

    In the way that a caterpillar slows down into its cocoon to emerge a beautiful butterfly.

    In the way a seedling becomes a mighty tree and in turn a grand forest.

    In the way that you are changing and growing.

    Slow growth is still growth.

    More on growth

    Our hearts are heavy as we watch others get everything instantly that we so desire… I’ve seen this in myself and I work through this with my clients.

    Can we take a moment to celebrate slow growth in a society obsessed with instant results and quantum leaps?

    Can we celebrate the business owner who has been at it for 10 years to finally crack a profit?

    Can we celebrate the Olympian who has trained for 15 years just to have a chance at the medal?

    Can we celebrate the wine that has been maturing in the cellar to be ready for a grand celebration in time?

    Can we celebrate the person that has taken 3 years to get over their addiction?

    Slow is nice too.

    I love a hot and heavy moment don’t get me wrong but I also love a tender, gentle build up filled with tension and longing… 😉

    Grow slowly. Grow quickly.

    Grow 🌱

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    Ready for your growth?

    Mindset led growth. Energy led growth. Self love led growth. Purpose led growth.

    I would love to work with you through 1:1 coaching or a human design reading, contact me for more details 🌸

    Click here to read more

  • Do you want to start living your true potential?

    Your potential activates when...

    The biggest flex of this year is to stop playing with your potential and to start living it.

    Life is full of endless possibilities and you are full of power and potential.

    Start where you are, with what you have and do what you can because if you don’t full live you’ll never know what you are truly capable of.

    Potential doesn’t reside in the comfort zone.

    Potential activates in the breath of bravery.

    Potential activates in the cusp of courage.

    Potential activates in the depths of discomfort.

    Potential activates in facing your fears.

    Potential activates in open opportunities.

    Potential activates in the leaps of faith.

    Potential activates when you keep looking forward and never back.

    Without your opt in potential will stay just that.

    On making it happen

    Many people think that failing is the worst thing that could ever happen but nothing will haunt you more in life is not living up to your potential.

    Abandoned dreams.

    Ignored ideas.

    Sacrificial settling.

    As Les Brown said “The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.”

    The only way and time to tap into your potential is … NOW.

    Potential doesn’t care what happened to you before.

    Potential doesn’t care that you have or haven’t been a high achiever in the past.

    Potential doesn’t care for the future if it never sees the light of day.

    Potential cares about the PRESENT.

    Not when you have the money.

    Not when the opportunity comes.

    Not when you have the time.


    Through your potential you will create money.

    Through your potential opportunities will come.

    Through your potential you will prioritize and find time.

    Face your fears.

    Stop the excuses.

    Find the way.

    Blaze the trail.

    Make it happen.

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    I can help you fulfil your highest potential through 1:1 coaching. I’ve seen clients attain their dream careers or book out their own businesses. I’ve seen clients abundant beyond their wildest dreams with the love of their life. Contact me for more info ⚡️

    Click here to read more

  • 28: Impact of Fear

    Episode Summary of The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 28: Impact of Fear

    Fear can play a prominent role in the lives of many. Ironically it makes us do a lot of things yet also stops us from doing a lot of things. Learn more about the impact of fear in your life and what is going on inside your brain. An inspiring take on fear and how it can elevate your growth!

    What you'll learn from this episode

    • How fear stops you from living life fully​
    • Fear paralysis and how it keeps you stuck
    • How to break the cycle of fear
    • Spiritual meanings of fear
    • How to overcome fear and it’s not do with your mind or mindset
    • What happens to the brain and body when we experience fear​
    • The fight or flight evolutionary response​
    • An exercise to demonstrate the power of your mind and brain on fear​
    • Fear and regret​
    • Helpful codes and quotes on fear​
    • The Bible and Fear​
    • Common fears a life coach sees​
    • An exclusive: a life coach’s hot tip on fear and growth​

    Key Quotes from this Episode

    Focus on who you want to be and what you want to achieve not on your fears.

    Instead of falling to fear, how can you rise in fear?

    Wake up and realise every day you are dying, so make the most of every moment

    Featured Resources on the episode

    Show Transcript

    [Introduction to the Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang plays – Background Music: upbeat, confident, rising beat]:

    Don’t just go through life, grow through it. Don’t just go through life, grow through it.

    Hi and Welcome to the Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang.

    My name is Phi and I am a Clarity and Confidence Life Coach known as the “The Positivity Queen.”

    My passion is to help you go from stuck and self critical to courageous and empowered so you can conquer anything.

    Join me, every Tuesday, as I discuss all things mindset, self love, energy and purpose.

    This podcast won’t just inspire and motivate you, it will also provide practical tips and strategies you can implement in your daily life.

    Ready to grow? Let’s grow!

    [Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang End of Intro]

    [Episode 28 – Impact of Fear]

    Impact of Fear Introduction

    Top 10 Life Coaches To Watch as Named by New York Weekly

    Hello Beautiful Soul!

    In the most exciting news, I’ve been named one of the top 10 life coaches to watch out for in 2021 by New York Weekly. So so exciting. Thank you for all the love over on my Instagram my heart and soul are overwhelmed and overjoyed with all the celebrations. It means the world to me.

    This week I’ve been reflecting on fear which is what today’s episode is all about.

    Fear supposedly protects you and keeps you alive. 

    Which is does to a degree but really it keeps you from being truly alive.

    It is keeping you stuck, small and scared.

    Fear stops you from living life fully

    Fear keeps you from doing all the things.

    Falling in love.

    Breaking up.

    Starting your own business.

    Quitting your job.

    Pursuing your dream career.

    Being who you really are.

    Speaking up.

    Showing your face.

    Changing your life.

    It’s keeping you from life!

    Fear paralyses you and keeps you stuck

    When fear paralyses you – you aren’t even getting a chance to be successful, to be truly happy because you’re stopping in your tracks before you can even start!

    It’s very much the quote that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

    It’s ironic that fear makes us do a lot of things but it also keeps us from doing a lot of things.

    Fear is a cycle.

    How to break the cycle of fear

    How do you break it?

    It’s not that you have to push, make or force yourself to not be fearful.

    To feel scared is natural – fearful – it has the energy of mental stories behind it, conditioning, lack.

    My approach and what I talk about with my clients is to feel the edges of the fear.

    How does it feel in your body?

    Does it weigh heavily?

    Is it in your stomach?

    To feel it deeply and allow yourself the natural process of feeling your emotions.

    To meet that edge and rise above the fear.

    The meanings of fear spiritually

    Fear has two meanings.

    Forget everything and run or face everything and rise.

    The choice is yours.

    Use your body to overcome fear not your mind

    And really when you embody it, you realise that it isn’t thinking or your mind that will help you overcome fear.

    It’s feeling deeply into your body and taking inspired action accordingly.

    Do the damn thing that edges you out of your comfort zone.

    Invest in yourself.

    Quit the job.

    Start again.

    Focus on who you want to be and what you want to achieve not on your fears. 

    The body is so vital to the experience of fear because it’s experienced in our mind but physically felt in our body through a strong reaction or response.

    What happens to the brain and body when we experience fear

    The amygdala is a small almond shaped organ in the middle of your brain that is triggered when you experience fear which in turn releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline – the fight or flight response.

    Your pupils dilate. 

    Your blood pressure increases, your heart starts racing faster and faster.

    Your body is literally going into evolutionary mode, sharpening its senses which is to brace itself for life – to fight for survival or flee for survival.

    I’ve mentioned this several times across the podcast that whilst humans have evolved quickly and rapidly the brain hasn’t quite caught up.

    The fight or flight evolutionary response

    This fight or flight response happens when you’re not even in physical danger as our ancestors were from hungry animals or raging weather conditions.

    It could be you being nervous about a big presentation or work. 

    Perhaps it’s running into an ex.

    Maybe it’s about what your friends think about you.

    This response is triggered and guess what?

    The brain cannot distinguish between reality and imagination so when you think of a memory when you were fearful it will and can feel so real in the body.

    An exercise to demonstrate the power of your mind and brain on fear

    Try it.

    Recall a time you were really scared in your life like a movie, see the visuals and feel it in your body. You can literally cause the stress response in the body.

    That is why my coaching is rooted in energetics and being in the body because the mind can do all sorts of lies and trickery such as fear.

    As I’ve even posted about on Instagram, your brain is wired for survival not happiness. 

    Fear and regret

    The thing is yes you can run from fear but often life will repeat itself and put you in situations until move through that fear to learn, grow, evolve and expand. 

    Remember this when it comes to fear, it is temporary.

    Regret is a strong and powerful emotion – we live one life. What are you going to do in this lifetime.

    Who are you going to be?

    Wake up and realise every day you are dying, so make the most of every moment.

    Don’t lead with fear because that energy is so vastly different to the power of leading with love and intention. 

    Helpful codes and quotes on fear

    I love quotes, always have and always will. 

    I want to share some codes on fear through quotes to help you evolve and grow to your next level.

    “Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see. You choose!”

    “Never trust your fears, they don’t know your strength”

    “Courage is the resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear”

    “The fears we don’t face become our limits”

    The Bible and Fear

    It’s interesting too that the Bible, a very ancient text says ‘fear not,’ ‘don’t worry’ and ‘be anxious for nothing’ over 300 times.

    Fear is a part of the human experience and it is one of our greatest teachers when we let it go, when we move through it.

    Instead of falling to fear, how can you rise in fear?

    Common fears a life coach sees

    Many of my clients experience fears that are not unfounded.

    It feels so real in their minds.

    The two most commons ones are fear of showing up and being seen and a fear that they’ll never be in a relationship again.

    Together we move past this by identifying and bringing perspective to these fears and briefly visiting why these fears exist in their mind.

    A life coach's hot tip on fear and growth

    I’ll give you a huge hint as a life coach, if you want to quickly grow – do the things you’re scared of.

    In your work, you’ll encounter the fears, work up to move past them and grow.

    Those who face fear head on and move through it, grow in quantum leaps.

    Episode closing Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang 28: Impact of Fear

    If your ready to rise above your fears and be your best self, please get in touch. I would love to help you grow beyond your current limits and dive into juicy expansion to know who you are when you meet fears (the answer: unwavering and unshakable)!

    Until next Tuesday beautiful soul.

    Love & Positivity, Phi 

    [Episode 28 – Impact of Fear Outro]

    Are you wanting to find out more about 1:1 Coaching or working with me? Maybe perhaps you want to know more about me. I’d love to connect with you. You can visit my website or connect with me on Instagram @thephidang. Speak to you soon.

    Additional reading and resources on fear

    Click here to read more

  • You have to start thinking of yourself as the main character

    Are you living life or is your mind in the drivers seat?

    Life is so precious, why spend moments at war with yourself?

    Separate yourself from your mind.

    Free yourself from your mind.

    Become the one who uses their mind not the other way around.

    How to start being the main character?

    So often we are longing for the past or dreaming ahead of the future that we forget to be here right now.

    The gift of life and this present moment.

    Don’t let life slip by you whilst you weren’t here. Now. Fully living it.

    Watch your thoughts.

    Let go and just be 🦋

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

    Click here to read more

  • The #1 thing in your life right now that is keeping you small, stuck and scared.

    The #1 thing in your life right now that is keeping you small, stuck and scared.

    That #1 thing is you… your mind 🧠

    Letting it convince you that…

    “You can’t do that, it’s impossible, it’s too hard…”

    “Who am I…?”

    “Someone else will do it”

    If life is the ocean, you can’t just stand at the shore watching the waves come in and out.

    Life starts when you get in 🌊

    Step by step, deeper and deeper.

    When you make a big wave, when you go all in, the universe will see you 👁 and send it right back tenfold 〰️

    I’ve seen this in my own journey investing in myself and seeing my clients step up and claim their power by investing in coaching ⚡️⚡️⚡️

    Even little tiny ripples add up to create waves… tsunamis…

    It’s not all about big gestures to create waves, the steady flow of little tiny steps add up.

    What are you holding yourself back from?

    Get ready to surf 🏄🏼‍♀️

    love & positivity ✨ phi 👁

    🌊 Ready to make waves in your life? 

    Get in touch with me, let’s chat about 1:1 coaching 〰️

    Click here to read more

  • 22: Possibility

    Episode Summary of The Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang, 22: Possibility

    This is a short, sweet, punchy episode on all about possibility. It’s inspiring, it’s motivating, it is uplifting. There is SO much possibility in your life. Be open to all the ways every single possibility can be unlocked, opened and received in your life.

    What you'll learn from this episode

    • The power and magic of possibility
    • What your mind does to possibility and how it keeps you small, scared and stuck
    • Your life, the universe is like a candy store!! So fun
    • Breaking free from the stuck energetics of your mind

    Key Quotes from this Episode

    There is infinite possibility in this world, in this universe yet our mind likes to keep us stuck, scared and small.

    Your mind is designed to help you survive, not to be happy.

    You are made of the freaking stars, of everything in this universe.

    Featured Resources on the episode

    Show Transcript

    [Introduction to the Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang plays – Background Music: upbeat, confident, rising beat]:

    Don’t just go through life, grow through it. Don’t just go through life, grow through it.

    Hi and Welcome to the Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang.

    My name is Phi and I am a Clarity and Confidence Life Coach known as the “The Positivity Queen.”

    My passion is to help you go from stuck and self critical to courageous and empowered so you can conquer anything.

    Join me, every Tuesday, as I discuss all things mindset, self love, energy and purpose.

    This podcast won’t just inspire and motivate you, it will also provide practical tips and strategies you can implement in your daily life.

    Ready to grow? Let’s grow!

    [Grow Through It Podcast With Phi Dang End of Intro]

    [Episode 22 – Possibility: Begins]

    Possibility Introduction

    Hello beautiful souls!

    I hope you had a wonderful Easter break – goodness I am so tired but I had the best weekend.

    The sun was shining. I got to see and catch up with a lot of friends, soak in the sunshine, ocean swims, fairy floss sunsets it was so beautiful.

    Unexpectedly I had a visit from a friend Lisa who I met in my coaches current program Art of Alignment and oh my goodness it was a pleasure to meet Lisa in person and she’s really inspired this podcast episode which is all about possibility.

    Your mind and possibility

    Juicy juicy possibility!!!

    I love possibility.

    There is infinite possibility in this world, in this universe yet our mind likes to keep us stuck, scared and small.

    Your mind is designed to help you survive, not to be happy.

    Yes, mind freaking blown.

    Your mind is designed to help you survive, not to be happy.

    I’ll let that sink in.

    Your mind wants to protect you so that you don’t take risks but it keeps you small.

    Small, scared and stuck

    Where are you currently feeling stuck, small and scared in your life?

    Where can you let in space, for expansion, for growth?

    This lifetime is like being a kid in the candy store.

    So many different possibilities. Flavours, types, colours.

    Where do you have blinders on in your life that you cant see all the possibilities.

    Can you ask yourself where you can let in more? 

    To awaken to more options, ways of doing things.

    Moving with the universe and possibility

    The universe is always supporting you and expanding you.

    Knowing this, how do you move in the world? How do you feel? How do you act?

    I get so excited thinking about possibilities and my life. My clients and their possibility!

    Like oooooh what if this happens or ooooh it didn’t happen but maybe life has something even better in stall for me, for my clients.

    Something more juicy. More expansive. More fun.

    So really I’m telling you, the world is your oyster.

    The world is your oyster

    The world is always giving you signals, invitations.

    The thing is are you open?

    Are you open to receiving the signs, the invitations, the manifestations?

    Upcoming manifestation masterclass

    Speaking of, I am in the flow and working on my new juicy manifestation masterclass in the background which I will be launching at the end of next week. Super exciting.

    If you’re interested I will have early bird pricing which will mean it is at it’s most accessible right now until I launch it wooo wooooo! If you’re interested get in touch my loves and I’ll send you the link.

    Possibility Inspiration

    A short and sweet episode today.

    Let it marinade.

    Bask in all your possibilities.

    Stop playing small and break your big game.

    Show yourself and the universe what you’re made of, what you’re capable of you beautiful soul.

    You are made of the freaking stars, of everything in this universe.

    You’re the ocean, stars, blood all in one.

    You are magic.

    You have so much potential and possibility.

    The world can’t wait to see and I can’t wait to see too… 

    Episode closing Grow Through It Podcast with Phi Dang 22: Possibility

    Until next Tuesday beautiful soul, love and possibility. 

    Haha how funny it just  came out like that! 

    Love and positivity.  

    Click here to read more

  • The art of Fika

    Be more Fika! Discover and embrace this easy, simple and popular Swedish philosophy which has so many benefits professionally and personally. This article will explore The art of Fika, what is Fika, how to be Fika and the benefits of Fika.

    What is Fika? Fika Meaning – Fika Definition

    Fika is not only a noun and a verb, it is a Swedish concept and state of mind. Fika is known as a coffee break but it is much more than that!

    Fika is a moment to slow down, to appreciate the good things in life.

    To unplug from the ever busy world we live in and embrace the slowness of life.

    To meaningfully connect with someone over a coffee or tea. No phones, no mind chatter, no distractions.

    To accept and be in the moment.

    This concept resonates with many cultures around the world.

    To have a coffee or tea break. To take a moment for yourself. To get your mind off things. To hone in on the present moment. A breather as Australians would say. 

    Fika in Sweden – Is it just afternoon Fika? It is interesting to note that Fika is actually taken multiple times throughout the day in Sweden, “almost all employers in Sweden encourage their employees to enjoy fika twice a day when at work; 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the afternoon.” This emphasises the importance of more than one break in a working day which is easy to forget when you are caught up in the hustle and grind of work. 

    Next time you find yourself at work feeling stressed or when life is flying by – Fika.

    Coffee anyone?

    Coffee anyone? The art of Fika

    The art of Fika – Coffee break

    Five ways to be more Fika at work

    The benefits of Fika

    Fika cafe locations around the world

    Fika locations around the world
    Fika locations around the world

    Fika in the USA

    Fika New York. Fika NYC – Konditori, a Swedish Fika Espresso Bar in New York. In fact Konditori means a traditional gathering place to enjoy warm drinks, delicious baked goods and treats – Very Fika! Fika Hattiesberg in Mississippi known for it’s cosy and relaxing atmosphere with delicious sandwiches. 

    Fika in Australia 

    In Perth, Fika on Brix who pride themselves on excellent coffee. Melbourne has several FIKA cafes. FI:KA in Hawthorn (Fika Hawthorn), Melbourne – a very instragrammable location with its pink theme and drool-worthy rainbow hotcakes. In Ballarat FIKA Coffee Brewers has quickly established itself as the Fika hub of Ballarat with is all about attention to detail and considerations from the first sip. Fika Manly – Fika Swedish Kitchen and Fika Bondi in Sydney NSW. Both Sydney FIKA locations, bring all the best things about Swedish culture together with modern Aussie café culture.

    Fika in Canada

    Fika Cafe Toronto – Located in Kensington with beautiful house made food and coffee of course! It is known to be very instagrammable with it’s cool and airy interrior and artistic book wall feature. Also in Toronto, Moonbeam Coffee Company a cosy, homey spot for espresso drinks with an outside patio area too.

    Very instagrammable!
    Fika Toronto Feature Book Wall

    Fika in the UK

    Fika Liverpool popular amongst locals for authentic tasy food and milkshakes. Fika Uppermill known for their afternoon teas and a place for baby showers. Fika Oakham a Scandi cafe offering Nordic inspired breakfast & lunch. Fika@44 in St Leonards-on-Sea known for good food in cool surroundings.

    Fika in China

    SMAKA café & bakery in Changning District prides itself on serving the finest and most delicious menu heavily inspired by Swedish and Scandinavian heritage and flavors, but also with an innovative and modern twist. Swedish coffee chain Wayne’s Coffee has a location in downtown Shanghai serving coffee, sandwiches and Swedish pastries.

    Fika in India

    Fika in Adyar, Chennai where Scandinavian design and Wes Anderson-inspired elements come together for a beautiful café and community space. “The style of the space is something of a hybrid—rustic chic. The vibe is relaxed and lounge-y, and the space itself is fluid and constantly evolving. It is also like an empty canvas and has the capacity to adapt to any events, like Diwali, or Halloween parties” says Architect Mahendra Kumar of Studio 62 in Architectural Digest India.

    Fika in Pakistan

    Fika Coffee Co. in Karachi, Pakistan known for their variety of coffee blends and cakes such as Tiramisu. They continuously search for the best and most innovative artisanal beverages in Pakistan.

    Coffee anyone? The art of Fika

    Click here to read more

  • What is beauty, on being beautiful

    On being beautiful? Beauty is an ever evolving, dynamic concept. It is viewed from the lens of each individuals perspective.

    On first thought, the external appearance will be what many people think of.

    There is no one definition of beauty.

    Girls of all kinds can be beautiful – from the thin, plus-sized, short, very tall, ebony to porcelain-skinned; the quirky, clumsy, shy, outgoing and all in between. It’s not easy though because many people still put beauty into a confining, narrow box…Think outside of the box…Pledge that you will look in the mirror and find the unique beauty in you. 


    Beauty does not have to be superficial.

    “Some of us teach ourselves and our children to love the superficial outer; our looks, hair, skin, clothes rather than the greater beauty that resides within whereas it is that inner beauty that really defines you and who you truly are.”

    Rassool Jibraeel Snyman

    Although the concept of beauty can definitely take into account your appearance if you so choose to see so.

    “Outer beauty pleases the EYE. Inner beauty captivates the HEART.”


    To me, beauty is beyond the external.

    Beauty is a state of mind, it is a feeling.

    Being beautiful.

    When you glow on the inside, you inevitably radiate beauty on the outside.

    Beauty is being comfortable in your own skin.

    Beauty is knowing you are worthy.

    Beauty is being confident in yourself.

    Beauty is to radiate love.

    Inspirational quotes on beauty and on being beautiful

    Beauty is. Beauty is inherent in all beings. You are beautiful.

    “There is nothing ugly; I never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of an object be what it may, — light, shade, and perspective will always make it beautiful.”    

    John Constable

    Inner beauty is beauty in its truest form.

    “I believe inner beauty is beauty in its truest form. When we nurture ourselves, it brings an inevitable, positive transformation.” 


    You determine whether you are beautiful, no body else does.

    “People often say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing you are the beholder.”    

    Salma Hayek

    You are beautiful, even if you can’t see yourself.

    “Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well.” Anonymous

    Naya Rivera

    The best part of beauty is beyond your physical external appearance.

    “The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express.”


    What you see in the media isn’t necessarily true or beautiful.

    “Even the models we see in magazines wish they could look like their own images.”

    Cheri K. Erdman

    On beauty, it is how you feel about yourself.

    “How I feel about myself is more important than how I look. Feeling confident, being comfortable in your skin that’s what really makes you beautiful.”     

    Bobbi Brown

    Being beautiful is to be at peace with yourself.

    “I feel beautiful when I’m at peace with myself. When I’m serene, when I’m a good person, when I’ve been considerate of others.”     

    Elle Macpherson

    Being beautiful is to love yourself.

    “Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that’s when you’re most beautiful.”


    Affirmations on beauty and on being beautiful

    ♥ I am beautiful.

    ♥ I love who I am.

    ♥ I am comfortable in my own skin.

    ♥ Beauty radiates from within me.

    ♥ My beauty shines inside and out.

    ♥ I see all the beauty within me,

    ♥ My self confidence makes me beautiful.

    ♥ My big heart makes me beautiful.

    ♥ Being kind makes me beautiful.

    ♥ I feel beautiful today!

    ♥ I appreciate who I am inside and out.

    ♥ I love my smile.

    ♥ I love how I take care of myself.

    In conclusion on what is beauty and being beautiful

    Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are eternity and you are the mirror.     

    Kahlil Gibran

    More on being beautiful

    11 Ways to Feel Beautiful – Jenny Bailley, Oprah

    Read this today if you don’t feel beautiful todayElla Cajayon, Literally, Darling

    Is Beauty A Feeling? Science Says Yes, So Here’s How You Can Capture It YourselfJulia Guerra, Elite Daily

    Click here to read more

  • Inspirational quotes that will cheer you up

    Feeling down? We all experience ‘good’ and ‘bad’ days, ups and downs, wins and losses.

    When times get hard it can be nice to read some inspiring quotes that will cheer you up.

    These quotes may also help you a cheer someone up such as a loved one such as a friend, family member or partner.

    Radiate love and it will be contagious 🙂

    They serve as reminder of how incredible you are.

    They serve as a prompt to reframe your thoughts and see an issue from a different perspective.

    They serve as a reminder of the love that surrounds you.

    Here are some quotes that will cheer you up. They will instil love and positivity within you.

    Hopefully these inspiring quotes will bring a smile to your face or a bright moment.

    It is important to note that it is okay to feel down or sad at times, we are human and this is normal. Honour yourself and allow yourself to process what you are feeling before moving on.

    “Everyone deserves a sad day once in a while,” Calista told me. “Sometimes things are too big for cheering up. Sometimes the best way to make things better is just to let yourself be sad for a little bit.”

    Lisa Graff

    Note if you are feeling down – reach out to someone you trust, someone who loves you. You are strong for reaching out. Talk to them. Be in silence with them. Just know you are never alone. If you don’t have someone please contact a medical professional such as your doctor or a psychologist who can help.

    Sending love, light and positivity always.

    Inspirational quotes that will cheer you up

    Stay focused on what you desire and want to achieve, it will provide the motivation you need.

    “When everything feels like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top.”


    You are alive! 🙂 Today may be your day!

    If you are still breathing maybe it is not such a bad day after all.     

    Darren E. Laws

    Find a reason to be positive – you can do it! Change your thoughts and change your world.

    If you’ve got nothing to dance about, find a reason to sing.     

    Melody Carstairs

    Find the light within you.

    Instead of cursing the darkness, light a candle.     

    Benjamin Franklin

    No situation is permanent.

    “The bad news is nothing lasts forever,
    The good news is nothing lasts forever.”

    J. COLE

    You offer something unique to this world.

    “There’s something in you that the world needs.”


    Spread the love.

    The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up.     

    Mark Twain

    Enjoy ever moment before it becomes a memory.

    Enjoy the little things and be joyful,for one day you may look back and realize they were actually the things that mattered!     


    No one can take away the successes you have already had.

    “No matter what, nobody can take away the dances you’ve already had.”

    Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    Be at peace knowing everything happens for a reason and one day you will realise why.

    “Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.”


    Sometimes when things are falling apart they may actually be falling into place. 


    Tough times in our life teach us lessons.

    “Stars can’t shine without darkness.”


    Keep moving forward.

    “Don’t look back, you’re not going that way.”


    “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” 

    Michael Jordan

    Whatever we endure, prepares us for the future.

    “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”

    C.S. LEWIS

    It’s all about perspective.

    “I didn’t fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong.”

    Benjamin Franklin

    Failure doesn’t exist, you get something out of everything, one of the best? A lesson learnt.

    “There are no failures – just experiences and your reactions to them.”

    Tom Krause

    “Don’t be discouraged by a failure. It can be a positive experience. Failure is, in a sense, the highway to success, in as much as every discovery of what is false leads us to seek earnestly after what is true, and every fresh experience points out some form of error which we shall afterwards carefully avoid.”

    John Keats

    Turn your wounds into wisdom. 


    You are resilient.

    Tough times don’t last. Tough people do. 

    Robert H. Schuller

    We can turn pain into motivation.

    We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey. 

    Kenji Miyazawa

    Embrace the present moment.

    Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain. 

    Vivian Greene

    Tough times teach us a lot about ourselves and how strong we truly are.

    It’s in the darkest moments that we find our greatest strengths. 

    Steven Atchson

    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it. 


    Tough times prompt change for the better.

    Pain doesn’t just show up in our lives for no reason. It’s a sign that something in our lives needs to change. 


    Rough times lead to opportunities.

    In the middle of a difficulty lies opportunity.

    Albert Einstein

    Change leads to transformation.

    What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly. 

    Richard Bach

    Accept where you are now and find inner peace.

    The secret of being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of every day. 


    You have the power to cheer yourself up. You are powerful.

    It only takes one person to make you happy and change your life: YOU. 

    Charles Orlando

    Be brave, you may not be able to change what is happening but you can let go in your mind. Read here for more on true acceptance.

    One of the happiest moments ever, is when you find the courage to let go of what you can’t change. 


    Feeling down and need more cheering up? Please turn to these resources

    Beyond Blue – Australia

    Feeling Down? 7 Ways to Pick Yourself Back Up!Zen Habits

    Low mood, sadness and depression – NHS UK

    Help Guide – USA

    The LifeLine – Canada

    Additional resources at in her vitality

    Click here to read more

  • You are magic

    What does it mean to be magic?

    Yes you are magic.

    You are magic.

    You are made of stardust. You are and everything in the universe.

    The stars, the moon, the planets.

    Bright and beautiful.

    You radiate love and light.

    You are beauty – the sunrises, the ocean, the sunsets, the cosmos, life.

    You are one of a kind. There is no one else like you.

    So much potential surrounds you.

    So much potential is inside of you.

    You offer so much to yourself, the ones you love, the world, the universe.

    You are magic.

    Own your magic.

    You are magic meaning

    It’s physically and scientifically true, you are magic. The universe is magic.

    “There are as many atoms in a single molecule of your DNA as there are stars in the typical galaxy. We are, each of us, a little universe.”

    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Magic is a mindset.

    “Believe in your heart that you’re meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic and miracles.”

    Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

    Magic is believing in yourself.

    “Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.”

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    Magic is all around us.

    “Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars? Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple and such an extraordinary part of the lives we live.”

    Nora Roberts

    Magic exists in being aware of our surroundings.

    “The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.”

    Eden Phillpotts

    In conclusion on magic

    “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”

    Roald DahlThe Minpins

    Finding more magic

    We are Stardust – Literally – National Geographic

    25 Universe Quotes for Your Spiritual Contemplations (P.S. You’re Everything) – Healing Brave

    You’re Magic! 9 Ways to Remember Your Magic – Nikki Starr Noce, M.D.

    10 Ways to Have a Magical Life – Medium

    Click here to read more