Human Design

  • 88: Live Human Design Reading with Robyn Wilton (Bleed On It) 6/3 Emotional Projector

    A live condensed human design reading with Robyn Wilton from Bleed On It. She is a rare 6/3 Projector with an emotional authority. We discuss her Saturn Return, business journey and her karmic soul purpose. 


    Resources from today's episode

    Robyn Wilton - Bleed On It - Human Design

    While this is a condensed full human design reading and experience, Phi dives into Robyn’s Human Design as a 6/3 Emotional Projector. We dive into her Saturn Return in terms of human design too. This transformative phase, typically occurring in the late 20s or early 30s, brings challenges, growth, and an invitation to realign with one’s true purpose. We unpack how Robyn’s Saturn return is reflected in her Human Design chart, discussing the energetic themes and personal lessons that arise during this pivotal time including her business journey with Bleed On It. 

    Furthermore we discuss how Robyn has a few rare elements to her chart whether it be her 6/3 personality as well as karmic lifetime. 

    Tune in for an intimate exploration of the power and insight Human Design can bring to life transitions.

    Click here to read more

  • Life isn’t easy but you were designed not only to survive but thrive.

    Life isn’t easy but you were designed not only to survive but thrive. 

    You were created to be able to withstand the hardships, the storms and enjoy the sunshine. 

    You were made to navigate it all exactly as you have for your greatest growth and expansion. 

    I hope on your darkest days you remember how unique and special you truly are. 

    You are a universe in itself and no one has experienced everything as you have. 

    No one thinks exactly the way you do. No one feels the layers and depths of emotions as you do. I hope that one bad moment never outshines the beauty and goodness of your heart and soul.

    Every individual is born with a unique blueprint, an intricate design that equips them to navigate life’s journey in a way no one else can. Your human design.

    This blueprint encompasses your innate gifts, your personality traits, and the specific challenges you’re meant to face and overcome.

    You were specially designed to handle the circumstances of your life. Whether you are introverted or extroverted, logical or creative, your unique composition allows you to approach situations in a way that is distinctively yours.

    This uniqueness is not a flaw; it is your greatest strength. Embracing it is the first step towards unlocking your full potential.

    If you’re curious about finding out more, I invite you to do a human design reading with me 🧡☺️

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    I offer 1:1 coaching and human design readings. Send me an email or DM me on Instagram to set up a free 30 minute call to see what’s right for you 🌻

    If you like my writing, you’ll love my book! 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang

    For more on all things self love, mindset, energy and purpose listen to my podcast: 🎧 Grow Through it Podcast with Phi Dang


    Click here to read more

  • 79: Uranus Opposition Human Design

    All about experiencing your Uranus Opposition from a human design lens. Your Uranus Opposition is from your late 30’s into your 40’s. This episode explains what your Uranus Opposition means for you including a breakdown of Uranus Opposition themes, archetypes and explanations. It will provide a guide on what to expect from your Uranus Opposition and how to harness this astrological energetic transit for your personal growth and development.

    Uranus Opposition Context

    Hello beautiful soul,

    We all know about Saturn Return, one of if not the universal pivotal transit that everyone goes through between the ages of 27-31. I have previously done a dedicated podcast episode (34) and today this episode is all about your Uranus Opposition which isn’t as mainstream as knowing about your Saturn Return has become. To simplify Saturn Return late 20’s to 30s, your Uranus Opposition is late 30’s to 40. After that comes your Chiron Return your late 40’s to entering your 50’s. They are the big 3 transits that everyone will experience in their life at the same time.

    Comparing your Saturn Return to your Uranus Opposition

    As with all energetic transits and changes in your life, human design can help you uncover and understand your Uranus Opposition. Your Saturn return is your coming of age, the spiritual equivalent of turning 21, it has the energy of taking a leap of faith. It is a period of your life where you mature, taking on responsibilities, being disciplined in alignment with them and making significant life decisions that shape your future. It’s about committing to a path and building a solid foundation as more of a conscious being. 

    In contrast, your Uranus Opposition can be likened to your spiritual equivalent of a ‘mid life crisis.’ It often happens around your 40’s and from my experience I’ve seen people as early as from their mid 30’s beginning to feel the energies of their Uranus Opposition transit. It’s when you really start to feel into what is the meaning and purpose of your life. If you’ve had a deeper human design reading with me, this is where it really shifts from where you came from to where you are going, your destiny.

    What is your Uranus Opposition Human Design

    Your Uranus Opposition transit is about breaking free from established patterns and embracing change and innovation. It’s less about building and more about exploring and transforming. It can symbolise a period of significant upheaval and transformation, marked by a journey and quest for authenticity and freedom. It challenges you to break away from the familiar and embrace new and unconventional paths, often leading to profound personal growth and a redefined sense of self.

    Hence, your Uranus Opposition can be a shocking time in your life, Uranus itself is a planet known for change – extremes, breakdowns, breakthroughs. It’s known as the ‘awakener’ for bringing sudden shocks and changes. In fact Uranus’ energy is very electric in nature. It brings a jolt when you’re in this stage of life where you don’t feel very old but you’re not young either, you’re in between. It can feel awkward and clunky. You had all these hopes, dreams and desires in your 20’s, how has that eventuated?

    Astrologically speaking when Uranus is in opposition, it’s in the exact opposite placement of where it was when you were born. It marks a turning point in your life supposedly ‘the half way point.’ It can be confronting. It can be challenging. It can be chaotic.

    From my own experience of coaching clients during a Uranus Opposition and through Uranus Opposition Human Design Readings, it can be challenging yet highly liberating. What I often witness and guide clients through is this deep pull, nudge and niggle to change careers and navigate changing dynamics within relationships. 

    Uranus Opposition Key Theme: Sudden Change​

    Let’s dive deeper into the key themes of your Uranus Opposition:

    During your Uranus opposition, many people experience significant upheavals that shake the foundations of their lives. These foundations set from your Saturn Return in your 30’s. These changes can manifest in various areas, such as career, relationships, personal identity, or lifestyle. For instance, someone might find themselves unexpectedly losing a long-held job, not due to their performance, but because of organisational restructuring or downsizing. This forced change can be both a source of stress and an opportunity for reevaluation. 

    Similarly, relationships that have been stable for years might face sudden crises, prompting a reexamination of your compatibility and shared goals. These shifts can be incredibly disorienting, especially when they come out of nowhere and disrupt the sense of stability and security that has been built over years. Maybe you have been with someone your whole life and suddenly feel so different and you are growing apart. Maybe your kids have grown up and your relationship with your partner is changing, you realise that maybe what’s been keeping you together is your kids.

    Moreover, sudden changes during this period often push people to question their personal identities. When the role you have comfortably inhabited—such as being a partner to someone, parent, or professional—are disrupted, you can become compelled to confront the essence of who you are beyond these labels. This can lead to an identity crisis, as you feel the need to redefine who you are outside of these traditional roles and labels. Lifestyle changes, such as moving to a new city, starting a new career, or adopting a radically different way of living, are also common. These changes, while initially unsettling, often pave the way for personal growth and a deeper understanding of one’s true desires and aspirations.

    Uranus Opposition Key Theme: Rebellion

    A hallmark of your Uranus opposition is a powerful urge to rebel against constraints and societal expectations. This is a time when you feel a pressing need to assert your independence and authentic identity. You may realise that your life has been overly influenced by external factors such as work, familial obligations, or societal norms, leading to a sense of entrapment. 

    These norms from a career standpoint: having an established career, advancing, perhaps holding leadership positions and a sense of stability. 

    From a family standpoint: if not being married already, a deeper pressure to do so, perhaps being a parent of children whom may be school aged and home ownership. I’ve also had clients at this point realise they don’t want to have children and so they are finding confidence in their decision with family and societal pressures especially on women to be mothers. The clients I’ve had who decided children weren’t for them often made a lot of sense in the context of their life having spent it taking care of others such as family members and karmically this lifetime is for them because maybe in previous lives they have been self sacrificing, even withstandingly it’s not selfish to not want children. It’s a personal decision. 

    Familial obligation can come into play maybe you have sick or unwell parents that need taking care of and support which can feel heavy and burdensome. Culturally speaking because well it’s your parents and it’s a lot to take on the role of a caretaker.

    With regards to lifestyle, the expectation and pressure of being financial responsible: saving from retirement, managing investments and expenses like your child’s education. A greater focus on health as you head into your 40’s. In terms of personal development, it’s common to see greater self reflection, a desire to deepen your existing skillset and mastery as well as a call to service: helping people and the community around.

    External and internal rebellion during your Uranus Opposition

    As a result,  during your Uranus Opposition you might take dramatic steps to break free from these constraints. For instance, if you have long been identified with your high-powered career, you may decide to quit and pursue a more fulfilling but less conventional path, such as starting your own business or engaging in creative pursuits.

    This rebellion is not just about external changes but also about internal liberation. You often begin to question the values and beliefs that have governed your life thus far. You might reject long-held traditions and norms in favour of developing your own unique perspectives and ways of living. This period of rebellion can be turbulent, as it often involves challenging relationships and situations that no longer align with your evolving sense of self and values. However, it is also a crucial phase of personal development, as it allows you to unlearn and strip away inauthentic layers and embrace a life that truly resonates with your inner being, your heart, your soul.

    Uranus Opposition Key Theme: Self Discovery​

    Your Uranus opposition is a profound period of self-discovery, prompting deep introspection and a reevaluation of your life direction and values. As you navigate through the upheavals and rebellions characteristic of this transit, you are often driven to look inward and reflect on your past choices and future aspirations. This introspection can reveal hidden desires, talents, and passions that you had suppressed or ignored in favour of more conventional or socially acceptable paths. It is not uncommon for you to start exploring new hobbies, interests, or spiritual practices that you feel drawn to during this time.

    This process of self-discovery is both challenging and enlightening. As you unlearn and peel back the layers of societal conditioning and external expectations, you often encounter aspects of yourself that you had not previously recognised or acknowledged. It can be so interesting doing human design readings particularly where people may by shocked or confused by an aspect of their design. What I often see is going deeper, people realise it is them, the core of whom they are but they don’t resonate initially because it has been repressed or pushed down by whom they think they should be and ought to be. Moreover if you don’t find and work towards spiritual fulfilment and filling up the cup of your soul you may find your life feeling empty and devoid. Your life may look good on a surface level say for example top of your career with lots of money but inside, you feel for what, miserable, that something is missing… soul fulfilment. 

    Your Uranus Opposition can be a time of healing, as you come to terms with past traumas or unresolved issues that have influenced your behavior and decisions. The insights gained during this period of introspection can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling life path, as you align your actions and choices with your true self rather than with external pressures.

    Uranus Opposition Key Theme: Innovation

    Uranus opposition brings with it a surge in creativity and the pursuit of new and unconventional paths. This is a time when you feel inspired to think outside the box and explore innovative solutions to the challenges you face. You may discover new talents or rekindle old passions that you had set aside in the pursuit of more practical or traditional goals. This creative energy can manifest in various forms, such as starting a new business, engaging in artistic endeavours, or an interest in new technologies. Your willingness to embrace change and think differently often leads to breakthroughs that were previously unimaginable.

    With innovation is often a desire to make a meaningful impact on the world. You are often driven by a sense of purpose and a desire to contribute something unique and valuable to society. This can lead to the development of new ideas and projects that challenge the status quo and offer fresh perspectives on longstanding issues. Whether it’s through social activism, entrepreneurial ventures, or artistic expression, you are motivated to push boundaries and create positive change. This period of heightened creativity and innovation can be incredibly rewarding, as it allows you to fully express your true self and leave a lasting legacy.

    Uranus Opposition Archetype: Rebel

    Breaking away from the old and embracing the new. Challenging the status quo and seeking freedom. Think of the character of an adventurer: setting off on a journey, both literal and metaphorical, to discover new aspects of themselves and the world.

    Uranus Opposition Archetype:​ Innovator

    Embracing creativity and originality. Pioneering new ideas and ways of living as a visionary. Being a risk taker and change agent: leaving what’s known to do something different, a groundbreaking business idea or pursue a passion project.

    Uranus Opposition Archetype:​ Creative

    A quest for deeper meaning and understanding of life beyond the superficial and surface level. Spiritual and personal growth becomes a priority. You might find yourself questioning the purpose of your existence, exploring various philosophies, religions, or spiritual practices and tools such as human design! The Seeker is driven by a desire to connect with something greater than yourself and to find a sense of inner peace and fulfillment.

    Uranus Opposition Life Path Storyline

    If you were to look at your Uranus Opposition has a storyline in life, you may find the following plot points:

    Discontentment: The main character starts feeling restless and dissatisfied with their current life.

    Catalyst for Change: An event or realisation triggers the desire for change (e.g., a major work project fails, or a relationship ends).

    Rebellion: The protagonist takes bold steps to break free from their current situation. This might involve leaving a job, ending a relationship, or making drastic lifestyle changes.

    Exploration: They embark on a journey of self-discovery, exploring new interests, meeting new people, and experimenting with new ways of living.

    Crisis and Reflection: Challenges and crises force the main character to confront their fears and insecurities. They reflect on their past choices and future direction.

    Transformation: Through this period of upheaval, the main character gains a deeper understanding of themselves. They embrace a new path that is more aligned with their true self.

    Getting help during your Uranus Opposition

    If you are going through your Uranus Opposition or thereabouts so you would be from your mid 30’s up until 44ish or know someone who is such as a loved one, family member or friend – I invite you to consider a Uranus Opposition Human Design reading with me or getting a Uranus Opposition Human Design Blueprint done. 

    Especially if you’ve made it all the way to the end of this episode, enjoyed it, feel curious, the pull, the nudge… A reading and human design blueprint will help you make sense of your confusion and give you clarity on the changes and transformation taking place during your Uranus Opposition. 

    It will also help you understand the life themes and changes that are being brought to the forefront of your reality and how to navigate them. Moreover it provides a practical guide as to how to get into alignment with your soul and embody your life purpose and path. 

    Finally, it gives you the specific timing of your Uranus Opposition so you can prepare and plan life accordingly. Supported by 1:1 coaching, I am here to help support and guide in real time as these changes aren’t easy!

    Until next time. Love and Positivity,

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  • The Magic of Alignment

    The life you’re looking for is looking for you too.

    The life you’re looking for is looking for you too.

    Everything changes the moment you decide to trust yourself and honour your authenticity. Everything changes the moment you embrace your journey of growth and believe in the power of your own potential. Everything changes the moment you let your inner light shine without fear or judgement. 

    Life starts to flow effortlessly with ease. This is the magic of alignment. This is the magic of you.

    How to tap into alignment?

    As you come home to your true self, you get in sync with the universe that is conspiring in your favour to help you achieve your aspirations and desires (because you have them for a reason!)

    A trusted compass to help you on your journey is human design which shines a light on your strengths and understanding your own personal energy flow.

    Book a human design reading with me here.

    Click here to read more

  • Let change in with hope

    Well faith isn’t easy because it’s about leaning into and embracing the unseen, especially when everything is unclear.

    As a coach, I provide spiritual guidance combined with practical perspective shifts, below are 3 ways to start this process and trust in your journey 💫

    1. Find evidence in your past

    🖊️ When have things been unclear and difficult previously yet all worked out in the end even though at the time it didn’t feel like it. E.g. a relationship, a job opportunity?

    2. Embrace uncertainty

    We are under the illusion we have full control… even if we have a plan with meticulous detail, thought and crafted with so much care and intention… it may still not go to plan! We cannot control circumstances, this is in the hands of the universe. Uncertainty is ironically one of the only certainties in life. How can you open your heart to it? Even more so how do you open your mind? 🫀🤝🏽🧠

    3. Best case scenario

    3. You’re more likely to think of all the worst case scenarios that could happen (this is natural, you’re human and this is evolutionary)… it’s only fair and logical that you also think out the best case scenarios because they are also possible. To even do so stretches your current belief system.

    Human design and faith

    Looking to go deeper?

    Your human design (you can do a reading with me!)

    Your personal human design chart reveals life themes we are meant to experience! Think of it as your souls contract with the universe in this lifetime or even a blueprint, manual or guide. Your human design chart holds the keys to understanding — it changes daily, weekly and yearly. You may be going through a transit such as your Saturn Return 🪐 or Solar for everyone, the new year brings new challenges to continue your soul growth and expansion.

    Keep going! I believe in you 🫶🏽

    If you’re looking for support and guidance when it comes to change and the next chapter in your life — I’d love to help you 🧡 let’s work together through 1:1 coaching and/or a human design reading. 

    love & positivity ✨ phi

    If you enjoy reading my writing, you’ll love my book 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living an Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang. Available worldwide via Amazon or your local bookstore (you can get it ordered in!) ☺️

    Click here to read more

  • 63 – Aquarius Super New Moon 2024

    This episode is all about the Aquarius Super New Moon taking place February 2024 this week ushering in the Year of the Dragon. Phi shares updates on the energetic themes at play which are intense (planetary pile up in Aquarius) and shares soothing affirmations and journaling prompts to tap into the energy of the Aquarius Super New Moon too.

    Episode Introduction - Aquarius Super New Moon February 2024

    Hello beautiful soul,

    Well well well we are in for a cosmic ride! Last week I spoke about the upcoming Lunar New Year and just before it to end the week is the Aquarius New Moon that precedes it. The 9th in the northern hemisphere and 10th in the southern if you’re in Australia like me. It’s not just any new moon, it happens to be a super new moon. As it’s a new moon it’s not visible in the sky, so think of this as a blank canvas and reset.

    Astrologically there’s a lot going on and I always like to channel and distill the important parts that I think are relevant to you listening to this podcast. I won’t beat around the bush by saying off the bat this isn’t a grounding, nourish new moon this is an electric charged, potent super new moon pushing into the new out of your comfort zone. After all it’s an Aquarius Super New Moon bringing in the year of the Dragon for 2024.

    It really is all about Aquarius with this energy, you’ve got a planetary pile up; the sun, moon here, Pluto, mercury with Venus and and Mars to join too.

    An energetic reset and a whole lotta energies!

    This super new moon you can think of an energetic reset as I’ve said earlier some deem it the true new year. The super new moon aspect think of it just amplifying and magnifying the energies so things feel more intense. Your emotions feel more intense. Your thoughts feel more intense.

    More over with this super new moon what I’m feeling into is funky, and yes uncomfortable and unpredictable. There’s a feeling of restlessness in the air. A sprinkle of existentialism. 

    This is set in motion for a first in our lifetime event when Mercury (the planet of communication) enters Aquarius and aligns with Pluto (the truth teller). In addition to that we have the new moon in a challenging position squaring Uranus (the unexpected) in the sign of Taurus (fixed aspects, stubborn nature).

    Expect shakes up. Truths to come up. There’s tension. There’s pressure. Things from the past re-emerge once again (to be cleared). It’s this feeling and sensation of wanting to break free and we are being challenged to let go, surrender and move forward with courage and authenticity.

    Communication and Confrontation with this Aquarius Super New Moon February 2024

    With this influence we may need to say and speak up what we don’t often want to, confronting things to say out loud (Aquarius and Mercury together are all about communication, ideologies).

    Aquarians are known to have a tough exterior and it feels like with all these planetary placements, it’s been astrological organised to have a cracking open experience and sensation which can be painful at first but ultimately for the best to open us up, unravelling deeper layers of ourselves, to shed what no longer serves us.

    This is about confronting ourselves and being willing to go beneath the surface, into our psyche and subconscious. In this we can find the underlying cause, the root of the problem which is the medicine and the healing. If you know of Chiron (the wounded healer) is inching closer towards the North Node (fate and destiny) which will culminate in April so for now we are getting a taster of intense confronting healing taking place (can’t hide with the astrological energies at play). 

    There is tension here because the moon rules our inner world, our emotions yet it’s in Aquarius known to be more emotionally detached and the archetype of the thinker.

    Astrology and Human Design Align: Revolution

    It’s not all dark and heavy, unexpected things aren’t always negative in nature though that’s where our mind jumps too it can also be positive. It’s really about the emergence of astrology aligning with human design: the theme of this new moon is revolution, think of it as your rebirth. Through the means of Aquarius which is going introspective, doing the thought work. 

    Aquarius: Head vs Heart

    When the strong emotions come up from surprises and the past, the Aquarian energy in the air asks to bring objectivity into it – noticing where is there a strong emotional charge, using the mind to get curious and investigate further. A meeting of the heart and the mind. Finding the right balance (as is where the name Aquarius stems from the latin meaning of water-carrier and the symbolism of the water-bearer). 

    An exercise that may help you during this Aquarius super new moon is when you’re making decisions imagine scales or weights a balance. On one side is your heart and the other your head. If you’re really heady into something, imagine counterbalancing with what your heart is saying and vice versa if it feels really heart driven also give your mind and opportunity to offer some thoughts this will give you a holistic perspective on a situation.

    Aquarius Positivity

    This new moon is going to help us be less rigid and more flexible with everything that may arise. Rolling with the punches. Aquarius plays the long term game, so whilst it feels tough and sticky now, it’s ultimately benefiting for your future and what’s to come. There’s optimism and hope within it (as we known Aquarius is about the collective, for the people, social justice, equality).

    Aquarius Super New Moon February 2024 Affirmations

    I’m really being called to share some soothing affirmations which can help during this period and I’ll phrase them as I am speaking to you but of course when you recite out loud or in your mind you’ll say “I”.

    You are capable of handling whatever comes your way.

    You are safe and supported even in times of uncertainty.

    You are resilient, every challenge makes you stronger.

    You are worthy of love, compassion and kindness always and especially during tough times. You are worthy of your own love, compassion and kindness that you also offer to others.

    You have the power to find moments of peace, calm and joy despite chaos and shake ups.

    Aquarius Super New Moon February 2024 Journaling Prompts

    Journaling questions to close out this episode to make the most of the super new moon energy;

    Has anything surprising or unexpected come to the surface this week for you? If so is there a general theme that emerges? How can going deeper on this theme help you move forward in 2024?

    With any challenges or obstacles that have arisen so far, what would happen if you now come up with 3 different approaches you haven’t had before

    1: Out of the box thinking

    2: Creativity led

    3: Unconventional 

    Reflect from the 1st of January until now, is there anything that has happened or come up that you’d like to set the intention to let go of, clear and start afresh?

    If you have set any intentions from the 1st of January do they still feel in alignment at this point of time? Have those intentions been acted upon and how are you tracking?

    What seeds and intentions do you want to set up for the year ahead at this moment in time taking advantage of the super new moon and lunar dragon energy too?

    When was the last time in your life you experienced something unexpectedly? What happened, how did you feel, how did you navigate it and what was the end result?

    Right now in your life where do you need a shake up or revolution and how can you go about this?

    What would be really uncomfortable to talk about in your life right now? Why is that so? What insights does this give you about yourself and where you are in your life right now?

    What support systems or resources can you lean on during times of uncertainty or change?

    To close out this episode, give those journal prompts a good contemplation, it’s not really about the answer but the thought process that goes behind what automatically is being prompted within you. In true Aquarian nature, yes use your mind but don’t forget to let your body feel all that is coming up and release these feelings with compassion. 

    Until next time beautiful soul, love and positivity. 

    Click here to read more

  • POV: your dream came true


    POV: the little girl in me proud making her lifelong dream come true

    I am so grateful

    What makes this so special is that as a little girl books always meant the world to me. My dad who passed away when I just turned 20 from bowel cancer was an English teacher in Vietnam before he came to Australia by boat fleeing the war and would read to me every night (my parents actually met on that boat!).

    I never knew what I would write about or how it would it happen but I’m so very grateful that the universe had bigger plans for me than I ever thought possible for myself 🥹

    I am grateful and proud of my past self in November 2021 who was scared but decided to go all in leaving my full time corporate job to take the leap of faith pursuing my passion in helping people as a life coach.

    I am so grateful for the love, support and messages I receive about the book and how people can relate, changed their perspective on life and gave them permission to truly be themselves and to live life on their terms = joy, expansion, abundance, radiance and beyond 🌻

    Thank you for seeing me and being here, it means the world to me and my heart is so full 🧡

    If you want to read my book it’s called 📖 The Great Unlearning: Awakening to Living An Aligned and Authentic Life by Phi Dang.

    You can find it at bookstores in Australia and beyond as well as online such as Booktopia in Australia or Amazon worldwide.

    Click here to read more

  • 61: Human Design New Year

    Happy Human Design New Year. It’s officially 2024, new year in terms of human design. Dive deep into the energy of the human design new year: fantasy and contraction. Discover how to tap into these energies and how imagination can be a powerful tool to utilise. Phi also touches on how pleasure and sex magic (magick) can amplify this human design new year energy too.

    Episode Introduction - Human Design

    Happy Human Design New Year my love!

    It is now the new year in terms of human design woohoo which is what this episode will be about however like I said in the energy update for 2024, for some you may not be feeling it yet and that’s so okay, however if you are that may be a sign you resonate and align with human design energies or even astrology with the shift in Pluto to Aquarius (a new 20 year chapter) as I mentioned in Episode 59.

    If you don’t know human design, I have lots of information on my website, a podcast episode 31 – What is Human Design. You can book in a foundational human design reading with me through my website or purchase a human design blueprint. I’ve also been doing 2024 readings, energetically looking into your year ahead from the lenses of human design and energy. To book head to my website

    Before we begin my heart is so FULL and so EXCITED to announce that the Recharge and Renew Retreat is sold out! It did in 3 days which is absolutely incredible and I am definitely looking to run it again next year and more in Australia too so if you’re interested send me a message on Instagram @thephidang or email me [email protected] to be put on the updates list.

    Human Design New Year Motivation - Heart

    The way human design sees the new year is a whole new cycle of experience. Human Design New Year for many is very much about intentions over resolutions or goals because the majority of the population have an open heart, which is the centre for motivation and willpower. 

    When it’s open you have inconsistent access to your own motivation and willpower therefore if you do happen to have an open heart, please don’t beat yourself, get annoyed and frustrated when you seemingly seem so motivated one minute and the the next not, that’s how you are designed and built to be in human design. 

    From my experience doing hundreds of reasons, it is about unlearning the societal expectation to always be working towards something and instead getting you to shift into the being. We all have some seasons, move and flow with your energy instead of blocking it.

    How your open centres impact your Human Design New Year

    Now add in all the other open centres and other things will pop up like the open ajna beating yourself up for not being able to land on concrete intentions/goals (even though you’re not supposed to and be mentally fluid) or the open root the centre for stress, feeling all this immense pressure on yourself to do something in relation to the new year or for manifestors, projectors and reflectors having an open sacral leads to having challenges prioritising with regards to the relationship of over promising when caught up in the sacral energy of generators and manifesting generators. 

    Of course there comes into play structure and self discipline but that’s a conversation for a different day and again with human design it’s so personal to your unique energetic blueprint so if you’re interested let’s chat!

    Practical Example Human Design New Year Energy Flow (Strategy and Authority)

    I have an open heart in human design and how it played out for me was that last year when in September when I was in Bali, I had a strong full body urge to run a retreat. I let it marinade, life got busy and then it came to the end of the year when it kept popping back up (hello Universe!). However then another open heart centre trait I started to question myself with fears like what if no one comes to the retreat at the beginning of this year. 

    Using my human design strategy, I responded to what was being presented – the universe continually giving me signs about running a retreat from friends, clients and community. Literally so obvious whether it was the sign of repeated posts on Instagram or even walking on the street hearing people talking about retreats just as I walked past. 

    I had to ride the waves as an emotional authority and then boom it was like lightning. As a manifesting generator in the lead up to the retreat I was waking up at 5/6 am and sleeping at 11pm/midnight because I was so in the flow and inspired to working on the retreat. Using my human design strategy, I responded then followed my emotional authority and the result was magnetism as a mani gen with the retreat being a buzz, selling out 90% in the first 24 hours and our final beautiful joining us within 72 hours! 

    What is the Human Design New Year energy?

    So what is this very energy that starts the Human Design New Year? The energy that kickstarts the Human Design New Year is known as Fantasy or Contraction. It’s all about feelings with this one. It’s standing on the threshold of unexplored territory and unlimited potential.

    There’s a palpable sense of anticipation, a fluttering excitement that dances in the chest, as if the possibilities are endless and the canvas of life is untouched, empty awaiting for you to do something with it.

    The air feels charged with a mix of hope and maybe even uncertainty, much like the first rays of dawn breaking through the darkness. 

    New beginnings often bring a surge of motivation and optimism, offering the promise of growth, expansion, and the chance to redefine and reinvent. 

    In the lead up the past is acknowledged but not a burden, and the future is an open book waiting to be written. 

    Whether marked by a new job, a move, a relationship, a change, an exciting event to come or a personal project, the sensation of embarking on a new chapter is something to relish in this week.

    How to tap into Human Design New Year Energy

    How to tap into this delicious, scrumptious energy? Well play into new. What’s something new you can do for yourself? New recipe to cook? Taking up something new that you’ve always wanted to? New way to travel to work?

    Play into anticipation. What are you looking forward to this year? If you haven’t got some things to look forward to, that is something to plan! The simple visual and energy I’m getting here it’s like ordering something at a restaurant and waiting for it to come out. That anticipation for when the meal finally arrives – you see it in front of you, your mouth wants to drool, you can smell how good it is, imagine the crunch of biting into something crispy. The other is that of well a sensual nature. Desiring someone. What it feels like to be with them. To touch them. When their lips meet yours. The anticipation is the chemistry and tension in the air. The banter. The flirting. The foreplay. 

    Human Design & Sex Magic (Magick)

    Play into sensuality. There is a field of manifestation that is called sex magic “sex magick”. Sensual energy is a potent force that can be harnessed, focused and directed towards your manifestation. Sensual energy is life force energy, it’s that sacral womb energy. Sex is life energy because it creates… life for example with children. Think of your sexual energy as the seeds and the universe as the fertile womb. You can also think of it of pleasure driven mindfulness.

    Channeling that towards your dreams and desires is akin to giving life and energy towards your dreams and desires. For example when you are aroused this week that’s creation energy in itself, imagine directing that energy towards your dreams and desires. Again it’s about the anticipation and holding that, a state of maximum tension and holding it. Think of the technique of ‘edging’ when you feel like you’re about to orgasm, backing off, building up, backing off. Teasing. Then ‘detaching’ and letting go with release, ‘orgasm’ that climatic state. You could create a beautiful ritual to get in the mood with candles, indulge in self care – a warm hot bath, oils, textures.  

    If you and your partner have a shared dream in mind, you could consider asking your partner if they want to do the same, I mean it’s about having fun here! This is about experiencing pleasure and directing that energy whether it’s self or with a partner. Visualise the energy radiating from your pelvis merging with your dreams and desires or even powerfully shooting towards. 

    Human Design & Pleasure

    Your dreams don’t have to be of a sexual nature to turn you on… this is about pure life energy that sensation of not just living but being truly alive. In this field of manifestation safety is the number one thing. Feeling safe to feel turned on within your mind and body. 

    We need to feel safe in order to mentally let go and be in the moment when we are intimately connecting with ourselves or another. If at any time this does not feel good or safe, do not do it. There are so many other ways to give energy to your dreams and desires. Pleasure isn’t just sexual, it could be an experience like being in the ocean, feeling the sunshine on your skin, spoonfuls of gooey chocolate cake, the refreshing sip of lemonade. Even exercise can turn us on think pelvic floor muscles, hip bridges and thrusts.

    Deep breathing can also bring us into a state of pleasure in our being. Full, long, slow deep breaths down to your womb and belly, holding and creating energy there and releasing each breath towards your dreams and desires. 

    Pleasure is presence. 

    Human Design New Year Imagination

    All these feelings of desire and dreaming need an outlet. It’s imagination. Imagination is a powerful tool. Albert Einstein said “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” William Arthur Ward said “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.” Our imagination is something that is actually active 24 hours, 7 days a week… whether we are awake or even dreaming/processing in our sleep.

    You might say oh I’m not creative or imaginative yet observe your mind. It’s the natural state of the human mind to imagine the worst case scenario, why and how everything might go wrong… I mean your mind is even creating imaginative things about you. Why you aren’t good enough. Why you’re this kind of person. Why you don’t have that. As Walt Disney says “worry is a waste of imagination.” Channel your imagination into a different energy and frequency. Instead of what could go wrong… what could go right and how that unfolds for you. 

    Human Design New Year Shadow

    The shadow of this energy is it remains a fantasy. Too Dreamy. Spacey. Delusional, no anchor to reality whatsoever. As Les Brown so powerfully said, “The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.”

    Human Design New Year Manifestation Detachment

    The other side is obsession and being so focused on your desires that nothing else matters and your whole being and existence is consumed of it. Thus ties in a common manifestation principle of detachment. Not just in theory “detaching” and saying you don’t care but a genuine, I’m at peace and I’ll be okay if this does or doesn’t happen. That’s when the magic happens because your happiness and existence doesn’t lie in something outside you, it’s within you. Letting go of expectations. Anticipation is not the same as expectation.

    I had two distinct channeled messages for you listening. Please use your discernment and take what resonates.

    Human Design New Year Manifestation Detachment

    The other side is obsession and being so focused on your desires that nothing else matters and your whole being and existence is consumed of it. Thus ties in a common manifestation principle of detachment. Not just in theory “detaching” and saying you don’t care but a genuine, I’m at peace and I’ll be okay if this does or doesn’t happen. That’s when the magic happens because your happiness and existence doesn’t lie in something outside you, it’s within you. Letting go of expectations. Anticipation is not the same as expectation.

    I had two distinct channeled messages for you listening. Please use your discernment and take what resonates.

    Channeled and intuitive Human Design New Year Messages

    One branch says less is more, and to really check in with why you want something. It’s one thing to desire something and manifest it but as we all know manifesting isn’t just wishful thinking, we have to take inspired action. Even then the vibe is not to be “entitled” because whilst I truly believe hard work always pays off, when and how isn’t in our control, that is in the hands of the universe trusting in perfect divine timing always and that what is meant for you, is yours, you cannot mess it up and it cannot be taken away from you.

    The other says go for more because you are shrinking yourself and watering your desires down. Ignite that flame! Shoot for the moon and if you miss you’ll end up amongst the stars. This is about overcoming fears and getting out of your own way. You’re allowed to be a dreamer as this very energy gives you permission to do so, and whether you have it defined in your chart or not collectively we are all tapping into this energy this week.

    A message thread for both branches was that it’s your job to dream, have, hold the vision and take inspired action, it’s the universe’s job to listen and figure out the how and transmit that message to you through signs and for you to receive by connecting to your heart and intuition. Another Albert Einstein goodie ““Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.”

    I had two distinct channeled messages for you listening. Please use your discernment and take what resonates.

    Human Design New Year Magic

    Thank you beautiful soul for joining me on this exploration of the Human Design New Year energy and the enchanting realm of fantasy, imagination and contraction. As we wrap up today’s episode, I want to leave you with a lasting mantra: Embrace the magic and the aphrodisiac of all the potential and possibilities already within you.

    Allow yourself to dream big, to envision a future that reflects the most aligned and authentic version of yourself. Dreaming and fantasy aren’t just about escaping reality; it’s about giving yourself permission and the courage to let your imagination run wild, and propel you forward. It’s about being committed to making it your reality through inspired action and tuning into your internal navigation system: your intuition. 

    Wishing you a Happy  Human Design New Year, anything can happen this year and that is very exciting indeed. Love & Positivity.

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  • 58: Human Design Limitations

    As we stand on the threshold of a new year, there’s a powerful yet challenging energy that surrounds the final days of the year according to Human Design. 

    In this episode, Phi explores this final energy, understanding its significance in shaping our transition into the Human Design new year ahead.

    Podcast Episode Introduction

    How are you? There’s a lot happening energetically so you’re going to be hearing from me in succession with a few podcast episodes lined up for this week especially with something very exciting launching on Friday that I’ve never offered before and I am bursting with excitement and joy! 

    Think of this episode as a motivational and inspirational quickie!

    It’s almost the new year in terms of human design and as I’ve mentioned in previous episodes there are four stages. We are now in the final stage in the lead up to the new year on the 22nd/23rd January 2024 which is the energy of limitations and acceptance.

    Reframe limitations

    Limitations already off the bad has connotations of negativity but I like to reframe it as resourcefulness because limits aren’t just bad, if you think about it you hit a limit when you’re growing, you’re expanding, you’re stretching.

    Perspectives on letting go

    The creator of human design says this energy is about letting go fitting because it’s the equivalent energy of new year’s eve happening. 

    Some perspectives to contemplate when it comes to letting go?

    Sometimes letting go isn’t getting rid of something completely but letting it be.

    Sometimes you lose, in order to gain.

    Sometimes strength is holding on and other times it is letting go.

    Letting go sometime’s isn’t a once off or final act, but a repeated one, over and over again.

    Sometimes it’s letting go of something good, for greater, for better. If you want to fly in the sky you need to leave Earth.

    Letting go and a glass of water

    Letting go is like a glass of water. It’s not about how much water is in the glass, there could even be no water. It’s about how long are you holding that glass. 

    For a few moments, not a problem. For an hour it starts to get niggly. How about half a day? The longer you hold it the heavier it becomes. 

    This is like your problems, thinking about it for a few moments isn’t harmful. Longer, it begins to hurt. All day and beyond? Excruciating, paralysed. Therefore put down your glass.

    Limitations and acceptance

    The creator of human design also says that limitation is extraordinary because it’s about transcendence, the minute you accept it — it doesn’t exist. Acknowledging limitations doesn’t mean admitting defeat; it’s not a weakness. It’s about gaining clarity on what you can and cannot control. It’s not about the limitation itself but our attitude and perspective towards it. This self-awareness is a powerful tool for personal growth. 

    Simply put acceptance is to not offer any resistance. Coming to terms with what is, not necessarily what you want. 


    The 4 A's of Acceptance

    Have you heard of the 4 A’s of Acceptance created by Russ Harris? Acknowledge. Allow. Accomodate. Appreciate. 

    Breaking that down in my own elaboration;

    Acknowledge – Hello it’s here. Awareness, naming it, calling it out.

    Allowing – It’s ok to be here (doesn’t mean I like it or want it, but it’s here, it’s reality, the now).

    Accomodate – It’s here, making space for it. Not trying to make it smaller/repress/disappear (the irony is usually following this framework the mental suffering dissolves and gets smaller on its own with repeated practice).

    Appreciate – How can I grow and expand from this?

    Now to the benefits of accepting and limitations. 

    Beyond limitations

    When it comes to limitations themselves, they exist yet somehow humanity we always find a way to transcend and overcome them. For example we can’t fly personally but we have airplanes. The supposed limits of what is possible for the human body, yet records are broken all the time. The supposed limits technology and now we have AI and even deep fake technology. 

    I mean a modern example that comes to mind is people used to think you can’t filter and edit video in real time but now you can and it’s getting very good (in the context of the wellness and fitness influencer space to perhaps look slimmer or more curvier).

    What about a creative? Maybe in the moment inspiration feels limited. The more you try to fight it, the more frustration sets about. The moment it’s acceptance, it’s like a sigh of relief. It’s the void. It’s silent. Yet somehow one day the creativity will return. Perhaps it was there all along but unseen, building, growing, incubating. 

    Expansion through limitations

    When limits are put in place, it forces us to be more creativity. To open up to different ways of thinking and possibilities. To approach it an abstract manner. 

    I really love this quote as a perspective, “The size of a person’s head does not determine his sense of reasoning, neither can the size of their leg determine how far they can go in life.”

    This energy sits in the root chakra, so you may be feeling a pulsing sensation, on and off, on and off, even a pressure to be growing, transforming and letting go this week. Pressure isn’t necessarily good or bad, pressure is about the right amount that motivates you but doesn’t harm or cause doubt within you. Not enough, there’s no action or momentum. Too much at it’s constricting. 

    Structure supports overcoming limitations

    The human design energy of acceptance and limitations is also an energy that thrives off the support of structure.

    In James Clear’s book Atomic Habits he writes about a study of participants who wanted to build better exercise habits. The most successful group with 91% doing so was because they had formulate a plan about when they were excessing, where and for how long which led to more likely follow through. Having a plan was structure.

    Structure which is often explained in terms of masculine and feminine energy, in order for the feminine (water) to flow freely it needs to be supported by structure (the masculine) otherwise the water would go everywhere, aimlessly, without direction, feeling unsupported and lost.

    What do you need to feel strong and supported?

    What acts, practices, rituals and routines nourish you and help you accomplish what you desire?

    Do you like to structure in bits like day to day, or is it more week to week, month by month?

    If I were to sum up this human design energy in a quote it would be this by Meister Eckhart: “For the person who has learned to let go and let be, nothing can ever get in the way again.”

    I hope this inspires you today to let go of what no longer serves you, to accept and to transcend your limitations.

    Love & Positivity Phi.

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  • 57: 111 Portal January 2024 Capricorn New Moon

    Unlock and understand the mysteries and energetic significance of the 111 portal this year in January 2024 which also happens to fall on the Capricorn New Moon. This 111 portal isn’t like other years and Phi reveals why. She also shares practical exercises such as journaling and custom affirmations in addition to a channeled meditation to make the most of the 111 portal in 2024.

    Summary of the 111 Portal in January 2024v and the Capricorn New Moon

    The significance of the number 111, a triple-digit sequence that is believed to hold powerful vibrations and cosmic alignments. We’ll explore how this unique portal of 111 opens up a powerful gateway into insight, intuition and alignment.

    The 111 portal happens multiple times throughout the year but this one is very special and Phi will reveal exactly why on this episode in addition to talking more about the astrological themes of Capricorn for 2024’s first new moon. Phi also speaks about this week being the third week of the Human Design New Year and what that entails.

    The 111 Portal Introduction

    Hi Beautiful Soul,

    How have you been taking to 2024? This episode continues the conversation from last week about now being in the third stage of energy towards the human design new year on the 20th of January which will be at the end of this episode, but the forefront for this week? The release date of this episode for the 111 portal and the Capricorn New Moon. 

    Why the 111 portal is more special this year in January 2024?

    This year’s 111 portal is more potent than usual because in terms of numerology the date 11/1/2024 if you add 1+1+1+2+0+2+4 = 11 which is a master number and of course it falls on the Capricorn New Moon. 11 is known as the master intuitive number. 11 is associated with intuition, enlightenment, alignment and limitlessness. 

    With portals it may happen on the day but the energy can be felt days before and after. Perhaps pay attention if you’re seeing 1’s, 11’s and 111’s as a sign for a new beginning and a call for alignment.

    Channelled message and guidance for the 111 portal in January 2024

    It’s the first manifestation day of 2024 and the year but it won’t be the only one. It’s the opening. I had a strong intuitive message to share with everyone that it’s okay if you don’t know what you want yet exactly or what you want to manifest. Don’t place unnecessary additional pressure and stress on yourself. If anything you can simply in a way ‘make a wish’ it could be as simple as to experience more joy in 2024 or to have a better year than last.

    If anything the intuitive guidance I am receiving for the 111 portal is it’s actually more of a portal to receive downloads and insights for the year ahead. Create stillness and silence to receive information that is ready to be downloaded to you: it may feel like a hunch, hearing the same message, a feeling — be open to what the message may mean. 

    Given this here are my top activities and suggestions to make the most of the 111 portal.

    Tapping into your intuition on the 111 portal

    Tap into your intuition there are several ways this comes to mind including:

    • Automatic writing, setting a timer and putting pen to paper to see what emerges. 
    • Meditation for at least 11 minutes (might as well play on the 111!) 

    Manifesting with the 111 Portal through affirmations

    Approach manifestations and intentions through the voice of 11 energy which is … “I am”

    Instead of writing in the future tense that I would like to be and the qualities you would embody… write it as if you are already now. I am… for example instead of I would like to be more abundant, you would write “I am abundant,” “I am building the life of my dreams,” “I am making my dreams happen.” Again perhaps try to write at least 11 ‘I am’ affirmations. 

    Another way you could write this out I’m being told is starting your affirmations with “I have faith…”

    “I have faith I will be abundant this year”

    “I have faith things are going to work out for me in 2024”

    New beginnings with the 111 portal

    Start something new, plant the seed. That idea that has been floating inside your head for so long, perhaps today with the 111 portal you can do something about it. Wanting to start a business? Give yourself an hour to brainstorm, maybe you won’t know exactly what it is but you’re taking inspired action and showing the universe: hey I want to start something new. Tap into the energy and emotions that arise when you feel into starting fresh in certain areas of your life.

    Putting yourself first with the 111 portal

    Given the energetics of new beginnings, the first: this is the day to put yourself first. Indulge in self care. Really tune into what you want. What does alignment look like and feel like for you?

    111 Portal Journaling Questions

    Connect with your inner guidance with these 11 journaling questions:

    • What does a “new beginning” mean and look like for you at this moment in time?
    • What aspects of your life are currently in alignment with your true self? What is not?
    • What adjustments can you make to bring your thoughts, actions and beliefs into greater alignment?
    • Reflect on moments in your life when you felt truly aligned recently.
    • What are your intentions for the future? What do you want to manifest this month, over the year and beyond?
    • How well are you listening to your inner guidance, truth and intuition?
    • How can you align your thoughts and actions with your intentions on the 111 portal?
    • As you open the door to new beginnings, what can you be grateful for on your journey to new beginnings?
    • Reflect on the number 1, 11, 111 and 1111 in your life. What significance does it hold for you. What do these numbers personally mean to you? 
    • If your intuition could speak out loud to you right now, what would it say?
    • Where do you need to put yourself more first in your life?

    Capricorn New Moon January 2024

    What’s interesting about the Capricorn New Moon is it’s the first new moon for 2024 and this year will also end with a Capricorn new moon on December 30, so astrologically speaking this is a new moon asking you to think about long term in the sense what are you planting at the beginning of this year to fruition at the end. 

    Setting intentions now that build momentum to the end of the year. The check in point will be when June in the Northern Hemisphere coinciding with the Summer Solstice – the longest day of the year or in the Southern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice – the shortest day of the year.

    Capricorn New Moon January 2024 Mantra

    Astrologically speaking this day also marks a turning point where all the majority of planets are moving forward and not in retrograde which means less miscommunication, challenges and curveballs. However the irony being Capricorn energy isn’t necessarily fast moving: it’s a planner, it plays the long term gain. 

    So I think the Capricorn Mantra for this New Moon is Turn Inwards, Slow Down in Order to Speed Up. Set up the foundations right so when you feel into your internal rhythm it’s time to get moving, you can and you will with ease because the foundations are set up.

    Capricorn Structure and Foundation

    Capricorn is an Earth sign so again it’s about being grounded, setting up strong foundations and roots. This is about setting things up that are actionable. Capricorn is a sign of structure so it’s worth thinking about what systems, support, habits, discipline and accountability do you need to put in place to bring your manifestations into reality? 

    Capricorn New Moon Secret

    Now as I’ve been saying energetically for some it may still not feel quite right to be able to fully land your intentions and manifestations, my suggestion to take advantage of the Capricorn New Moon is to get back into habits and routines that set you up for success such as perhaps your morning routine, or after work, evening too. What practices nourish your soul and revitalise you? Things you can do for yourself that give you energy and life force, not forcing yourself to do things that take away from that. What preparations can you start now for the year ahead in 2024?

    For example if you’ve been following my Instagram stories you’ll know this year I have a greater focus on my health and wellbeing, because I am guilty of neglecting it in favour of work. I know that it would be a huge stretch for me to run and exercise every single day so I am personally making myself the promise to attempt daily walks, or for the most part 5 days a week as well as 3 days of exercise. That’s from my personal perspective is achievable and a bit of a stretch at the same time.

    Capricorn Structure and Foundation

    Capricorn is an Earth sign so again it’s about being grounded, setting up strong foundations and roots. This is about setting things up that are actionable. Capricorn is a sign of structure so it’s worth thinking about what systems, support, habits, discipline and accountability do you need to put in place to bring your manifestations into reality? 

    Capricorn Energy

    Capricorn energy for you at this time may be shifting into the energy of being grounded, centered, clear and ready to receive intuitive downloads and setting the intention you are desiring to energetically start your year. 

    Distilled further to another beginning step is to pick a focus – Capricorn is ruled by Saturn so that is all about discipline and commitment. 

    Capricorn Career

    Capricorn is also astrologically traditionally associated with career, so this is a great time to connect to your work, your life’s purpose and what you want for your work this year?

    Given the flavours of the 111 portal this is asking you the questions: do you feel aligned in the work that you do and if not how can you bring more alignment to it? Are you receiving any insights and nudges as to what to do with your career? How do you want to feel when you are working?

    If you’re needing support and guidance, I do foundational human design readings which speak to your overarching soul purpose and through 1:1 coaching we can go even further into the purpose path which speaks to your soul radiance and evolution, how your soul purpose plays out and your life’s work so if you’re interested get in touch!

    Capricorn Masculine/Feminine Energy

    Continuing my predictions in the last podcast about the interplay of masculine and feminine energy being prevalent this year, Capricorn rules father figures and the masculine. Just a side note  for awareness and consideration if that’s relevant for you… tying it all together with the themes above what emerges is responsibilities and your relationship to your responsibilities.

    Human Design New Year: Mystery

    Stage 3 before the human design new year: Mystery, Inner Truth and Downloads.

    To recap the human design stages towards the new year, the first stage was exploring tension and resistance, the second stage last week and first half of this week ambition and drive, this back half aligns with the 111 portal for downloads! That of inner truth and downloads.

    In this stage it’s delving into the mysteries and unknown. Asking questions. Dreaming. Wanting answers. This is an ideal time like with the 111 portal and overarching message: set the intention and be open to receiving insights and downloads such as through intentional meditation. Human design posits in order to receiving this the potential is in silence. 

    The silence allows for you to tune into your own internal guidance and receive that from outside of you in the universe. To hear your inner voice. To hear your inner truth. To internally to your inner experiences. To be open to receiving inspiration. This is the energy of the mystical and the magical. To ponder and muse on what your inner ‘truth’ is right now and for 2024. To have the mindset of curiosity and wonder with the patience to receive too. This energy goes deep too, so it’s about getting beneath the surface of your intentions in 2024. The Why.

    Human Design Intuition Insight Meditation

    I’m now going to share with you a channeled meditation to help you tap into this energy of mystery, insight and divine downloads.

    Begin by finding a comfortable and quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

    As you settle into this moment, bring your awareness to your mind and all the thoughts rushing around. It’s okay. This is your mind self. We want to give permission for your mental self to step to the side and allow for your true self. Your authentic self. Set the intention to connect to your true self.

    Take a few more deep breaths, allowing any tension or distractions to dissolve with each exhale. Imagine a door within your being, a door that leads to the vast universe of intuitive insights waiting to be discovered.

    Visualise this internal door before you. What does the door like like?

    As you approach the door, feel a sense of anticipation and excitement. This door is a gateway to the universal intelligence that is always available to guide you. With each breath, allow yourself to release any doubts or resistance, trusting in the process of opening up to your innate wisdom, your intuition.   

    Place your hand on the doorknob and turn it gently. As the door creaks open, feel a rush of energy, a warm and inviting light pouring through the opening. Step through the doorway into a space of infinite possibilities.

    You find yourself in a serene garden, surrounded by vibrant colors, fragrant flowers, and the gentle rustling of leaves. This is the garden of your intuition, a sacred space where the universe communicates with you.

    Take a moment to explore this garden, sensing the energy that emanates from the plants, the earth beneath your feet, and the air around you. Feel the interconnectedness of all things, and know that you are an integral part of this web of existence.

    As you walk through the garden, allow your mind to quieten, releasing any thoughts that may cloud your intuition. Imagine a pool of still water at the center of the garden, reflecting the wisdom of the universe.

    Sit by the edge of the pool and gaze into its depths. With each breath, let go of the need for answers or solutions. Instead, open your heart and mind to receive insights from the universal intelligence. Embody the essence of surrendering and being open to the unknown. 

    Declare and say to your self:

    I surrender to the divine mystery of life and the universe.

    I am ready to receive divine inspiration and downloads.

    I open the door to receiving all that I need to hear, know, see and perceive. 

    As you do this, notice any images, feelings, or subtle nudges that arise within you. Trust the process, knowing that the universe is speaking to you in the language of intuition.

    Take your time in this tranquil space, absorbing the wisdom that flows to you. When you feel ready, express gratitude for the insights received and slowly make your way back to the doorway.

    As you step back through the door, bring the wisdom of the universe with you, carrying it into your daily life. Remember that the key to unlocking intuitive insights lies within, and you can access this internal door whenever you need guidance.

    Take a few deep breaths, feeling the ground beneath you and the awareness within. When you’re ready, gently open your eyes, carrying the essence of intuition, insight and universal intelligence into your awakened state.

    Mmmm what an experience that was going within, how are you feeling beautiful soul? Take a moment of pause to integrate the experience that you just had. I highly suggest journaling and taking note of what you’ve taken out of today’s episode and the meditation we just did.

    Chat to you next week beautiful soul, have a great week ahead. Love & Positivity.

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