On today’s episode we have my virtual assistant Ellie Simpson! She is a 5/1 manifesting generator with an emotional authority in human design. 

Ellie runs Virtual House a high-end virtual assistance agency specialising in administrative & creative support. Virtual House’s mission is to help powerful women in business get back the time they deserve. 

Resources from today's episode

Episode Summary

The questions I put to Ellie are as follows;

  • In your own words, what does a virtual assistant do?
  • When would someone need a virtual assistant and who are your ideal clients?
  • How did you get into the world of virtual assisting?
  • What’s the top advice you will give to newbies if they are interested in being a virtual assistant?
  • Side hustle full time – how did you know when it was the right time?
  • What’s the best advice has ever given you about being a virtual assistant?
  • What are the most helpful resources that have helped you along the way?
  • What’s a common myth or misunderstanding about virtual assistants?
    What is the most crucial traits and skills someone needs to posses in your role and to help them succeed?
Phi Dang